Joanie Dates a Banker


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We left the bar and met our driver who had been waiting for us, and we drove to go to the special location of "the event." It was at a country club outside of the city, and it took us an hour to get there. I had no idea where we were.

The boss had apparently reserved the entire country club. For all I knew, he might have owned it. Little would have surprised me at this point. We were the next to last couple to arrive. When we entered every eye in the place went to me.

I admit it: modesty aside, I looked stunning in my heels and dress. I mean (again, modesty aside) I am somewhat of a knockout in the looks department, with my (I'm told) pretty face and perfect white teeth smile, and my perfect figure and all (although a tiny bit top heavy due to my boobs), but this evening it was mostly the effect of the dress, which made me look like the new replacement for Scarlet Johansson.

Jane had talked me into Christian Louboutin heels, which cost almost $1,000 a pair. Philip was going to have one hell of a Saks bill this month. Every woman there looked at me with envy in their eyes, and the men looked at me in pure awe, as if I were a work of art. And an artwork they wanted to possess.

There were 10 couples, including the three old couples forming the top brass: Mr. Hardigan and his two top lieutenants. So six men were competing with Philip for the promotion, assuming they promoted only one of them.

We all circulated and socialized, drinking wine or champagne, and making small talk. The men all wanted to talk with me, as an excuse to check me out up close, but I still managed to speak with most of the women. I discussed literature, philosophy, and computer security with the men. A college education goes a long way towards cocktail party small talk.

I liked most of the women, too, although with them I discussed mostly fashion and my shoes, as well as my dress. They wanted to know why I was not wearing any jewelry. I did not tell them it was because I did not have any jewelry that cost over $50. I should have bought a gold broach or something when I was turned loosed in Saks, I realized. Next time.

I went easy on the booze, and also realized that some of the men's "partners" were actually hookers. It was easy to tell. They looked great and sexy, but their heads were fairly empty. I saw now why Philip did not want to bring a hooker as his girlfriend; he was clever not to have done that.

After a while I circulated over to Philip and told him that at least three of the girls were call girls. Philip said, "I know. And one guy brought his cousin, and another his sister. The sister is a looker. (I knew exactly who he meant.) There's only one guy here who might actually have brought a girl friend." Then he quickly added, "I wish you were not Mike's girlfriend and were available. I am the envy of everyone tonight."

"If I were not Mike's girlfriend, you would never even have met me," I observed.

We continued to circulate for around an hour more, and then Mr. Hardigan clinked his glass and it got very quiet. "Now the interesting part of the evening begins," he said. Philip gave me a quick glance, but I just smiled my best smile in return.

Mr. Hardigan continued, "We have been evaluating your appearance and behavior tonight. Not just you, but also your partners. Let's proceed to the next room, where we have a sound system and where we had a catwalk designed. I would like the women to pretend this is a fashion show, and they are models, and one by one show us their evening attire," Mr. Hardigan continued.

All us girls exchanged looks. This was getting a bit strange, but seemed harmless enough. Nevertheless I had a premonition and quickly asked a waiter for a large glass of Scotch whiskey. He gave me a choice, and I asked for the oldest one he had.

I got a large glass of 30 year old Scotch whiskey. I knew enough to know that was Scotch I could not afford. There was something weird going on, and some of kind of tone in Mr. Hardigan's voice I could not place. But I knew I needed a strong buzz at this point. The whiskey glided down my throat. It was velvety smooth.

We filed in, and the music started, and then we lined up. I chose to be last in line, so I could learn from the others how best to walk a catwalk walk. Also it would give me more time to finish my Scotch.

We all walked the catwalk and we each got polite applause. One of the call girls (Billie Jo) had done this before, that was clear, and she was really good. She was the one I imitated. Probably she had been a model.

Maybe she still was a model, I mused, but earned extra money hiring out her body. I thought about my $1,000 trick I had inadvertently turned on my first trip out to see New York and to meet Philip. I got a little wet thinking about it. The Scotch was having its effect.

I did a decent job, or at least I thought I did. Some of the other girls just walked. They did not seem to understand there was a special way to walk a catwalk. For example you could never look down at your feet, or look down at all. You could not make eye contact with anyone. You just looked straight ahead with an empty stare, and no smile. I figured if this was a contest, I had taken second prize.

I flashed quite a bit of skin as I walked the catwalk. The men seemed mesmerized. Philip was beaming.

Mr. Hardigan rose again to speak. "Thank you, ladies. Now you do not need to participate in the next request. If you do not, then the party is over for you and your partner, and we wish to thank you very much for coming. Please pick up a gift bag on your way out." This got me worried.

There followed a long and awkward silence. The girls were looking at each other, and their partners. Everyone looked quizzical, and most looked scared. I'm sure I looked scared, too. Billie Jo was the only girl who did not look scared.

Finally Mr. Hardigan cleared his throat and broke the silence. "Ladies, we now ask you to do the same thing, walk the catwalk again, but without your dresses." There were some inadvertent gasps. "That is, in your underwear."

I raised my hand. College traditions die hard. Mr. Hardigan was amused, but he said, "Joanie, you have a question?"

"Yes, Frank, I do." I had remembered he had told me to call him Frank at the dinner a week ago. All the same, he seemed startled that I had done so this evening. "My gown does not allow the wearing of underclothes, due to the nature of the top and the high slit up the side. So I am naked underneath."

"I see," Mr. Hardigan said. He conferred with his two lieutenants. "Well then, we will skip this particular event." I could see relief in everyone's eyes. He added, "Instead we will continue to the third stage. Ladies, please now walk the catwalk nude."

The brief flash of relief I had seen vanished as fast as a subatomic particle in a vacuum. Everyone was startled and surprised. Mr. Hardigan added, "Ladies, you may wish to confer with your partners."

Philip and I caucused. I could see begging in his eyes. The big Scotch I had, plus the wine, the champagne, and the early cocktail before we came, and the lack of dinner, had rendered me drunk at this point, so I did not mind doing this, and in fact was eager to show these old men (and everyone else) my naked body. But I did my best not to let it show.

Philip was nervous, and I enjoyed tormenting him. Finally I told him, "Philip, I'll do this for you, but you will owe me. Big time." He exhaled, smiled at me, and kissed me gently on the lips.

Several of the girls were freaked out or grossed out, or too shy, but whatever their reasons, they refused categorically. To my surprise two of the refusals were call girls, and one was the only girl who might have been a true girlfriend. They and their partners had to leave. That left the sister, the cousin, Billie Jo, and me, and of course our men. The competition was down to those four men.

I suspected what the fourth event might entail, and I think I was again the only one thinking ahead. So I got another large glass of 30 year old Scotch. It was the only way I could face what was surely coming. Walking down the catwalk, only Billie Jo and I kept our cool. The others were so embarrassed and ashamed to be nude in this crude way, with everyone looking at them and the old men lusting for them, that one of them (the cousin) almost fell off the catwalk.

One girl, the sister, looked hot. She had a great body, as good or better than mine. She had a pretty face too. The only flaw was that she was truly not enjoying it, terribly embarrassed to be doing this in front of strangers and (perhaps especially) in front of her brother.

That kind of ruined what otherwise might have been a win for the sister. Unless, of course, you are a man who is into the kink of humiliating pretty women; in that case she did perfectly. I suspected that in fact that was exactly the kind of man Mr. Hardigan was.

So I figured I won this one, with Billie Jo a close second; else the sister did, depending on the parameters of reality in this surreal experience. One difference between Billie jo and me was that I cared, and Billie Jo clearly could not have cared less. She was undoubtedly going to ask for more money when this was over. Perhaps a lot more money.

Mr. Hardigan and his lieutenants applauded, more enthusiastically this time. He thanked us all. He then got up to speak. "For the fourth event, we will introduce a sexual element," he announced. I had seen this coming; apparently I was the only one to have done so, judging by the reaction of the others.

I had the advantage however of having roamed around inside Mr. Hardigan's personal computer. The really naughty stuff had been in a password protected file. This would stop most people, for example his wife, but it did not stop me.

My espionage had given me a good idea of his level of depravity. That's why I had fortified myself with about 10 ounces of exquisite Scotch whiskey. I as drunk enough now to face anything they threw at us.

"This involves your attitude about the common good, in the sense of sharing and service" he continued. This guy was a real pervert, I was thinking. Probably his two lieutenants were perverts, too. "Each one of you ladies will please choose one of us judges to publicly fuck," he continued, gesturing with his hands to encompass his two lieutenants and himself. "The men will wait in the other room, please. Before we begin, please confer with your partners."

What happened next surprised me. Even though she was a call girl, Billie Jo refused. Also the cousin refused. I had a heated discussion with Philip. I had said no sex, and I felt I was being manipulated, once again. And none of us girls had any desire to fuck "the judges," of that I was sure.

The sister surprised me by stepping forward. She said, "I will fuck him." She pointed to the youngest of the three judges. His name was Harry, but she did not know that or she had forgotten. He was the least ugly of the three.

Billie Jo and the cousin left the room, and now only Philip and I, the sister and her brother, and the three judges were left. The sister's brother stirred from his melancholy about pimping out his sister, and he left, leaving his sister standing there, naked, ready to prostitute herself for his career. What a bastard.

All eyes were on me. I did not know what to do. I hated thinking of myself as a prostitute, and the remaining men were possibly older than my father. They looked to be in their early 50s. I pretended to have a hard time deciding, and practically gulped down my Scotch. Then I remembered how turned on I got when I had prostituted myself with James, albeit unwittingly. I turned to look at Philip.

"Joanie I love you. You do not have to do this," Philip said. He added, "Let's go." If Philip had wanted me to do it, he could not have made a more brilliant move. It was just the right thing to say, and I stood up tall, naked and proud, and loudly proclaimed, "I'll fuck Frank."

Philip's face showed a mixture of surprise and horror. Then it changed to an expression of relief, and gratitude that apparently he mistook for love for me. He left the room, and so too did the lieutenant nobody had chosen. I was now alone with the sister, Harry, and Frank. I learned the name of the sister (Mary Ann) when Harry asked her name. So now we were all on a first name basis, which seemed appropriate given what we were about to do.

Frank led us to yet another room that had a single double bed. Mary Ann and I undressed the men. I tried to make it fun by suggesting to her that we both undress each man together, as a team effort. I could remove the shirt, she would remove his pants, I would pull down his shorts, that sort of thing. Soon the men too were naked. Neither man had an erection.

Then taking charge, I suggested Mary Ann and I lie on the bed and masturbate while the two men watched. Mary Ann liked this idea, anything to delay the fucking. We both lay down on the bed and I slowly stroked my labia. Mary Ann did the same when she saw me doing it, and after a short time we both began to finger ourselves.

Remembering my one girl on girl experience when a woman ate me out at the wet tee shirt contest, I surprised and shocked Mary Ann by reaching over with one hand, and caressing one of her gorgeous breasts. She stiffened and her breathing changed, but she did not stop me and she subsequently relaxed and gave my hand free reign.

My hand went all over her while my other hand was busy with my sex. Eventually, my other hand made it to Mary Ann's sex, too. I knew watching the girl on girl sex would get the men's libidos going.

She told me later that she realized she preferred sex with me to sex with those two creepy men. We kept it up until I moved over her and began cunnilingus. It did not take her long to have a screaming orgasm. I then sat up, my mouth dripping wet with her juices, and I looked at the two men. They both had full erections.

I lay back, spread my legs wide, wiggled my boobs and blew them air kisses. Mary Ann was smart and followed my lead. The two men climbed on top of us and began fucking away. They had the endurance of age, and it was becoming more boring than erotic. So halfway through I asked if they wanted to switch.

Mary Ann was shocked I suggested this and looked alarmed. Frank stopped pumping and looked at Harry. They apparently silently agreed, and they both pulled out. Soon Harry was pumping away in me, and Frank was pounding Mary Ann.

Harry than turned me over and entered me doggy style. I was finally getting into the sex, and it was better not seeing his creepy face. Frank did the same with Mary Ann. Mary Ann's face and my face were right next to each other, and as we turned our heads to confer with our eyes, I gave Mary Ann a gentle kiss.

It was so weird, for each of us, to be fucked by these creepy old men we did not really know, but sometimes kisses are more intimate than fucks. So we kissed more and more passionately while they nailed us, since a transient lesbian experience with a nice girl seemed preferable to concentrating on being fucked by an old creep.

They each pulled out, at approximately the same time, and squirted all over our backs. Then Frank called out the name George. George came in, together with Philip and Mary Ann's brother, who were both naked. Of course, Mary Ann's brother was also her date for the evening.

George left the room, and Mr. Hardigan told the two men please (!) to fuck their girlfriends. He was forcing them to have sloppy seconds, and to do it in front of Harry and Frank. And just forget about Mary Ann and me; we were just willing cunts to him.

At this point I relished the idea of fucking Philip, after enduring that creep Hardigan screw me, not to mention Harry. But I did think it was way too much to ask of us; after all I had tried hard to please them, and had succeeded, too. Now it should be over. We had done enough. We had done things that should never have even been asked of us, or anyone else for that matter.

Then I thought about the incest angle. I was curious what would happen: Would Steve really fuck his own sister? Mary Ann was brilliant. She spoke up and said, "Let's make it kinky, shall we? If everyone, including of course Joanie, is OK with it, I will fuck Philip and Joanie can fuck Steve." Apparently Steve was the name of her brother.

I was sure Hardigan would get into this, but perhaps he knew Mary Ann was Steve's sister and wanted to force some incest. I knew from my computer espionage that he employed private detectives to investigate his employees.

Given what I had seen on his computer, that would not have surprised me if he had realized they were brother and sister masquerading as boyfriend-girlfriend. He said, "No. All you need to do now is to fuck your boyfriend. Assuming he can get it up." I saw that both Philip's and Steve's dicks were limp. His last remark he said disdainfully.

Steve seemed unable to get an erection to fuck his sister. Mary Ann asked for a drink and inhaled an entire glass of Scotch, then asked for another. It was a pity she did not ask for the 30 year old one, although taste was not what she was after just then.

I did not know what to do to help. Then I just went over and began fellatio on Steve, Mr. Hardigan be damned. Mary Ann quickly followed my lead and began sucking Philip's cock.

It took a while, but Steve got a nice erection finally. Then I went to the bed and lay down, legs spread, and waited for Steve to mount me.. The fellatio had made me wet. It always does. Mary Ann did the same.

Mr. Hardigan intervened and led Philip to me, and he climbed on top of me and began fucking me for the first time. I was worried about Steve and Mary Ann, but as it turned out Philip was a great fuck, and I did like him a lot, and as for no sex, well that train had clearly left the station.

So I really got into fucking Philip, and even became noisy, even loud, as I urged him on, raising my back to meet his thrusts, pulling his head down and kissing him as he pounded me. At one point I wrapped my legs around him, pushing him into me as far as he could go. I began to claw his back with my fingernails as I moaned louder and louder.

Philip leaned back, breaking the hold my legs had on him, and then he raised both my legs straight into the air and stuck his cock forcefully all the way into me. Nobody before had ever done that with me, although I had seen it done once on a porn site. It was a damn good thing I was so limber.

This really put my cunt and his cock pistoning in and out on full display to our audience. It also stimulated my clit, and I groaned the groan of pleasure.

Philip fucked me hard, even very hard. I think he had been fantasizing about fucking me for too long, after seeing the pictures and the video, and hearing about my exploits from Mike and the twins. Now that he was finally doing it, he was truly into it a way that comes from a long time of lust and longing.

Philip lasted quite a while. We changed position at least three times, doing it doggy style and then with me on top. I sat facing Mr. Hardigan so that he had a nice view of my boobs bouncing around as I moved up and down on Philip's wonderful cock, and my moans, groans and cries of "Yes! Right there!" and the like added an extra dimension.

I was lost in reverie at this wonderful exhibitionist fuck and forgot about Mary Ann. But then I looked over when Philip was finishing me off in missionary position, and saw Steve fucking his sister. She had her eyes closed and was crying. Steve was staring at us, not her, and I suspect he was trying to pretend he was fucking me, instead. It was not an erotic fuck. Mary was not making noise, and not cooperating; she was just enduring the fuck.

Then it changed. Perhaps inspired by my noise, Mary Ann started to moan and groan and she called out "Oh yes. That's right, Steve. Right there. Again, harder!" The tears had stopped, and she told me later when we showered and washed the cum off our backs, stomachs and boobs, that she had suddenly gotten into the taboo of incest and it turned her on. That allowed her to enjoy the fuck from that point on.