Joanie of Zurich


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He looked scared and looked over at Hans, who was standing just off stage. Hans nodded. As the ball boy began slowly to remove Sarah's bra, I motioned Hans, in my best come hither way, to come on stage to me.

Hans entered the stage, and I did not have to explain. He simply began slowly, and very sexily, to remove my bra, too. Once we were topless, we sent the ball boy on his way. Hans could do what he wanted, of course, but he too left the stage. He copped a feel of my boobs and then too of Sarah's boobs before he left.

We were now topless, and we both bowed deeply to the crowd, wiggling our boobs. Huge cheers erupted.

As the music peaked, we both began to dance. Neither one of us really knew the dance of a strip tease artist, but we had both seen it done in porn videos. I had once actually performed a strip tease when I was a contestant at a wet tee shirt contest at a seedy bar. I won the contest, too.

We did our best imitation of a real strip tease dance. Sarah liked to dance even more than I did, and she had talent. Probably we did a good job. We emphasized our hips, and thrust our pelvises out towards the audience. We tried to emphasize sex all the time. The men did not want ballet, after all.

After our skirts came off, and yes the ball boy ran over and took them both away, the crowd was in a lather. All we had on now were panties. Mine were especially skimpy, since originally I had planned to seduce Philip using them after the reception. That seemed like a distant memory.

As Sarah and I had agreed in advance, we delayed a long time before taking the final step. We danced around in a sexy way. At one point I danced over to Sarah, and we rubbed our panty clad cunts together, and fondled each other's boobs, all the while moving our hips around suggestively.

I even tasted Sarah's nipples with my mouth. She returned the favor with mine.

Another time we both bent over and wiggled our boobs. Then we turned around to face the wall and wiggled our panty-clad behinds.

We acted out fucking motions with each other, as if I were wearing a strap-on dildo. Sarah made faces as if she were enjoying being fucked. The men had now let themselves go, the raucous cheering resembled drunken frat boys cheering on a stripper.

We had broken down their button-down inhibitions. They were actually regressing to their teen years, behaving like happy college boys. I felt it was quite an achievement.

We stopped dancing and I beckoned Hans to come over. I whispered in his ear, and he smiled. He signaled for the music to stop, and as we both stood there clad only in our panties, he announced, "The Harley sisters request two volunteers to come on stage to help them to remove the final article of clothing. Volunteers please raise your hands."

Everyone's hand went up. Hans looked at me. I said my lucky number was 5. Sarah said hers was 7. Hans was quick, and understood. He counted the men ostentatiously until he got to 5. He said, "Joanie's lucky number is 5, so Jürgen you are the 5th man I counted and will you please come on stage. Sarah's lucky number is 7, and Jan you are number 7, so please too come on stage."

Both men came on stage, smiling from ear to ear. Neither one was one of the ten men who had gangbanged us. I beckoned both of them to come over and told them my plan. Their smiles got broader. Sarah and I smiled back. The music resumed. Sarah and I began to dance.

The men came over to us but as they got close we danced away. The men played along, never getting close to us enough to "help us" to remove our panties. The audience began to laugh, and they began to cheer the men on.

Finally, the men teamed up. As I danced away from Jürgen, Jan positioned himself so that I "accidentally" danced right into him and he gave my panties a tug, and slipped them halfway down my hips. I wagged my finger at him, as if to say naughty boy.

They tried the same trick, successfully of course, with Sarah. She also wagged her finger. By this time the crowd was ours, enjoying the show.

This is what I loved. I longed to be desired by men. Now I had 30 or 40 of the richest and most powerful men in the world all cheering for me to become naked for them. It was a turn on for me, and I was flying high. No doubt the men watching also would have loved to jump on top of me me and fuck my brains out. They were consumed with desire for Sarah and me.

For me, this is exhibitionism at its best. For Sarah, I just did not know. Was she enjoying it, was she embarrassed, humiliated, aroused? I glanced at her and she was of course always smiling, but I knew her, and I could tell the smiles were genuine. She too was into this. I was relieved.

We both danced away from them, but as we did so we each slowly and dramatically lowered our panties until they were barely hanging onto our hips, in constant danger of slipping off, but nevertheless they tenaciously clung to our bodies. This was exasperating and thrilling to our audience who began to chant, "Take it off! Take it off," in classic fashion.

I knew the longer we could delay and tease them, the better it would be when we finally became nude. We each began to bump and grind our hips as much as possible. The panties quivered tantalizingly, but remained barely on. At times I felt my pubic hair was the only source of friction keeping them on me.

The chanting got louder. The demands to take it off were becoming more urgent.

The two men dropped to their knees, and beckoned us to come to them. We danced suggestively over to them, clad only in our panties that were barely hanging on to us, and wiggled our breasts over their heads. We stood with our cunts in front of their faces.

Our cunts were still protected by the panties.

The two men had their hands behind their backs and pulled our panties down gradually, using only their teeth. While they did this I played with my boobs and, of course, smiled. The crowd went wild as we stepped out of them, and kicked them over to the ball boy.

Sarah and I then stood before the crowd, both stark naked, right next to each other. We put our arms around each other. Facing the crowd, I stuck a finger in Sarah's cunt, and she returned the favor in my cunt. Our arms crossed in front of us.

The fingers pumped a little and then we pulled them out and sniffed them, and then offered them to the two men, who were still kneeling close to our cunts. They both got to sniff the fingers of each of us.

I then stepped away, beckoned for the microphone, and said, "I want each man to tell us whose cunt smells better. Sarah's or mine? Men, use your fingers to sample, please."

I did not have to ask the two men twice. Each one fingered each of us, using their left hands for me and their right hands for Sarah. They fingered us a bit too long I should think, and I began to get seriously aroused. I finally pulled their fingers out and said, "Enough!" This brought laughter from the audience.

They then stood and flamboyantly smelled each hand, one after the other. The first man, let's call him Man A, pronounced my smell as best. The second man, Man B, pronounced Sarah's smell as best. I then pulled Man A to me and kissed him passionately, and Sarah did the same with Man B.

Both men resumed fingering us as we kissed. My knees were getting weak. I pulled out the fingers of Man A, and Sarah did the same with Man B. We resumed our exotic dancing, now stark naked, and the crowd was cheering wildly. The men stayed on stage.

After a while I signaled to Sarah and together we loudly said, "Lick, boys. Lick!" They obliged and began to lick us. A hush fell over the crowd as they licked us, and then Hans came back on stage clapping, saying, "Bravo! Bravo, girls!" The applause was deafening.

The men stopped their ministrations, leaving us highly aroused, and left the stage.

We bowed deeply, held the bow, and wiggled our boobs. Then we turned around and bowed deeply to the wall, showing off our behinds and glimpses of our cunts, and again wiggled both our behinds and our boobs. Then we both scampered off the stage , boobs bouncing as we scampered, blowing kisses at the crowd.

The music began again, and the prostitutes got a lot of action. It seemed every man there was hard after our show and wanted release. Almost every girl was taking on two men at once: One from behind and one in her mouth.

Hans came over to us. "You two sisters are magnificent. No woman has ever seemed to enjoy this 24-hour event before. They mostly endure it; some not well at all. The two of you have entertained the men in new ways I've never before seen. I'm very glad you will each get over $200,000 dollars, your shares of the donation. You've earned it."

I said, "Thank you, Hans."

Sarah chimed in, "It is kind of you to say that. Thank you from me, too."

We still had 10 hours left, however. Hans let us sleep for 8 hours. We really needed it at this point. The last two hours of the party were kind of special. Hans had us wear pasties over our nipples, and gave us the smallest possible covering of our mounds. We posed for pictures with each and every man there, including Hans and also the servants. While we posed, the men put their arms around us and felt us up.

Some men mouthed our boobs and the pasties quickly came off, so from then on we posed bare breasted. Others also took off the coverings below and so from then on too, we posed nude, often with their fingers inside us.

For one man, he had us kiss and hug each other, flattening our boobs against the other's boobs, and then he stuck his erect cock in my ass. His friend did the same for Sarah. We had a picture like that: Sarah and I standing face to face, our boobs touching, and men with their cocks buried in our asses.

Inspired by this last picture, Hans came out with the illustrated Kama Sutra. The next ten men posed with us in various Kama Sutra poses. To do these we had to have their cocks inside us or in our mouths. Once again we were both glad we were limber!

Men tried to take advantage of the situation and to fuck us this way, and they usually succeeded for more than a few pumps before Hans would get them to stop. We never stopped them; we only smiled. Nobody got to fuck us to completion during the picture session, thank God. We would not have lasted doing that some 30 times. Still, it was pretty erotic.

The photographer got so turned on taking these pictures that at one point Hans had a prostitute come over and suck him off as he snapped away. He wanted one of us, probably both of us, and not the prostitute; but Hans was firm. We were only available for the men who had paid the $25,000 entrance fee. Business is business.

Hans told us he would have a servant make us a DVD of all the pictures for us, one for each of us, to take with us as a souvenir. No doubt all the men at the party would get one, too. I did not relish the idea of these pictures getting on the Internet forever, since someone was bound to upload them. But I did not see what I could do about it.

Steve and Philip did not come to the party, thank God, but the asshole Klaus Schmidt did. When it was his turn to pose, he wanted two pictures, one with his cock deep inside Sarah, and one with his cock deep inside me.

I think he just wanted to put his cock in each of us. It was a big cock, too. He got away with quite a bit more than a few pumps while doing it. I was angry, but kept smiling. The camera was clicking away the entire time. A video was also being filmed, as he fucked us both.

He got special treatment, since he was responsible for finding us and getting us to do this. But after a good while Hans stopped him nevertheless, thank goodness.

Of course he had already fucked Sarah at least twice before the party, but I was a new conquest for him. I was glad he was not allowed to fuck me to completion. Probably he still considered me a conquest, nevertheless.

Before this happened I had beckoned Hans over, ostensibly to ask him about the request of Klaus, and did he really get to have two pictures this way? I said to Hans, "Shouldn't that at the least cost Klaus a token?" Hans smiled. He became even more impressed with me, since I was looking after his pecuniary interests. The tokens each cost $10,000.

Then I whispered to Hans, "What bank does Klaus work for? Sarah is curious about him." Hans told me. There was no reason for him not to tell me. It was a small private banking kind of bank, headquartered in Basel. Klaus had to surrender a token. He did.

As I said, while posing Klaus fucked each of us for a couple of minutes while the camera clicked away. I did not think that was worth the $10,000 price of a token, but on the other hand who gets to taste the cunts of two sisters at the same time that way, and have pictures to whack off to forever after? I found out later there was also a movie.

I had plans for Klaus. His future looked bleak. We'll get to that later; don't worry.

We tried to make the photography session last as long as possible. When it was done, we were brought back to the stage fully dressed, and Klaus organized a drawing, a kind of sweepstakes. The winners were two men who came up to the stage.

They undressed us until we were naked. We were no longer embarrassed to be rendered naked in front of the men. Nothing would have fazed us at that point. All we could think about was getting out of there. Since it was the last event, the men did not have to wear condoms, and they did not. We were told to get on all fours, and we did. The men then took us from behind, with everyone watching and cheering. We smiled throughout.

Sarah became noisy. With her, it is natural. I love an audience and so it was natural for me to be noisy, too. Plus I did not want to be outdone by Sarah. Then to my surprise I had my very first orgasm of the 24-hour period, right there on the stage. It was not subtle, and everyone noticed. They cheered wildly and called out the man's name. Even I got embarrassed.

The men shot their loads deep inside us. We then lay on the stage, legs apart, as Hans had asked us to, showing the audience our cunts with the white cum of the men visible at the entrances. On cue, we each stuck our fingers in and ostentatiously withdrew them covered with cum, and then licked them clean. Then we stood up, smiled, and took a deep bow, complete with boob wiggles.

Hans led us off stage, told us to dress, and put us on the helicopter back to Zurich. He had a taxi waiting for us to take us to the hotel. In our purses, we each had cashier checks for $225,000. They were each in a plain, opaque envelope.

I went to my room and filled the bathtub. I added bubbles, and got in. I had a long bath. When I finally got out, Sarah took an even longer bath. We dressed, went to the bar, and got seriously drunk. I explained to Philip I had to recover before anyone could even think about sex with me. He understood.

The next day we took a taxi to the hospital to see Megan. She was out of intensive care. The African terrorist had stuck a knife in her back while she was sucking his cock, and the knife had punctured her lung. It would be a long recovery.

She was happy to see us. She asked about the "party" and between the two of us, we told her the entire story, blow by blow. All she could say was, "Wow. For real?" I nodded. Megan added, "I would not have survived."

I said, "If you had not screamed, you might not have survived."

Megan nodded. "It was surreal. He is pure evil. I was face to face with the devil himself."

Megan nervously asked if I thought she would have to testify at his trial. She was terrified of ever laying eyes on him again. I broke the news that he had left the country, he would never be punished for what he had done. Then remembering how Catholic Megan was, I added, "In this lifetime, in this world."

We left Megan with the flowers and the teddy bear we had brought for her, and returned to the hotel. I told Philip I wanted to visit the offices of the bank where Klaus Schmidt worked. I wanted to see his desk. I thought to myself, I cannot believe I let that asshole's cock enter me and pump away for a few minutes. The thought disgusted me.

Philip did not ask questions, but he helped me to gain access to the bank. I had dressed in a sexy way wearing a partially buttoned blouse and a highly revealing bra, as well as a very short skirt, and very high-heeled shoes. I looked hot and great, both to all of Philip, Steve, Sarah and Odessa.

By flirting with various men (and I was already legendary after the party), playing with the remaining buttons and even unbuttoning a few more when I needed to get more cooperation, I finally got a man to lead me to Klaus' desk.

Back at the hotel, I had used a program to find Klaus' password, by brute force. I learned to my relief that the program had worked.

As we walked through the bank towards the desk of Klaus, I saw pictures of myself from the party on every single man's computer. I was naked in all of the pictures of course, and usually I was in various states of sexual activity.

I looked good in most of the pictures, I thought; the defects I know about on my body, for example a dimple on my ass, were not visible. But it was disgusting that all these men could drool over pictures of me in such intimate situations.

Each man apparently had his favorite picture of Sarah and his favorite picture of me displayed. I saw one where one of the pigs had his cock in me, and then another with his cock in Sarah. The two were bundled as one picture. That seemed to be a local favorite.

One man had a picture of Megan, naked and covered in her own blood, being carried off to the helicopter. In the picture you could see her cunt, since her legs were spread from the way she was being carried. The knife had not been removed yet, and it was protruding from her back.

There was cum visible in her cunt. If that particular man was into pictures like that, pictures of semi-conscious cut up naked women, he was, shall we say, not a nice person. I glared at him as I walked by. He smiled back.

When I got to the desk of Klaus, I opened his computer with the password I had previously found, and I quietly inserted a USB drive and downloaded a program I had written for the occasion. I now could cook Klaus' goose easily, at my leisure.

The program I downloaded gave me remote access to his computer any time I wanted. I pocketed the USB drive and left the bank, checking out all the pictures on the men's computers of Sarah and me as I briskly walked out.

It would not be detected on the virus scans the banks used constantly, because it was my own creation, and therefore not in any library of known viruses. My techniques were highly original, and that was on purpose, just for that reason.

Absolutely everyone had pictures of Sarah or me, except for that one guy who had the bleeding Megan, taken as she was losing consciousness.

The pictures of Sarah and me were every one compromising and disgusting. Strangely though, I realized that nevertheless part of me liked it, and I actually got aroused to see so many men gazing at my naked body. Probably too some of them were beating off to fantasies about taking me.

Well, here I was in the flesh, walking right past them. They stared at me: The flesh and blood version of their fantasies from the pictures on their computers. That's why I walked so fast.

Back at the hotel, I told Philip I had to leave Zurich immediately. He knew why: He too had been shown the pictures, and he knew they had been widely diffused. He took Sarah and me to the airport and put us both on the next airplane to Paris. He said he would meet me there in three days.

I told Philip I should be recovered by then, at least I hoped to be. (I knew with time the pictures would get old, and all these creeps would forget about them. Maybe they would replace them with pictures from next year's slave girls.) Philip smiled. I gave him a big and very sexy kiss. I was relieved when he returned the kiss. He told me he loved me.
