Intertwined Fates 14: Brewing Storms

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The darkness approaches as a reunion occurs.
5.1k words

Part 14 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 01/03/2010
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14: Brewing Storms

After quickly moving through the catacombs for sometime, Miranda had finally caught up to Igor. She entered the lounge area were Igor was seated with the arcane tome open. Igor glanced up from his reading when Miranda asked "Have you found anything yet, Igor? I have something I need to tell you,"

"Nothing definite, my lady, but there is this," he said handing her the book. She looked at the picture of the demon and a particularly nasty looking demon at that.

"That is Flavros, the truth telling demon. He's been dormant for generations, but I think we may have woken him up," Igor told her.

She shuddered as she began to read the passage on the opposite page. *"Flavros, grand-general of hell, commanding twenty legions of hell. Flavros appears in the shape of a savage, strong leopard. In human form he has a frightful face with burning eyes. He knows of the past, present and future and can turn demons and spirits against anybody attempting to exorcise a victim of his."*

"Well that certainly explains the voice I heard. He must be floating around now. Is there any indication on how to safely expel him back to hell?" asked Miranda.

"As far as I can see from this text, it's got the summoning ritual but no way of expelling him. I will probably need to find an exorcism book," Igor replies.

"Fine, but don't breathe a word of this to Markus," Miranda warned.

"I won't my lady," Igor said.

"Good, I will be back later. We need to find a way to at least trap this demon. He could prove to be very useful," Miranda mused.


"Carl, what's wrong?" asked Aaron as he sat down next to Carl who was looking rather glum.

"I miss Joy but I have to stay away from her to keep her safe from this. I'm worried that I'll lose control and hurt her," Carl said sadly.

"That's hard to deal with. It's been a month since you were changed, Carl, and there also hasn't been any activity lately. Miranda and her goons seem to be keeping quiet," Aaron mused.

"I know, but I'm still worried that I haven't got it completely under control," Carl told him.

"I'm your friend right?" asked Aaron.

"Yeah of course," Carl replies, nodding his head.

"Trust me on this; you need to take a leap of faith. Or you'll always be worried about losing control. If you're well fed before you meet Joy those impulses won't want to come up and demand you feed," Aaron tells him.

Carl sat there considering that for a moment then said to Aaron "Thanks mate. I'm going to do something about this now. I feel like my heart is being torn further each day," Carl told him.

"Good, I'm going to see what Jake is doing," Aaron told him as he then left the room.

Carl walked to the infirmary and asked Cindy who was sitting at her desk, "Cindy, would you mind doing something for me?"

"Sure, what do you need Carl?" asked Cindy

"I'd love it if you would go to the jewelers and help me get something really nice for Joy. I need the help because I can't do it and I want it to be for tonight," Carl told her as he pulled out a credit card.

"Sure, Carl, I can do that for you, but I'm really busy right now. I'll be able to do it in about an hour. Would it be good then?" asked Cindy, happy that Carl is finally going to see Joy again.

"Yeah, that would be great, Cindy. Thank you and now I have other things to plan," Carl told her, smiling at her.

"That's alright. I'm glad I could be of help, Carl," grinned Cindy.

"Thanks. Hey, do you know where Laura is?" asked Carl.

"I think she's sleeping actually. She should be in her room though," Cindy told him.

"Thanks, I need to talk to her," Carl said.

"Alright but be careful. If you wake her up she might want to bite your head off," Cindy teased. Carl chuckled and walked off towards the mansion's largest room.

He knocked on the door and waited for a reply. "Just a minute," called Laura from behind the door after a few moments.

She answered the door in a long flowing robe and asked "Carl? What can I do for you?"

"I need some advice real fast. I'm going to surprise Joy tonight and I want to make her dinner. Can you suggest anything?" asked Carl.

"Sure, come in," said Laura sitting on the bed next to Aaron who was lying on the sheets in his boxers. Obvious to what he had interrupted seeing the sweat on Aaron's chest. Carl would have blushed if he was still able.

"Did I interrupt anything?" he asked.

"No, its ok, Carl. What did you want to ask me?" questioned Laura as Aaron chuckled and grinned next to her.

"I want to cook her dinner. Do you have any romantic tips at all?" asked Carl, clearly uncomfortable with Aaron lying there next to Laura.

"Yes, I do. First, get some candles, don't use any lights. Does Joy have any favorite smells?" asked Laura.

"Yes," Carl replied.

"Get some incense of her favorite scent and burn it through the place. She'll smell the scent as soon as she gets through the door," suggested Laura.

"Thanks Laura," Carl said, smiling.

"No problems, Carl," said Laura as Carl left the room and shut the door. As soon as he left the room she pounced on Aaron and said "Did you have to tease him like that? The poor guy was uncomfortable there. I think its great he's getting back with Joy though,"

"I know, but it was fun though. I haven't seen Carl uncomfortable before. I couldn't resist," Aaron told her, struggling to get out of her grip.

"Well, I think you teasing poor Carl there deserved something," said Laura teasingly, before she leaned over and bit his shoulder causing Aaron to groan.

"Baby, I'm sorry," begged Aaron.

"You're not getting out of this now, Aaron," teased Laura as she grabbed his growing hardness through his boxers. Aaron groaned as he squirmed under her.


"Ok, I'm ready to go Carl. Is there anything else you would like me to get for you? It's a special night for you," Cindy said as she grabbed her stuff.

"Yeah, can you get the items on the list as well?" asked Carl.

"Wow, are you cooking a feast or something Carl?" asked Cindy examining the long list Carl gave her.

"Sort of. I want everything to be perfect for Joy. It's going to be a complete surprise for her," Carl replied.

"That's so sweet, Carl. She'll love this," Cindy assured him.

"Thanks. I just have to call Adam and make arrangements. Can you call me when you get to the jewelry shop? I want to get the best for Joy," Carl requested.

"Sure, Carl, I can call you when I get there" said Cindy as she picked up her bag and walked out the door.

Carl pulled out his phone and called Adam. "Adam speaking," Adam said as he answered the phone.

"Hey Adam, how are you doing?" asked Carl.

"Carl! I'm going great buddy. I'm really busy right now though," Adam warned.

"It's ok. Listen, I have a surprise for Joy tonight. Can you take her out to a club or something tonight? It's because I need to get into her apartment to get everything ready since I'm going to cook her dinner and I want everything to be a surprise," Carl told him.

"Sure, I don't think that would be too hard. We'll be getting out of here late because we have a conference at the end of the week consolidating that deal you made a while back. They are bringing the plans for their businesses to the meeting, we need to be prepared and it's all really crazy right now," Adam told him.

"I wish I could help you mate, but I'm going to be stuck here for awhile longer," Carl told him.

"It's ok, Carl. Look I'll distract her. How much time do you need?" asked Adam.

"Probably about two hours. I need to cook the food and set everything out," said Carl.

"I'll give you three hours. I'll call you if Joy leaves early," Adam replied.

"Thanks, I have to go. I'm expecting another call," Carl says.

"It was great talking to you again, Carl. We really should catch up soon," Adam said in response.

"I'd like that, but not for now," Carl said.

"Alright, I'll see you sometime then. Goodbye,"

"Bye" Carl said, hanging up the phone.


Carl answered his phone with a "Hello?" as soon as it rang.

"Carl, I'm at the jewelry store. Joy's going to love whatever you get her," Cindy replied.

"Yeah, what is the most expensive item?" asked Carl.

"It's a necklace of diamonds" said Cindy.

"How much is it?" asked Carl.

"40,000," Cindy said.

"Wow, that's a lot. I don't even think Joy likes diamonds very much. are there any rubies there?" asked Carl.

"Yeah, there's a necklace of rubies set into platinum gold fittings," Cindy replied.

"Can you get that one? I don't want to know the price until I have to pay for it," Carl told her.

"Sure, I'll just get the other stuff as well," Cindy says.

"Thanks, Cindy" said Carl and closed the phone.


"Thanks, you've been a real help, Cindy," said Carl as he carried all the food inside put it in the large fridge in the mansion's kitchen.

"That's ok. Here's the necklace case and your credit card," Cindy assured him, holding them both out to him.

"Thanks. It's a beautiful necklace isn't it?" inquired Carl.

"Yeah it is, she'll love it Carl. Will you need any help setting up?" asked Cindy.

"No, it will be ok. I can deal with it," Carl tells her.

"Ok, but if you need anything else I'll be in my office," Cindy said.

"Ok," Carl said as he walked away from the kitchen and looked for Kally. He spotted her sitting in the lounge room studying the elaborate drapes that protected them from the sunlight.

"Carl, what can I do for you?" she asked, looking up at him.

"I need to get the keys to Joy's apartment. I'm going to set up a surprise for her tonight and I don't particularly want to do the burglar routine with a lock pick or anything like that."

"Sure, I still have the keys somewhere. I just have to find them. Hold on, I'll be right back," said Kally as she left the room.

When she re-entered the room she handed Carl the keys to the apartment and said, "They should work unless the locks got changed, but I don't think they would have."

"Thanks, Kally."


"Hey, Joy, let's go out and get some drinks. Rachel isn't going to be home until late, so I got sometime to relax," said Adam.

"Sure, it's been hard today and I need a break. You've been an awesome help, Adam. I would have totally died if I didn't have your help this week," she said, stretching.

"Ok, this new club is really great. I went there with Rachel two nights ago," Adam replied.

"So you had fun hey?" Joy asked him.

"Yes... lots of 'fun'," Adam said suggestively.

"Ok, that I didn't need to know, Adam," sighed Joy as she shoved him lightly.

"Hey you asked," Adam teased with a coy expression.

"Lets just get the drinks and relax. I don't like going home to an empty place," Joy told him.

"Me neither," Adam agreed.

After awhile at the bar and having a couple of drinks, Adam's phone rang.

"Adam where are you?" asked Rachel as Adam answered the phone.

"At a club with Joy, I was about to leave anyway," he said.

"Ok good. I've got some nice food here. I'll see you when you get home ok?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah sure, babe, I'll be there soon," Adam promised and closed his phone before putting it back into his pocket.

"Well it's getting late. I was going to go home and dig out some frozen crap to eat anyway," Joy said.

"Yeah, I have to go now anyway. Rachel brought some food home," he told her.

"That's nice. I'll see you tomorrow, Adam," Joy told him as she slipped on her jacket.

"Ok, until then, bye," he responded as they walked towards their cars.

"Carl, Joy is on her way now. Have you got everything ready?" asked Adam after Joy drove off and Carl answered the phone.

"Yes, everything is all ready," Carl responded. "Great, you have a good time," Adam told him, getting into his car.

"I will thanks, I'll talk to you again later," Carl says.

"Bye," said Adam and put his phone away.


Joy opened the door to her apartment and was assaulted with the calming scent of sandalwood floating through her house. "What the... What's going on here?" mumbled Joy to herself.

She dropped her bag on the lounge in her living room and slowly crept towards the kitchen. When she turned the corner she got the shock of her life. It was Carl standing in the dining room with miniature candelabras burning and incense cones slowly smoking away and with two large plates with all of her favorite foods stacked on him.

The best part that her senses finally registered was the warm candlelight glowing on his skin, his dark bronze jacket glimmering in the firelight, with his silver silk shirt underneath also radiating in the warm glow of the light.

Carl smiled warmly at her as she shrieked "CARL! Oh my god! This is so wonderful, I can't believe your here!" as she restrained herself just enough to stop herself from jumping on him.

"A friend pushed me in the right direction. I think its time I stopped hiding from you, Joy. I love you and I made this all for you," he said lovingly.

"Oh, baby, this so amazing. It all smells so great. I love you too," she said lovingly and sat down at the table.

They didn't talk for sometime as Joy was busy stuffing her face with the food Carl had prepared for her.

"What's been going on out there?" asked Carl as he sipped the glass of red wine he poured.

"Oh, it's so crazy, Carl, but Adam has been great. He's helped so much," told him with a mouth full of food.

"That's great. Adam told me that you are working with our new partners at the end of the week," Carl said as he burned with the desire to touch her.

"Yeah, it's going so well. They are going to bring so much power and money to the company Carl," said Joy as her own eyes simmered with passion.

Carl stomped on his impulses that began running wild when Joy's eyes began burning holes through him. "That's so awesome, Joy," he said as he struggled to keep his voice neutral.

"This food is so good, Carl. I haven't had such nice food in a quite awhile," Joy said.

"Thanks, babe. I have a present for you," Carl said as he pulled out the necklace case. Black velvet covered the case, while a thin line of gold wrapped around the opening of the case.

Joy's eyes widened in shock as she swallowed her food. Carl opened the case and turned it around causing Joy to shriek loudly as she registered the large opulent necklace. She carefully lifted it out of the case. "It's so beautiful, Carl. I don't know what to say," she said quietly.

"It's a gift to you, Joy, to show you how much I love you and how much I missed you," he told her.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you so much, Carl," said Joy.

"Let me put in on for you," said Carl as he stood up and walked behind her. He pulled the necklace around her neck and fastened the small gold chain around the back of her neck. The rubies glimmered in the warmth of the candlelight. Carl leaned around her neck and kissed her lightly.

She moaned slightly as Carl moved over the other side and kissed her. He pulled off her jacket and hung it over the chair. He then slowly kissed her and trailed his tongue gently over her neck while his fingers began to unbutton her blouse.

When he had it unbuttoned he pulled it off and dropped it on the floor. His hands moved over her chest and up over her covered breasts, leaving electrified trails in their wake. Joy moaned quietly as his hands continued to trail across her skin, electrifying her skin with his touch. Her back arched in pleasure as his fangs protruded and pierced her neck gently.

She groaned as one of his hands dipped into her pants and began to caress her silky hot wetness. "Oh... god Carl, you're setting me on fire," moaned Joy as Carl kissed the bite mark on her neck.

Joy's hands grasped at Carl's arms as he unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down. He pulled her chair out and kneeled between her legs. He trailed his hands up her thighs, making her shudder with pleasure. He pulled down her panties and tossed them over to where her other clothes lay. She moaned and arched off the seat as Carl's fingers massaged her hot center. Carl growled and pushed his face into her, making her scream in pleasure as the vibrations from his voice and his skilled tongue working her, almost forced her to come right there and then.

She quivered in pleasure as Carl's tongue teased her, very slowly massaging her walls. His fingers crept up and began trailing over her electrified goose-flesh. She quivered with pleasure and shrieked out again as the sensations tore through, now on the edge of the abyss.

Unintelligible words flowed forward as Carl brought her orgasm crashing over her. She wailed in pleasure as the tidal wave swept her away. When she regained her composure she grabbed Carl and sat him in the chair. She thrust her tongue down his throat and kissed him with all the fire and primal desire she possessed. While she kissed him, her fingers got busy attacking the buttons of his shirt. Once she had the shirt open, she pulled it off with his jacket and draped them over another chair. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She then trailed the silky fabric over his bare chest. He groaned in pleasure as the fabric touched his heated skin.

Joy kissed his neck and trailed her tongue and kisses down his throat to his chest where she began to tease his nipples with her tongue and industrious fingers. He moaned in pleasure as she gently teased him like he did her.

His hardness uncomfortably brushed against his pants, becoming increasingly tight. She moved her mouth down his body making him squirm in pleasure as her fingers and tongue rolled a trail of fire down his body. She caressed the bulge in his pants as her tongue dipped into his belly button and ran across his stomach muscles.

"God... Joy, your driving me crazy here," he moaned.

Joy resumed her attack on his stomach as his back arched; moaning in pleasure as her fingers continued to tease his hardness through his pants. She unbuckled his belt, and then unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them teasingly slow. Carl's head leaned back and he moaned in pleasure, as Joy slid them down off his hips. She grabbed his erection through his boxers and squeezed making him jump in the chair. He groaned as Joy teased him mercilessly.

She dug her fingers under the band of his boxers and pulled them off, his thick hardness glistening with his pre-cum. Carl growled in pleasure as Joy swiped her tongue down his hard shaft.

She grasped his hips and pulled him closer. She made him moan in tortured pleasure as she began to slowly swipe at the head. She grasped his thighs and drew his hardness in the whole way, sucking him deeply. He moaned at the intense pleasure as Joy continued to increase the suction on his hardness. An untried idea popped into Joy's head she decided to try it on Carl, to see how he would react.Her fingers trailed under his hips until she found what she was looking for.

Carl groaned helplessly as her mouth continued to torture him, her fingers gently traced the rim of his hole making him shudder with pleasure. Carl couldn't speak as only incomprehensible sounds came out of his mouth, making Joy decide to end it as she quickly engulfed him. Sucking as hard as she could while she stabbed a finger right inside his back passage finding his prostate and massaging it strongly.

Carl roared in pleasure as his orgasm flooded his senses, the blinding white light of pleasure washing right over him. As soon as Joy drained him she got off him, and dragged him towards her bedroom.

Joy pushed Carl down on her bed and straddled him before she leaned forward and kissed him hard. "I missed you so much, Carl," she moaned as she kissed him.

"I really missed you too. What did you just do to me?" asked Carl, his senses still reeling from the pleasure she inflicted on him.

"I don't know really. I just thought it might do, to try something a bit different," grinned Joy evilly. She kissed him hard grinding her body against his. Carl moaned in pleasure as she brushed against his growing hardness. Carl growled, gripping her waist he pulled her off him and rolled them over, so she was under him.