Isekai'd into Service Ch. 01

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Magnus meets a woman that claims she owns him.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/21/2021
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This is a similar story to ''The greatest slut= in that it takes place in another world, and the main character is enslaved. This time we have a male mc and he is much more reluctant at first. If that isn't your cup of tea, then I suggest you stop reading now. All the dominants will be female so no male on male action I'm afraid, but plenty of butt stuff. As always, all the characters participating in any sexual act are 18 years or older. I hope you enjoy the story :)

My name is Magnus, and I had never been one of the popular kids growing up, but I was fine with that. Being surrounded by people who were never truly friends but stuck around for money or clout or for whatever they thought they could get out of you seemed exhausting. Or that was what I told myself to feel better. I had never been what you called an extrovert, preferring to stay home playing video games on the weekends rather than going out.

This had, in many ways, stunted my social skills, and my increasingly sedentary lifestyle made me gain a lot of weight. Sure there were online games, but big crowds of real people had always made me freeze up. I had only myself to blame, sports were never my thing, and the idea of exercise made me shudder. I had tried going to the gym a couple of times, but the people there made me quit. They weren't mean or anything, but everyone there was an adonis or amazon, and I was a flabby teenager. I just couldn't shake the feeling that they were laughing at me behind my back, no matter how many times my friends or I told me otherwise. Yes, despite my social anxiety, I had managed to wrack up a few good friends gained through the internet or in early childhood.

My increased weight only exacerbated the problem, and I increasingly stayed home to avoid going outside. The idea of a girlfriend was entirely off the table. The thought that someone could actually want me was a bit absurd. Well on my way to obesity, in my mid-twenties, with a low-paying job, the only benefit being that I could work from home, and, of course, I was a virgin.

Pathetic, I know, but we haven't even gotten to the worst part yet. I was currently locked up in my room, masturbating furiously, the light from my computer monitor the only source of illumination as I stared at it intensely. I pumped my below-average cock furiously as I watched the video play out on the screen. It was of a man and a woman, a slave and his Mistress. She had him bent over in her lap and was currently in the process of spanking his ass red with an oversized paddle.

Regular porn had long since lost its appeal to me, and now the only thing that could excite me was the overly kinky stuff. The ones who aroused me the most were more often than not where the woman held the reins. I knew very well that once I had cum, and my brain got back what little blood supply had been diverted to my cock, that I would be furiously closing the numerous tabs I had open in shame. And spending some time meticulously sweeping my browser history. Yet I also knew that I would be coming back to those videos, excitedly pumping my little pecker as a dominant woman worked over some lucky guy that wasn't me.

"You'll do nicely," a feminine voice said from behind me, and I jerked, hurrying to cover my monitor. I was so afraid of someone seeing what I was watching that I didn't register that someone must have broken into my apartment. The realization hit a moment later as I turned the screen off, plunging the room into darkness.

"Who's there?" I asked, startled, as I rose from my chair to fumble for the light switch. My pants were still unbuttoned, and as I stood up, they fell to the floor, tangling up my legs. I stumbled and fell, but I managed to get my hands under me before my face hit the floor. Tinkling laughter rang out and echoed as I pulled my pants up and buttoned them as if we were in some cathedral and not my dingy room.

"Aw, don't put it away," the voice said in an overly sweet way. "It was so cute."

"I'm warning you," I said into the darkness as I made my way to the light switch by feeling more than anything. "If you don't get out of here, I'm calling the cops." More laughter rang out from all around me as I made it to the wall and turned on the lights. They were so bright that I had to cover my eyes for a second. That's what I got for keeping to my room all day.

When I was able to open my eyes again, what greeted me was not my room, but instead, I was standing in a wide-open space. It was brightly lit, with white fog all around me, rolling in from behind and past my feet. Standing before me in the moving cloud was a woman. She had long blond hair cascading freely down past her ass, with fierce blue eyes that pinned me in place from a distance. Much of her figure was obscured by a loose-fitting silk robe tied together at her waist. It was open at her chest, exposing a deep valley of pale cleavage, with two little peeks poking out on either side under her robe denoting hard nipples.

"Like what you see?" The woman said and shook her chest at me, making her breasts jiggle enticingly. She giggled when I blushed and hurriedly looked away from her.

"I wasn't," I began as I shook my head. "I wasn't looking," I continued lamely but sighed as I realized the futility of it. She had clearly seen me. "Where am I?" I asked instead as I looked around at the endless expanse all around me. This must have been a dream or something. Had I hit my head when I fell? Or was I simply asleep in front of my computer?

"No need to worry about that, darling," the woman smirked as she sashayed towards me. "All you need to know is that you are mine," my heart raced at the idea, nervous energy flowing through my body as my already hard cock surged. Oh man, this was a real nice dream my brain had come up with for me. I was finally one of those lucky guys in the videos, a shame it was only a dream.

The woman came to a stop mere inches from colliding with me. A full head taller than me, she stared down imperiously and smirked as I struggled to keep my eyes from leaving her face to travel down to stare at her breasts, nearly touching my chin.

"I don't mind you looking. I will be doing the same shortly, after all. A slave needs to get to know their Mistress and vice versa. Especially at a first meeting," the woman said kindly, and my eyes traveled down to helplessly take in her magnificent cleavage now that I had permission. "Now strip," she ordered sternly, her face turning hard. I hurried to obey, her commanding tone sending a shiver up my spine and making my cock twitch.

"What a good slave you are," the woman exclaimed in delight, jumping on the spot and clapping her hands together. "Keep this up, and you'll earn a reward before we're through," she walked back and watched as I stepped out of my baggy pants and threw the oversized shirt over my head. I hesitated when I got to my underwear, embarrassed. But this was a dream, no one was going to see or find out, except for my imaginary Mistress.

"There's the little penis you were furiously jerking before. There'll be no more of that, I'm afraid, unless I permit you," the woman instructed. "Oh, it's so cute, all nice and hard for me," she practically squealed and rushed towards me. She pressed herself into my naked side, breasts perfectly aligned with my head. Her hand cupped my cock and balls, weighing them like a package while she pushed my head into her chest, letting me rest it against her breasts.

"It fits so nicely in my hand. It's almost a shame it has to go," I didn't know what the woman meant by that, but I didn't care, surrounded as I was by her soft breasts and too busy moaning as she stroked my shaft. "Ah, such a precious little slut," she sighed as she stroked my hair and played with my penis.

"Don't call me that," I said as I lifted my head from her chest to look at her. She stopped stroking me but still cupped my sex in her hand as she turned her head to look back at me.

"What, slut?" She asked, amused, her blue eyes staring down at me. "But you are a slut, so why shouldn't I tell it like it is? Besides, you liked it," that struck a nerve, and I forced myself out of the woman's grip to take a few steps back. I didn't even know why I was getting angry? This was just a dream, after all, and this woman wasn't even real. Maybe because it was true.

"I did not like it," I persisted.

"Oh," she exclaimed with a smirk. "Then why did your little dicklet twitch so nicely when I said it, slut?" My eyes widened as that nervous energy rushed through me, sending endorphins through my body and making my cock twitch just like she said it would. "Besides, I would never have picked a slave that wouldn't be to my tastes. But what really matters is if I enjoyed it, and I certainly did, so I'll keep calling you whatever I want. Are we clear, slut?" She had crossed her arms over her chest, covering her cleavage, and that stern look had returned to her face, the one that made me shiver.

"No, we are not," this was my dream dammit, who did this woman think she was? The stern look upon the woman's face turned into a frown as she glared at me. Despite my conviction that this was all in my head, I felt fear at that glare, and I wished I could take my words back.

"What was that, bitch? Open defiance? You are in so much trouble, but don't worry, you'll learn your place soon enough." Ok, this was getting too real too quickly, going to places I wasn't ready for. I pinched myself on the arm to try and make myself wake up, but all it did was make me yelp at the pain. "Can't get away from me that easily, now get over here?" She ordered in that imperious tone of hers. I stared at her for a moment, and she stared back, then I ran.

It wasn't the best decision I had made in my life, and it looked like the woman agreed. She let out a startled snort behind me as I turned and ran like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. In my defense, I was panicking a little bit. This was all fine when I thought it was all a dream, but if it was not, what the hell was it? And who the hell was this woman that had basically sexually assaulted me? And where the hell was I? Had I been drugged and dragged away to some warehouse with a bunch of smoke machines or put in some sort of virtual simulation?

The fog only seemed to grow thicker the farther I ran, churning like white soup. It was hard to see where I was going, but at least I had lost that crazy woman. I stopped to catch my breath, this was the most exercise I had gotten in years, and sweat ran in rivulets down my naked body. How big was this place anyway? If it even was a warehouse, I should run into a wall at some point, or at least get out of this damn fog. I bent down to examine the floor more closely. It was hard to see through the fog, but it felt like hard, smooth stone, marble?

That confirmed that I was in some sort of structure, but to cover a whole floor in marble, just for little old me seemed expensive. Judging by how big this place was, really expensive, and for what, to put me through some sort of experiment or sick prank? The idea that someone had found my secret interests and put together this plan to what? Expose me? It seemed a little far-fetched, but the idea lingered in my mind as I kept moving. I decided to walk, for the time being, I had recovered some from my run, but I was still short of breath. Visibility was still poor, and the idea of running headfirst into something didn't appeal to me.

After walking for what must have been a couple of hours, judging by how hungry I had gotten, the fog finally started to clear a little. Time was hard to keep track of in here, the light was a constant bright haze, and it was impossible to tell how far I had walked from the featureless fog. I grew hopeful, and I started a light jog. I was finally getting out of here, but I stopped as a shape appeared. I crept closer. It was a person standing with their back to me. Long blond hair became visible as I braved my way closer, and I gasped as I recognized the woman who called herself my Mistress. She spun at the sound and smiled knowingly as she spotted me.

"Finally came to your senses, did you, slave?" This was impossible. How had I ended up where I had started? Had I wandered in circles? My thoughts were interrupted as the woman sat down, and a chair materialized under her. "Let's get this over with, come lay across my lap," she patted her thighs in invitation, starkly outlined as her thin robe lay across them. Was she going to spank me? The idea did appeal to me, and I had always wondered what it would be like. Could I really do it, to be like one of those lucky guys in the videos? Something weird was clearly going on here, and this woman could be my only way out of here. I would just have to drape myself over those silk-covered thighs and let her do as she wished. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, sending blood to my cock and away from my brain, making the decision for me.

"That's it, that's a good slut. Follow that little dicklet where it leads you," the woman crooned to me as I started to walk forwards, my penis hard and pointing straight at her. "You have been a very naughty slave. Tell me what you have done to deserve this punishment." She ordered as I was laid out across her lap.

"I, um, I spoke against you," I hedged tentatively.

"Good, what else?"

"And I ran away from you, Mistress," that was probably my gravest offense and was going to earn me a greater punishment. Oddly enough, I wasn't afraid. The prospect of this commanding woman punishing me only excited me further.

"Very good, slave. I am going to spank you for that. How many swats do you think you deserve?" This could be nothing but a trap, so I better go with a high number just to be safe.

"Twenty, Mistress." I couldn't see her face, but I could hear how pleased she was as she started stroking my ass.

"As you wish, slut," she lifted her hand off my behind and brought it down with a resounding smack on my left ass cheek. It stung but didn't exactly hurt, and I inhaled sharply at the sensation, my cock rubbing against her thighs. She switched cheeks when she made it to five, and the sensations started all over again.

"You're doing good, slave." She said after ten swats, soothing my red ass with gentle caresses. She put more force in it as she continued, and the mix of pain and pleasure went straight to my cock, making precum leak out over the woman's robe. The impacts turned more painful than pleasurable as she reached fifteen, and I struggled not to cry out as she finished at twenty, holding back tears. She spent some time admiring my burning red ass before she had me stand on wobbly legs.

"My goodness, you're all drippy," she exclaimed with delight at the state of my cock. It was hard as a rock, straining up and down and wet as it leaked precum down its length. "Did you enjoy your punishment, slave?" She asked though the answer was obvious.

"Yes, Mistress," I answered, too horny to deny it.

"What does that make you?" She grinned at me, and I knew exactly what answer she wanted.

"A slut, Mistress," I answered with a sigh.

"You don't have to sound so down about it. You are a good slut, and good sluts deserve a reward. Open your mouth," she ordered, and I obeyed, curious to see where this was going. She put two fingers on my tongue and commanded, "suck," that tone always got to me, and the woman smiled at how quickly I obeyed her.

"You were so eager before when I ordered you to take off your clothes that I simply had to reward you. Then you took the punishment so well, creaming all over my robe, it was a done deal. And I want to play with that cute little dicklet some more before it is gone forever." She pumped her fingers in and out of my mouth as she talked, getting them thoroughly coated in saliva. She removed her fingers from my mouth before she had me turn around and bend over at the waist.

"Arch your back, so that ass sticks out more. That's a good slut. Separate your legs and spread those cheeks for me," I was a bit dubious of what she was up to, so I held off on spreading my ass for now.

"What are you going to do?"

"Why milk you, of course," she answered as if the answer was obvious.

"But you aren't going to, say, stick your fingers up my asshole, right?"

"That is exactly what I'm going to do," the woman said after a long pause. "How else am I going to milk you?" I straightened up out of my position, about to turn and give her a piece of my mind, but she was faster. "Get back into position right now, or am I going to have to spank you again?" She was cold and commanding and ended with a sharp slap to my sore ass. It hurt like hell, and I suspected that another spanking wouldn't be as fun as the first. I was just going to have to let this woman do what she wanted if I wanted to get out of her, so I lowered myself slowly back into position and heard how she giggled behind me.

"Your little dicklet sure seems excited. It's so hard, and leaking more than ever," she spoke the truth I saw as I looked at my cock from my bent-over position. It was dripping precum at a steady rate, forming a little puddle between my widespread feet. It twitched occasionally, and I could both see and feel how it pulsed as blood was pumped through it. "Are you sure you aren't just playing hard to get?" It was true that I enjoyed having this gorgeous woman ordering me around, but that didn't mean I wanted her to stick her fingers up my butt. I wasn't gay, guys didn't do anything for me, but this was a woman who wanted to play with my asshole. The thought of it sent a thrill through my body, it wasn't just the act in itself that seemed to thrill me. But the fact that she would do it no matter how I felt about it, and the whole taboo sense of it all.

"Now spread those cheeks for me, good slut. Aw, it's winking at me, and I had the impression you didn't want this, what a silly little slut you are," the words stung, but they sent a heady mix of humiliation and pleasure racing through me and down to my cock as I held my ass open for the woman, exposing my anus. She massaged it a little, spreading my saliva over it before she slowly stuck one finger in there. It didn't feel good exactly, but not bad either, just like someone sticking a finger up my ass. That all changed when she found my prostate, it was like a button sending pleasure straight to my cock. I gasped and moaned at the sensation as the woman pumped her finger faster and faster in and out of my ass, pressing down hard on that magical button.

"That's it, that's a good slut," the woman crooned as she started jerking me off with her other hand. Another finger was added to the first and the hand that was pumping in and out of my ass sped up in time with the one that was jerking me. I was about to cum, but my groan of release was cut off as the woman slowed down. She jerked my cock at a languid pace, enough to keep my attention, but not nearly enough to make me cum. The fingers inside my ass hole had stopped, just keeping light pressure on my prostate. I whined at the interruption, and the woman laughed.

"Don't be greedy now, you just have to work a little harder before I let you cum," she said teasingly, the smile clear in her voice. I was so desperate to cum that I would do anything she asked of me, regardless of if she could get me out of here or not. "Tell me again what you are."

"A slut, Mistress?" I answered hurriedly, eager for her to get on whit milking me.

"Yes, but you can do better than that, be more degrading. I won't be pleased if I have to spell it out for you," the woman said in her commanding tone and pressed her two fingers harder into my prostate. I gasped and groaned at the sensation, and the woman giggled at me. "You make such pretty sounds when I tease you. Let's see if I can draw out some more." She massaged my prostate by pressing into it and drawing slow circles around it. I moaned and groaned at the sensations, to the woman's immense delight, and she even started to jerk me off faster too, but she would always stop just as I was about to orgasm.