Interstellar Impregnation Pt. 01

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Chloe and Noah.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/24/2022
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Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.

Chloe looked back at the naked boy standing behind her. Seeing the familiar visage of her best friend, Noah, should have been a comfort. Instead, it only made Chloe's heart break harder.

Noah saw her staring. His face a mask of sadness and remorse. He reached down and touched Chloe's bare flank, lightly stroking her naked side. He was clearly trying to be calming, caring, but all it did was remind Chloe of the situation they were both stuck in.

Chloe was very aware of the fact that she was very much naked. The position she was in made her exposure seem even worse. There was no modesty here. She couldn't cover herself up -- her hands were bound to a long metal pole horizontally in front of her. There wasn't any rope or metal bindings holding her there, but she could barely move her hands, regardless. Like they were held down by some invisible force.

Her elbows rested on a metal table that ran parallel to the bar. The rest of her body was free, not that she could move it at all. She was bent over at the waist, her bare backside sticking out. Her breasts hung helplessly under her.

It wasn't just the physical nudity that left Chloe feeling so vulnerable. Chloe thought she looked OK -- she was broad shouldered and short with a bit of weight on her tummy. Her dark brown hair was cut short, above her shoulders. She'd been told she had a pretty face enough times that she was pretty sure she believed it. Her breasts were a little larger than a handful with light brown nipples. Her butt was mostly nonexistent. She didn't hate herself, which, for a girl her age, was quite the accomplishment.

But the deeper, crueler, mental and emotional exposure was what truly tortured her. After all, Chloe wasn't just naked, propped up and presented, on her own. No, her best friend was standing in the stall with her, just as stark. And all around them were another sixty or so people -- their friends and classmates -- all forced into the same position.

Already, Chloe could here the slick sounds of sex fill the air. The lurid moans and lustful groans. She could see them, too. The couples on either side of her stall. The girl across from her, staring her right in the eyes -- Riley, a skinny, shy, blonde girl who hadn't said more than two words in the four years Chloe had known her -- mirrored in the same position as Chloe, her face already a rictus of pleasure.

Chloe saw the cute blonde and she ached. Not with regret or shame. But with desire. Not for the girl, but for that same experience. She tried to force it down, but she couldn't. The aliens had told them they'd been drugged. Chloe had a lot of suspicions about everything they had said (even their existence as aliens), but she didn't doubt that part.

Chloe was hyperaware of her own biology. As if she could count every blood cell in her veins, racing and pumping. Her pussy ached in a way she'd never experienced before. More than an itch or a slight need. More like a raging conflagration.

Again, she looked back at Noah. He was still watching her empathetically, but Chloe could tell he was slowly losing control to his lust, as well. It seemed Noah couldn't stand still. He just kept pacing back and forth like a starving tiger. And Chloe had no doubt what he was hungry for.

It was strange seeing her friend completely naked. They were so close, shared everything, but his bare body was a completely new experience. Noah was thin, but not skeletal. Lithe but not overly muscular. Again, Chloe was hit by the toxic mix of complete familiarity and utter unknown.

Chloe had been friends with Noah ever since he transferred in their freshman year. She remembered, vividly, him coming into their English class first period. He was tall and skinny, with dark hair that hung rakishly over his even darker eyes. But it was the way he smiled at the class, like he didn't have a care in the world, that she remembered most. A normal kid would have been nervous as hell on a day like that. Not Noah, though. He was excited for a new adventure.

Chloe made a point of being paired with him in Chemistry as her lab partner. She was so taken by his confidence. It turned out that Noah was a great guy. He was funny, smart, and they both liked a lot of the same things. In a way, their friendship felt foreordained. Chloe couldn't imagine it ever being any different.

But despite what her friends (and their families, and the teachers, and the majority of the mainstream media) had all insisted, Chloe had never had even the slightest romantic thought about Noah. He was handsome (Chloe could concede that). He made her laugh, and they enjoyed each other's company immensely. But in the end, they had a closeness that Chloe couldn't imagine ever sharing with a boyfriend. I know him too well, she would say. And Chloe knew that Noah felt the same way. They were best friends, but nothing more.

And now none of that mattered. They might as well have been strangers. In fact, Chloe thought, that might have made all of this so much easier.

Noah reached out and touched Chloe's side again. He said her name, like trying to wake her from a deep sleep. Chloe didn't know how long she'd been lost in her own mind. She'd been trying to shut it all out, she realized. The aching need of her own body. The driving desire of everything going on around her.

Even Noah himself. Despite the deliberate nature of his touch, Chloe could see her best friend's body trembling as he tried to hold in his own, desperate urges. He was completely naked, and Chloe had to concede he looked really good. His dick stuck outward, long and thin, and Chloe had to suppress a giggle. Not because there was anything wrong with his cock, it was quite nice, actually. But it was so strange to be seeing it. Noah's penis. How weird was that?

"Are you OK?" Noah asked her, his voice surprisingly steady.

Chloe bit off her smart response. OK? She was trussed up and presented for breeding like an animal. The fact that she was there with her best friend made it all so much worse. But, at the same time, maybe also a bit better? God, she was a mess.

She and Noah had shared everything together. When she had her first kiss, she texted him right after. When his first girlfriend dumped him, he cried on her shoulder. They knew every intricate intimacy of each other, despite never sharing the act, itself.

Chloe ran through all the horrible alternate possibilities. Paired with one of the teachers would have been gross. Matched to an ex-boyfriend would be awkward. Grouped with one of the jocks, egotistical and cruel, well that would have been awful.

But stuck in the stall with Noah was equally awkward in an opposite way. To be forced to fuck someone so close, to carry their baby... For a moment, Chloe's mind went to her friend, Liv, currently caged with her own brother, Ollie a few stalls over. OK, compared to them, Chloe and Noah had it easy.

Chloe forced herself to focus. She could barely process her own predicament, let alone everyone else's.

"I'm sorry about this," Noah said, and she could tell that he meant it.

"I'm not," Chloe said.

She heard her best friend gasp behind her. Even Chloe was surprised to hear herself say it. But she realized, in that moment, it was true. This was awkward as hell. Miserable in most ways. But if she'd been forced to choose her fate, she'd have chosen Noah anyway. At least she was going to be with someone who cared for her -- who knew her in his heart.

Their baby, and she had no doubt that was what they were about to create, would at least be formed in love. Not romantic love, no, but a kind of love that, for Chloe, often felt deeper and truer than any she'd ever experienced with one of her boyfriends.

Noah touched her bare side again and a laugh escaped her.

"This is so strange," she said, "You and me being like this. I mean, you're Noah. You farted so loud during Thor: Ragnarok that people actually shushed you in the theater.

"I know," Noah said, "You're Chloe. I once saw you laugh so hard, chocolate ice cream came out of your nose."

"But you're also Noah, the boy that held me for hours after my mom died," Chloe said.

"And you're Chloe, the girl who kicked Evan Samuels in the balls after he tried to take my

Jell-O square at lunch."

"Yeah," Chloe said, distant. She did her best to look back at Noah. His body was nearly hairless, with little brown nipples that were so small, it was like they were embarrassed to exist. His penis, rapier thin, jutted out lewdly.

"Does it hurt?" Chloe asked, clearly looking at her best friend's cock.

"I can't say it's not uncomfortable," Noah said, "You?"

"Oh, I'm great," Chloe said, "It's so relaxing to be bent over like this in a tiny metal stall, I think I'm going to set up my college dorm room this way."

They both laughed. Around them, the sounds of sex got louder. There had been reluctance at first, when the aliens had announced their intentions. But whatever doubts had existed before had clearly been destroyed. The cavernous room sounded like an orgy. Riley, the cute, quiet blonde facing Chloe, gasped and mewled. Her ice blue eyes rolled back in her head.

"I'm not going to do it," Noah said, suddenly. His voice tremulous despite the firmness of his words. "I won't do this to you. To us."

"Of course you will," Chloe said, shaking her head.

Her skin was so sensitive, even Noah's little touches sparked straight to her sex. Her nipples were so hard, they hurt. Even now, just talking with her friend, Chloe was doing her best to rub her legs and give herself some kind of stimulation.

Noah's nobility was sweet, sort of, but it was wasted. The fact that he'd held off even this long, while impressive, was more of a torture than a reward.

"It's strange to see you naked," Noah said, looking down at her.

"Jeez, that bad, huh?" Chloe said.

"You're gorgeous," Noah said, immediately. Something about the way he said it made her believe him. "Can I touch you? More, I mean."

Chloe bit back another sharp response. Snark wasn't going to save them any more than softness would. And it would be easier for both of them if she could be kind.

Chloe did her best to look back at Noah and nod her head. He smiled at her, a wide grin, and put his hand on her butt. A tentative touch. Chloe's body reacted like nothing she'd ever felt before. Her whole being perked up. Just that hand on her backside and she was already fighting not to beg for more. The rush of adrenaline almost made her ill.

"This is nice," Noah said.

"What, my ass?" Chloe asked. She wasn't doing too well with her new 'no snark' policy, she realized.

"No," Noah said, "Us. Like this. I mean, what you said before? You were right. If I had to be forced into this, I'm glad it was with you."

"Not with Katie?" Chloe asked, bringing up one of Noah's ex-girlfriends.

"Oh, fuck no," Noah said, "She'd have bitten my dick off just for touching her."

"Well, there's time, yet," Chloe said, and she made a show of snapping her jaw.

"I mean it Clo," Noah said, the sweetness of his words belied by the way he was fondling her backside. She could feel his fingers inching towards her pussy and it was all she could do not to cry out and demand he touch her there. "In a weird way, I'm glad it's you. Us."

Noah took his hand away and Chloe groaned in frustration. Her best friend started touching other places. Her arms. Her shoulders. Like he was tracing her into his memory with his fingers. As he reached over, his cock brushed her thigh, and Chloe nearly had a seizure.

"Sorry," he said. Still so kind.

"It's OK," Chloe said.

"Your body is amazing," Noah said, "I guess I never saw you this way before. Or thought to look, anyway. I can't believe I almost missed out on this. On you. I just wish it wasn't like this."

Chloe's head perked up. That sounded like more than the duty of friendship right there. As if Noah was admitting to something else.

"Liv and Mia will have a field day with this," Chloe said, naming her two female friends. "They were always going on about our 'secret love.'"

"Oh yeah, and don't tell Daphne," Noah said, "That's the whole reason she dumped me, you know? She was convinced that you and I were going on behind her back."

"Oh my God, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to feel bad," Noah said, "Besides, that was her problem, not mine."

Noah grew bolder. He reached down and cupped her breast. It was tentative but nice.

"Noah?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, Chloe?" Noah asked, the call and response so easy.

Would they still be friends after this? Or were they lovers? Parents? (Chloe's stomach twisted when that last word slipped into her mind). She didn't know.

But if Noah didn't stop dicking around and get to dicking her soon, she was going to fucking kill him like a goddammed praying mantis post-mating.

"Sorry," Noah said, snapping his hand back,

Whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud.

"You're right. Yes. We should, um, start. Sorry," Noah said.

"How are you...? I mean. Is this not affecting you?" Chloe asked, trying to get her voice under control. She was panting now. Her body flexing and cinching, like trying to make her cum on its own.

"Oh no, this is driving me crazy," Noah said. "But I won't hurt you, Chloe. I swear it."

"You want to know what's really hurting me right now?" Chloe said. Her patience, finally, was at an end. "Is that you won't fucking fuck me with that hard fucking cock!"

The words now spewing out of her, Chloe felt like someone suffering from sexual Tourette's. The need took control of her basic motor functions. Ego and Superego already long gone. Down to the last shreds of Id.

Noah startled, but he took her words to heart. The kind boy traced her butt again, then slowly slipped his fingers lower. Till they gently parted her vaginal lips.

"I'm touching Chloe's pussy," he said, absently. Like he couldn't process it.

Chloe could no longer respond. Almost as soon as Noah's digits found her sex, her body overwhelmed her. She grunted, far louder and longer than she'd have liked.

Noah was still being gentle. Gradually exploring her pussy. It wasn't nearly enough.

"Not. Fingers," Chloe spat out, "Cock. Put it in me".

"Are you sure, I don't want to..."

"Stick your dick in my hole," Chloe said.

Both of them laughed despite themselves.

"Yes, OK," Noah said, "Got to warn you, don't think I'm going to last that long."

"Me neither," Chloe said.

She felt him fiddling behind her. Grabbing his dick. His crown, hard and hot, nudged into her opening.

Chloe had had sex before. With a couple of her boyfriends and once, stupidly, with a distant cousin when she'd had a little too much to drink at the lake house upstate. She didn't think she was a slut, but she certainly felt like she was a veteran of the coital conflicts. She'd been here. Done this.

So, when Noah's cock slipped into her, she was shocked to discover it felt like nothing she'd ever experienced. The heat of his dick, the size of it as it slotted in; the pleasure raced up her pussy and blew right past her.

"OhhhhhhhhHO!" Chloe cried out. She wasn't even aware that she'd made that noise. Her head felt heavy with pleasure. Like it was overfull of ecstasy.

"Oh, Chloe," Noah said, his voice trembling in time with his body. "You feel so good."

His dick was in her to the hilt. Her pussy squeezed down on him with all its strength. She felt her juices dripping down her thighs. She didn't care. She'd never felt anything like this. Either everything she'd done before wasn't actually sex, or she and Noah had just discovered a new act entirely.

"I want to... do good for you," Noah said, his voice strained, "Don't think I can... hold on."

Chloe tried to grab hold of herself. Her body was still shivering from her friend's penetration. Already, she could feel the edge of an orgasm racing towards her. She had sense for one last monologue and so she made it a good one.

"Noah, your friendship means the world to me," Chloe said, her head lolling down. Brown hair stuck sweaty to her face. "And if I had to live through this moment, I would only ever choose you. I never saw you this way before and I don't know that I ever will, but that's OK. Who knows what this means for us? Just know that I feel your love so deeply and truly in this moment.

"But if you don't fuck me, hard, right this second, I will break off your dick and stab you in the chest with it!"

Noah's eyes went wide. Finally, he gave into what his body had been begging him for. He slammed into Chloe with abandon.

"Oh YES!" Chloe screamed, now too engaged to care who heard. Fuck them. What did it matter? Hers was only one voice in a chorus of cries and cums.

Noah, still too caring for his own good, reached around her thigh and found her clitoris. He began rubbing back and forth.

"Faster," Chloe gasped, "Harder."

"Your pussy? Your clit?"

"All of it."

Noah rubbed her little nub like he was trying to grind it down to nothing. Slammed his hips into her with loud slaps. Despite Chloe's feelings of closeness, they were not making love. Noah was screwing the life out of her. And it was stupendous.

"Getting close," Noah warned. His movements slowed.

"Don't you dare stop," Chloe said. Shocked by her own words.

"Chloe, are you... I mean. Is it OK?"

It was as if Noah had gotten so lost in the act of sex with his friend that he forgot where they were. What they were truly doing. Chloe was on birth control. Had been in any case. She had no doubt the aliens had told them the truth about taking it away. They'd been honest about everything else.

Yet Chloe didn't care that she was almost certainly unprotected. The bliss of being slammed by her best friend was already too much. And she knew, now, that if he came inside her, it would take her right over the top. To some glorious orgasm beyond what she'd ever been able to accomplish before.

"Do it," Chloe said, "Cum. Cum in me!"

Noah drew back like he was going to start pounding her again, but he faltered. He pushed forward as far as he could. And unloaded into Chloe's cunt. She felt the warm splash of his seed on her cervix.

For a moment, there was nothing. Then suddenly there was EVERYTHING.

Chloe's world washed away in a split second. Reality cracked. The breath went out of her body. Her heart stopped. Her brain overloaded and all she could see, feel, was her best friend, emptying his soul into her.

Finally, Chloe was able to regain consciousness. She opened her eyes and saw the shy girl, Riley, staring right at her with something like awe. Chloe felt like she should feel ashamed, but she was too far gone to care.


Chloe's hands dropped free of the bar. Like her strings had been cut, she toppled down to the cold metal floor. Noah tumbled on top of her. Without a pause, her best friend wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"I've got you," he said.

"You'd better," Chloe said.

Noah leaned his head up and kissed her hard, on the lips. Chloe flinched, then let his passion wash over her. Everything seemed to fit so neatly in place.

The two of them embraced each other on the ground. The warmth of Noah's body. The soft wetness of his kisses. Idly, Chloe felt his lukewarm spend drip onto her leg. The sounds of all those other copulating couples reverberated around them.

Noah reached back and waved his hand through the entrance to their paddock.

"I think we can leave," he said.

"Do you want to?" Chloe asked.

"Not really, no," Noah said. They started kissing again.

"Noah?" Chloe said, surprised by the neediness in her voice, "I'm thinking. If the goal is to get me pregnant, one time may not be enough."