In Awe of a Young Man Ch. 02


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I had, however, just about, reconciled the fact that I was attracted sexually to a boy who was young enough to be my son, in fact he was younger than my son. After all lots of women were, many had toyboys, Glenn was handsome, well-built and sexy and offered me virile sex in a relatively easy situation. It wouldn't be like having an affair for he lived with us. It would be simple to have sex during the day without having to make excuses as to where I was going, something I found so hard with my affair. So I felt able to deal with that part of the complicated equation, but it was what was at the heart of the dilemma that kept me awake most of the night worrying 'how the hell can I live in the house alone with him for a week and not give in to him and my need for sex?'

That was the question that kept reverberating around my brain all night and the next morning. It was also the question I decided I would discuss with Amanda, the only person in the world I felt who really understood me and the least judgemental and open-minded individual I knew.

"How about lunch today luv?" I'd asked on the phone.

Amanda arrived at just after twelve looking, as usual, her drop dead gorgeous self. Her long chestnut hair tumbled down over her shoulders in that wild and unkempt way that I knew she paid a fortune to have created by a top hairdresser in Docklands. She was wearing a thin, white, button up blouse that looked as if it was made from silk and dark brown leather trousers. Over the blouse she was wearing a chunky button-up sweater that she'd left unbuttoned. Both the trousers and blouse were fashionably tight showing off her full and fairly voluptuous figure, wonderfully feminine figure to perfection. As she often did, Mandy had left one button too many undone on the blouse and her tits just seemed to be everywhere. He cleavage looked to be so deep that I felt I would be able to vanish in its erotic confines.

"Hi, how are you luv?" Amanda whispered as she came in through the front door. She put her hand on my hip and we looked into each other's eyes as we pecked at the other's cheek. "Mmmm you smell good," she went on lifting her hand and touching my hair but not moving her lips away.

"And you Mand, as always you look lovely," I replied still standing just inside the closed front door as my excitement grew at being so close and intimate with her.

Amanda moved forward a little so that our breasts just touched. She slid her arm around me and whispered as I kicked the front door shut. "It's been too long Cat." Our lips met and we kissed lovingly and tenderly. I put my arms round my neck as the kiss became a deeper and more intense. I felt myself, as usual responding to my friend and lover. The four fulsome breasts moulded together so easily sending shock waves of sensation through both of us. God how that brought back the memories of being naked with her and us pressing our masses of tit flesh together.

"Yes Mand it has but not now luv I have to talk to you."

We went into the family room that occupied most of the basement of the large, rambling Victorian country house. I told her about Glenn's visit, but not about the kiss on the way back from the Ivy or of the temptations I was feeling.

"So what is it?" Mandy asked lighting up a Marlboro Light and sipping the red wine I had poured without asking her.

Feeling embarrassed and unsure of myself, I took my time explaining making sure I covered most details and each incident. I explained about the dilemma over incest, being given the responsibility by my sister and of course being unfaithful to Richard. Amanda listened intently without interrupting, sipping her wine and smoking her Marlboro.

"Well let's discount being unfaithful completely," Mandy said lifting her hand up and pushing my hair away from my face. I loved seeing her do that and couldn't help noticing the way that the raising of the arm tightened the already tight material of the blouse emphasising even more her full breasts which jiggled so enticingly with the movement.

They laughed as we talked about the infidelity issue for being occasional lovers themselves it was rather ironic.

"You know full well that sooner or later you're going to have another affair so cut the bullshit about being faithful, please."

"True," I smiled topping up our glasses and feeling a little shiver run through me as Mandy rested her hand on my hip as I leaned forward pouring the drink. "Ok let's call that a red herring and forget it" I went on perching on the arm of her chair unconsciously, almost, resting my hand on hers.

"The incest thing luv. Well it's religious and health isn't it? Certainly it seems as though blood relatives shouldn't have children. I mean look at the hillbillies in America and the royal families of Europe where there's been loads on inbreeding. All as mad as hatters. But then on the other hand when you see Princess this marrying Prince that their second or third cousin, then it's a bit of don't do as I do, do as I say. One rule for them a different one for us. But then I assume you're not planning to run off and make babies are you?"

"No. No of course not" I laughed feeling so pleased I'd asked her advice. "As we say Mands, a problem shared is a problem halved isn't it?" I went on looking down and seeing Amanda's hand resting on my leg just above my knee and slightly beneath the hem of the blue pleated Jaeger skirt. Her fingers on my bare skin sent a shiver of desire through me and momentarily I hoped that Amanda would slide her hand upwards. But being aware that I never knew what time Glenn would return from college I put my hand on Amanda's.

"Now now" I said lightly.

Amanda looked up at me her big brown eyes open wide. "Not interested any more Cat, now you've got your young man?" She asked lightly.

I lifted Amanda's hand and kissed the back if it. "You know it's not that Mand, I just never know what time Glenn will be back and I don't think it would be a good idea for us to be in bed when he returns. We'll make up for it soon I promise."

Over lunch we chatted more about my problem with Glenn and although Amanda tried to be both supportive and helpful she wasn't able to give me any really useful advice.

"I just don't know what to say lovely. In the end you either fuck him and wait for any consequences or forget it. I don't know."

"Same here, I just don't know. The worst thing Mands is that I've now got six or seven days, or more to the point, nights with him."

We continued chatting about the situation for a while until I heard the front door opening. "Oh shit he's back, that's the front door."

"Well he's certainly bloody lovely," Amanda said an hour so later when we were alone after the three of us had chatted for some time.

"So, would you Mand?"

"On a purely hypothetical basis yes I probably would, but as you know I'm a celibate now." Amanda said as I leaned against the work surface in the kitchen where I was making tea. We were standing close together and as I said that ran the back of her hand across my boobs.

"You reckon that what we did was you being celibate?" I said quietly not moving my chest away from her hand, which had slipped down, turned and was now cupping my breast.

Amanda smiled and ran her hand down to my hip. "I mean with men luv, not you."

We both laughed as our faces moved closer, our lips opened, I whispered. "Soon Mandy soon" and we kissed. As we broke she said huskily. "Make it very soon Cat, very, very soon."

"Well Amanda's here and Glenn's home," I said to Richard on the phone. He'd called to say that he'd be home early for he was going to stay in a hotel near Heathrow tonight to avoid the tough traffic in the morning. He'd suggested we have an early dinner and he'd then arrange for the car to pick him up around nine. I'd cattily made a remark about how funny it was that he could get home early when he wanted to but that fell on relatively deaf ears as he said. "Well we can all go, ask Amanda too."

It really was a strange experience for me in the restaurant. I sat alongside Amanda on a bench seat with Richard and Glenn opposite us. To have the outside of my leg pressed against my lesbian lover while the young man that might well make love to me soon sat opposite with my husband next to him made my head swim. I knew that Amanda was aware of it and would have noted the irony of the situation for the pressure of her leather covered outer thigh on mine frequently increased and her foot occasionally pressed on top of mine.

The meal was good but the atmosphere was somewhat stilted. I was hardly talking to Richard while Glenn could hardly stop talking to Amanda to whom he seemed, not unnaturally, to be attracted. Amanda, as usual, was coolly flirting with both him and Richard in words and with me with her leg and foot. Several times I felt slight pangs of ridiculous and unwarranted jealousy as the pair of them laughed at a remark or one made a joke. It dawned on me that it might be all round better if I 'gave' Glenn to Amanda, but I knew that was impossible, I would be so consumed with jealousy. It was when we were drinking our coffees that the subject of Richard's trip came up. Amanda had asked how long he expected to be in the States. As he replied that it would six or seven days I saw Glenn staring directly at me and I watched as a grin lit up his face. I think it made me almost blush.


"So Cat?" Glenn said as we stood at the front door waving goodbye to Richard as the chauffeur driven Merc vanished down the driveway.

"Yes?" I replied closing the door the full realisation of us being alone in the house hitting me, for Amanda had left immediately after the dinner.

"Six or seven days together, alone." He said standing very close to me.

"Yes," I repeated again saying it very quietly.

"I told you the other day that I'd be ready and waiting when you're ready didn't I?"

"Now look Glenn," I said in a firmer voice as I started to walk down the hallway away from him. "This has to stop."

"But Cat we haven't started yet."

"Well no I know we haven't," I mumbled sounding rather confused.

Glenn followed me down the corridor and caught hold of my elbow. He stopped me and pulled me round so we were looking at each other. With a smile on his face he said. "But of course we always could if you wanted to."

I couldn't help smiling at his cheek. "No that's ok but thanks for the offer."

"You're most welcome Aunty" he quipped back. "Like a cup of tea or coffee or something stronger?"

"Actually a cup of tea would be lovely I replied walking down to the family room as he went into the kitchen.

Amanda had left straight from the restaurant whispering in my ear.

"He is rather lovely Cat, but I just don't know what to suggest. Whatever you decide I'll support you. Have fun whatever you do and call me at any time if you need me." "I will" I promised. As she pecked me on the cheek she whispered. "I want to hear every lurid detail should you fuck him darling."

I sat in the dimly lit, large family room my mind whirring with all the conflicting thoughts I had been and still was having. I was wearing a skinny knit, quite tight yellow sweater and a blue Jaeger skirt, which was slightly flared and pleated and ended about two inches above my knees. The sweater was also fashionably short so that if I stretched or bent an interestingly alluring band of flesh was revealed just above the waist band of the skirt. As it was still quite warm despite it being autumn and I had nicely tanned legs I hadn't bothered with stockings or tights. As I sat there cross legged the hem of the skirt rode up a little showing probably about six inches of my bare legs. When I heard Glenn coming down the stairs I uncrossed my legs, pulled the hem of the skirt down as far as I could and flicked the TV on.

We drank our tea in silence watching the television as the atmosphere seemed to get heavier and heavier. Glenn kept looking at my legs and, as most women usually are, I was aware of that and, again like most women, I quite liked it. I really wanted to cross one knee over the other, for it was far more comfortable, but I resisted doing that feeling that it would only provoke his interest. The ten o'clock news came on.

"Well I guess its bed for me," Glenn announced. "Another early start to morrow. You coming Cat?"

"No I think I'll watch the news, you go on though," I said smiling more with the relief that he was leaving me alone.

"Hmmm shame I thought we might go together." Glenn laughed back.

"Please Glenn stop that."

"Why should I you know perfectly well how I feel?" He retorted in a firm voice walking over and standing next to my chair.

"Yes Glenn I think I've got the message."

"Maybe you have and maybe you haven't." Glenn said in an almost snarling tone making me look up at him. His face was very serious, almost dour.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We'll see, we'll wait and see."

I hardly slept at all that night thinking that every creak and groan from the old house was Glenn moving around. I was petrified that he would come to my room. I was worried that he might try to force himself on me. I was more worried, though as to what my reaction would be if he did!!!

The next day Mandy was on the phone early.

"Good girl, well done" she enthused when I told her nothing had happened. "Because you stopped him or because he didn't try" she went on laughing.

"A bit of both actually." I smiled back down the phone. "So onto tonight then. Do you think you'll give in, hold out or seduce the hunk?"

"Well to tell you the absolute truth Mands who the fuck knows I don't!"


I am just completing Part 3, which I'll submit in a few days. Let me know what you think of this and please make any suggestions for changes.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Any fucking little pussy hound that would forcea women is garbage,, should be taken out behind the house and casterated with a fucking rusty tin can lid

the story was awesome tillthe part he forced thewomen in vancouver and that did it for me,,, wishing there was a minus 10 button


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The pace is lovely, the tension built.

Hi !!!! This is getting better and better. I liked the addition of Cat's friend. Poor Richard...he's away ( in more ways than one).

The lights are dim, the music soft, the air is gently scented, the stage is set....curtain time Cat....bring the show to a stunning climax !!!!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This is nowhere near as long as the previous comment but, this is really good. Extremely well written and very tantalising, just that little bit short of them actually fucking - but it'll come! Come on Cat, you know deep down you want Glenn to fuck your brains out! Do it Girl.

txcoatl1970txcoatl1970over 13 years ago
Not a nice tease

As a man, in real life, I get exasperated with women that know what they want but don't own up to it, put out a bunch of mixed signals, keep expecting the man to take the lead but then in a fit of remorse or recrimination or just second-guessing, blame the guy for pushing things to their expected conclusion.

Now, I'll cop to being overly optimistic and reading only the signals promising erotic delights instead of friendly commiseration or just assume that with pluck and confidence, women will fall into a puddle of submissive goo if I work my mojo.

(Yeah, right! As a forty-one-year-old man, I should know better or at least have a more nuanced approach, but onward!)

It's a well-written story. Cat's misbehaving in a way that's realistic, interesting, and arousing. Glenn's still a callow cad in my opinion, but hey, further along in the story, he might grow on me if he grows up a bit.

Mandy's in a hurtful place right now. Her lover's gaga for her own nephew which is totally cunt-blocking her from getting any action.

Most importantly, she gets brushed aside whenever Cat's got a guy in mind and that sucks sewage no matter your sexual orientation if you're always second chair.

At any rate, I'd like to see Cat and Glenn shag like rabbits at first, then passionately make love, with Glenn caring about Cat as a lover not as another notch on his belt when he's going back to Canada. I'd advise Cat to do the same.

You've illustrated in the story how she shrinks from consummating the affair because though she digs Glenn's youth, confidence, willingness and opportunity to be with her as a contrast to Richard, not because she loves Glenn qua Glenn. She's pissed at Richard for not putting her above the rush he gets from closing deals on both sides of the pond.

I'm of two minds about Cat's accommodations to Richard's workaholism.

She doesn't sexually starve in silence, she gets her freak on without a lot of fanfare, though some guilt about having to go outside her marriage to get what she needs. Bravo for her taking that initiative without making a lot of unnecessary fuss, but it doesn't deal with the root cause of their sexual cold war.

As I said before, Richard's not a monster or even a deliberate jerk, just a schnook working too hard to feel like he's a worthy husband. I'd bet my retirement he feels intimidated by Cat's inherited financial independence and sexual needs as his libido slows down a bit in middle age.

Guys tend to flee where they feel more competent than deal with feelings and changing realities. I'm at Richard's age and can feel a lot of sympathy for his situation.

So, long story shorter, Cat needs to tell Richard what she needs and wants from him, point blank. He needs to state what he digs and wants from Cat as well for their marriage to be more than a face-saving arrangement that only fools both partners and nobody else.

Sorry for the XXXXXL comment, but take it as a compliment that I see and comment on complex emotional motivations in your story. I appreciate the care that went into writing the scenario and only wish to provide feedback about what I buy and where I'd like the story to go.

Cheers! More chapters please!

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