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"You ready for this, Andy?" I asked, giving him one last chance to back down. "This is a bell that neither of us can 'un-ring'... "

"I want it, Annie!" he nodded firmly. "I want... you!"

"Then, here goes," I smiled, elated. "We're about to lose our virginities in three... two... one... "

I pressed downward until the tip crossed into the vaginal opening. Andy rasped, "Oh fuck, Annie!"

I paused here for both of us. There was no pain for me, since I'd broken my hymen with a toy when I was eighteen. However, Andy was bigger than my toys; I needed time to adjust to him. There was no reason to rush; we'd both waited all this time. I wanted this moment to be as good as we could make it, for two inexperienced virgins.

I waited until the initial shock passed, "You okay, Andy?"

"More than okay," he said, smiling broadly, "though, I still can't believe this is happening."

"To be honest, I've waited for this moment for so long, I can scarcely believe it, either," I agreed, "but we're here, and it's happening

I lowered myself further and Andy tilted his hips inward slightly to meet me. Suddenly, he was in me completely. My eyes closed. His breathing was jagged. We paused again.

"Yes!" we both said in one guttural, hissing exclamation. We looked into each other's eyes, and I knew that we were in silent agreement. Saying 'jinx' was absolutely, positively, and undeniably out of the question, in this rapturous moment in time!

The feeling of his rigidness against my vaginal walls was exquisite. I held absolutely still, wanting to feel this unbelievable feeling of becoming one at last, for as long as I could. As Andy had, earlier, I wanted to absorb every nuance of feeling and emotion, and ingrain them - enshrine them! - in my memory for all time!

He was warm and throbbing, inside me. Sitting astride him, we had become one. I bent forward to kiss him, keeping him buried to the hilt. He raised himself up on one elbow, to meet me halfway, wrapping his free arm around me, his hand softly cradling my head as we shared the joy of our union. Our mouths met, and our tongues entwined again. He lowered himself back onto the mattress, taking me with him, pulling me close with his arms and hugging me. His arms moved, then, letting his hands softly stroke my flesh, from my shoulders to my buttocks and back. Neither of us was pushing to begin the motions of copulation. It was like some tantric sex position we were holding.

Andy finally broke our kiss. "This feels so good," he whispered in my ear. "I'm so glad it was you."

He was right, I was glad it was him. "And I'm glad it was you, too. I think that I've been waiting for you, for years - maybe even my whole life - but didn't know why, until today," I admitted.

We both started to say something at the same moment, "Can we - uh-oh jinx!" That initial rapturous moment had passed, and now we were two lovers, reveling in our closeness and our joy. We both burst out giggling and simultaneously, "Double jinx." Giggles brought slight motions in our abdomens. In an instant we had realized the overpowering urge our bodies had resisted all these minutes we'd been joined. Andy was undulating beneath me and I was raising and lowering myself on his rigid cock. It was so erotic, so naughty, so fucking right. I was losing myself.

"Ohh - ung - gaawwd, Andy! You feel so good inside me!" I moaned.

And he did! He was a perfect fit! For a fleeting instant, I wondered if something in the nine months we'd spent as womb-mates had set us on course for this moment, and prepared our bodies accordingly. Our movements against one another were really working my clitoris. This was especially true when I forced myself backwards on Andy, bending his penis slightly downward. The effect that was having, on him, reinforced my efforts. Soon, I was sliding slightly backwards on each stroke we made together. Andy was grabbing my hips and pushing me downward, as I did so.

"Ahhh - faawk - Andieeee."

The next thing I knew, the convulsions of my climax had my vaginal walls gripping Andy tightly. I was slamming down and backward, bucking wantonly until I found myself stopped and quivering. When I opened my eyes, Andy was staring at me. At that moment I realized I didn't know if he'd cum. He was still very hard inside me, and humping involuntarily.

"Oh Andy, you didn't cum, did you?" I asked apologetically.

He smiled at me and stroked my hips lightly. "Not yet, but there's no hurry, is there?"

He paused for a moment, as if he'd thought of something else.

"Where do you want me to cum?" he asked.

I hadn't told him I was on the pill. I hardly knew why I was on it, anymore, but I couldn't have been happier about it than at that moment.

"I want you to cum inside me, Andy!" I told him. "I've been on the pill since I started college, so it's safe, and I know that we both want to know what that feels like."

I was nearly out of energy and he could tell. Gently he pushed me backward from my seated position, slowly rolling us over so that he could be on top. "Is this better?" he asked sweetly, as he started fucking me in earnest.

"I can't tell you how much," I panted. "Let me have it!"

Now it was my turn to hold his hips. In this position, I noticed that, when he leaned forward a bit, it produced nearly the same clitoral contact I'd had on top, and so I was pulling his hips towards me to make that happen. I couldn't believe how quickly he had brought me to my peak again. I was bucking and screaming something beneath Andy as he pounded away furiously. Soon his breathing became uneven and his strokes more forceful and staccato.

"Ooo - ung - I'm - there Annie," he exhaled.

"I'm right there with you, Andy," I groaned. "C'mon; fill me with your cum! Do it!"

His pounding stopped suddenly as he tensed and forced himself into me one last time. I could feel every spurt as it coated my womb, and it pushed me over the edge with him. Andy remained frozen in his pose for what seemed like forever. Finally, his adrenaline-ravaged body gave way to his exhaustion and he collapsed lightly on top of me. We were both coated in perspiration and trembling slightly in the air conditioned room. His lips soon locked with mine. I could feel him softening slightly as we rolled onto our sides but remaining joined.

There were no words. I couldn't have imagined a better first time, and all I wanted was for it to keep going. My hands were roaming all over his body, caressing his buttocks and feeling the tight muscles of his back. I couldn't get enough of the touch of his skin against my own! Perhaps the intensity of these touches were what stimulated Andy to regain full hardness, or maybe - like me - he just needed it to last. Whatever the reason, we were soon picking up the pace, once more.. I reclined onto my back again, which seemed to give him even deeper access to me. His cock felt so big and pressed against my vaginal walls tightly. At full insertion, I could feel the tip pressing against my cervix. He continued at a really nice rhythm that was taking me straight from one small orgasm to the next.

"You're giving me one little orgasm after another, like this," I broke the silence. Some things, I knew, we could just communicate with our eyes. Others, I had to tell him, because I wasn't sure if he knew. I needed him to know how nice it was. Being honest, I found myself needing him to know how my body worked because I was already hoping we would repeat these activities.

Andy was looking at me with mischief in his eyes. Suddenly he was sucking on the nipple that was closest to him. It was like an electric shock had gone through my entire body. I was writhing and undulating on his manhood. Andy just sucked harder. I felt wetness on the bed beneath us. I was trying to figure out where it had come from when I suddenly realized that he'd stopped, and that he had his mouth back at my smooth puss, lapping me with abandon. I was shocked, briefly recalling my roommate's complaint that none of her boyfriends would ever put their mouths on her pussy after they'd hosed it with their cum. The direct stimulation quickly became too much, though, and I had to gently push him back.

"Too much?" he asked.

I just nodded. A minute later, I said, "Please, put it back in me."

He looked at me and asked, "How about if we do it on our knees?"

"Yeah, that might work," I responded, as I quickly knelt in front of him with my ass in the air.

He entered me slowly from behind, "Is this better? Less stimulation?"

"Less clitoral, more vaginal," I confirmed for him. "It's so good! Now, do me!"

It really was good - magnificent, in fact, in that position, though I just wasn't sure how long my knees would last. Swimming just didn't seem to exercise the same muscles I was using, that morning. I told myself to forget about my knees, to just concentrate on the sensation of Andy, plugging away at me from behind. Strangely, that worked. The strain of my position vanished, and my world centered around that magnificent tool of Andy's as it repeatedly penetrated me. My need rocketed higher and higher, and I wanted - needed - more, from him.

"Faster, Andy! Harder!" I moaned. "Pretend you're a fucking jack-hammer, and really give it to me! I'm a big girl; I won't break!"

Andy got the message, and began to speed up the pace of his thrusts. Soon he was plunging into me from a raised position. I was losing it, my voice a near constant moan of nonsense sounds as the pleasure built within me. I was nearing the point of detonation, and I could tell he was about to get there, too.

"It's so tight from this position, Annie," he said. "I don't think I can last much longer. Are you close?"

"Just fuck me, Andy. Ooo - ohhh - ahh, just like thaaaat." I climaxed hard on his dick as he pounded himself into me again and again, our bodies slapping together loudly. He was peaking, and gripping my hips tighter and tighter until finally he let go and blasted my vaginal walls and my cervix with his seed.

"Omg - uh - ahhhh."

As he finished, he grabbed my full body forcefully. His hands groping for my breasts from behind and he laid his chest on my back. The sensation of him cumming inside me again was terrific. I wished I could see us; I knew it must have looked naughty. His fingers lightly tweaking my nipples gave me another quick little mini orgasmic wave.

It took us a while to catch our breath, and for the tremors in our bodies to fully subside. We spent the time lying side-by-side, exchanging the soft kisses and caresses of new found love. Eventually, I glanced across the room at the little digital alarm clock perched on the small dresser. It was nearly two in the morning. I marveled at the fact. Had we really spent all that time consummating our love for each other?

"I guess we ought to get cleaned up, and then try and get some sleep," I suggested. "It won't do, to show up at breakfast, in front of Mom and Dad, with bloodshot eyes. They'll think we spent all night, out drinking somewhere."

"Better they think that," Andy chuckled, "than what we actually did!"

"I suppose so," I laughed, "but I'd rather they not think either!"

"You're right, Sis," he nodded. "You wanna get a shower, first?"

"Actually, I was just thinking that I've never taken a shower with a guy, before, and now would be an absolutely wonderful time to try it." I giggled.

"Alright, then," he smiled brightly.

The idea of sex in that big shower stall was, I'm sure, a temptation that occurred to both of us, but it was one that we found ourselves too tired to attempt. Andy soaped up a washcloth and leisurely washed every square inch of my body with loving tenderness, though I have to admit that he paid a little more attention to my breasts and pussy than to other areas. For my part, when it was my turn to wash him, I admit that I dropped to my knees to wash his manhood at eye-level. I almost took him in my mouth again, after I'd rinsed it thoroughly, but he touched a hand to my chin and lifted my face toward his.

"There'll be time for that, I'm sure, before we leave, Annie," he said. "If we get started, again, we might never get any sleep - and we're not supposed to be sleeping in, this morning."

"You're right, damn you," I laughed, taking his offered hand and rising to my feet again to take him in my arms and hold him close.

We took turns, then, washing each other's hair, then rinsed and left the stall. On the plush bathmat, we spent another several minutes drying each other off as we exchanged soft kisses. We brushed our teeth at the same sink, again, and made faces at each other, in the mirror, then turned out the bathroom light and headed for bed.

As we entered the main room, I found myself laughing quietly as I surveyed the two beds. One was pristine, as the housekeeper had left it, while the other looked like a hurricane had hit it.

"What's so funny?" Andy asked me.

"I was just thinking," I explained. "When we first walked into this room, I hated the fact that there were two double beds. I guess I was already having thoughts about you and me. Now, I'm glad that there are two beds."

"Why?" he asked, mystified.

"Because we can still sleep together, and neither one of us has to sleep on the wet spot, silly!" I laughed.

We slipped between the covers of the un-ravaged bed, cuddling together and drawing the covers over top of us. As we nestled together, I rolled over onto my right side, and Andy spooned himself up against my back, draping an arm over me. Smiling softly to myself, I took his hand and cupped it over my right breast, covering his hand with my own. Now, this was a perfect way to drift off to sleep. Still, a small tingling of fear and worry began to assail me as my mind fully processed what we had done.

No longer was it an erotic fantasy that either one of us was having, inside our heads. We'd passed over that little threshold, and there was no going back. Briefly, I thought of an old dirty joke that my roommate at college had told me, one night: Question: What's the difference between a woman and a light bulb? Answer: You can unscrew a light bulb! There was no going back, now, for either of us. What if the feelings I now harbored, for Andy, weren't the same as those he felt, toward me? My worry pushed words into my mouth.

"What if I'm in love with you?" we asked each other, in unison, as I rolled to face him, raising up on one elbow.

"Jinx!" I we said, as we collapsed on the bed and into each other's arms, giggling. When we finally stopped, we embraced and kissed, again and fell fast asleep.

There might be more to this story. Let us know what you think.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago


I've just finished this wonderful account of sibling love after having been graced by your story, "Thanksgivings", which brought tears to my eyes with it's touching and loving sincerity.

If all of your works are as caring and sweet at these two, I'll be eager to absorb your whole catalogue with pure joy!

I can only hope that you'll reward us with a second chapter of this love story. After all, they're still on vacation in a nice place, and after having lost their virginity's together in such a beautiful way, I for one very much want to hear more about this wonderful blossoming romance on the beach as they stroll hand in hand on the sunlit and moonlit sands.

Wether or not the explosion of their love for each other manages to be obvious to mom and dad should also prove to be fun and interesting reading also.

Ok....... you've built a really nice bonfire, now go get us more wood, and I'll bring the Margaritas!

5 very warm and shiny stars!

Sincerely, and with love,


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Interested to hear what happens when mom gets a good look at them in the morning!

kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

Really good story.

2456245610 months ago

Wonderful story, 5 stars. I'd love to see a continuation. Keep up the good work!

Pussyluver183Pussyluver18312 months ago

Absolutely beautiful I wish there were more stories like this.

If anyone knows of any stories like this please let me know.

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