Jenny's World - The Honeymoon


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"Stand right haire, beautiful Jenny," Philip says while maneuvering me into position in front of the camera.

He goes to fiddle with different instruments while I think of a polite way to get myself out of this. I don't think of anything to say before he verbally instructs me into different poses. He snaps a photo, then a second for testing, and when everything is in order, more pictures come.

"Turn," he says, then snaps. "Face me, un arm undair yur tits." I face him, propping my breasts up with my arm, then he takes several more pictures.

The sound of the pictures being taken might as well be fingers rubbing me. Each one inflicts another dose of arousal; I feel myself becoming looser and more intimate in each pose. I hold my breasts in my hands, then snap, turn to the side, and the camera flashes again. The intervals become quicker as I pose more naturally. I notice that he isn't erect, which almost feels like an insult, but I suppose he often does this kind of thing.

"Zat was good, but you need much practice," Philips says as he seems to wrap things up now.

He shuts off the equipment and puts it back in order before walking over to me. His hand takes mine, then places a memory card in my palm.

"Considair zis a gift fair yur 'usband," he says.

"Thank you!" I say, smiling and in relief. Now I don't have to worry about where those pictures were going to end up.

I step forward and hug him, then his arms slide around me too. He pulls back just a little, enough to lift my chin with his hand to kiss me. The first one is innocent, with each subsequent kiss increasing in intimacy until his tongue finally invades my mouth. I feel him stir below now, his dick moving, growing into a solid pillar. If I were still a guy, I would've been hard a long time ago, but instead, I've been wet.

I stroke his cock in my hand while we kiss, then when the kiss ends, I kneel down, ready to suck him. I don't know if this was his plan the entire time, but I don't mind playing into it. The blowjob is brief before he leads me to the very front rail of the ship. I hold the railing as he steps behind, running the tip of his dick over my wet pussy.

He wraps his arms around me, sliding every inch into my slit slowly. This isn't like our previous session a few hours ago. Everything is slow and soft, his hips pushing and pulling like an engine that's coming to a stop. In front of us is nothing but water, the moonlight reflecting on its surface and trees further across on the next shoreline. It's a beautiful, intimate moment, which makes me wish Skylar was behind me. I then wonder how many other women Philip has fucked in this exact spot.

His hands explore my body, gliding up and down and around like he's searching me. One hand settles down low, then his fingers rub my clitoris, matching the slow pace of his hips. It takes a long time to reach my orgasm, and when it finally arrives, my essence flows out and wets us. He pumps me faster and faster, working toward his own, his fingers gripping my ass like he might fall away if he doesn't hold on. I can feel his cock swell and throb inside me, then at the very last moment, he pulls back and releases it on my ass cheeks.

We've been out of bed for well over an hour now, maybe even closer to two. As Philip goes to check the equipment again, I go inside to wash up, then return to the bedroom, only to find it empty. The first thought in my mind is that Skylar saw me with Philip and left. I begin looking around until I finally find him and Marie on the bridge.

"You déux put on a good show! Philip eez quité le pleasuré, non?" Marie says when she sees me.

Marie exits and leaves me there with Skylar. His dick is fully erect, glistening with moisture from an obvious, recent blowjob, or maybe sex.

"I hope you still have the energy for me," Skylar says.

"I do," I answer. "You can have me until the sun comes up if you want, my love."

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Skylar asks as we walk to the back.

"I am," I answer with a smile. "How long were you watching?"

"I came up with Marie when we saw the flashing," he says.

"Everything, then," I say. "Oh, and this is for you," I add, handing him the memory card.

We walk past a series of reclining beach chairs on the rear deck and arrive at the railing. I'm happy Skylar is awake and here to enjoy a moment in twilight with me. Love overtakes our arousal as we hold each other and gently rock back and forth. I notice the air has a chill when my body isn't so wound up and hot. Minutes pass while we bask in the serenity of the water, breeze, stars, and moon. Skylar no longer has an erection, but I reach down to toy with him, touching and teasing with my fingers. I love the feel of him growing in my hand, his manhood becoming so warm and solid.

"You're so sexy," he says, his eyes looking up and down from my face to where my hand is stroking him.

"Does it feel good?" I ask.

"Very," he says, his voice low, breathy, and pleasured. "I'd be happy if you make me cum just like this."

"I can, but I really want to feel you inside me," I say. "And, I don't want Philip being the only guy I've had sex with on a boat."

We move to one of the nearby chairs with Skylar sitting and me on top. I want to ride him slowly and deeply. His cock sinks into my body as I lower myself and rest my weight on him. My breasts squeeze up against his chest, my face in his neck, and my legs snug on either side of him. I kiss, lick and suck his skin, pushing myself back and forth, raising my hips and down, all to make him feel good.

I notice Philip and Marie watching us even though it isn't much of a show. Even so, they watch intently, but I don't pay them much mind as I'm too focused on my man. I can tell when Skylar starts to get close when he begins moving his hips with me. I stop moving, making him wait, wanting to edge him out.

"Jenny," he grunts my name.

He squeezes my ass in anxious pleasure, but I maintain my slow and steady motions. Quite some time passes before he finally reaches the point of no return. I stop again, feeling his cock swell so deliciously against my tight walls, throbbing, then bursting with its seed, showering my insides with all of his essences. He moans my name again, his arms holding me tightly as his hips push up, trying to stuff everything he can into my being. It's difficult to get up and break our connection, but we do, eventually.

We exchange phone numbers in the morning before going back to the resort. Philip says the next time he's in the states, he'll give us a ring. The rest of the day, we participate in couples activities, from yoga to dance classes. A relaxing spa treatment is last on the list before finally returning to our room. The next day, we get dressed for a change and visit places in the nearby towns.

It turns out to be a long but fun day, filled with traveling, beautiful sites, and plenty of pictures. We lay on the big sofa with me on his right, my head on his chest, and his fingers stroking my hair. The balcony door is open, allowing the seaside breeze to sweep through on occasion.

"Can I ask you a question?" Skylar says, now playing with my ear.

"Of course," I say.

"Um," he starts, then pauses. "If you ever had the chance to go back, would you take it?"

"Go back where?" I ask, running my finger along his skin.

"If you could be a guy again, would you?" He clarifies, and I sit up.

"There's nothing to go back to," I say. "This is me. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, really, just something I've thought about and was curious."

"Well, if you're worried about me taking some cure or something and leaving you, it's not gonna happen," I say, laughing. "What about you; would you become a woman? Maybe grow some boobs, and get a little pussy between your legs."

"Only If I could try it temporarily, but nothing permanent," he says, smiling.

"I can barely remember being a guy," I say. "Like, I have memories of it and can see myself, but all the feelings are gone. I don't remember what it feels like to have a dick or a boner."

"I prefer your perfect vagina anyway," he says.

"Oh, and what else do you prefer?" I ask.

"Hm, your cute face, butt, long legs, sexy toes."

"You're a weirdo," I smirk.

"You have a lot of sex with a weirdo then," he counters.

"Maybe I do," I say.

"Since we're talking about weird stuff, can I ask you a weird question?"

"Go on," I say.

"What do you think about porn?"

"I watch porn with you, don't I?" I answer.

"How about making porn?"

"Like, recording ourselves and putting it on the internet?" I ask, sitting up.

"And, maybe make money," he adds. "It's a big business these days."

"I don't know much about it. Leslie has asked me to cam with her before, but I've always said no."

"Camming is one way, but there's a growing market for selling videos too. You can also do photosets."

"You seem to know a lot about this," I say, smirking.

"Does that mean you're interested?" He asks, his tone changing a little, just enough to make me realize he really wants to do this.

"I don't know," I say, sitting up. "If you're serious, then I'd have to think about it. After all, I do have an actual job, and I don't want to harm that."

"We don't have to decide anything right now," he says, gently taking my leg, then pulling it toward him.

"What made you ask about this anyway?" I ask, turning myself to accommodate him as he begins rubbing my foot.

"You seemed to enjoy doing photos with Philip, and you look good in them." He smiles while his thumbs press and make deep circles on my sole.

"Yes, it was fun, but the pics aren't going on the internet, though," I say, relaxing to the warm motion of his fingers massaging my foot.

"Fair enough," he ends, then pulls my other foot into his lap.

I lay back opposite of Skylar on the sofa, my legs stretched across with my right foot in his hands and my left just off to the side. He gives attention around my ankle, along my heel, sole, then finishing the route at my toes. I feel his cock growing stiff against my leg, obviously getting excited from his foot fetish. Feet had never particularly caught my attention, and I never even knew Andy had a fetish until my change. I still find it a little amusing that two of the closes guys to me both have it.

Skylar guides my feet together until his now erect cock is nestled between the arches of my soles. With just a little nudge, I begin to move my legs, stroking him up and down, feeling the warmth of his excited manhood against the cool sensitive skin of my feet. The amount of joy and pleasure something so silly brings him makes me happy. I keep going, experimenting with different speeds, angles, and roughness. My eyes look back and forth between his face and where I'm carefully trying to please him without hurting him. It isn't my first time giving him a footjob, but it definitely isn't as accurate as using my hands.

Precum leaks from his bulbous tip, slowly cascading down until it becomes lubrication between his shaft and my soles. The friction loosens, becoming a little more slippery each time another bit drips down. I speed up now, feeling the warm burn in my leg muscles. It doesn't slow me down, though, not as much as I want to make him cum. My efforts continue for quite some time, probably due to the lack of dexterity with my feet. Either way, Skylar keeps rolling his head and eyes back in pleasure, so I assume I'm doing a good job.

Skylar reaches his hands to caress my legs, his fingers feeling each contraction of my muscles hard at work. His breathing quickens some, followed by audible grunts and pleasured groans. He's getting close, which gives me more urgency. I lean forward and spit, providing a large boost to the slippery effort of my feet. His cum finally erupts into an incredible mess, his throbbing cock pumping it all out onto my feet, ankles, and legs.

"Fuck," Skylar grunts. "Your feet are so soft, slender, and the way you curl your toes just right feels so fucking good."

After a few minutes of basking in the view of my cum covered feet, Skylar tells me to wait while he gets up and heads to the bathroom. When he returns, I reach for the towel I assume he's brought back, but instead, he kneels ever so slightly, then picks me up. His arms secure me against his firm body, one tucked under my legs and the other around my back.

He carries me into the bathroom, where hot water is running in the tub. We both sit on the edge, then he prepares a washcloth in the water before gently washing one of my feet, then the other. He shuts the water off before drying me with a towel.

"You treat me too good," I say.

"I treat you just as you should be," he responds. I smile.

As we lay in bed, finally ready to end the day, I suddenly feel a sense of dread about losing Skylar. I think about how dangerous his job is, especially doing undercover work at times. The thought of an officer knocking on the door to deliver bad news slams my mind momentarily.

"Love," I say, breaking a long silence of us holding each other. "Have you ever shot someone or been shot at?"

"No." He answers. "I've drawn my weapon before, but no shots ever fired either way. Why?"

"I wouldn't be able to live without you," I say.

"Don't worry about that; I'll be okay," he says.

"But what if someone shoots you?" I ask.

"Listen, Plum," Skylar says, using the pet name he coined for me just before our wedding. "If it gets too dangerous, I promise I'll quit and find another job, okay?" His lips kiss my forehead.

"Okay," I say softly. "I can lose you, especially if you plan on putting a baby in me."

"A baby? I thought you didn't want to have kids?" He asks curiously.

"Well, I wasn't so sure before, but the more I think about our future, I think I do want to. The doctors say my body is fully capable of doing so, and I know you'd be a good dad."

"You'll be an even better mom," he says.

When we arrive back home, I feel the sadness of leaving our honeymoon behind and the relief to be in my own house again. The strangest part is wearing clothes while inside, and even outside for that matter, considering we spent ninety percent of our time naked. Skylar returns to work the very next day, but I took an extra day off so I finish unpacking for both of us.

Leslie meets up with me downstairs after she finishes her morning show. I tell her all about the trip, the nudity, meeting Philip, and everything else I can think of. She soaks in the details with a big grin on her face while poking and prodding for more. I eventually spill the bit when I suddenly came while walking naked in the lobby of the resort.

"So, Skylar wants to make porn with you?" Leslie circles back.

"I think so. He asked me about it, anyway," I answer.

"Are you going to do it?" She asks, her voice carrying a certain excitement to it.

"I haven't decided yet," I say. "Having sex videos out there could hurt my job."

"You'd be surprised," Leslie responds. "With as many viewers I have, plus all the videos I sell, I've never run into someone who knows me."

"I'll keep that in mind," I say as I work her words around in thought.

"Anyway, do you want to hit the gym today?" She asks.

"Sure," I say.

After filling Leslie in, I gather our unpacked clothes and put them in the wash before sprawling out on the bed with my phone. My gallery is filled with new photos, both innocent and risqué. When I go to upload some of them to my social media, I notice a large influx of followers. Apparently, Philip found, followed me, then boosted my page. With a smile on my face, I make sure to send him a thank you message.

I take some time to upload the new pics and respond to comments and messages while ignoring various unsolicited dick pics. From there, I find myself researching porn content and creation. I always knew there was a lot of porn on the internet, but it seemed like there were way more individual creators these days than porn studios. This must be what Skylar was talking about. It makes me wonder just how much he wants to do it. Of course, that's just one thing to think about, and the other is my birth control. I hadn't taken it today, and now I'm looking at each pill in their designated containers. A wave of worry and excitement wash over me as I put them back in the drawer. I move my hand down to my stomach, knowing that it wouldn't be long before the effects wear off.

When I finally get up, I prepare a few outfits for work in the coming week, wrap up the laundry, then do some stretching before getting dressed for the gym. Even with being gone only a week, I can feel the sluggishness in my body. That's okay, though, since I know I can get it back in no time.

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CharletteCharletteover 1 year ago

I think some serious hints about the future were dropped in this chapter !

Somewhere I missed Jenny getting a new job. Can anyone clue me in on that ?

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