Jaci Stone - Act 02


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"Thank you, Madam Stone," Michaela gave me a wink. "You have the same for us, Nikki?"

"Jaci should go first," Nikki said. "It's only fair."

"Jaci has a vault on the dock," Michaela smiled.

Nikki dropped the handle on her cart and gave me a hug. "Thank you for helping me when you didn't have to."

"You're welcome."

Nikki's gold happened to be gold nodules trapped in a quartz lattice. Michaela's team didn't have the slightest trouble breaking it down and separating the two. I was told the quartz in itself was valuable, especially in specialty electronics. While her gold was being processed, I swung around behind the building and unloaded my containers into the vault Michaela had set up for me. Along with my already processed gold, there were two little containers containing small paper-thin slips of gold. I had asked specifically for these, the slips were thin enough for me to absorb when I needed to use magic on a small scale.

Nikki was pulling her cart through the front gate as I was driving out. It turned out that she had parked her car away from the building and taken the bus in. She had been hassled by other hobby miners before, and she didn't want the guys to know what her car looked like.

I dropped her off at the lot where she was parked and got a peck on the cheek as a reward. I watched her vanish into the sea of cars and went to see Jacko.

Jacko sold me the lights as she had in the dream, adding a warning from her wife. Morena Wasikowski was not happy with Jaci Stone for stealing away two of her adopted daughters and turning them into her personal sex toys. Evidently the fact that Leigh and Chastity were carrying my children had ruined Morena's carefully crafted plans for their futures.

Jacko gave me a hug good-bye and told me to watch my back. Morena couldn't take direct action against me, but that didn't mean she would stay on the sidelines. I asked what she meant by direct action and Jacko said she didn't know.

After I installed the lights in LeAnn's flower boxes, I changed back into my suit using LeAnne's private bathroom. Gabrielle was busy cleaning the office and didn't notice me until I announced my presence with a cough.

"You have anything to say, you can say it to my lawyer," she snapped.

"Would your lawyer tell me the real reason why you left?" I asked.

"I told you the real reason I left," Gabrielle snapped. "Please leave me alone before you get sued for harassment on top of the rest of it."

"Leaving, leaving," I held up my hands in surrender.

The remaining light kits were too large to fit into the Beemer, I noted with some disappointment when I went to swap vehicles. I'd have to 'deliver' them to myself in the morning, because I had a date with curly-haired Marcie Hathaway.

A month later, I watched the handover of Jorge's and my nitrogenators. Afterward, I managed to get Pete and myself back to my North Angeles home in one piece. I was now in uncharted territory, the last part of the dream was now the past and I could look forward. What was forward had to be fun, simply because.


My new nitrogenator was a treat. I had made the new design slightly bigger, but didn't use that extra capacity. The result was that I had a quicker processing time and just a slightly longer life of the resulting mixture.

I was doing a paid job in a park in Covina when a black Suburban pulled up behind my trailer. A woman in a white suit got out, and she wasn't Miranda Olsen. Miranda and I hadn't talked at the handover, but I was expecting her to show up sometime. "Excuse me?" the woman asked.

"Probably," I retorted. "Can I help you?"

"Where did you acquire this device?" She asked.

"I designed it, and a machine shop in Alden Falls built it for me."

"Hmm. What exactly is it made of?" The woman asked.

"Hi, I'm Jaci Stone. You are?"

She was taken aback by my redirection, quickly recovering. "Erin Granger. Doctor Erin Granger, actually. I am president of Taylor-Wilcox, LLC, out in Industry."

"So you work for Frannie Talbot," I said.


"Francine Talbot and I are on good terms. You're President of Taylor-Wilcox, so you should already have four of these devices. I call them nitrogenators, by the way. You should already know what they are made of."

"The shell density is blocking our analysis," Erin admitted. "You're the original builder?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"I don't believe you."

Oh. That. "Jason Stonebrook ceased to exist twenty years ago. Jaci Stone took his place."

"So... you're..."

"Find the right word, doctor," I teased.


"I prefer transgender, doesn't sound as graphic. The core metal used in the construction is 304 stainless steel. The composition of the coating is proprietary, Doctor Granger. I don't even mention it on the patent because I know that nobody can duplicate it."

"Yet," Erin added.

"Sure, whatever," I chuckled. The whistle sounded, telling me that my mix was ready. "Do you want to learn something, Doctor Granger?"


I showed her the ins and outs of my soil injector and explained the process of how the nitrogen bonded for slow release.

"You're pretty smart, for a gardener," Erin said.

"So I've heard. You don't know exactly what I did at Taylor-Wilcox, do you?"

"No, most of the records were lost in the explosion and resulting fires. We did find an invoice for the nitrogenators, and that's about all we knew about the mysterious black tanks."

"I was an organic chemist and amateur metallurgist for Taylor-Wilcox. I was working on a way to break down the toxins in the waste that they produced in their etching processes. I broke it, you know, the way to break down pretty much every toxin known to man. I didn't have any radioactive material to work with, so I can't claim that."

"That sounds like quite a breakthrough."

"Well, it was. Their people weren't interested in the breakthrough, they were interested in the machine. The shell was of interest to them, it resisted all corrosives and they thought it would be just dandy for armor. I refused, and they fired me. Along with being fired, they pretty much made sure that I couldn't find work as a chemist, anywhere. When I heard about the explosion, I knew what had happened."

"Which was?" Erin prodded.

"They overpressurized the tanks, of course. I saw the crater on the news, it was a pressure blast which roughly equalled two hundred kilograms of TNT. Completely vaporized two buildings and damaged a dozen others," I replied.

"Won't you come back and work for us? Show us how to use the machines to do what you meant them to do."

"No," I shook my head. "You've made it clear that you're interested only in the shell. If Miranda Olsen was interested in duplicating my work, she would have asked for the injector assemblies as well. They were at the turnover, you know. Hanging right there on racks set aside from the trailers. Jorge lost a hundred dollars that day."

"A million dollars a year," Erin offered. "A lot more than you'll make planting flowers."

"You can't offer me money nor position. I'm happy with what I make at the job I love doing. If you'll excuse me..."

"Your work is infectious, did you know that?" Erin asked.

"Yes, I do. For every job I perform, yards or parks around that area grow greener, plants stronger. Yes, I am quite aware of the effects and after effects of my work. Good day, Doctor."

Erin looked quite confused as she climbed back into her vehicle. She thought that money would work on me, she was wrong. I already had enough of that, Starr and Pete were still pulling the gold out of my cavern.

I didn't feel like switching cars or changing so I walked into the condo tower in my work clothes, smelling slightly of fertilizer and looking of dirt. Amethyst Talbot and Valerie Carpenter entered right as the doors were getting ready to close. My current state of dress and my natural odor was a source of disdain to them. Of course they didn't say this to each other in English, which irritated me just enough for me to deliver a parting shot in French when we reached my floor: "If your noses weren't so upturned, you would appreciate the fact that part of the appeal of roses is the dirt beneath them." The looks on their faces as the doors closed was just enough for me.

After I showered, I decided to use the Elite Platinum chit Francine had given me. It supposedly worked at all of her clubs and restaurants and was worth more than money. I got all dolled up and was on my way out the front door when I ran into Valerie again. She gave a great apology in French and asked if I'd like to go out with her. I knew I was past the day in my dream where I had run into Gabrielle in Club Haythen, but decided to go there with Valerie anyway.

Strangely enough, Gabrielle was there with Stephen. Valerie confirmed that a VIP chit at that club ran ten thousand dollars. I couldn't fathom how a Deputy Sheriff could afford a membership of that caliber, so I asked Francine via a text. She replied that an investigation would get underway.

Valerie did try to get sexual, and that was when I admitted to packing a pecker. She paused her advance for a second before calling me a liar. I spent the rest of the night proving that I wasn't.

Over coffee the next morning, Valerie asked me to spend the day shopping with her, on her dime. I pretended to think about it for a moment, then asked her if it would be okay with Cassandra. My question slowed her down for a moment, then she asked me why. I told her that her wife was in L.A.

She eyed me suspiciously, then went to look for her clutch. I heard Valerie talking on her cell, saying her good-byes before she came back into the kitchen. "How did you know? I mean Cassandra has said that she would rather crawl in manure before setting foot on American Soil. There she is, up in the penthouse, of this very building, waiting for me to go there so she can plead her case."

"Maybe she thinks she's got some serious competition," I offered.

"She does," Valerie admitted.

"But she doesn't. Okay?"

"You think that she's really here for me?" Valerie asked. "We've been apart for three years, and even then she says we weren't married."

"Valerie, you won't know until you ask, right? You might want to play down the fact you had unprotected sex with me. In fact, just leave me out of it if you can."

"I know, her father might have some problems with any dick, trans or not, put into his daughter-in-law," Valerie said with a chuckle.

"Exactly," I nodded. "I don't want to worry about going outside for fear that one of his drones will turn me into a smoking crater on The Five."

She giggled. "That would be bad, traffic is bad enough in this town."

"Madam, it is a pleasure knowing you," I said.

"And an even greater pleasure knowing you carnally," Valerie smiled. "Good day, Jaci."



I managed to stay away from the condo for the rest of the weekend, getting a call from Francine Monday evening. "Hello, Frannie."

"Goddess, I just about creamed my panties when you said that," Francine breathed. "I need to see you, Jaci."

"Yeah, your daughter may not be happy to see the 'dirt girl' is hanging around her stepmother."

"Amethyst has learned her lesson," Francine chuckled. "Anyway, I'd like you to talk to my doctor."

I grimaced. "Frannie, I can't do that. You know what will happen if people find out about me. I can tell you stories..."

"Relax, baby," Francine cooed. "This is the doctor that designed your pecker pill. She was curious about your previous impotency situation and would like to run some tests."

"You didn't mention anything about your..."

"Not even my oncologist knows. As far as she's concerned, chemo is my miracle. Please?"

I sighed. "All right, but she's gonna have to put my results under a fake name or something. I don't want a bunch of questions."

"Khalila will swear herself to secrecy," Francine promised. "I called you in the evening to improve my chance that you would agree."

"Where is her clinic?" I asked. When she gave me the answer, I flipped out. "Goddess, it's going to be zero hour before I get there."

"Then you better get started," Francine chuckled.

Starr made me swear not to get a scratch on her BMW before she would hand over the keys. When I told her where I was going, she tried to snatch them back. I swore that I would make sure the secret was safe with the doctor. There was a flash in Starr's eyes when I made that promise, she would make sure that the doctor kept her word. I wouldn't condone lethal action, and she knew that.

Doctor Khalila Sahai was a wonderfully dark and mysterious Indian woman. She was totally professional throughout her rather intense physical, right down to the physical prostate check. She thought it hilarious that probing my ass with her finger caused an instant erection. I was handed a plastic tube to put over my cock and she reinserted her fingers and I ejaculated less than a minute later.

"That was merely a medical test," Khalila explained as she degloved.

"You did no harm, Doctor." I washed my hands and used the damp towel to clean my cock off.

Khalila watched me clean myself off, stopping me when I reached for my clothes. "I'd like to run a full radiotracer analysis on you, Jaci."

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a test where we inject a low-dose radioactive tracer into your blood and watch how it flows through your vessels on a special scope. Your mammillary formation is of interest, as well as the rest of your physiology. It almost looks like you were born a woman and just had the penis added. Sorry if that's crude, but I'm very direct."

Yes, she was right about that. I wasn't very vain, but I did look as hot as I felt. "All of this is secret, right?"

"Doctor-patient confidentiality."

"Beyond that. I know first hand that you will find really interesting things when results start coming in from those tests you've run."

"All of that is my eyes only. This facility is designed to cater to the elite," Khalila promised. "The radiotracer will have to be read by someone off-site. There are only a half-dozen people I trust to read anybody's results."

This woman was an explorer, she wanted to push the boundaries of what was known. "All right."

"Grab a robe," Khalila indicated the back of the door. There were brand-new terry robes there, for patients that were elite.

I followed Doctor Sahai downstairs through a set of doors marked 'Nuclear Medicine.' Early in life, I was taught that 'nuclear' was a really bad word that meant illness and death. In this case, I was going to trust it. I didn't know how far natural immortality would heal me, and that was always scary.

My test took almost four hours. I finally got the okay to leave the chamber and went to join Khalila in the monitoring room.

"All right Khalila, I'll believe you on the subject, and I'll keep the reading under wraps. I'd get laughed out of the community anyway, showing off your Hollywood mannequin."

"Thanks, Shelby. Sahai out."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Jaci, I ran the scan twice. The test says... I don't know what." Khalila pointed to one of the screens. Doctor Shelby pointed out to me that you not only have a pair of very healthy testicles, you have a pair of healthy ovaries as well."

What the fuck? "Huh?"

"My feelings exactly. We had to do an in-depth scan, but it seems your tubes run into your prostate as well as your vas deferens. It's almost like you can shoot fully fertilized embryos, which should be impossible."

"Doctor, I had been impotent for almost eighteen months before I took your pill. Whether it was chemicals or Marcie, I don't know."

"Marcie Hathaway?" I nodded. "She lives life in a unique way, it was probably her."

"I think so too."

"Your clothes are still in the exam room. I'd like another motility sample if you are willing to provide one."

"Are you going to probe me again?" I asked.

"No, I've got to remain objective," Khalila sighed. "I've got some naked ladies you can look at."

"It better be some good porn," I joked.

"The best ever."

It wasn't the kind of porn I was expecting. A very pretty redhead named Hannah came into the exam room and handed me a tube. She stripped off her scrubs and climbed onto the exam table. Then Hannah took her fingers and started probing her pussy. I watched as she fingered herself to an orgasm, juices dripping down her pussy lips onto the table

The tube went over the head of my painfully hard cock and I started to jack myself off. Hannah beckoned with her hand and I went to lick her fingers. Her juice was heavenly and sticky and just when she stuck one in my mouth I started shooting into the tube.


On my way out of the hospital, I almost ran into a woman escorted by a trio of guards. The woman looked really familiar, like an actress from one of the few movies I had watched or maybe from a billboard. My curiosity was piqued, but when I turned around for the second take, one of the guards had interposed herself between me and the woman. I took that as my cue to move on.

Before going home, I stopped to talk to Samantha Birch. There was something strange about having both sets of reproductive organs inside me, and I needed her viewpoint.

Peter challenged me before I got to the edge of the phase shift, and decided to take a swing at me using magic. I didn't have any choice but to put him down, hard.

The librarian held me up until Samantha arrived, and I asked for the chance to explain my side of the story. Samantha agreed and led me into our regular private room. It took me a while to explain my situation.

"That's the first time I have ever heard of that, ever," Samantha said. "Then again, I can't tell you have that gift and I am looking for it."

"Gift, huh?"

"Of course," she replied.

"I guess that's not something that doctors look for," I mused.

"It's not something that healers look for, either. Of course I want to thank the healer that gifted you with that magnificent rack."

"You sound like a guy. 'Rack.' Don't you have another word?"

"Nope. Can I take another look, a closer look?"

"What happened to wanting to share my bed? We've made love three or four times in this room, but no bed."

"Put your hand on that wall," Samantha pointed.

I did what she said, and the feeling I got almost made me cream my panties. I could feel orgasms, both male and female, coming from the wall. I felt Samantha and me above the others. "Wow."

"For the longest time, libraries have been meeting places for those involved in illicit affairs. We, the leadership, overlook those affairs because they sometimes do a lot of good. Children made of disputing clans sometimes help stabilize relationships between the two."

"Romeos and Juliets?" I asked.

"Where do you think the story came from?" Samantha smiled. Many years from now, goddess willing, we can come back into this room and relieve past romances."

"If you can find our romance among the clutter," I chuckled.

"This room has only seen us four times," Samantha said.

"This room is the psychic equivalent of the dollar room at any dirty dance parlor in Vegas," I countered.

"I haven't been here all that much..."

"Samantha I can feel everybody who's ever had an orgasm in this room and who they were with. Peter, and you...four times. Incest?"

"Not incest, he isn't blood. Peter's barely a relative and then only by name. I wanted a baby, and he couldn't give me one."

"Couldn't give you an orgasm either," I noted. "So, pleasure again, Madam Birch?"



Starr made a show of examining her car after I handed the keys back to her. "Thank you for keeping her scratchless. You will have to pay for the gas, Madam Stone."