Jane's Bondage Awakening

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Jane finds the fulfillment that was missing from her life.
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Jane was 29 with a good degree and a great career in Advertising. She had worked hard for the deposit and now had her own flat in the heart of London's Soho only 15 minutes walk from the office. She enjoyed a vibrant social life and had a small but tight knit group of close friends. She had a great boyfriend too; John was reliable, supportive, fun; hell, even her mother liked him. In just about every respect she was a very positive, happy and fulfilled person. There was however one part of her life that somehow lacked meaning and it was through her relationship with John that the problem was most apparent.

Everything about her life was safe. She was predictable, and so was her relationship with John. Those who didn't know her well saw them as a perfect couple; but Jane could see beyond the superficial compatibility; could see that there was a void where there should be excitement; understood that safe, predictable Jane needed something more in her life. In her heart she knew that John was never going to provide the life that she needed, whatever that may be!

Sex with John was just fine; there was plenty of it and there didn't seem to be any lack of variety, but it always seemed to be Jane who took the lead in exploring new territory, it was always her who wanted to push new boundaries.

When she masturbated her thoughts leapt to new fantasies and her heart raced with the excitement of something new and dangerous. Her imagination played frantic scenes of unknown men who desired her and forcefully took her in ways that she wouldn't previously have thought could be enjoyable. She found herself inventing new ever more violent scenarios where she was always the victim, the complete and utter subject of her imaginary lovers. She deliberately delayed her orgasms in a quest for ever more perverse and detailed fantasies. When at last she allowed her body to explode she would open her eyes to find her right hand thrust inside her vagina, her nipples raw from her other hand's violent pulling and her body contorted and running with sweat.

Weekends were usually built around time with John, but this Saturday morning he called to tell her that his father was not well; nothing serious but he wanted to visit him. He invited her along, but she felt it would be good for father and son to spend some time together, so she encouraged him to go alone, not feel guilty and basically just do what he felt was right.

She had been looking forward to the weekend with John. They hadn't had any fixed plans, which meant that her imagination had started to wander along the various physical avenues that their bodies might explore! Well, instead she would enjoy some time on her own, she had always liked her own company and had never really experienced loneliness. She could catch up on a whole load of stuff; maybe go to one of the galleries or museums she had been thinking about for ages or call some of her friends and see what they were up to. Or, perhaps something else? What the hell, maybe now was the time to take a risk and do something a little daring; not dangerous, but exciting and different. She remembered the night club one of her friends had told her about; Domage was its name. It was dedicated to S&M and had a party for new members every Saturday night. If such places could be, it was meant to be respectful and safe. You needed to be a member but apparently that was never a problem for a young attractive girl on her own!

OK she was a little scarred; she had never done anything like this before, but as the day passed her confidence grew and any residual fear turned into excitement. Anyway, if she didn't like it or felt remotely uncomfortable she would just walk out.

What to wear that was the big question?

With a heavy rock track on the CD player she opened the wardrobe. She wanted to feel incredibly sexy but not look like an easy lay. In the end it was simple; a white wool lycra mix dress she hadn't worn since last summer. Well above the knee, sleeveless and very snug. No bra or stockings, a plain white G string and white stilettos were all that was needed. After further deliberation she decided on no jewellery, just a plain white choker around her neck and oodles of perfume.

The dress fitted in all the right places. Her breasts were prominent, the nipples clearly visible and becoming more pronounced as she looked to them. She loved the feel of the material's texture against her aroused nipples as her breasts swayed to the music. The dress was especially tight across her hips accentuating her neat bum, leaving her crack clearly discernable and her pubic mound subtly but plainly on view.

In the end she just walked up to the door and went straight in. At her request the taxi dropped her round the corner; she had hesitated slightly before crossing the street, but with a deep breath she strode purposefully up to the front entrance of Domage.

The lobby was clean and smart and the friendly if rather spaced out pvc clad girl on the desk was very helpful in explaining the rules -- You don't get in unless you are a member or a member's guest, anything goes so long as it's legal, consensual and you use a condom; one step out of line though, or any complaint from another member, and your membership is instantly withdrawn.

She entered a large dimly lit bar area; the whole place had a gothic theme that extended to plush red drapes, ornate mouldings and candelabras on every available surface. 10.00pm on a Saturday was still early and the bar area was about half full. Some people were chatting in small groups; there were some couples and a handful of singles. The tone was surprisingly respectful and quite reserved, but there was an air of anticipation.

As her eyes became accustomed to the lighting she could see that there was a spot lit stage at the end of the main room away from the bar and that there were a series of curtains around the side which appeared to lead to a series of more private spaces.

Mike noticed her as someone special the moment she walked into the room.

Different people from different backgrounds and with completely different outlooks were attracted to a club like Domage. Some of the girls had insatiable appetites for sex, were forever looking for a good time, but never seemed to quite know if they had found it; others were there in groups for a girly giggle and invariably got embarrassingly drunk; and then there were the submissive accessories paraded by insecure males. Mike was not particularly interested in any of these stereotypes and sometimes wondered why he maintained his membership.

The beautiful slim and sexily dressed girl who had just walked in didn't fit any of the normal categories. She was obviously new, but she moved with a deliberate coolness. Even if she was a little uncertain about her surroundings she was very much in control of herself. She wasn't dressed as a tart but she showed just enough and moved in a way that was incredibly sexy without having to try very hard.

She could have got away with the dress at a normal party and at a pinch it wouldn't have looked out of place at a society function. In the secluded lighting of Domage she looked both sophisticated and incredibly fuckable. Strong in her desires but willing to follow the right lead; he hoped. She fascinated him. He decided to bide his time and enjoy observing from a distance before making his move.

Unaware that she had Mike's keen attention, she too took her time. She had always liked people watching and as the majority of the club's occupants were blatant exhibitionists this was no problem whatsoever and after a few minutes her initial unease faded and she felt comfortable adopting a role of passive observer.

Over the course of the next 45 minutes three single men and one woman approached her. Four drink offers and some not particularly imaginative chat up lines were all politely but firmly turned down.

She was enjoying herself but in a continuing passive way that was focussed on satisfying her curiosity. What brought these people here; what did they do during the rest of their lives? Did being here satisfy them? For her it all felt a little superficial, the clubbers were either blatant exhibitionists who enjoyed being watched (nothing wrong with that of course but in this context it felt shallow), or they were searching for something unattainable in such a public place.

She left suddenly after an hour and a half, not because she was bored but because she knew she was in danger of crossing a line into a superficial world that many of the clubbers occupied and she knew that was not what she was looking for.

In the taxi home she couldn't stop smiling. She had risen to the challenge of her self-dare and had enjoyed it. It was too soon to analyse her reaction or think about any implications, now was a time for private satisfaction. At home she poured herself the large gin and tonic she had denied herself at the club put back on the tape she had listened to while she showered.

Two drinks later she was dancing naked eyes closed and, in her imagination, the focal point in a room full of aggressive men whose sole intention was to make her their sexual play thing.

She woke the next morning with a slight hangover and a continuing smile at the thought of her behaviour the night before. It was a gloriously sunny morning. Her head soon felt clear and she was just glad to be alive and eager with the anticipation of a free day and no fixed plans. She went to the door to collect the delivered Sunday newspaper and found a plain white envelope as well as the paper. She carried both back to the living room, settled back with her coffee and idly opened the envelope.

You are a very special and rare type of woman. I believe you have embarked on a voyage of personal discovery the objective of which you do not yet know; all you know is that you are searching for something. You know that that something involves your submission to the sexual desires of a strong and understanding man who will dominate you with sensitivity. If I am right and you wish to pursue your desire with a man who already knows you better than you can imagine, then you will follow these simple instructions; At precisely mid day today you will leave your flat dressed exactly as you were last night, except that on this occasion you will wear no underwear. You will walk to the cafe at the corner of Charlotte Street and Percy Street, where you will take a prominent pavement side table and order a glass of champagne. You will then receive further instructions. If you do not wish to explore this side of yourself then you should simply ignore these instructions and risk spending the rest of your life wandering what might have been!

Fear, outrage, excitement; her body was actually shaking! Her immediate reaction was anger; how dare this bastard, whoever he was, intrude on her life, not just her physical life but her deepest most personal desires! How could someone she didn't know so accurately summarise her current feelings? Last night she had been in control; now here was someone who clearly felt it his right to take that control from her. After a minute's reflection her mood shifted and she was struck by the realisation that maybe this was exactly what she desired and maybe an introduction to exactly what was missing from her life. She sat down with the knowledge that actually there was no debate, no decision to make, it was simple; if she failed to comply with the instructions she would be denying herself her deepest need and risked a life of forever wandering -- what if....? By following the instructions she would in an instant be surrendering control to her faceless, unknown, unnamed master!

She had slept in but still had an hour and a half before mid day. Like an eager pensioner on her way to a party she was ready with half an hour to spare. She complied with the instructions to the letter. She felt vulnerable without knickers, something she had done before but never with such a short skirt.

And so here she was a couple of minutes after mid day carefully taking her seat outside Cafe Bleu on the corner of Charlotte Street. From the slightly flirtatious waiter she ordered a glass of the house champagne. Was her would be master at the cafe or was he watching from a distance? How would he approach her? Would he approach her and how would she react if he did?

She sat with an outward appearance of calm masking an inner state of complete turmoil... She repeatedly crossed and uncrossed her legs, each time checking herself, remembering her knickerless state and the fact that unseen eyes were undoubtedly scrutinising her; observing her body, dissecting her emotional state, planning the next move! The anticipation was tormenting her. In the distance she heard a phone ringing followed a minute later by the waiter returning to her table with a cheeky smile and folded note.

You are a very beautiful woman. Thank you for your obedience. You will not regret your decision. She didn't know whether to cry with relief or dance with excitement!

There were no further instructions so, after sitting quietly for a few minutes her body still but her mind racing, she returned home slowly disappointed that nothing more had happened but again pleased that she had accepted the challenge. On the door mat there was another plain white envelope.

She opened it slowly this time slightly fearful of what lay inside. There was another note and a collection of half a dozen large format photographs. They were all of her sitting at the cafe. They had been taken with an exceptionally powerful lens as they were all close ups. The first was of her face, slightly to the side and with the champagne glass brushing her lips. The second of her lips alone, moist with the champagne and slightly parted in anticipation of the next taste. The third was of her left breast, its profile clearly visible and the nipple prominent through the shear white material of her dress. The next was of her left foot in motion as she elevated it above the other leg. The next of her thighs still crossed but exposing much more than she expected. The last was the most detail close up of all and showed her thighs apart, Sharon Stone style, as she uncrossed her legs. There was of course a shadow but the profile of her pubis was clearly visible as was the outline of her neatly trimmed bush. She melted to the hall floor not with embarrassment but at the power of her still unknown adversary and his ability to make her feel so weak and vulnerable but at the same time so incredibly sexy.

The note was very short: You are beautiful. You can relax for the rest of today. From tomorrow morning you must always be ready.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully and when she woke on Monday the events of the weekend were a slightly fuzzy but warm memory. She started to dress in one of her normal work outfits and then remembered the final message. What the hell, go for it; out with the smart trouser suit and on with an above the knee fitted skirt, shear white blouse and high heels. She paused for a moment before leaving the flat and then hitched up her skirt and removed her panties leaving them on the hall table!

"If that doesn't constitute being ready I don't know what will!" She said to herself as she closed her flat door behind her.

It was a normal Monday morning with a mix of weekend story banter and focus on the working week ahead. She had an informal working lunch with a couple of colleagues which had started to go very well as they finished the first bottle of sauvignon blanc and continued on into the afternoon. It was nearing the end of the working day when she returned to her office. Her head was full of all the things she had intended to do during the afternoon and she almost didn't hear her secretary tell her that a guy from IT had been to fix her computer. "But there's nothing wrong with my lap top?" Her secretary just shrugged and then their conversation was interrupted by the ring of her desk phone.

"Hi, Jane here"

"Hello Jane. Are you ready?"

The voice was firm and calm, insistent but considered and above all it left no doubt from the outset that he was in control.

"Er.. yes, but..."

"My name is Mike, but you will have no need of a name for me as henceforth you will only speak when I require you to speak.

"New software has been loaded onto your lap top allowing for the remote control of the integral camera"

She glanced at her computer desk top and noticed a new slow blinking camera icon in the bottom right hand corner.

"Undo the top two buttons of your blouse"

The voice took her slightly by surprise as it now came from the lap top speaker. She put the phone down and glanced up; her office door had shut behind her so that she couldn't be seen and his voice couldn't be heard. She complied in silence; she wasn't thinking of any potential consequences, it was as if she were in a trance.

"I haven't seen any of your underwear before, I like you bra, what I can see of it anyway, show me some more."

She pulled the two sides of her blouse apart further, revealing the soft sheen of the semi transparent bra. She could feel her nipples pushing against the thin material. She wanted to please him. She undid another 2 buttons so that both cups were fully displayed.

"I like your initiative, very nice. Now, pull out each breast in turn, I want to see your nipples. "Good, very beautiful; now squeeze you breasts, make the nipples stand out.

"Pinch them hard I want you to do it so it starts to hurt."

She gasped as she complied. Her mind wandered for a second. Was this the real her? Was this what she had been looking for? Oh my god, what next? She remembered her knickerless state and felt the beginnings of a dampness growing between her clenched thighs.

Her anticipation was correct!

"I like your skirt, lift it, show me how you obeyed my instructions"

This time she hesitated.

"Do it now!" he insisted.

There were no shadows now to mask her but with a hesitant movement of her arm her entire pubic region was on display.

"Show me all of yourself, open your legs.

"Now, use your hands, spread your lips, I want to see inside you."

The touch of her hand sent a shiver through her body. She had never felt so alive, so complete and at the same time so dependent on another person.

"Play with yourself; I give you permission to enjoy; but you must not come, yet!"

Her figures moved in a familiar figure of eight motion over her clit. After a little while she became bolder; her right hand continued its regular motion while the fingers of her left hand opened her lips wide. She wanted to show him her ability to comply, she wanted to expose herself to him, and she wanted to be controlled by him.

Her left index finger strayed briefly down to her anus collecting a small bead of moisture before returning to her vagina.

"You like it there do you. So do I! Open the left hand draw of your desk."

She kept her eyes closed and as if by instinct found the long smooth dildo that was hidden in there.

"Slowly insert it in your vagina; I want to see it spread your lips apart"

"You have been very good. So far I am very proud of you. I have a little test for you now though. It is intended to establish your will and your obedience.

"Take the dildo out of your vagina and force it as quickly as you can into your anus. Not just part of the way but the whole dildo in a single movement. Think about it for a moment first, feel the size of it with your fingers, the anticipation of pain is as important as the moment itself.

"Now do it."

She complied instantly. The pain was sharp but she didn't hesitate and an inner satisfaction soon overcame both the fear and the pain.

"Beautiful. You will leave that there until you wake tomorrow morning, it will be your constant memory of this time and the intensity of the orgasm you are about to experience. Now come for me."