Johnny's Big Secret

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It's his freakishly huge dick. Duh.
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The Usual Disclaimer: This is a work of fantasy. All characters featured in sexual situations are over 18. The characters in these stories are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons living, dead or undead is purely coincidental. Do not try this at home.

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When Johnny was really young, he could remember his mother constantly saying, "The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math." It was mildly funny to him, but she often said it twice a week, usually when her husband would spend too much of their hard-earned money on lottery tickets.

"Shut up," he would snarl, usually after the winning numbers were revealed. Most of the time, he won nothing. Occasionally he would have three numbers that matched, and he'd win a few dollars. Overall, though, he was losing several hundred dollars a year.

It was a constant source of friction in his parents' marriage, but Johnny didn't understand why it was such a big deal. He had no grasp of the family's finances, nor did he understand that his father was a problem gambler. Then, "being bad at math" actually paid off. His father won a Powerball lottery which had reached a massive payout. It was over sixty million dollars!

That was an unforgettable night. His father cackled and danced all over the house, yelling "We're fucking rich!" over and over again. At the time, Johnny was only twelve. He grinned, but had no idea what it meant. His mother seemed a lot less happy about it than his father. When his father called and told his boss, "Fuck you! I quit!" his mother lost it.

She sent Johnny to bed, but he could clearly hear the yelling and screaming that followed. It went on for a really intense twenty minutes, and then Johnny's dad stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

Less than a week later, Johnny's dad moved out and filed for divorce. It was a devastating blow to Johnny's mother. Outside of his addiction to the lottery, she had truly loved her husband and felt lucky to have him. She had expected they would work out their differences, and that the money would allow them to have an amazing life together. When the lawyers showed up to deliver those divorce papers, it felt like she'd been kicked in the gut.

Because he was so young, Johnny struggled to make sense of it all. It wasn't that he was stupid; merely that he had no understanding of some of the more complicated issues in life. He thought his mother was an attractive woman and wondered why his father would leave her. It was even more mystifying when his father briefly reappeared at their house with a pair of younger, skinny women in tow. To Johnny, those women weren't nearly as attractive as his mother was. It wasn't even close.

That incident was like a slap in the face to Johnny's mother, Crystal. She had already been approached by several lawyers who had offered to take her side of the divorce "for free." Once her husband showed up with those skanks in tow, making it clear he was sleeping with both of them, she decided to contact a couple of those divorce lawyers to try to get a better deal than what her husband's lawyers had offered. What sealed it in her mind was when she made that last, desperate plea.

"Tony, why can't we talk about this reasonably—like mature adults?" she asked quietly.

She held his hand in both of hers, looking into his eyes. He sneered and jerked his hand from hers.

"Shit, I'm rich now," he chuckled. He pulled one of his barely-twenty girlfriends to his side and gave Crystal a cocky grin. "Why should I settle for a fat old bitch like you when I can have hot young women who love having sex all the time?"

"Get out," Crystal whispered.

It was all she could do to restrain herself, and after her soon-to-be-ex drove away, she broke down and sobbed for an hour in her bedroom. After that, she called the lawyers.

Crystal and Tony were woefully ignorant of legalese. Although they read the contracts those law firms put in front of them, they missed those key, obscurely-worded little passages that spelled out what the lawyers would get as "compensation." Tony hadn't even been aware that, since he had taken the lottery winnings as a lump-sum payment, he had to hand over 39.6 percent of it in taxes to the federal government. Their state would help itself to another six percent.

After the lawyers hashed out that divorce agreement, they took almost all of the remaining lottery winnings as "compensation." By then, Tony had moved to another state with his new girlfriends. Not that it would have made Crystal feel any better, but his outraged howls when he discovered how rich he now wasn't could be heard three blocks away.

It wasn't like they were broke, but they certainly weren't millionaires after the government and lawyers got through with them. Johnny really didn't understand exactly what had happened, but he knew his family had been thoroughly fucked over by the government and the lawyers. It would make him detest those people for the rest of his life.

It also left the young man extremely jaded, with no faith in any of the people who were supposed to be in authority. When his teachers in school insisted that political leaders were there "to help us," Johnny could only laugh contemptuously. It made him even less willing to take those teachers or their subjects seriously.

Shit. Why bother to work hard to try to make something of yourself, when those assholes would just swoop in and take all your money? That recurring thought made it difficult for him to motivate himself to ever work hard at anything, at least until he turned eighteen and realized he would have to work harder if he expected to have a decent life. He knew he couldn't count on anyone else to do it for him.

Crystal used their lottery winnings to pay off the house, and put the rest of the money into safe, long-term investments. With the house paid off, her job covered all the rest of their expenses, but just barely. Eventually she was promoted to a more senior position. Money was no longer tight by the time Johnny reached high school. Crystal never discussed their finances with Johnny because she didn't want to worry him, but he was aware it hadn't been good right after his father left them.

He would never forgive his father for walking out on them.

Two years after the divorce, Tony tried to reach out to his son, but Johnny refused to take any of his calls. Crystal talked with her ex-husband a few times, but they would never reconcile. Perhaps if Johnny had been able to forgive his father, things might have been different. Crystal was still angry about the way Tony had treated her, but she really missed having his big, fat dick filling her up.

Tony was merely polite to her on the phone. He had only been calling to try to reconnect with his son, and it hurt when Johnny wouldn't even talk to him. His pride would not allow him to admit he'd made a mistake, and he didn't want to tell them he was living alone after his young girlfriends had partied through all of his money. After Johnny refused to talk to him on his sixteenth birthday, Tony stopped calling.

* * *

Johnny was actually fairly clever, but his life was so outrageous that it was difficult for him to deal with the constant stream of curve-balls thrown his way. He was a "late bloomer" but when he suddenly grew nearly two feet taller the second half of high school it left him feeling awkward and uncoordinated all the time. He was also terribly thin and his clothes never fit well. All of his shirts and pants looked incredibly baggy as they hung on his skinny frame.

Those concerns took a distant backseat to a much larger one growing between his legs. At first he thought it was cool that he was finally growing a nice, big dick. Then it kept growing...and growing. By the time he was eighteen, his cock hung down nearly to his knee, and he had an enormous set of balls to match. Johnny knew his "junk" was abnormally large, and it made him feel like a freak. He just felt fortunate that he had taken his required PE courses the first two years of high school, so he didn't have to face ridicule from those shared showers. It never crossed his mind that other guys would be impressed or intimidated if they ever saw his colossal dick.

His mother was distressed because Johnny still had the option to take some sort of PE classes or play competitive sports. She saw how skinny her son was after all that growth, and thought it would be helpful if he was doing some sort of exercise to improve his muscle tone and put on some healthy weight. He likewise refused to take any honors classes or AP courses that would count for college credit, so she saw his avoidance of exercise as just another example of how lazy he had become. However, when she attempted to sit him down for any sort of serious discussion about his education or his plans for the future he turned skittish and evasive.

She wanted to help, but her son seemed doomed to wind up a "slacker." It pained her to think of her own son that way, but his behavior made it impossible for her to get that depressing thought out of her mind. He constantly bailed for his bedroom and spent hours on end in there, often with the door locked. She figured he was playing video games all the time, since he had a nice computer and she'd bought him a few games over the years.

The real reason Johnny spent so much time in his room and avoided his mother was that his teenaged hormones were constantly in overdrive. His dick was always at least half hard, and it felt like his heavy, hanging balls produced a gallon of cum every day. He had to jack off at least four times every day or his swollen nuts would get so sensitive that they ached. Usually he masturbated six or seven times, just to take the edge off of his libido. It was even worse when he was around his mother. Johnny had figured out years before that his father had been dead wrong when he had called Crystal "fat."

The truth was that she had gigantic breasts and a nice, round ass. She was incredibly muscular, though, with toned abdominal muscles. Her legs and back were really strong, but they had to be. Her tits alone weighed nearly eighty pounds, and she was carrying those massive jugs around all day. Johnny had a natural attraction to large-breasted women, and it made him distinctly uncomfortable the way his own mother turned him on like nobody else could.

Most of the girls his age who had a reputation for being sexually active reminded him too much of the skinny little "skanks" who had dragged his father away (as he thought it). Those scrawny, small-breasted girls had no chance of competing with "real women" in his mind. There was one girl in his school named Debra who had really impressive breasts, although he'd heard she was staunchly religious and a virgin. She was still proud of her big tits, and she had revealed they were E-cups. Johnny was pretty sure his mother's breasts were much larger, but it took a while before he could prove it.

Crystal mostly wore custom-built bras due to the unusual combination of her massive breasts and her relatively thin frame. Those didn't have standard tags or labels that gave away her measurements, and they were expensive enough that she was very careful with them. They certainly never wound up in the baskets with the rest of their laundry. Johnny had to sneak into her bedroom one Saturday while she was out shopping, and it took him a while to finally find one of her bras that actually had a label with measurements on it.

Then he could only stare at it in disbelief. He didn't even know cup sizes went that far up the alphabet! He had expected to see F or G, and would have been surprised by J, but this...Jesus. As it was, he could scarcely believe how big the individual cups were as he held the uncomfortable-looking bra out in front of him. In that moment, he realized just how badly he had underestimated the size of his mother's incredible breasts.

Then he had to hurry to put it away and straighten the contents of that drawer when he heard his mother's car pulling up in front of the house. By the time she came inside, he had covered his tracks well enough that she would never suspect he'd been going through the drawer that held her bras.

* * *

As the weather warmed up the second semester of Johnny's senior year, it only got worse for his overactive sex drive. Women began wearing lighter clothing that was more revealing, and that included three of his teachers who were younger, more attractive, and better-endowed. Even his baggy jeans barely concealed the outline of his rock-hard dick after those classes.

Johnny became adept at quickly jacking off in one of the bathroom stalls at his school once or twice a day. It gave him blessed relief, but he couldn't believe he had started taking such a terrible chance. Only the janitors noticed anything amiss, because three different times his massive cum shot had splattered on the back of the toilet rather than into the bowl. They just imagined someone had thrown up, because they didn't realize a human being could shoot that much semen all at once.

It was even more difficult for him after he got home from school on those warm spring days. His mother usually got home from work and promptly removed her uncomfortable bra and conservative blouse. Sometimes she would reach back to unhook it as soon as she walked in the door. All through the winter she had worn thick sweaters with an undershirt, or a long-sleeved pullover or sweatshirt. Those loose oversized garments had done a marvelous job of concealing her massive breasts.

Crystal never considered that her own son would even take notice of her voluptuous body. She had always felt free to dress comfortably at home, so she usually headed into her bedroom right after work and slipped into a pair of soft, comfortable shorts and a lightweight t-shirt or tank top. The tank tops were the worst for Johnny. Most of those were white, and while they weren't supposed to be form-fitting, they were usually stretched thin over his mother's huge melons. There was no way he could miss the way her thick nipples were constantly on display.

Crystal's nipples were large and very sensitive. They would get stiff with very little provocation, standing out an inch and pushing the fabric of her tops outward in two tantalizing, mouth-watering protrusions. She was only self-conscious of her huge tits and nipples when she was out in public. It never occurred to her that those very assets she was careful to hide from the world were being put on generous display for her son. She was actually more embarrassed by the thick, meaty lips of her pussy. It always felt to her like it looked big and hungry when she would see it in the mirror.

It wasn't something she thought about when she slid those snug, comfortable shorts up her legs after a long day at work, but she was presenting her son with a big, pouting cameltoe every time she walked toward him. Johnny was still a virgin, but it was almost impossible to look at that thick pair of vaginal lips without imagining a fat, hard cock sliding between them.

She might have noticed her son checking her out if she had not been so distracted by her own intense libido. Crystal was not consciously aroused by her own son, and didn't even see him as a man in her mind. She had no idea of the incredible, huge cock he was packing, nor did she have any clue how much thick, creamy cum he was depositing in the toilet and shower of his bathroom and in his wastebasket every day. It was the pervasive smell of all that semen that was turning her on, although she didn't realize that's what it was.

Johnny was careful to empty his wastebasket twice a week, before it would overflow with all those cum-soaked tissues. Quite frequently he would simply pick up the little plastic can with one hand and point his cock into it with the other, unleashing his pent-up load directly into the tissues that were already sitting in it. He always put another plastic bag into the wastebasket after he'd emptied it, so that disposal was simple enough. At any given time, though, there were usually two of those bags sitting in the garbage bin in their garage.

When Crystal got home from work, that warm smell invaded her nostrils as soon as she stepped out of the car. Her nipples and pussy immediately responded, but it only made her feel uncomfortable in her work clothes and eager to get out of them. She attributed her increased horniness to the fact that she hadn't dated or been laid in years, but she had a nice big dildo that she used to take care of her cock-hungry pussy. Increasingly she found herself fantasizing about a cartoonishly well-hung younger man who would fuck her senseless, but she did not realize her increasingly distant son was the guy in her fantasies.

Likewise, Johnny would picture his busty teachers or some other woman he'd seen when he jacked off. He didn't want to think about his mother that way, but his mind was simply filling in another woman's face to make him more comfortable. It was his mother's enormous breasts and puffy pussy he usually pictured when he reached orgasm, usually while his mouth watered at the thought of those stiff nipples filling his mouth.

Without being aware of it, they were turning each other on more and more, so both of them spent more time masturbating as the school year wore on. By the end of March, it had pretty much become their daily routine each afternoon. Johnny would come home first, right after school. He would quickly ditch his books and backpack in his bedroom, then he'd snag a pair of his mother's panties from the laundry hamper. In his bathroom, he would strip and stand in the bathtub, holding those fragrant panties to his nose while stroking his rampant cock to a rapid release.

It was simpler to clean up afterward, and let him spend more time working toward a second, more intense orgasm before he started the shower. Afterward, he would simply hide his mother's panties inside his clothes and then put them all in the laundry hamper. He wasn't trying to fixate on the smell of his mother's pussy juices; he figured her scent was similar to what he would smell if he found himself between one of his sexy teachers' thighs.

Johnny always used the shower nozzle to wash all that sperm down the drain, but it left a lingering odor. Neither he nor his mother noticed it consciously because the smell of shampoo and body wash made it less obvious. Still, it was infiltrating Crystal's nostrils as soon as she made her way to her bedroom to change clothes. It was the reason her panties were always damp by the time she changed clothes, and the reason she put them into the laundry hamper instead of wearing them beneath her snug shorts.

She usually checked on her son as soon as she'd changed clothes, and then she would retreat to her bedroom to take care of her horny pussy. At the same time, Johnny was usually in his own room, stroking his suddenly renewed erection until he deposited another load or two into his wastebasket. After they had achieved that temporary relief, they would join each other for dinner.

Those dinners always began comfortably—since they'd just gotten off—but grew tense by the end. Johnny was always careful to keep his eyes on his mother's face so he wouldn't stare at her breasts, but those enormous orbs wobbled and shook every time Crystal brought her fork or spoon up to her mouth. Her nipples usually stiffened over the course of their meal, although she didn't realize Johnny was turning her on. She never checked out her son's body, and his stiffening cock wasn't even obvious in his baggy shorts, but her peripheral vision was feeding images of a really big dick to her subconscious mind.

They would both be trembling and completely turned on by the time they'd washed the dishes every evening. Then they would retreat to their bedrooms for another intense round of masturbation. Crystal would plunge her oversized dildo into her needy pussy and moan as she frantically fucked herself. Over the course of the month, though, she began to have the odd thought that she really ought to be using a bigger dildo. She had no idea why.