I'll Always Take Care of You Ch. 04


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My body felt as though it was only nine o'clock, but I was still quite tired. Ellen and I fell into bed and held one another, without much conversation. It wasn't long before I was sound asleep.


Light was already beginning to filter in to our room as I woke. It was a quarter to six, and I was in desperate need of the restroom. I did manage to find the proper door before I embarrassed myself, but just barely. When I returned, I walked toward the bed, looking at Ellen. The covers had worked their way down to her waist and she was lying on her side. Her ample breasts were pressed together by gravity and the angle of the light revealed her beauty.

I considered slipping in behind her, but knew that I would wake her. I put on the fluffy robe and the slippers that the hotel provided, and went into the library with my computer. I signed on to the internet and surfed for a while. I found what I was looking for in a few moments and went into the bedroom to get my wallet with my credit card. I was able to specify a delivery date with the order so that we'd be home when they came.

I emailed work, checking the status of a project I'd been working on. If they were on schedule, they had a test that was due today. I told them to email me the link to our secure site that our confidential results would be posted on so I could see what was going on.

I went through my email; there wasn't anything urgent and very little that required follow-up. Ellen must have emphasized that I was on vacation and unavailable for consultation. I answered all the emails that required action, encrypting the sensitive ones prior to transmitting them.

I finished what I'd been doing when an idea came to me. I always write down my ideas. Sometimes the ideas are good, sometimes they come to nothing, but they are always worth investigating. I hastily typed up the idea and saved the encrypted file. I shut down the computer and looked at the time. It was just after seven so I decided to order breakfast.

After ordering I hurried into the bathroom, showered, shaved and brushed my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom, Ellie looked up and smiled at me sleepily. I told her, "I ordered breakfast and that it would be here within fifteen minutes."

She stretched, groaned and got up, headed for the restroom.

I went to the other bedroom and looked in at the girls. The twins were spooned together closely, breathing regularly. When I looked over at Suzie, I saw that she was watching me. I walked over to her quietly and sat down on her bed.

Suzie sat up and hugged me, saying quietly, "Good morning, Davey."

"I've got breakfast on the way. Go get ready quickly and I'll wake the twins." I told her.

"Okay," She said as we both began moving.

While she headed for the bathroom, I went over to the bed that the twins were in. The covers behind the back twin were an inch and a half above the mattress, and some of her ass was peeking out. I kneeled on the floor with a stupid grin as I reached in and began caressing her lightly. I slipped a finger into the split between her legs, and pressed slightly.

I was surprised at her quick lubrication, and the fact that she didn't wake up. I kept up the stimulation, doing my best to keep from laughing out loud as she began moving slightly. I was stunned when I noticed that her arm over her sister's waist was moving toward her sister's crotch. I was disappointed when they both woke at nearly the same time.

Jen turned around and said to me, "You're so bad Davey."

"Breakfast will be here in about ten minutes, I had to wake you up. I figured that you might as well enjoy it," I told her smiling.

Suzie came out of the bathroom, wrapped in her robe and the twins got up to go in there together. I got up and walked out with her to the living room to wait for our breakfast. I told her to wait here as I went to wash my hand and check on Ellie.

Ellie was wrapped in her robe, ready to join us as I walked in. I heard her say, "What's up?"

"I woke the other girls and let them know that breakfast was on the way up. Suzie is waiting out front, and the twins should be out soon. I came in here to wash up before I eat." I told her.

She blocked my path to the bathroom, smiling and asked me, "Have you been naughty?"

I was trying not to smile as she grabbed my hands and brought them to her face to smell them. Ellie looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, "I imagine that whoever you had to wake up that way woke with a smile on her face."

"It seemed to work out alright," I told her, struggling to keep my expression neutral.

She gave a marvelous light laugh as she let me go and said, "Hurry back out front when you're done."

She kissed my cheek and walked out toward where Suzie waited. I took my time washing my hands and then I returned to the front room. I saw the twins as they walked into the dining room, so I followed.

The food must have been delivered as soon as I left the room. I sat down to eat with the girls. When we all finished, I poured myself another cup of coffee and asked Ellen, "So, where is this appointment that you're taking me to?"

Ellen, Suzie, Jan and Jen all looked at one another, until Suzie finally answered. "It's not too far from here, Davey. Trust us; it's something that you need."

I decided to let them off the hook and said, "Okay, I won't ask any more questions after you tell me how I need to dress for this mystery appointment."

Ellen smiled and said, "Suzie and I will pick out your clothes and lay them out for you right now."

The two women left the table and I looked at the twins, smiled and asked, "How did you sleep last night?"

Jen smiled and answered, "We slept great last night, and I had the best dream this morning. If I'd been able to dream for another thirty seconds, I'd have cum. You owe us Davey, and we'll collect tonight, big time."

Jan was nodding vigorously in agreement as she heard her sister's pronouncement.

I just then realized something about them that was so obvious; I was surprised I'd never seen it before. They were a couple, in the same way that Ellen and I were a couple. They just didn't know it because it was too outside-the-box for their minds. I thought about that for a little while and decided to help them figure it out tonight. I had a plan that they would be able to use to understand themselves. I knew that they would end up happier once they knew, and Ellie, Suzie and I would celebrate with them.

I finished my coffee and told the twins, "I'm leaving now to get dressed; I'll see you two in a little while."

"Okay, Davey," The twins harmonized, giggling.

I went into the bedroom and saw that Ellen was just hanging up the phone. I didn't say anything as I went over to get dressed in the clothes that Suzie and Ellie had laid out for me. Suzie smiled as she left our bedroom saying, "I'm going to get dressed now, and I'll see you in a few minutes."

While I got dressed, Ellie lay on the bed watching me. "I never get tired of seeing you naked, Davey. You look even better than I imagined you would all those years."

"I never get tired of seeing you naked either," I told her as I continued to dress, "But I'm more of a touch man." I told her as I finished and walked quickly over toward her.

Ellie squealed and tried to roll across the bed away from me. I grabbed her robe and held it. She untied the belt and left the robe with me as she ran away nude and giggling.

I walked after her and trapped her in the bathroom. I grabbed her and kissed her. Ellie finally wrapped her arms around my neck and sighed a contented sigh as she leaned into my chest. She looked up at me and said, "I've got to get dressed, or you're going to make me too wet to wear panties.

"I'll collect later," I told her as I let her go.

I walked out to the desk where I had left my computer. I surfed the net until it was nearly time to leave, and emailed all the useful references to my home email account. I usually didn't maintain my reference research on my laptop, but sent it all to my home system. It was just a habit that I developed for no good reason, but I always did it.

Ellen came looking for me and told me, "It's time to leave if we want to get there on time."

I closed my laptop, stood and followed her to the door. The other girls were waiting by the door, and we all left the suite together.

A minivan/taxi was waiting for us as we passed through the lobby and went out the door. Ellen gave the driver the address after we all got in. The driver grunted and pulled into traffic.

Despite the moderately heavy traffic, it took very little time to arrive at our destination. Ellen paid the driver as the rest of us got out of the taxi. I read the name on the business and saw that it said 'Beyond Bespoke'. There was a picture between the words, but I didn't immediately recognize what it was. The girls all grabbed an exposed part and began to drag me into the business.

When we got inside I finally realized what the picture between the words was, an abstract representation of a needle, thimble and thread. This was a custom tailor shop. The girls were buying me a whole new high quality wardrobe. I found out that this was one of the highest rated maker of custom suits, shirts, jackets, coats, dress slacks and tuxedos in the entire city, if not the whole United States.

Every dimension on my body was carefully measured, not once, but twice. If there was even the slightest discrepancy between the two measurements, it was rechecked again. Suzie took the lead in picking out colors and fabrics for me, when it was all done, I had on order ten suits, a tuxedo, a dinner jacket with dress pants, two dozen shirts, four with French cuffs, twenty hand painted silk ties, a navy blazer with two pair of khaki dress slacks in different styles; and finally, two different overcoats, one in black and a mohair.

I was intrigued at the care Suzie took in verifying all the different details. I hadn't noticed it before, but she had sketches that she had made that she brought with her. I didn't realize that she knew how to do that. It must have been something she picked up with her theater arts degree that she has nearly completed.

Suzie was talking with the designer and the tailor as we were finishing, and I realized that it was after lunch time. We'd spent nearly three hours getting everything organized. When we went up to the counter to pay and make arrangements for the fittings, the owner of the business was still entering the order into the computer and talking with Suzie. I pulled out my fancy credit card and handed it to him, keeping my face carefully neutral when the total came to a little over $1 hundred-thousand.

We emerged from the store and quickly found another minivan/taxi. Ellie gave him an address and asked, "Can you recommend a good restaurant near that address?"

He nodded his ascent, and smoothly pulled out from the curb.

Within a half hour we were all seated in a booth in a small Italian neighborhood restaurant. After we ordered lunch, I asked Suzie, "How did you know all about the clothes and the fabrics at the tailor's?"

She answered, "I've actually learned a lot in college, Davey. I know that you don't think that what I'm learning is important, Davey; but I'm really good at what I do."

I looked at Suzie, startled and told her, "I've never cared what you do, Suzie; I've only ever wanted you to be happy at whatever you do." When Suzie looked away, I started up again smiling, "So, how much did those suits cost anyway? I was a little shocked by the total."

Suzie smiled up at me and said, "Oh Davey, it's not like you can't afford it." She continued a few seconds later, "The least expensive suit was about thirty-one-hundred and the most expensive was about eleven-hundred more. We paid a premium to have them done quickly, so that they will all be ready by the time we leave for home."

I was a little surprised at the cost. I had figured that they would be more, after having done the math. The premium must explain the extra cost, I thought to myself.

Our lunch came, we had all ordered light meals, and lingered over them talking about what we wanted to do while we were in New York. I wanted to see Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Ellen wanted to do some shopping, Suzie wanted to see as many Broadway shows as possible and the twins wanted to see the museums and as many of the good restaurants as possible.

We finished our lunch and left the restaurant. I was looking for a taxi when Ellie asked me, "What are you doing?"

"I was going to get us a taxi," I told her.

"We're not done yet," She told me, "Follow me."

We walked a half a block and went into another store. It was a custom leather goods and shoe store. I've never had much luck finding good quality shoes. My size fourteen feet were bigger than most manufacturers make allowance for. My feet were carefully measured, and the shape of the arches was evaluated. Suzie once again had a list of things that she wanted and ordered ten pair of shoes, ten belts and two wallets. I put my socks and shoes back on as she paid for everything that she'd ordered. Ellen and the twins brought piles of socks up to the counter as well. When everything had been paid for and bagged we left the store.

When we got into the taxi, I turned to the twins and said, "You two are awfully quiet today, what are you up to?"

Jen smiled as she told me, "We've been trying to be good."

Jan's smile was even wider when she added, "It's a real struggle and it's not natural for us."

We all laughed when she said that and I answered, "When we get back to the room, maybe I'll give you a reward."

I noticed the driver watching the twins in his mirror as they smiled and said in unison, "We can hardly wait, Davey."

The rest of the cab ride was in silence. We pulled up to the hotel door and I paid the driver. We went up to the room and I went to the bathroom. When I came out, all of the girls were sitting on my bed waiting in their underwear.

Jen looked at me with a grin and said, "We're ready for our reward now.

I was laughing as I stripped down to my boxers and got on the bed. The girls moved quickly and subdued me. They stripped my boxers off and Suzie brought out a small bottle of lube from where it had been hidden in her bra, lubed up my now thoroughly hard cock and began stroking.

The other girls were all watching closely as Suzie began using her other hand on my balls and rubbing all the way to my asshole. The abundance of lube allowed her finger to overcome the initial resistance my ass may have had to invasion. A little bit of her finger slid into my rectum, not much, maybe a quarter of a half inch. Suzie pulled out and grabbed the lube bottle. She put a heavy dollop on my balls which dribbled down completely coating them and leaving a lot left over.

I looked over at the twins and saw that they stripped down and were masturbating each other as they watched. Ellie still had her bra and thong on, but they weren't any obstacle to her pleasuring herself as she moved her thong aside and dipped her other hand into her bra, pinching her nipple.

Suzie's manipulations soon brought my attention back to what she was doing. Her hand continued to slowly stroke my cock as the other cupped, rolled and pulled on my balls. A short time later I felt her hand leave my balls and trace down, once again, to my ass. The extra lubrication had completely coated the crinkled opening, plus the abundance on her whole hand removed any resistance to her finger entering me.

Suzie's finger curled up to stimulate my walnut sized prostate in time with her leisurely strokes on my dick. I could tell that I was building to a monster cum as Suzie told the other girls, "I think that he likes it."

"Look at his stomach," Ellen told the others.

My stomach muscles had contracted, and had knotted into their six-packs as they jumped up and down. I wasn't able to hold out any longer and bellowed loudly as I came. I sent jet after ropey jet of cum forcefully through the air. The first two splashes of semen went right past my head. The third would have given me a facial if I hadn't done a half sit-up; as it was, I covered much of the underside of my jaw, and my neck. The half dozen more times were much less productive, but no less intense.

I collapsed on my back, breathing heavily as Suzie slowly pulled her finger from my ass. I could feel the clenching I was still applying to her finger as it was removed. Jan and Jen began moaning and twitching as they came, one after the other. Their orgasms didn't seem particularly intense; however they did seem to enjoy watching me cum.

Ellie lay on her back after removing her bra. Her thong shortly joined the pile of clothes on the floor as she worked herself toward her peak. Suzie went to wash her hands in the bathroom. She returned shortly with a warm, wet, wash-cloth to clean me up as well. As soon as I was clean, I rolled over and began eating Ellie.

Suzie leaned against the headboard and pulled Ellie's head into her stomach. Ellie's hands grabbed my hair, pulling me tightly into her crotch. Her pussy was as wet as it had ever been before for me as I added a couple of fingers to her oral stimulation. She was going wild as her excitement grew.

I looked up and saw that the twins had moved to her breasts and were sucking and biting on her nipples. I refocused on bringing Ellie ultimate pleasure, and within mere moments, Ellie screamed out, "Oh my god, I'mmm ccccuuuuuummmmmmiiiinnngggggg!!!!!!......."

Ellie's abdomen rippled with her contractions. I kept working on her G-spot, but kept my tongue off her clit. I occasionally blew on her clit and hood as I continued to work on her G-spot. Ellie began vibrating as she continued her long, intense orgasm.

"Stop, stop, stop, Davey, stop." Ellie said as she pushed me away.

"I pulled a muscle or something," she said as she stood, rubbing her stomach.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah," She answered, "I just need to stretch it out a little bit."

"You need to take care of Suzie. She's the only one who didn't get a chance to cum yet." Ellie continued.

"You two get Suzie ready and I'll take care of Ellie," I told the twins, as I took Ellie into the bathroom.

I began running a hot bath for Ellen as she smiled at me. When the bath was about two thirds full, I turned off the water and added the bath salts. Ellie sat down gratefully into the hot water, closed her eyes smiling and said, "That feels wonderful."

"I'll be back shortly," I told her as I turned to leave.

I walked into the bedroom and saw Suzie lying on her back between the twins with her legs splayed open masturbating. Jen was whispering into her ear just loud enough for me to hear, "That looks so fucking sexy, I just want to eat you up."

"That turns me on so much, you're so fucking hot," Jan told her.

I moved into position between her legs and watched as her hands continued to work. I knelt down, brushed her hands aside and began to work her over orally.

I worked on her slowly, allowing her to cool down from her previous excitement. I teased her until her level of mental excitement matched her higher level of physical excitement. I slowly urged her higher and higher. Her groans were filling the air as she writhed in desire. I worked my way slowly up her body to her face. When I kissed her, Suzie grabbed my neck with both hands and my ass with her heels.

I was surprised as her action pulled my rock-hard prick into her wet, vibrating pussy. I quickly recovered and began thrusting into her with enthusiasm. Suzie was kissing all over my face, savoring her own juices. Within mere seconds, Suzie was clutching and screaming in her orgasmic delirium. Suzie's vaginal spasms pulled me to my own orgasm as well.