Judith & Jordan - A Cuck Story Ch. 01


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"I discussed our last conversation with Randy, and to my surprise, he's agreed to you being my cuck."

Jordan closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Don't feel so relieved husband, that doesn't mean it's party time. It means I'm keeping you around so I can enjoy abusing you in front of my boyfriend."

He looked down and gave a penitent nod.

"The first thing you need to understand, and Randy was very clear about this, is that he has no interest in your sissy penis. He likes the idea of you sucking his dick, but he's not a little queer like you. He pitches, you catch, that's all. Got it?"

"Yes Judith, I understand." He knew that was coming.

He briefly looked up, but immediately looked back down. She was boring her eyes into him with a look of contempt, and for the first time he felt what witnesses on the stand must feel when she takes them apart.

"Good sissyboy, you better. Because if you piss Randy off in any way, you'll piss me off in a big way, and that will be the end of things. Now look at me."

He did, and the icy stare sobered him a bit. She looked as though she was in no mood for any shit, and he actually found that kind of exciting.

"I'm fucking pissed off at you, and you know why, don't you Jordan?"

He was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. This was the third rail, and it was the first time she ever even approached the subject other than discussing the facts for the case. Which she did in a very professional manner. He nodded.

"That's right, and I'm going to be pissed at you for a long time. And until such time as I'm not pissed off anymore, I'm going to abuse the shit out of you, asshole. I'm telling you this now because I want you to understand what you're getting yourself into. And if you have any reservations about this, then you better back out now."

She took a sip and waited. He cleared his throat.

"I understand Judith, and I'm not going anywhere."

He wanted to say more but thought better of it, realizing that anything he said would probably just piss her off even more. She continued staring for a long moment, then sighed deeply. She actually looked a little relieved and her face changed, some of the sharpness faded.

"Alright then Jordan, let me explain what life will be like around here from now on. Starting today you'll be my cuck."

She said it very matter-of-factly, and hearing her say it gave him a chill. He'd been preparing for it for the last two days but the reality was just a little unnerving.

"Randy is my lover and he'll be fucking me on a regular basis right in front of you. You may be my husband, but he's the man of the house. In fact, he's the only man in this house."

She took a sip. He sensed the reality of what she was saying was catching up to her as well. She took a second sip, and held on to the glass.

"You need to understand that the only reason you're still here is because Randy is keeping me sexually satisfied. He's doing for me what my wimp of a husband is incapable of doing. Got it?"

He nodded.

"Good. So you see sissyboy, you need Randy. You need Randy to fuck your wife and keep her happy. Because when she's happy she'll keep you around and give you what you need. If Randy stops giving me what I need I'll have no reason to stay married to you. I'll find a real man for a husband."

Once again she paused and took a sip. She seemed in control and knew what she wanted to say, so he assumed the pauses were her way of masking her nervousness.

"So you see husband, whenever Randy's here you'll tell him how much you want him to fuck your wife. You need him to fuck me, and you'll get on your knees, suck his cock and beg him to fuck me. Are we real clear on that? Because it's the basis for all that will happen in the future, and you need to understand it completely. Randy is the man, you are the wimp, and you need to convince the man to fuck your wife whenever she wants it. In fact, you want it so much you'll beg me to let you watch."

Another sip.

He took a gulp too. She'd obviously given this a lot of thought. His body language told her he was struggling to come to terms with the new normal, but he never once attempted to object. That made her feel better and emboldened her even more.

"I will throw you one bone hubby, and Randy has already agreed. He'll wear corduroy pants for you. When I told him you'll be a better cocksucker if he's dressed in cords, he agreed to wear them whenever he comes over. So make sure you make it worth his while. Also, if you're a good little cuck, I'll dress in it to tease you as well. Just make sure you keep us both happy, or all the corduroy will disappear. Got it hubby?"

"Yes Judith, I understand, and thank you."

He meant it too, he'd hoped she'd include corduroy in their games and he was relieved that she did. There was no way he could've gone through with things without it being involved. She could've ruled it out as ploy to make him back out, but she didn't. That told him something too.

"Actually hubby, until further notice, I don't want you calling me by my name. Unless we're in public, you call me ma'am or Mistress, especially when Randy's around. Only the man of the house gets to use my name.

Oh, and that reminds me. Don't you ever call Randy by his name either. I mean it Jordan, never. When you're speaking to me you call him my boyfriend, or my man. And when you're speaking to him you call him sir. Got it?"

He nodded.

She finished her drink and looked off into space as if trying to determine if she'd forgotten anything. Putting down the glass it appeared she hadn't.

"Alright hubby, I think that's enough for now. Tomorrow afternoon I want you to come to the main house at 2 pm. Bring one of your girly outfits with all the trimmings, you're getting in full drag. I'll help you get all prettied up for my date with Randy."

They'd spent afternoons like that in the past, and it turned him on like crazy that she wanted to do it again.

"And listen to me asshole, you're not going to just look the part, I want you in full fag mode. Got it Tinkerbell? I want to see limp wrists and a lot of ass swishing. And use your faggy voice, you know what I'm talking about Debbie the fag."

He did.

"Remember, there's only one man in this house, and it ain't you. That's going to be crystal clear when Randy walks through the door.

So, are we clear on everything?"

He sighed deeply, and nodded.

"Good. Oh, and by the way. I suggest you jerk off with one of your pretty dresses tonight, because starting tomorrow you're forbidden to jerk off without my permission. And don't even think about testing me Jordan, I'll make your life a living hell if I find out you broke my rules. Don't test me."

She got up and took a long moment smoothing out her skirt and fixing her Jacket. She knew it turned him on seeing her run her hands all over her corduroy outfit. It was all a tease and he knew it.

"Two o'clock sharp Jordan, and don't be fucking late."

She left.

After having another drink, and feeling both happy about the way things were going, and now suddenly apprehensive about meeting Randy, he took her advice and jerked off with one of his favorite Laura Ashley dresses. Actually, he first debated whether to have sex with it or to wear it the next day, and his boner convinced him to wear something else.


The next day Jordan spent all morning with butterflies in his belly and a boner in his pants. He thought about jerking off with his dress again, hell, it already had a load of jizzum on it so she'd never know, but for some reason he wanted to obey her. Seeing her adopt such a dominant attitude the previous night aroused him. OK, the situation was kind of insane, and not a scenario he would've picked, but it was what it was, and he'd never seen her so genuinely bitchy in a sexual context before. He liked it.

Part of him was turned on by the fact he was going to be in full drag in front of another guy, but another part felt extremely embarrassed, so he decided he'd wear something modest. Not knowing the proper drag etiquette for a cuck reveal with your wife's boyfriend, he ruled out slutty. He may have been a little excited, but he sure as hell wasn't ready for that. He picked out a dark gray, wide-wale prairie dress that came to mid-calf. It had a faded light green leaf pattern throughout, long sleeves and buttoned all the way down the front. He liked it because it was very soft, it felt good to both wear and jerk off with. It had an empire waste, collar and looked like something a school marm would wear.

Underneath he'd wear his black lacy bra and breast forms. Having two sets, he opted for the larger. Why not be a little busty? Since he wasn't expecting any attempts to access his dickie, he chose a comfortable pair of nude pantyhose. Below he'd wear his red corduroy Toms wedges, they didn't match the dress but at the moment they were all he had. In addition, they were broken in and he could walk comfortably in them. He had two wigs, brunette and redhead, both shoulder length shags. He wasn't sure if he should match his dress or shoes. He eventually decided on the dress and went with brunette.

He gathered everything in an overnight bag, and after eating lunch, proceeded to the main house so he'd arrive right on time. No point in testing her yet. She answered the door in a pair of gray mid-wale Ralph Lauren jeans, a plain white tee shirt, a gray corduroy vest that matched the pants and black ankle boots. It was an outfit she'd worn a few times before when he was being a fag, and he always liked it. It walked the line between feminine and butch, and made her look very sexy. She said it was a good thing he arrived on time, and if he behaved himself there was no reason why they couldn't enjoy the afternoon together. He was instructed to make them each a drink and meet her in the bedroom.

They had a spacious bedroom with a beautiful master bath. There were two large dressers, a king size bed and a sitting area with two armchairs and a small table between them. The walls were pastel blue and the bedspread and chairs had a pink and blue floral pattern. She was seated in one of the armchairs looking very relaxed, a helluva lot more relaxed than him. He handed her a drink and sat in the other chair. She took a sip and smiled, unlike the night before she didn't seem pissed off.

"Are you nervous hubby?"

He swallowed hard. "Maybe a little."

She chuckled.

"Well you should be. You're about to be exposed as a sissy bitch in front of your wife and another man. After tonight you'll never be a man in my eyes again."

No anger, just very pragmatic. He sipped his drink and said nothing.

"And on that note, the first thing we're going to do is make a woman out of you. Or at least a pretty fag. So drink up and relax hubby, in a few minutes I want you to take a shower and shave. You know the drill."

She looked at him and chuckled again.

"Oh stop with the long face sissyboy, you should be horny as hell. I know you love this outfit and you're about to be a fag in drag. In the past you'd have given your left nut for a day like this."

He took a deep breath and surrendered. There was no point in letting his apprehension about meeting Randy fuck up his day. It's not like he was going to do anything to change his destiny. He'd committed himself, so he might as well find whatever enjoyment he could. Her pleasant demeanor also helped to calm him.

They began chatting, a little awkwardly at first, about what he was going to wear and how she was going to do his make-up, etc. She confined the conversation to his journey into fagdom, leaving Randy out of it. After a half hour he went in the bathroom to first shave, then shower, feeling a lot more relaxed than he thought he'd be. When finished he dried himself off and stood for a minute unsure of what to do next. It made no sense to put his pants back on, and his girly clothes were in the bedroom. He called out, hoping she was there.

"Um, Judith? What do you want me to do?"

After a moment she replied. "Just stay where you are."

Another minute later she entered carrying lavender dusting powder.

"What did I tell you about using my name?"

Her voice was firm but not sharp.

"Oh, ah, I'm sorry ma'am."

She ignored him. "Alright, it's time to make you smooth and pretty."

She took the puff and began applying talc to his chest, and as she gave his whole body a dusting, she told him how pretty he was going to be. He liked hearing that. She also instructed him to be very effeminate when dressed, lots of ass swishing, limp wrists etc. On his first night as a cuck she wanted him to show Randy what a good little dickless wimp he was.

As she worked, she showed no interest in his penis. Her only comment being, "lift it", when she wanted to powder his balls. When he was smooth all over, she had him put on his pantyhose, tits and bra. He then sat at the vanity mirror while she made up his face. She took her time, more than she'd ever done before, and he watched her transform him into a pretty fag. He would never be passable, he knew that, but he was very pleased at how close she was coming. Needless to say, between the nearness of her corduroy outfit and the experience of being feminized by a woman he was horny as hell. Fortunately, his pantyhose kept his boner from making a nuisance of itself.

When she was satisfied, she helped him into his dress, leaving the top two buttons undone. She then shocked him by spending a few minutes basically pawing his tits as she adjusted and shaped them to her liking. He enjoyed that a lot and suspected it was done as a tease, although she did seem to enjoy her task as well. The last thing she did was put on his wig, and she spent a few minutes fussing with that too. She finally had him stand in front of the full-length mirror hanging on the closet door, and admired her work. She seemed satisfied, and he was in fag heaven. He'd never looked better.

"You can stay in your stocking feet for now Debbie, but you'll wear your wedges when Randy gets here."

The reminder caused some nervousness, but looking in the mirror he was too turned on to let it spoil the moment. They went in the living room, sat on the sofa and finished their drinks while chatting. It was a bit surreal. She wasn't humiliating him at all, in fact she was treating him pretty nice, and he was slipping more and more into fag mode. From time to time she even told him how to be more effeminate in his movements, and coached him to speak in a more soft, feminine voice. She was transitioning him into her faggot cuck and he was loving every minute of it. He was also very grateful she was indulging his fetish. Their outfits were keeping him very horny and making his transformation much easier.

At five-thirty she told him to heat up the leftover lasagna in the fridge and serve them dinner. After initially busting his balls about being a good housewife, they settled into eating in silence. It was an easy silence though, until he broke it with a question that had been nagging at him.

"Ma'am, you've been talking very nicely to me all afternoon, treating me very nice too, and I thank you. Does that mean you're not as angry with me as you were?"

She thought for a moment while chewing, then stared him right in the eye with an amused look.

"Yes hubby, I have been treating you nice. You see, when there's no man in the house and you're behaving yourself, I don't feel the need to be mean. However, things are about to change. So enjoy the pleasantries while they last."

She took another bite, swallowed, then continued.

"I will say this though. Once we've established the ground rules tonight. If you prove to be as obedient as you've been today, and embrace your role as cuck enthusiastically, I'll reward good behavior with a return to niceties. Got it?"

He said he did and they finished their meals in silence. When dinner was over, she went in the bedroom to change and he cleaned up. He made them both another drink and waited on the sofa. The clock on the wall told him the evening would be starting shortly, and he could feel his nerves beginning to tingle.

When she returned a short time later, he couldn't believe his eyes. She was wearing a corduroy little black dress that looked stunning. Sometimes things like that don't work well on tall women, but she filled it out in a way that both enhanced her large frame and made her look very feminine and sexy. It was a mid-wale that buttoned down the front, had two narrow shoulder straps and came to about mid-thigh. Although he guessed when she sat it wouldn't stay there for long.

Her ample tits were barely contained in the low-cut dress, and her beautiful hair cascading down around her shoulders sort of framed them. Below she wore a pair of silk seamed stockings and a black lacy garter belt. On her feet were a pair of simple black pumps. He guessed she was trying to please everyone. A sexy revealing dress for her man, and corduroy fabric for her sissified husband. Her make-up was understated and perfect, featuring a bright red shade of lipstick that made her mouth the focal point of the whole outfit. It gave him a twinge when he realized he wouldn't be the one kissing those beautiful lips.

She had an amused smirk on her face as she looked around the room, making sure everything was in order. She was sexy as all hell and she knew it. Her gaze finally rested on his pretty face and she could see the lust in his eyes, it cut right through his make-up. How pathetic he was. She was going to make him very jealous that night, and love every minute of it. Picking up her drink she sat in the chair across from him, denying him any opportunity to touch her. When she sat, he was proved right and her dress rode up barely covering her ass, not to mention exposing her garters, which turned him on a lot. She looked at the clock as she sipped her drink.

"Randy should be here any minute hubby. Don't forget, you call him sir at all times, and from this moment on you only speak when spoken to."

He nodded nervously and took a gulp. She could see he was scared, and even though she had every intention of abusing him, she broke down for a second and took pity.

"Look Jordan, just do what you're told and everything will be fine. OK?"

He nodded again, this time showing appreciation. Her moment of mercy passed quickly though, and she added dryly.

"Just make sure you don't fuck this up husband."

They sat in an awkward silence, waiting for the minutes to go by, and with each passing moment Jordan felt more and more embarrassed and pathetic. When the doorbell finally rang his belly filled with a flurry of butterflies.

Judith put down her drink, gave him a stern look and said, "showtime hubby", then a pretty smile formed and she headed for the door. He sat up straight, crossed his legs like a lady and nervously fussed with his outfit, then cursed himself for being such a faggot. He could see the door in the large foyer from where he was seated. He watched her open it and invite Randy in. He was carrying the kind of shopping bag you get in a department store, the heavy paper kind with handles, and it had some weight to it. She immediately kissed him, took the bag and laid it against the wall. She then engaged him in some small talk that Jordan couldn't make out. There were a few giggles and he saw Randy look his way a few times. She was obviously preparing him for an introduction to her husband.

Jordan was very nervous of course, but when he saw Randy's outfit, he got a thrill that cut right through the tension. He was clad in a pair of coco-brown wide-wale dress pants and dark brown wide-wale pullover. It had a collar, lace-up front that went down to mid chest, and the laces were pulled loose. The fact that he was dressed that way told Jordan he probably wasn't an asshole. Any guy trying to play macho man for his girlfriend wouldn't adorn himself in a corduroy outfit to turn her husband on. He liked his outfit and felt his penis stir. Then looking down at his tits and realizing where his thoughts had gone, he cursed himself for being such a fucking wimp.