Incest, He Wrote Pt. 01


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Was she asking permission while denying the desire? Did I want her to watch?

"I can't permit that," I said and Rose looked away. I had to hold some responsible line as her father. Sometimes the hardest thing to do as a parent is to deny your child something they dearly want for reasons that you know they can't understand. When they're four they can't understand why they can't have a pony. When they're twelve they can't understand why they can't eat ten banana splits. When they're eighteen? They can't understand why their father won't let them watch him fuck their best friend.

For a long minute we three just sat there as the room dimmed. I heard the pool vacuum bubbling, a woodcock calling in the marsh, farther away the vague, persistent hum of traffic on the interstate. The thud of my blood in my ears. I was aroused in all my senses.

"I guess I'd better go to my room," said Rose, rising and pointedly not looking at either of us. Before I could conjure a proper goodnight she was gone.

Callie called to her receding back, "See ya later, babe."

"Rose doesn't seem too comfortable with this," I said.

"She wants to but you won't permit it, Mr. B. She's going to go sulk for a while."

"If we do this she's sharing her lover. Maybe she doesn't want to do that. Maybe she's jealous."

Callie thought for a moment, "Rose's fantasies about you are every bit as raunchy as mine. She wants you, but she feels guilty and you just told her 'no'. I think she feels rejected. I'm disappointed, too. I want her to watch. But if this is what you're comfortable with, then I'll accept that." So said the woman about to get what she wanted.

"What if we get a room at some place up the interstate?" I was thinking I didn't want to have sex with Callie with Rose in the same house. Also, my daughter couldn't disobey me and come watch while we were in the middle of it. How's that for setting boundaries? I thought, I should write a book on good parenting practices. Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

"The Ramada Inn has a good pool," she said. Of course she'd know that.

"Meet me at the motel in twenty minutes, I said before I could change my mind. "Tell Rose we're going, um, elsewhere."

I changed into business casual and grabbed a shoulder bag with a toothbrush and fresh underwear. It was too late to think this through. I hopped in the Outback and spent half my brain energy on worrying about Rose's hurt feelings and the other half on imagining Callie stripping and offering herself to me. Both pushed me toward the hotel where I paid for a night and texted Callie to meet me in room 347. It had a view of the pool. How like home.

When she knocked I opened it to find her still vibrant in Rose's sky blue sundress, tanned shoulders bare above the tube top, her face glowing in anticipation. Her youthful excitement was as appealing as her youthful body. It was nice to have it directed toward world-weary me.

"I should tell you I'm not a virgin, Mr. B.," she said, then hugged me hard and squirmed against me. "But no man has brought me to orgasm, either."

"Maybe you shouldn't call me Mr. B.," I said, feeling the powerful urge to kiss those pink lips. Feeling the blood rush to my crotch. Again.

"I can't imagine calling you Doug, though," she giggled, "No, for me you're always Mr.B."

It wasn't lost on me that Callie'd chosen to wear my daughter's clothing when she was selling me on our "training". I could remember Rose in that dress dozens of times. I grasped Callie by each bare shoulder and looked her hard in the eyes. "This is going to be a little weird, you devious child."

"I know," she whispered, "but remember, I want you to teach me what you know. I want you to take me to places I've never been. I want you to open me..."

I pulled her up into a kiss and our mouths began a different kind of conversation. She whimpered as I nipped at her lips, as my tongue darted to toy with hers. She reached up and stroked my beard and moaned, went weak in the knees. I wrapped an arm around her slim waist and held her against me. I put a finger under the elastic at the top of the dress and slowly pulled down. She grasped at the bottom of my polo and tried to pull it up. We tangled in each other's impatience.

I broke the kiss and pulled her top down. Callie's wine dark nipples stood up for me. I tore off my polo and threw it aside, then knelt and pulled her tiny breasts to my face and took a thick nipple between my teeth. I looked up at her as I flicked my tongue on its tip. She shook and the schoolgirl excitement turned to a smoldering want. I put a hand on her thigh and slowly traced up her firm leg. I'd watched those powerful limbs propel her to state records. Now I'd show her what else they were good for.

Callie curled her fingers in my hair and sighed, moving her feet apart. Easing my fingers up and up to her hip bone I expected to find the thong strap and pull it down. But no, she wasn't even wearing that scrap of cloth. I grasped her tight, round, muscled ass cheek in my hand, my fingers in her moist crack. Probing downward with my pinkie I grazed her sphincter. She squealed, quivered, but didn't stop me. I switched nipples and brought my hand down so I could gently stroke her pulpy labia and found them slick already. Just like in my Mediterranean fantasy the auburn haired woman was wet for me.

Callie groaned and pulled her nipple from my mouth. She raised her arms over her head, so I rose and pulled the crumpled dress over her and tossed it. She turned and fell back on the bed, splaying her legs like last night (was it just last night?) and said, "I meant it when I said you could have me."

I sank to my knees on the hotel carpet and put a hand on each of her calves, holding her open as I descended with my mouth to taste her sex. The aroma filled my head - sweet, young tang. That took me back to memories of Rose's mom's teenage flavor. The taste and my thoughts were both bittersweet. And my organ strained to be free of my chinos. It would have to wait a bit. I licked Callie's inner thigh, that seashell-smooth skin she offered me.

My mouth and tongue traced a path along the crease of her thigh and labia majora, feeling where she'd shaved. Moving up and across to her mons I found a small pubic patch, coarse and red. Her hips rocked to meet my mouth, but I kept circling her womanhood. I had to wonder what a full red bush would be like to nuzzle in. I liked them that way, too.

I slid both hands up across her swimmer's abs to roll her nipples between my fingers as I traced my mouth back down the other side and nipped at her other thigh. Callie giggled, "It tickles, Mr. B!" She squirmed under the weight of my arms across her body. I teased at her crinkly, pink labia. They were meaty, swollen with desire, distended, slick, salty. Taking one in my teeth I gently pulled and she groaned, pressing her hips up. I did the same on the other side with the same effect.

Women are different. Some like forceful cunnilingus. Most prefer to start with the gentlest of tongue teasing, and many prefer to keep it gentle but insistent, rocking their sex up against your steady diddling. I guess my first lesson with Callie was to start slow and see where her body took us.

I settled into a rhythm - circling her clit and running my tongue across her exposed, swollen nub, back and forth until I heard her breath catch in her throat. Then I'd back off and circle in again, each time licking a little longer, driving her excitement higher. Her body tensed as I licked, then softened when I backed off to run a wide tongue from bottom to top of her vulva. My spit pooled in the sheets under her ass. My beard dripped.

Callie got a hand in my hair when she got close the fourth time and wouldn't let me move away. I pressed my palms hard against her nipples, rubbing them in circles. She made happy, ecstatic sounds as her legs clamped my head and she ground her sex against my mouth.

"Holy, FUCK!," she spat. Her hips rose from the mattress and I rose with her, tongueing with gusto, driving her to her peak. The woman held it, arched above the bed and quivering, uttering a long, low groan as the pleasure shuddered through her body. Clamped between her strong thighs, the world went silent but for the sound of blood in my ears. Her legs kicked once, twice, again, then again as each jolt of joy convulsed her. After a long breathless minute she relaxed and, sinking to the bed, released my soggy head.

I crawled up beside her and cradled her in my arms. She panted, "A first...from a man, anyway." She started crying, "Oh, Mr. B," and wrapped my body with hers. I held her for long minutes as she came down. Finally, Callie pulled back and looked me in the eye.

"Your turn," she said as she reached to unzip my pants. I rolled on my back so she could kneel above me and pull them off. My hard cock splatted against my hip. For a moment she just looked, hungry and smiling. It did my ego good to see her youthful awe and eagerness for that old, purple organ of mine. She reached and touched a finger to my shaft. I pulsed. She did it again and giggled when she got the same reaction. A glycerine drop oozed from my tip and she caught it with her fingertip, brought it to her lips. She looked at me smiling as she tasted me. Callie wrapped both hands around me, held me straight up and stared down the barrel of my gun.

"Careful, that might go off," I said, not especially cleverly.

"Oh, I hope so, Mr. B. I hope so. Can I just play with this for a while. The boys I've been with were too much in a hurry."

"Play to your heart's content. This is your training. You tell me what you need."

"Can you do it twice tonight? You came once today already, right? Does that mean you haven't got as much in the tank?" She examined my cock closely, tracing the veins with her fingers, sliding the foreskin back and forth, her mouth inches away. I could feel her breath on my wet tip.

"Guys are different. I'm guessing that you already know the young ones come quick and get it back again quickly."

"Yeah, but I've never had a boy all night long. So I haven't really seen that."

'"Callie, honestly you being so stunningly beautiful is one thing that'll make me come twice tonight. And if you're not careful the first time will be right in your hands."

"Oh," she dropped my cock and it arced across my belly straining at its hardest, dripping another silvery spot. "Can I taste it? I mean the whole thing?"

"Do you want to make me cum in your mouth?" I couldn't believe who I was asking this of. My daughter's friend, lover, co-conspirator. "Do you think you can?"

"I have before. I was fast at it."

"I bet you were. Young guys, which I was once, can't delay the gratification, or their bodies can't, anyway," I said, sliding to sit on the edge of the bed. "The pleasure can last a long time if your woman knows how."

"Teach me?"

"Kneel on the floor between my knees."

Callie slid down and rested an elbow on each of my thighs then grasped my cock in both hands. She opened her mouth.

"Wait," I said, "Keep your weight off of your arms. Your elbows are sharp...they'll hurt in a bit." She put one hand on the mattress and lifted her other arm off my leg.

"Like this?" Her mouth hovered over my knob as she cast an adorable enquiring look up at me.

"Now just explore my cock with your mouth." I watched the young woman lick her lips, part them and slide them slowly over my knob. I felt them close over the crown and her 'mmmm' of satisfaction. Her tongue ran quick circles around me and I felt myself pulse. She 'mmmm'd' again. My own mouth watered at the thought of her pulling a steady drip of my juice onto her tongue.

Callie pulled off and savored me, looked thoughtful. "It's kinda sweet," she said. Then she pulled me against my belly and ran her tongue up the length of me. Then again. Then she brought me sideways and walked her mouth up one side and down the other. She toyed with my foreskin, running the tip of her tongue along the seam, playing hide and seek with my corona.

"That's really good, Callie," I sighed and put a hand on her disordered hair. "Just keep on with that kind of variety."

She did just that and I couldn't tell you how long. I was lost in the rising sensation of her sweet, wet mouth. I touched her cheek where my organ bulged it and ran my finger along the wet arc of her lips as they stretched around me. I felt the corrugations of my cock slide into her mouth. A couple of times I told her to pause so I didn't spout. But I knew it was hard work to hover over a cock like that, bobbing her head, holding her jaw open so wide.

"Now stroke me with one hand and we'll take this to the end, OK?"

"I'm ready Mr. B." she panted, looking determined.

"Make me as wet as you can. Drool a lot." I was breathing hard, too. She'd kept me on a delicious plateau for a long time, just this side of eruption, and my head was buzzing with excitement. My heart pounded. I twitched all over.

Callie took direction well. Soon her hand was sliding in a slick sheen of her spit and her mouth squelched as my knob went deep. She moaned, vibrating straight to my balls. I swelled and my whole body went rigid. I placed a hand gently on the back of her head but I didn't force her lower.

"Now use both hands and hang on. This ride may get a little rough."

She looked up at me with endearing concentration, her brow furrowed, my knob protruding from her small fists. I rocked my hips up and pierced her lips. I pulled back until her fingers raked my corona then thrust again.

"When you feel my balls draw up tight, rub them gently..." I panted. And I kept my hand on her head and thrust again and again, fucking through her hands into her wet, warm mouth. Callie drooled well. The spit ran down her knuckles and made my thighs slippery. Her mussed hair and flushed face rocked with my thrusts but she hung on as I rose into pleasure. Then finally came that top-of-the-roller-coaster moment when your body hangs poised, tense with potential energy, all your muscles going tight, coiled to explode.

"Squeeze tighter..." I groaned and forced myself through her fists. She took one hand and ran her fingers along my dripping testicles, stroking hard with the other, sucking my knob tight into her mouth, not letting me pull out, riding my thrusts up and back.

I bucked a mouthful for her and she rode me with tenacity, making happy sounds through her nose. Again, I pumped her mouth full and she tried to swallow. A bubbly, white froth oozed from her stretched lips, was churned by her stroking hand, was smeared across my balls by the other. I didn't count the times I filled her, but watching her work my spouting knob just made me spout more.

Finally, the storm passed and my thrusts quieted. My ass unclenched, I fell back on my elbows. Callie straightened, gasping, and licked me from her spunk-webbed fingers. She crawled up beside me, looked down into my face with her chin dripping.

"Can I kiss you now?" she asked.

"Mmm," I nodded. And she pressed her salty lips against mine, sharing the dregs of my spending fiercely. Callie drew a leg across my wet, half-hard cock and rubbed with her thigh.

"How long til I can ride that?"

"Depends on how inspiring you are, I guess." I teased and wrapped her in both arms. "God, Callie, I'm twenty again."

"Well I'm eighteen and horny again, Mr.B." She lay her head on my chest, absently combing my chest hair with her fingernails. "You know, I had a little mouth-gasm or something when you came. That's never happened before."

"It's the way lovers' arousal is contagious. It happens more when you're really comfortable with someone, when you know them well."

We fell asleep for a time, rendered unconscious by joy. After a bit we roused, our bodies glued together with drying semen.

"So, how'm I to inspire you again?" She mumbled into my chest, trailing her nails down toward my organ. "Do you like dirty talk like in those porn vids?"

"Mmm, yeah, if it's sincere. The videos are too fake."

"Oh, yeah, baby! Come on my face!" she mocked in a girly voice. Her hand reached my cock and she just held it. "I'll tell you what Rose thinks of your video."

"My video?"

"Three seconds of you coming out of the shower with this package swinging." She gave me a squeeze. "She's probably back home watching it now. I told her this was taken just after you'd jerked it." My mind was troubled but my cock twitched. "Mmm-hmm..." Callie chuckled, "So that works."

I imagined the two women hunched over a phone watching me be surprised in my own bathroom. Like an X-rated America's Funniest Home Videos.

"Rose likes it when I talk dirty, too. When I'm fingering her and telling her how her sexy daddy's got the handsomest dick. How it gets hard for her." I groaned and I got hard in her hand.

"There's this fantasy we've worked up where you catch us making out. That's why your seeing us out the window yesterday was so hot. In the fantasy you walk in on us in Rose's bedroom just when we're sixty-nining. She sees you upside down because I'm on top. You see her pretty face between my legs. You see my licked-on pussy. You see my juice on your daughter's cheeks."

Callie pulled steadily on my thickened boner. I felt the energy of lust fill my body again. I felt the urge to be deep in hot pussy.

"You step into her room, hands on your hips, looking stern. We're frozen in our embrace. You say, 'Girls, this is wrong.'. Rose says, 'I'm sorry, daddy. And there's nothing wrong with being bi.' And you say, 'Yes, but you don't have enough experience to make a fair comparison, do you?'. Then you start taking off your clothes. Then we can see how trim you are, how sexy your chest hair is where it goes all the way down to your balls. Rose is watching your cock get big lying there under me upside down. You stand above her and your cock's inches from my pussy. You say, 'You want to see what it looks like when a man fucks a woman?'. You don't wait for an answer but point that fat, purple cock at Rose's mouth. 'Make it wet for your girlfriend, you say."

Callie smiled into my eyes and kept stroking me. She rose up and straddled my hips, aimed my pole and settled on the knob, letting my wide crown part her thick, swollen lips. She was just wet enough. As she slowly pushed her pussy down my shaft she continued.

"Rose takes your cock in her mouth like a starving girl. It's something she's wanted for so long. You don't let her suck it long. My pussy's winking at you, dripping on Rose's face, I'm so horny. You take your shaft in hand and press it up into my folds. Rose is crosseyed watching it sink into me."

I felt myself go deep in the young woman riding me. She clenched inside and my hips bucked.

"That's a good skill, Callie," I said through clenched teeth. "Cultivate that."

"I'm full of your cock and Rose's licking my clit. She's running her tongue around where we're joined. Licking the juice from your balls. You say to her, 'kid, you're next. After I fill your girlfriend'. It doesn't take long for us both to get close."

It didn't take long for Callie and I to get close there in the motel hearing her talk like that. She drove her body up and down on me, slick now with her arousal and mine. I kept my hips pushed up off the mattress to receive her. I rolled both of her nipples in my fingers.

She began rubbing her clit and nearly couldn't talk. "You're, ughh, grabbing my hips and really plowing me. Juice is splattering all over Rose as we slap, slap, slap." Callie matched her impalements to her story. We slap, slap, slapped, too. I became one long muscle, arched up and feeling my eruption imminent. "You come gallons in me and we nearly collapse on Rose. But we finish and you drag your cock out. I feel your cum pour out of me and Rose struggles to lap it up. 'Turn over, girls,' you say, 'Time for Rose to fuck a man.'