Jaci Stone - Act 03


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My cock twitched with the attention that Cassandra was giving it. She would take the head into her mouth, swirl her tongue around it, then nibble before she created a vacuum and popped it back out of her mouth. It was new to me, none of my other playmates had intentionally bit down, but I didn't mind.

Right when I thought Cassandra was going to make me cum, she stopped. There was ecstasy in the agony, and that was good, too. She crawled on top of me, but didn't mount my cock. Her breath on my face was hot and sweet at the same time. Her tits were interlocked with mine, feeling just like I had imagined them. Then she kissed me full on the lips, open-mouthed, her tongue darting in and out of my mouth.

A moment later, she backed off, leaving my lips feeling puffy from such a ferocious kiss. Both her hands pinched and turned my nipples. My eyes went open with the tingling, seeing her face looking lovingly down on me. Then she was kissing me again, harder and more ferocious. A wiggle of her hips later, I was inside of her. She was hot, and she was tight.

The kisses stopped, and I saw the slight twist of her face as she went up and down on my cock with her hot pussy. She went up and down and then started whispering my name on the downstroke. Her lips came down on mine, but her arms went along my arms up to my wrists to the bangles. The lock came apart, and she pulled my hands back up with hers.

Cassandra sat up, indicating that I should put my hands on her luscious titties. She did the same to me, pushing down on them, drawing her fingers back to pinch on my nipples. I started pushing up on her tits, cupping them and returning the pinching favor. Her head went back, and her hands went up to mine to hold them in that position. I pinched her nipples again, my name escaping her mouth and her hips stopping. I pinched them hard, and she dropped her hands back to my nipples to return the favor, but harder.

She wanted pain, but just a little so I could set her off. I alternated pinching hers, and she did the same to mine while the volume of her saying my name got higher and higher. Cassandra started moving her hips again, ferociously this time, and her screaming reached the highest that I thought she could go. Then I pinched her nipples, hard, like I was trying to squish them to the thickness of a piece of paper, and rolled them around.

As she collapsed, I pulled my hands out and then wrapped my arms around her. Her whole body was quivering, so much so that I had to ask her if she was okay. She gave me the affirmative, just laying on top of me and purring like a kitten.

Minutes later, Cassandra stretched her legs out and tugged me so that we could roll onto our sides. She didn't pull away, my cock still hard inside her. She told me that it was my turn, and I countered that I had already enjoyed my turn. She started moving her hips, moving back and forth on my cock, and I didn't stop her. My lips were kissed, but not attacked as she had done before. I was content to hold this beautiful creature in my arms and let her move back and forth until I exploded inside her


Cassandra woke me in the morning, trying to get me inside her. She had turned over in the night and was trying to push back onto my morning wood. I held my pecker so that she could back onto me, then wrapped my free arm around her body and under her tits. I slowly humped her, listening to the little coos and purrs that she was letting out. When she finally got me to spurt inside her, she reached around to stop my hips from moving. We laid there for minutes, then she released my ass so I could hump her some more.

I came in Cassandra a total of four times before she had an orgasm, and she explained why while we showered together. She had put some nerve-deadening cream on her clitoris and a nerve-exciting cream on my cock. She just wanted to make sure that she would get pregnant and apologized for tricking me like that. I told her that no apology was needed and that we should do it again.

After we got dressed, I tried to give Cassandra's bangles back to her. She put up her hand, saying that their symbolism was done and that I could touch her any time I wanted, any way that I wanted. Valerie joined us for breakfast, and we finally decided to go someplace together. They wanted me to go to the beach with them, and I immediately tried to beg off.

Valerie handed me a bag and told me to go try on the contents. I wasn't sure why, but I did as she asked. Inside were three bikini sets, two in solid and one with a printed pattern. I hesitated. One of the few things that I didn't like to wear were swimsuits. Even though I was trans, I still felt that people would look at me as some kind of deviant if I showed up on a beach with a little protrusion that I couldn't quite tuck and tape away.

Still, I pulled my clothes off and picked out the solid-red bikini set. The top came first, cupping my tits and making them feel absolutely wonderful. Then I slipped the bottom on and went to the mirror to see where I needed to tuck. I didn't, my penis bump was gone! I pulled out the top, and my pecker was still there, running along the side of my crotch. When I let the waistband go, it was gone again!

"Magic," Valerie said from the doorway. "The Romany woman, Camelia? She enchanted the suits for you."

"I can't imagine that they had much use for that kind of enchantment way back when," I turned to glance at my figure. The suit looked awesome on me, but I wanted to try the thong.

"Actually, it was more about making the women look like men," Valerie said.

Rapists, the ultimate animals. Yes, traveling caravans would have to protect themselves from such animals. "I understand. Tell her thank-you for me."

Valerie handed me a piece of paper. "All it takes is a little pixie dust and you can enchant your entire wardrobe," she said. "She asks if you would give her a kilogram of gold, formed like those little slips you like to carry around?"

"Done," I said. "Let's go to the beach."

On the way to the beach, I directed Janine to have a kilogram of gold brought to my office in slips. The three of us did have fun at the beach. We staked out a little patch for ourselves and proceeded to frolic around like friends would do. The paps got their pictures of us together and individually, which would make good news. Autographs were freely given out, and I was surprised that I was asked to sign as many booklets as Cassandra and Valerie.

There was one woman, though. She appeared to have jet-black hair, but it was actually my shade of red. She was under a glamour, and she pressed a little sphere into my hand as she shook it. Then she wandered off down the beach.

After our swim, the three of us crowded into the back of a Range Rover and were sharing champagne when Francine called. She calmly asked what the hell I was doing. That put a damper on my mood until she told me that it was only a scandal if I was out with one of them at a time. After she hung up I related this to Cassandra and Valerie and they got a good hoot out of it.

A three-way kiss and good-byes were shared in front of the condo, A BMW sedan pulling up at the curb after the Double-R pulled off. Jer got out of the passenger side to open my door, earning a roll of my eyes. I wasn't alone in the back, accompanying me was General Anna Forrester. "Good evening, General, ma'am."

"Give it up, Jaci. I might start calling you 'PFC Stone' just for kicks."

"Ma'am, I didn't earn that rank...it was merely subterfuge..."

"Yes, Jaci, I know. Your father explained that to me when he came to give a class at the brigade I was commanding at the time. He was a dedicated soldier, but even moreso a father."

"He was," I nodded. "There must be a purpose to this visit, ma'am?"

"Well, two. First, I have personally come to tell you that we have located the remains of your father."

Tears started welling up in my eyes. "What?"

"I was told that some time ago you were visited by a former head of The MSS Culture Ministry?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Shortly after that meeting, Ai Ming placed some international calls. They were encrypted, mind you, but we broke them. She was demanding to know if her former superiors were in the habit of kidnapping American soldiers."

"Did they?" I asked.

"Just yesterday I was personally contacted by The Ambassador to the People's Republic of China. He asked me to meet him in a diplomatic hangar at LAX, that's where he presented to me a coffin draped with an American Flag. Nothing was said, he just handed me your father's dog tags and left."

"Deniability," I growled.

"No apology, nothing," Anna admitted. "The gesture is enough, is it not?"

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"A parlor in Dunbelt. They just need your permission to dig on your family plot and he can be re-laid to rest Sunday morning."

"Thank you," I nodded. "Does anyone know how he died?"

"Ai Ming managed to get that information in one of her calls. Yes, the MSS did kidnap him for information, but he escaped the day they landed on the mainland. He was tracked down, and fought to the death to avoid being taken back. As an intelligence officer..."

"Yes, I know. He was at the top of the high-risk category."

"There is no way I can request a medal for him. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. He would say that he was just doing his job," I said.

Anna handed me a tissue to wipe my eyes. "I have already directed that your father's back pay be sent to the Widows and Orphans Coalition."

"General, I thank you for that." I would have to make sure that Janine matched that donation, if Jer hadn't called her already. "You said that there were two things?"

"Well, three now. I wanted to apologize on behalf of my daughter for her behavior last night."

"Ma'am, no disrespect, but she needs to make that apology herself," I countered. "I'm not sure that she can give an apology and mean it, so bygones are bygones."

"Hmm. I agree with your point of view," Anna nodded.

"The third thing?" I prodded.

"Yes. I ask that you pull Brookstone Pointe as it sits out of the four fifty-seven club."


Anna saw the blank look on my face. "You've been apart from club operations for a while now, your security force being the main insulator. Other things include your Majordomos putting up the walls around you, to protect you from everything else."

"Why?" I asked. "The four-five-seven was Frannie's dream."

"Well, you did give her that new lease on life. She thought she was going to die and leave the pieces where they sat, but that's not going to happen anymore. Her consolidation of all of the companies that she owned shows me that you now own sixty percent of all club assets and operations. That's a pretty hefty wedge. I want you to drive that wedge in and break it off."

"Then the rest will die," I finished. "That will destroy your dream."

"My dream didn't include the outright theft of others' property," Anna shook her head. "Yours was only the most recent of her actions. I called Francine on Miranda's behalf to give me time to contact you. The recovery of your father's remains caused me to move up the timetable for our meeting."

"I need to talk to Frannie about this, General. This is too big for my head," I said.

Anna chuckled. "It takes a big woman to admit that she needs some help. We'll schedule the get-together through our respective assistants?"

"That'll do fine, ma'am," I nodded. "So why did you really quit?"

"What's that?" Anna asked.

"Why did you really resign? When I saw the hearings, I could tell that the destruction of the Kuwaiti oil fields wasn't the only reason. Hell, it wasn't even the most compelling reason."

"I can't talk about that," Anna said. "Not even here."

"You needn't be worried about Bea or Jer. They won't say a word. Is the jammer active, Jer?" I asked.

"It has been since before General Forrester got into the vehicle, ma'am," Jer replied. "No signals can enter or exit this vehicle." She didn't mention that it was a jamming spell in action, it was just fine for Anna to assume technology.

Anna took a second to size me up. "At the end of the conflict, when we were letting the Iraqis withdraw from Kuwait, and the Republican Guard was torching the wellheads on the way out, I had the opportunity to stop them. I had a full battalion of Special Forces ready to take them on, but I was ordered to stand them down. Three of the companies stood down, the fourth either didn't get the message or chose to ignore it."

"I vote for the former," I said.

"That one company, a light company, thirty-two soldiers with only Hummers as their transportation, cut through a full brigade of Republican Guards. My superior vowed to have the survivors court-martialed, if there were any. That's why I quit, Jaci. I just couldn't take that bullshit anymore. With a battalion of SF's we could have wiped them out and prevented the scorched-earth mandate that the Iraqis had implemented."

"Really, just a battalion?" I teased.

"As I flew near those fields, the fire and the smoke everywhere, I vowed that I would put together a group that would rid the world of the need for...oil." Anna wiped her forehead. "My worst fear is coming to light, I have to dismantle the group I worked so hard to put together."

"Maybe I can continue your work?"

"Jaci, I do hope so," Anna nodded. "If you can let me out at the club building, I would appreciate it, Bea."

"Certainly ma'am," Bea said.

Anna and I discussed the transfer of my father's remains and the ceremony that I was going to have. She apologized for not being able to attend, but she wanted to maintain the distance between us until the time was right.

We went straight from the club building to the funeral parlor. I was contemplating the flag on my father's casket when Grace snapped into existence beside me. "I'm sorry, mother."

I put my arm around her shoulders. "It's better knowing what happened to him," I sighed.

Grace put her hand out, "May I?"

"The director assures me that it isn't a pretty sight. They...they don't have our methods of embalming over there."

"What sparks my curiosity is: Why return a casket at all? Don't they just cremate the bodies over there?"

"Grace, I'm not really sure. If I remember correctly, the Taiwanese do cremations all the time. Unless you were very important or had paid for a plot fifty years in advance, simply because they lack lots of space."

"I just want to touch it, Mother," Grace pleaded.

"Go ahead."

Grace touched the coffin, then paused as if she were reading a book. "He loved you very much, and was instantly sorry to you when he was recaptured." She pulled away, tears in her eyes. "He regretted not letting you be who you wanted to be."

I hugged Grace, feeling her familial energy. In a second, I felt what she had felt from the casket. "Thank you."

"You're welcome mother. One last thing."

"What's that?" I asked.

"He loved it when you called him 'Old Bird.' What's that mean?"

I giggled. "In the army, the representation of a Colonel is an Eagle. When he got his 'Light Colonel' rank, I called him 'Half Bird.' It was a sign of affection, and he seemed to bristle at it, but I never called him that in front of any enlisted or other officers. When he got promoted to 'Full Colonel,' that's when I started calling him 'Old Bird.'"

"That's cute. Something I didn't know."

"What I didn't know was how you 'read' his coffin," I pointed out.

"Mother, reading things, it's something that comes natural to me. Sure, you could do it if you learned it, but then you'd have to learn to filter out the voices. I've been doing it since puberty, when my magics started to manifest. You really didn't pay attention to it until just a few years ago, and that kinda puts you in the back of the class. No offense."

She was right. "None taken, daughter. I'll let you take the lead if another Ai Ming makes an appearance in my office."

"Oh, I'd do that anyway, mother. Protecting family is reflex now, and that goes for my Coven as well."

"Is this something new for you?" I asked.

"Yes," Grace admitted. "Maybe it's this city, maybe it is coming in contact with you, I don't know. I feel more alive here."

"Have you seen the negative energy vacuum over the city?" I asked.

Grace nodded. "Maybe that's it. Maybe it is because the air is both figuratively and literally cleaner."

"I'll let you figure that out," I smiled.

"Of course. I've gotta go, work tonight, you know?"

"Yes. I know."

"Laters." Grace vanished with the sound of a rubber band snapping.

The funeral director came out ten minutes later with some forms for me to sign. He explained that it would cost extra to excavate a plot, especially an isolated family plot, on a Saturday. I assured him that the cost would be no problem. Then I asked if the stone could be etched today. He nodded and told me that he would add that to my bill.

Damn, money could get things done fast. More money can get things done faster.

Sunday afternoon, I went to the plot, all of my family and children in tow. Marci and Janine rode with me, comforting me when I started crying. When our cars left The Hills, we picked up an escort from the LA County Sheriff's department.

Marci and Janine were the only two people I had told about my previous life. That was one of the reasons why Deputy Calhoun had been met by my security. Marci had just played another card from my first life, Sheriff Arlin Howe knowing me as 'The Queen of LA.' That is what the escort was about, she had arranged it for me on the fly. I was actually thankful for her intervention and would show her later.

Samantha Birch also showed up at the funeral, standing by my side and catching the tears that fell as a squad of soldiers had shown up to give my father his well-deserved 21-gun salute. There were more tears as the officer in charge of the squad handed me the flag which had been draped on my father's coffin. It took two hours for everybody to filter out, the bottleneck of the cemetery layout let people arrive fast and made them leave slow. The Lieutenant in charge of the squad told me that General Forrester sent her apologies for not being able to attend. He thanked me for my father's service and I thanked him for his.

Samantha held my hand as my father's casket was lowered into the ground. I noted that the engraver had already been there and etched my father's name and service rank onto the stone which was already etched with my mother's name. Samantha also confided in me that in the twelve hundred years that she had lived, she only had been to a handful of funerals. When immortals took their last breath, their bodies dissolved so there was nothing to bury.

Marci pulled up in my Beemer as Samantha and I were walking toward the access road. She gave me a quick kiss and bounded off to the last remaining limousine. When I closed my door, I heard a rattling in the door pocket. Somebody had put the rings in there. I wasn't going to ask Samantha now, that time would come later. Immortals had time.

We went to my house in North Angeles, and Samantha commented on the rather uninteresting car parked out in front of my house. She said that it was good that I was letting guardians protect me up close, it gave her peace of mind.

The house felt warmer and cozier than it had before, eliciting another comment from Samantha. I joked that it was something that I sucked out of Natasha. I couldn't read Samantha's reaction very well, but she said that it was good for Natasha that she had finally gotten a kiss.

I took Samantha into my bedroom and showed her how much I liked to kiss her, a couple hundred times. When we came up for air, Samantha conjured up a rather scrumptious meal. She went into the den with a bottle of wine and when I followed her with the glasses, ran into her at the threshold.
