It's a Monster


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"What do you think will happen when the kid becomes Sales manager," asked Craig.

"I think you and I will be fired before the ink is dry," spat Todd. "I've tried to apologize to him, but the bastard won't even talk to me. I can't believe I'm getting fired over some fat skank."

And of course the women were frustrated too.

"She acts like she's his mother," said one.

"I've heard that since he broke up with the Dairy Queen, Gloria has been blocking everyone away from him," said another.

"I heard that she's trying to put him on ice until her daughter moves back to town," said the first woman again."

As soon as they noticed that I was there, they moved the conversation somewhere else. Just hearing that got me angry. All of those catty bitches trying to get my man wasn't bad enough, but hearing that Glory was trying to get him for her daughter, made everything worse.

I also began to resent Todd, Brent, and Craig. If it hadn't been for them, Galan and I would still be happy and together. With Halloween only a few weeks away and the holiday season just after that, I had even more reasons to be angry. We were supposed to be married a few weeks after Christmas.

Just thinking about all the fun things we'd done last Halloween made me even angrier. I'd have no one to go to haunted houses with. There would be no one to feel me up during a hay ride. Who would I dress up for? What was the point in even buying a costume if you had no one to show it off for? And the thought of going to a party alone, terrified me.

It wouldn't even be much fun to stay home and watch scary movies. The second best part of watching the movies was curling up under a blanket while you watched. Of course, the best part was when Galan rolled me over and fucked me. It happened every time. There are so many movies that I've never seen the endings of, even after multiple viewings.

Yep those three bastards were going to pay for taking Galan away from me. And it was time. I'd done a bit more experimenting with my formula, and I was ready for a human trial. It wasn't perfect, and I still couldn't get the changes to last for more than thirty minutes, but I wanted to see what effect it would have on a human being.

My theory was that once you factored in the size of a human being and the metabolic differences, the formula would last an even shorter amount of time on a human.

I drove home to my lonely apartment and set up my new iPhone on the table in my bedroom near the only full-length mirror I owned.

I said a silent prayer to the gods that I would become so beautiful that Galan had to take me back. Failing that, I prayed that the formula would have no lasting ill effects. Then I started the iPhone's video camera, closed my eyes, and took a healthy swig of the greenish fluid.

At first, I felt nothing. Then I noticed what felt like itching all over my body. When I looked in the mirror, my clothes appeared to be rustling and moving around my body. I realized after a few seconds that there were changes going on in my body. Some scientist I was; I should have taken my clothes off. That was, I could have observed or recorded the changes more clearly.

Then I felt a buzzing, like getting stung by several thousand bees all at the same time. My entire body hurt and I felt as if I was burning up.

Even as I looked into the mirror, I was shocked. My face seemed to be getting thinner. Suddenly, I had cheek bones like a fucking model. It actually appeared that my skull had become narrower, and my Zygomatic arches stood out further. My lips became puffer. However, that was only the beginning. I was growing taller. Shit, I had to be almost six feet tall. My tits stayed the same size, but my rib cage got smaller and longer. My legs got smaller yet longer at the same time.

Duh! I had to get taller in order to be thinner. The formula kept me at the exact same mass and weight. It simply redistributed the mass. I probably weighed exactly the same as I had before taking the formula. I was just built like a tall, lanky Brazilian volley ball player.

My clothes hung off of my new frame as if they belonged to someone much bigger and much shorter at the same time. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't believe that it was me staring back. I was tall. I was sexy. I was beautiful. I would have Galan back, there was no way he could resist me.

But then, from out of nowhere, an evil thought crept into my brain. 'Fuck Galan. I could have any man I wanted.' I wasn't sure any more that Galan even loved me. He'd been too eager to dump me over one mistake.

Just as I got ready to slap myself for even thinking that, my body began to change in front of me. My limbs shortened and got thicker before my eyes. So did my waist. As I shrank my tummy bulged over my waistline, disgusting me. My face became shorter and stouter, although still pretty; the contours were different. My body continued to change until my clothing fit me again.

I looked at the clock in the corner of the room. The entire exchange had taken only ten minutes, and I was exhausted. I felt as if I had just run a marathon, although all I had done was to stand in front of the mirror.

I needed to alter the formula more, but at that moment I could barely walk let alone drive back to the lab, but at the same time I was ecstatic. The test I had just done proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was on to something. Given a few more months to finesse and finalize my formula, I could make millions, perhaps billions. But all I really wanted was to have Galan back.

But now, with the success of my formula, I began to see that as a distinct possibility. For the first time since we broke up, I could see it happening. It was just a matter of time now. Oh yeah!

* * * * * *


"Oh yeah," screamed the body under me, as I pistoned in and out of the tightest, warmest pussy I had ever been inside of. I reached around her torso and grabbed her breasts. I tweaked her nipples even as the sperm threatened to release itself.

"Oh fuck," I yelled. "I'm gonna c..." Her hands reached back and grabbed my dick. With expert skill, she squeezed the base of my dick, somehow preventing my eruption.

She started throwing her ass back against me, and I slammed into her with even more furious strokes. My entire body felt as if I was buzzing as she held me there on the precipice. Then she stiffened herself, and as her hand fell away, she choked out one syllable. "Now! Now, baby. Cum for me, Galan." I erupted like a volcano. I filled her with what seemed like a gallon of sperm. I could feel her pussy fluttering and clutching at my dick as it pulsed. Each pulse was weaker and gushed less of the thick fluid. I could feel my heart beating and my brain winking with each release until finally a sense of calm over took my body.

I knew that she could feel it too. Her hand snaked its way towards mine and when it found it, latched onto it. We were both spent, but our bodies pulled themselves towards each other. We were sweaty, sticky, and stinky, but neither of us cared. She pulled a blanket over us, and we drifted off to the sleep of the Damned or the truly blessed. I could never tell which.

The only thing I felt was bliss. It was the best sex I had ever experienced. It was hard to reconcile the fact that my fifty five-year-old work colleague and now roommate was the best piece of ass I'd ever had.

Glory, out of her functional, yet well fitted business attire was built like a brick shipyard. She was slim, yet curvy. Her breasts, while much smaller than Beth's seemed to be too large for her frame. Her ass was firm and rounded from hours of Zumba, yoga, and aerobics classes, yet still soft and warm.

"I love you Glory," I mumbled, before I lost consciousness.

"Don't ever say that!" she snapped. "You just love fucking me. And you can. You can fuck my pussy, my mouth, my ass, or anything else you want. Behind closed doors, you can dress me up or treat me like your own personal slut, Galan. However, you and I will never be in love. I'm old enough to be your mother for one thing. And the real reason is that I'm already in love."

I sat straight up in the bed. I was shocked. I didn't understand any of it. "So...?"

"So ... I was married once," she said. "I was married to a guy who was a lot like you Galan. He was a real up and comer. The problem was that he wasn't up and coming for me. He loved his job more than his family. I ended up leaving him and filing for a divorce. Can you believe it took the bastard almost a week before he even noticed that we were gone?"

I saw a tear roll down her cheek. I could tell that this was hard for her, so I wrapped my arms around her.

"I never thought that we'd end up divorced," she said. "Yeah, I know that I was the one who filed. But I always thought that he would see what he stood to lose and would come after me to stop the divorce. But, he never did. I guess he loved his job more than he loved me."

"Then why can't we ...?" I began.

"Because Galan, I'm exactly what you want," she said sadly. "I'm a one-man woman. And as much as I like you ... In my own way maybe I even love you a little. However, as long as my man is out there somewhere ... As long as he's breathing, I'll never belong to anyone else."

My face fell. And without either one of us moving, it was as if we were suddenly miles away from each other.

My disappointment was written all over my face. She hugged me tightly.

"Galan, Honey, just take what we have and be happy with it. You never know how much time you have with anyone or anything. And as far as things between us go, who knows how much time we have? We may have many years together or only a few more moments. However, for as long as we have, I'm yours alone," she said.

Even as she said it, I felt a sense of unease creep over me. I got the feeling that strange times were coming.

The next day was a Thursday. We went to work as usual and while at work kept everything professional. About an hour before lunch time, she called me and asked where I was and what I was doing. I told her that I was on my way back into the office, and I had just closed another sale. I landed a fairly large privately owned chain of drug stores in a nearby city. The owner of the chain had a son, who was a doctor and was interested in speaking to me as well. The good thing was that he was already one of our customers. He was one of Brent's accounts and felt that he wasn't getting the best deal possible. I loved sticking it to Brent. And after what he and the others had cost me, who could blame me.

"Are you going to be anywhere near the office at lunchtime?" she asked.

"I can be," I said.

"I know that what we talked about last night upset you," she said. "And I wanted you to know that I do care for you. However, I really need to be honest with you. So can I make it up to you with a lunchtime blowjob?"

"If you really want to make it up to me, I'd rather have a night time dinner," I said. "It doesn't have to be in our area. We can go somewhere out of town, where no one knows us."

"You'd rather have dinner in a restaurant, than get your dick sucked?" she asked in surprise. "Okay, I'll get my hair done at lunchtime. That way, I'll look nice for you."

"Glory, you always look nice," I said, hanging up.

I didn't care what Glory had told me. I didn't care about our age difference, or that she thought she was in love with her ex-husband. Glory was mine. I just needed to convince her that we could work.

In order to do that, we needed time together. And we needed time when we weren't fucking each other's brains out. Sex could only carry you so far.

We met at the restaurant. I dressed very nicely in my favorite blue suit. The valet guy couldn't wait to get his hands on my Mustang. Once I took a look at him, I decided to park it myself.

"Cheap Bastard," he mumbled thinking I couldn't hear him.

"Your mother," I replied cheerfully.

Several women looked at me as I stepped inside. Glory had taken a taxi, so we could drive home together. I noticed that she was already there and waiting for me at the bar. As she walked over to me, every eye was on us.

Glory looked amazing. Her dress looked like she was poured into it. Her new hairstyle was flirtatious without being slutty. She was teetering on the highest heels I had ever seen her wear, but she still managed to look as if she was walking in flats.

"Have you been waiting long, Glory?" I asked.

"I just got here too," she said.

I took her hand, and we followed a hostess over to our table. The dinner was perfect. As we stared into each other's eyes, I was sure that I was making progress with her. Our waitress was attentive and kept our glasses full. She spent most of the evening staring at me.

"Remember what I said about us enjoying what time we have," asked Glory.

"Yep," I said crisply. I think Glory understood that I was still not happy with that.

"Well, I know that you don't like it. And I know that you also don't understand it yet," she said. "But someday you will. And it's for your own good, but for tonight, you're all mine, and I'm about to teach that little bitch a lesson.

She finished her glass of wine, and the waitress appeared out of nowhere with the bottle. As she poured the beverage into Glory's glass, Glory spoke to me.

"Do you know what would be the perfect ending for this wonderful evening?" she asked.

"Tell me what you think it would be," I said.

"I think the perfect cap on this evening would be for you to take me home and fuck me until neither one of us can move," she said, nastily. The tone to her voice indicated just how much she wanted it. The bottle slipped out of the woman's hands, and the wine spilled on the table ruining the white table cloth with a large red stain.

Glory continued undaunted. "I think you should start out by fucking my ass and then I'll suck you hard again and you can just pound the shit out of my pussy. And then we'll take a shower together to get rid of the sweat while we take a little break. Maybe we could have a light snack. Then we'll get back into bed, and you can give me some of that gentle love making. You know the way you always want to do it. I love it when you kiss me and just move in and out of me slowly and gently so it takes forever for us to cum."

The waitress just stood there with the red wine pouring out of the bottle all over the floor. The head waiter ran over and grabbed the bottle.

I noticed an almost fifty percent discount on our check, as we left.

Every man between twenty and sixty stared at Glory's ass as we left the restaurant.

When we got home, Glory amazed me again. Before I could even close the door, she was moving. She grabbed the hemline of her dress and pulled it over her head revealing the fact that she was totally naked under it.

"Gotta obey the house rules," she smirked. "I know you remember the one about how your slut is supposed to always be naked when we're alone. She dropped to her knees there in the living room and crawled over to me. She unbuttoned my fly and dropped my pants around my ankles.

She took my dick in her mouth and crossed her arms behind her back. She bobbed her head back and forth engulfing more of my shaft with each jerking movement. It took three movements for her to bury her nose in my pubic hair. Then she started humming.

It felt too good. I was ready to settle in and cum right then, but she stopped me. She took her mouth off of me, looked up, and smiled at me. "It looks like someone is as hard as a rock already," she smirked.

She used one hand to hold my dick while she licked my balls with her tongue. "I wish we had more time for this," she crooned. "Maybe later; we do have a schedule to keep. Remember what I told you in the restaurant?" All I could do was to nod. Glory was in her glory. She reached into a drawer in the end table and pulled out a tube of lube. I thought I heard something, but I didn't care.

Glory rubbed the grape flavored liquid all over my dick and then handed it to me.

"Lube me up, Baby," she hissed. She bent herself over the arm of the couch with her magnificent ass into the air. I dropped to my knees behind her and started licking her pussy and her ass from behind. I pulled her ass cheeks apart and licked my way around her ass while slowly pushing one then two fingers in her pussy.

"Oh Galan," she moaned. "If you keep that up, we won't need the lube. I'm glad I took that dress off. I paid too much money for it to ruin it the first time I wore it."

I continued my work behind her. I was sure I'd seen something out of the corner of my eye, but I was so turned on that again, I didn't care.

"Galan, Baby, don't make me cum yet. I want you in me. Take me right now!" She hissed. I stood up and pulling her cheeks apart I rubbed the lubed up head of my dick against her anus. We both moaned at the contact. I had been in her ass before, many times, so it didn't take much pressure.

I still had to go very slowly at first, and I paused right after the head popped past her sphincter. "Ahhhh!" she sighed. "Go slowly baby, take your time." After a few strokes, she was wailing for me to "pound that ass."

A few minutes later, I was bent over her with my left hand squeezing one of her tits and my other rubbing her tummy. I was slamming it to her as hard as I could and she was pushing her ass back at me just as hard. The sound of our bodies slapping together could be heard all over the house.

"Ooooh Shit," she moaned. "That's it baby. Rub my tummy. Are you gonna make momma pregnant? Are you trying to knock me up, Galan? Are you trying to put your babies in my tummy?"

That was when the train went off the rails.

"If he is trying to knock you up, he's doing the wrong hole, mother," she said. Both Glory and I froze in place as the lights came on and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen stood there on the stairs.

Our jaws dropped open, and our eyes opened wider than dinner plates at the sudden intrusion. We had both been trying to hold off our orgasms and lost control at the very second. I flooded Glory's insides involuntarily and slumped behind her in shock.

My warm sticky goo coated Glory's colon, and she had a huge orgasm too. We slumped to the floor together in spasms that were totally beyond our control.

The woman on the stairs also went into shock. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes bored into my skull.

As quickly as I could, I snatched Glory's dress off of the couch and used it to cover her nakedness as well as I could.

"Save it cowboy," she smirked. "I've seen my mother naked more times than I care to mention. Perhaps you should cover yourself up though. And maybe you might want to think about going home before this gets any more weird than it already is."

"Uhm, I kind of live here," I said.

"Seriously, Mother?" she said. "I thought you told me that you had taken in a roommate? You never mentioned adopting a child."

"Grace, he's hardly a child," snapped Glory. "You're a full-grown woman, and he's only a couple of years younger than you are."

I quickly vacated the room, so they could talk. There were several times when I heard raised voices, but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. Glory did pop her head into the bedroom a couple of times to check on me.

"Why the hell did you get dressed?" she asked. "We're not done. We're just on pause, Galan." I fell asleep waiting for them to finish their conversation. Towards the end, what they were arguing over became clear. Apparently, Grace, who called me a child, was still in college and not doing very well. She had been supposed to graduate a few weeks prior, but was lacking quite a few classes.

I woke up the next morning to find Glory, and I spooned together as usual. She murmured in her sleep as I untangled my legs from hers. Five minutes later, I was ready to go out for my run in the early October morning chill.
