Just Once... Yes I Do Mind


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Before I knew it morning had come. We had both fallen asleep on the couch cuddled up to each other. I looked down and smiled to see her staring up at me. "Good morning."

She smiled back. "Good morning Rick. I guess we kinda fell asleep," she chuckled. "Did you sleep ok?"

"Ya know, honestly this has been the best sleep I have had in quite a while," I told her.

She stood up and stretched. I couldn't help but stare at her magnificent body as she arched her back, her breasts sticking out. She really was a gorgeous little thing.

"So how long do you think it will be before you are a free man?" She asked me.

"Well, my lawyer said she would have the papers done today. It's going to cost me extra but I am having her served down there in Bolivia rather than waiting for her to come home in 6 weeks"

"I bet she is just going to love that one," she chuckled, then she let out a sigh "I suppose I should get back to my husband."

I looked at her, "Leslie, what's going on? Every time you mention going home to your husband you always have this look of unhappiness to you. I know it's really none of my business but I care about you and don't like to see you unhappy."

"Is it really that obvious?" She asked. I just nodded my head. She sat back down on the couch putting her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. I sat next to her waiting to see what she had to say. I didn't want to pressure her too much. She let out another deep sigh, "It's this whole lifestyle, Rick. I hate it!"

I was confused now. "I thought you and Vincent were happy. I thought you both loved this lifestyle," I said.

"No. He wanted this. He begged, pleaded, and whined for a long time until I finally gave in. He always chooses the people I sleep with, and most of the time they turn out to be losers. You Rick are the very first person that I chose for myself. The first one I wanted to sleep with and I told him I was doing this whether he liked it or not."

"So why are you still going along with this lifestyle?" I asked.

"Honestly? I don't know anymore. I love him, or at least I used to. It has gotten to the point where I can't stand being around him anymore. I have been considering divorce for a while. The problem is I don't know where I would go. The house is his from before we were married."

"Far be it from me to give you marital advice with what I'm going through right now. However, if you are not happy then you should divorce him and move on. As for a place to stay, well, you can stay here. I have plenty of room. I plan on keeping this house one way or another after the divorce, even if I have to buy her half of it. I plan on having the locks changed today."

"Really Rick? You would do that for me?" She asked.

"Of course. I've grown quite fond of you. I don't want to see you have to move off someplace else and not be able to see you. Just because we can't have sex for a while doesn't mean we can't spend time together and get to know each other better," I told her.

"You don't know how much this means to me, Rick. I can't wait to be able to spend every day with you and get to know you even more. I will have to wait until he is gone to start moving my stuff over. He has to be at work in a couple of hours then I should have plenty of time. I will also need to find a good lawyer."

"I think I can help you out with that one. I'll set you up with my lawyer. She is pretty good at what she does." I told her.

She jumped up and hugged me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much Rick for everything you are doing for me."

So that was how the rest of the afternoon went. I called a locksmith to come out and have them change all the locks on the doors and I made sure to change the alarm code as well. Once Leslie's husband had gone to work we spent several hours going back and forth bringing all of her things over and setting her up in the guest room.

By the late afternoon, I had gotten a call from my Lawyer saying that the paperwork had been finished and filed. She was sending a process server out on a flight tomorrow morning to Bolivia. It turns out Josh had decided to Divorce Penny as well and had her served at the same time so we decided to split the cost of the airfare since it was only one server delivering all the papers.

I went to bed that night with a smile on my face knowing that bitch would be having a terrible day tomorrow. She would probably be out of a job and on her way back home to a divorce and I couldn't be happier.


We had both been lying in bed naked. Trey had just finished fucking me for the second time when there was a knock on the door. We were not expecting anyone to be knocking so we both jumped up and wrapped a towel around ourselves covering the necessary parts.

We opened the door and a man wearing a suit was standing there. He asked, "Are you, Mrs. Marcy Weston and Mr. Trey Cardoza?" We both said yes and he handed each of us a manilla envelope then took our pictures while standing in the doorway in nothing but a towel. I hadn't realized it at the time but I had Trey's cum leaking down the side of my leg. "You have both been served. Have a nice day." I heard him say as he turned and walked away."

I was too stunned to do or say anything for a moment, and then I heard Trey. "That son of a bitch is suing me for alienation of affection."

I turned to look at him still confused, "What? Who is doing what?"

"Your fucking husband is suing me for alienation of affection. I'm guessing by that envelope in your hand he is divorcing you," He told me.

I was shocked, "What? No, he wouldn't do that." I tore open the envelope and sure enough there were divorce papers on the grounds of infidelity. "That mother fucker!" I shouted.

I quickly ran to get my phone and dialed his number. It automatically went to voicemail. He had either shut his phone off or blocked me. "Damn him." I decided to call my daughter for help. It rang a couple of times before she picked up. I talked before she could even speak. "Rhonda Darling you have to help me get ahold of your father. I desperately need to talk to him."

What I heard next was a shock. It just floored me and ripped my heart from my chest. "Why would I help a cheating slut like you? So you could further destroy my father. As far as I'm concerned you are dead to me and can rot in whatever hell you have made for yourself. Don't try to contact me again, as far as Dad is concerned you can talk to his lawyer."

She hung up on me and I fell to the ground sobbing. My daughter hates me, and wouldn't even help me talk to her father. What was I going to do? I needed to go and talk to my friend Penny. I got dressed and went to her room knocking on the door. Dr. Strong, the other male doctor who was with us had been staying with her, opened the door and let me in.

I went in and saw Penny sitting on the bed crying. She looked up at me and started yelling, "This is all your fault! Your damn husband told Josh everything and now he is divorcing me. You said everything would be ok. That no one would ever know. You have ruined my life you stupid bitch. I hope you rot in hell. Get out!"

I couldn't believe what was happening. That son of a bitch was destroying everything. I went back to my room and plopped down on the bed trying to figure out what to do when my phone rang. I answered it without looking to see who it was, hoping it was my husband.

Before I could get a word in I heard my boss from the hospital's voice. "Weston! Do you have any idea the amount of shit you have brought to this hospital? We are being sued by your husband. This is going to bring all kinds of bad publicity to the hospital as well as the program. As of now all 4 of you are fired and will return home immediately. Your replacements are on their way down there as we speak." I didn't even get a chance to speak as he hung up the phone.

I just dropped to the bed and cried. My life and my career were ruined all thanks to my husband and his bruised ego.


I spent the last couple of days with Leslie, she helped me pack up all of Marcy's stuff and sent it all to a storage unit. I heard from Rhonda that she had talked to her mother and the choice of words that she had given to her mother. I know she is her mother and she should not feel ill of her but I honestly didn't care. I felt she deserved everything she got.

Leslie had filed for a divorce, Vincent wasn't very happy about that and tried everything to get her to come back home, but she was having none of it. Leslie and I were relaxing in the living room with a glass of wine that evening when there was a banging on the front door.

With a sigh, I stood up, "So it begins. You better stay here Leslie. I don't need her to start anything with you tonight."

I wasn't about to open the front door so she could just storm in and do as she pleased, so I went out the back way and walked around. She stood there pounding on the door and yelling for me to open the door.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked.

She let out a scream not expecting me to come from around the side of the house. "You son of a bitch!" She yelled. "You have destroyed my life and my career."

I just laughed at her. "No Marcy. You destroyed your life and career by deciding to shack up with Doctor Douche for 6 weeks. This is all on you."

"You bastard! It's okay for you to cheat but not for me?"

"I had one minor indiscretion in the heat of battle Marcy. There was no penetrative sex. It was one time and one time only. Not 6 fucking weeks' worth of getting fucked by some Douch."

"Just open the fucking door and let me in. My damn key won't work."

"Yeah, your key doesn't work because I changed the locks. You will find all your things in a storage locker downtown." I tossed her the key to the locker. "Here's the key."

"You bastard, this is my house too!"

"Not for long. Once the divorce goes to court since our kids are all grown and on their own, they will make us sell it and split everything 50/50. So there will be no house. You sure as hell can't afford this house, especially with no job."

"Where the hell am I supposed to go? You turned my own children against me." She whined.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. As for your children, well you did that all on your own by your actions. They are adults and deserve to know that you have torn this family apart. So now you can live with the consequences."

With that said I turned around and went back into the house. I could hear her angry tirade the whole way. She eventually got back into her car and left. Where she was going to go I did not know and I really don't care in the least.

I sat back down with Leslie. "Well, she sure sounded pleasant." She said,

"Yea well, she'll just have to get over it. She made her bed now she can sleep in it. There was no way I was going to be a wimpy cuckold. Oh, shit sorry. I know that's kind of what you had going with Vincent."

"Yes but the difference is he wanted it, I didn't. So you have nothing to be sorry for. He was a wimpy cuckold." she said.

We spent the rest of the night on the couch drinking wine and just talking about what the future would hold for us.

For Penny and Josh

Penny begged and pleaded with Josh to forgive her. She told him it was just the one time. She also told him how Marcy had talked her into it even though she was at first reluctant. Marcy told her that no one would ever know about it. After a lot of counseling, Josh eventually forgave her and dropped the divorce against her. At first, Penny held a bit of a grudge against me for telling Josh what she had done. However, after a while, she came to realize that I had done her a favor and actually saved her marriage by putting a stop to it before it got too far. She thanked me profusely.

As for Vincent

Well, he tried to fight the divorce, but Leslie would have none of it. It got ugly for a while and in the end, he ended up being humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood for the things he had wanted Leslie to do. He decided it was best if he signed the papers, sold the house, and left town.


As for me, well Marcy tried to fight it. She tried to get the kids on her side, but they wanted nothing to do with her. They actually testified against her in court. Leslie also testified as to what Marcy had wanted her to do. In the end, she was defeated. I bought out her half of the house and she left for another state where she could be as far away from the shame and humiliation as she could get.

Doctor Trey Cordoza, well he, like the others, lost his job. It turns out he had been a very naughty Doctor. He had been selling prescriptions on the side to people for extra cash. It had finally caught up to him and he lost his license to practice medicine and spent quite a while in prison as well.

As far as Leslie is concerned she moved out of my guest room and into my bedroom. As soon as we both had our divorce decree we started fucking like rabbits.6 months after our divorce I asked her to marry me. A year after we were married, my children were in attendance and quite happy for me. Not long after we returned from our honeymoon we found out that Leslie was pregnant. We had a beautiful set of twin girls. I couldn't imagine myself at my age running around after a pair of little girls, but here I was doing it and I loved every bit of it. I never did hear from Marcy again, but my son keeps tabs on her from time to time and tells me she is a lonely bitter woman. Well, I guess 6 weeks of pleasure wasn't all she wanted it to be, but I'm not complaining one bit. I'm as happy as can be.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The writing is good quality; Writers' Workshop team leaders should be pleased.

Having read several "alternate endings" to the "Just Once" tale (having appreciated the talent and motivation of each writer) I have concluded that the most bothersome aspect of many is the simplicity of the alternate plot endings and the attempts to portray the MC and/or Leslie in terms of black and white. I know it makes for more manageable writing to have those factors be as they are (in the alternates), but I am left with a vague dissatisfaction--life is not (usually) as simple as it's made out to be in the alternates.

My own abbreviated stabs at writing have always been of such poor quality I couldn't face the ridicule I would engender from those who I greatly admire--the vast majority of Literotica authors. I salute you all. Please keep writing.


Dennis26Dennis262 months ago

Very nice job.

Buster2UBuster2U2 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for the Best Ending to this Famous Kalimaxos story. This is by far the very best. I liked that our hero "got together" with the neighbor Leslie. I liked that he had her served in her hotel room with her lover. It was pretty perfect all the way. Good Job. Thank You for the effort! Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well done alternate ending. Not a fan of Rick hooking up with Leslie. But otherwise like the quick, decisive actions he took. Why wait? There is no coming back from that letter. Period.

Btrying2Btrying23 months ago

One last thought. Diedre’s smug look and comments were meant to put Marcy off balance not to out Rick. She wanted Rick but I don’t believe at cost of throwing him under the bus. My take on that. Taking care of means way too many things to hang that on her smugness. For what that’s worth. John

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