Justin Thyme Ch. 16


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"You can't do that!"

"I can, and I will."

Just then Dave Drugan walked in the door, carrying a business sized envelope in his hand. "Pete, you need to see this." He handed the envelope across to Pete before looking at Abernathy. "Sorry, Abernathy, but I cut our meeting short before signing your changes on the purchase order. I did get the money for you though. When Pete is done counting it you can ask him for it." He smirked before continuing. "The Chicago way of doing business doesn't work quite so well when dealing with people outside of Chicago I guess, and the guy who came over from EM didn't know I wasn't you. He was just there to get the papers signed and to give you the money. Pete, I'd suggest you call the police."


After we finished a rather subdued lunch Dad asked Grandpa, "Is there anything you need to go home for this evening? I was thinking about just getting a motel room rather than having to drive back up here again tomorrow."

"Sorry, but I have a dentist appointment in the morning. I'd blow it off, but I have to have a crown replaced, and it has taken two weeks to get this appointment. If you want to stay Mom and I can drive home and come back up tomorrow afternoon. Michael won't be back before evening, anyway."

"No, that's OK. I really ought to go to work tomorrow. I was just looking for an excuse. Charlotte needs to sell a house or two to pay for us going back and forth so much anyway." He laughed as Mom punched him in the arm. I was glad to hear it. It's the first bit of levity from him since we got up here and opened that door in the cellar. I'm almost sorry we found it!

I gave Debbie my debit card and added a twenty percent tip, picking up Susie and Steph's meals, too. I think I can afford it. When Debbie gave me the card back with my receipt she asked if we still had that one room left. "Just one," I said. That will have us full up!"

"Good! I have a good friend, whose roommate is getting married, so she doesn't have anyone to room with. I told her I would ask. Is there any chance she could go by this evening and see it?"

I looked over at Rosemary, who shrugged. "I guess so. We have a couple of friends who will be moving up here next year with us, and they were going to break in the pool and maybe get a little work done on the house. Mom? Do you happen to have a contract and list of expectations with you?"

"I have them in the car in my briefcase."

"Thanks." I smiled at Debbie, "Never expect a realtor to leave her paperwork behind!"

"Justin!" But she was smiling.

"I'll have them there for her to see, and she won't have to wait for them to go through the mail."

"Great! Thank you ever so much!"

I shrugged, "No problem. At least I don't have to worry about trying to rent that last room now."

Rosemary spoke up, "If you and Bitsy want to, bring your bathing suits and come along. You can help us break in the pool!"

That got a big smile out of Debbie. "That will be fun! Thank you! I get off at 4:30."

"Great. See you then," said Rosemary.

Grandpa elbowed me in the ribs as we walked out the door. "Careful with that harem of yours, there Justin," and Grandma swatted him on the head while he jumped for the car laughing.

Dad stuck a hand out at me somberly before getting into the Denali. I grabbed it and gave him a hug to go along with the handshake. "Don't worry, Dad. I'm not going to do anything stupid. You raised me right."

He gave a sigh, almost of relief as he hugged me back. "I know, son, but it is a father's job to worry about his son. Somebody once said something about adversity developing a person's character, but it is good fortune that displays it. I don't remember who said it, or exactly how it goes, but it has stuck with me for a long time. You are going to have your character revealed for sure. Now you get out of here, and have a good time this afternoon. Don't worry about working on the house today. Maybe tomorrow you can get something done if you want, but I'd do some thinking about what you want to do in life, and the direction you want to go. You will certainly have the means to do whatever you want to do, but choose wisely. I would suggest you don't do anything with any of the hidden doors, or go downstairs, OK?"

"Right, Dad. We won't. And we won't say anything at all to the girls. They will get the benefits later, but I'd rather they didn't know anything about it beforehand if we can help it."

"You might say something about a reward from the railroad. Sometimes it is better to give a little information, rather than giving none. A little is sometimes enough to quell the curiosity. Oh no! I forgot Debbie was asking about the news stuff! She is going to be curious about the doors!"

"That's not going to be a problem. By now all of the girls will know about them, but we are just going to tell them they will not be revealed, and that we will not show anyone the lower level. As far as they are concerned, it isn't safe."

"Good job. That's using your head for something besides to keep your hat off of your shoulders. We'll see you tomorrow sometime. Let me know when Michael is coming in." He gave me another hug, nearly breaking my ribs before getting into the driver's seat.

I could just hear him as I walked away saying, "The kid is going to make it," but I couldn't hear what Mom said in return. Susie was in the front seat with Steph, so I crawled into the back seat with Rosemary, who quickly grabbed my hand in hers and squeezed it tightly.

Steph waited for Dad to pull out, before she eased the car out of the parking lot, but pulled into a vacant business's parking lot next door and stopped. I saw her squirming in the front seat, and then a bra flew over the seat to land in my lap as she drove away laughing, and a laughing Rosemary quickly shucked hers off, too, except she lifted her shirt just high enough for me to get a peek at her right nipple.


Tom and Mary enjoyed a quiet meal at Ming Yat ,a small mom and pop Chinese restaurant. Tom ordered a sampler platter with a number of dishes for them to enjoy. They were served family style so they could serve themselves what they enjoyed most. Mary had a Chinese white wine served with tiny bijiu glasses while Tom settled for Tsingtao beer, which he nursed throughout the meal, limiting himself to only one. Mary asked if he didn't want another, but he held up a hand. "I'm driving."

They talked about Mary's childhood in Vermont, and Tom's in Montana, about Stephanie and her interests in college, but by unspoken consent Brad and Iraq were left totally out of the conversation. Tom made Mary laugh as he told about the first time he tried to break a horse, and getting thrown, and Mary talked about snow skiing up near Stowe, and of going to one of the Trapp Family music camps while a child and of learning to play the recorder from Maria herself.

"I didn't know you like to ski! There surely isn't much of it down here in Tucson!"

"Oh, I haven't been in years. I loved it, though. There's something about the wind in your face as you schuss down the slopes."

"It's late in the season now, but I know the slopes up by Kalispell are open at least until the end of May. I've got some vacation time coming. Would you like to go up and go skiing with me? I'll get separate rooms, of course."

"Oh, that is so tempting!"

"You've been pulling a lot of extra time lately. It would do you good to get away for a few days. Stephanie can get herself out to school OK, can't she?"

"But that would be too expensive. I don't feel right about spending the money."

"Look, I haven't taken a vacation in five years, and I live frugally. I have money sitting in my account that is doing me no real good. They certainly aren't giving me much interest. I'd rather spend it on a few days skiing with you. What do you say?"

"I feel so wicked even thinking about it, but it sounds so fun."

"Good! I'll get the tickets tomorrow, better than that, I'll do it tonight!" He reached across the table and took her hand in his. "You have given me something to look forward to for the first time in a long, long time. Thank you."

Mary's eyes watered a bit as she looked across the table at a man who was beginning to have a very large and important place in her life in such a very, very short period of time. She stopped and asked herself if she was just rebounding from Paul, but no, this felt very real, and very good. She squeezed his hand back. "How am I going to tell my daughter I'm running away with a man for a few days?"

"I'll tell her I'm kidnapping you, and I may not bring you back!" and what he said resonated in his mind and caused the blood to rush to his cheeks as he thought about what it sounded like.

"She will probably like the idea. Better not tell her that." Mary smiled up into Tom's eyes, captivated by the tenderness she saw there.


"I can't believe you two!" Susie spluttered. "We haven't even gotten to the house yet!"

Stephanie just laughed at her. "A month ago and you would have wished you could do it to Justin." Susie turned scarlet, and I blushed a bit, too. "Go ahead. He won't mind."

"Steph! I can't!"

Rosemary laughed at her reaction. "Let her be, Steph. She's saving herself for some guy. He probably isn't really interested, though."

Susie laughed at Rosemary, still blushing. "I know he's interested. He's just so, so moral! Sometimes I really wish we could be more like you guys, but then I think about Mikey, and he wouldn't be the same guy. He's worth waiting for. I just hope I don't have to wait until after college! I'd drop out of school to marry him if I had to, to do it sooner."

I kept my mouth shut, but I smiled at her along with the other girls, although I knew what they didn't know.

"Justin, don't you forget. I get one dance with you at Prom, and I want a slow one. OK?" I nodded. I actually was looking forward to it. Susie has really grown up since the accident, and I knew I would enjoy dancing with her, although I wasn't too sure about a slow number. "Mikey knows, and he understands. I know he wants to dance with Rosemary and Steph, too, if that's OK? I'm going to have to rest my stump some, although I really don't care if it gets sore."

We rode the rest of the way to the house with Rosemary's braless breast pressed into my arm and her hand on my thigh, pinky finger brushing the end of my cock. Needless to say, I was sporting a large boner by the time we got to the house. I was embarrassed when I saw Susie glance quickly when we got out of the car, but nothing was said, and I must say, she didn't look at it again that I noticed. As I said, she has really grown up since the accident, and she most certainly is in love with Michael.

The girls hurried into the house to change right away, and I made my way up to my room to think about things for a little bit. I had a computer set up for the security cameras, and I had a fairly decent set of speakers hooked up to it. Of course, it was nothing like my setup at home, but at least I could have some music until I could build myself a system.

I hadn't loaded a lot of music onto it yet, but I pulled up Faure's "Requiem" with the Robert Shaw Chorale and Atlanta Symphony followed by Mozart's "Requiem in D". The thinking I needed to do required some heavy thought, and lighter music just didn't fit the bill. As the first notes of the Intoit et Kyrie sounded I lay back on my sleeping bag with my hands behind my head and pondered my situation. I'm not religious, but I knew the "kyrie" was a name for a prayer, being a part of an expression of "Lord have mercy." Very fitting in my situation.

The "Introit", which is only about six minutes long, had no more than ended when my door swung open quietly, and Rosemary slipped into my room wearing her bikini. It wasn't the one she wore to tease me at home, because we didn't know if Mom and Dad were going to be here or not. She walked over to my bedroll and lay down next to me, with her head on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about things, Justin. I know you will do the right things, and I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks, Rosemary. I wish I shared your confidence. I don't know what it's going to do to the family when the word gets out. We are going to have everybody and his housecat after us for money. I hate to put you all through it. Just look at Michael. He can't even use the family name, and they don't even have anything like what he's going to have tomorrow night. I know he's going to hate it even worse than I do!"

Rosemary kissed me on the cheek. "It's not going to be that bad. Just think of all the women that will be attracted to you!"

I groaned. I had already thought of it. Michael told me that was one of the worst things he had to deal with, and the biggest reason he moved down to Tucson and dropped the family name. He had all kinds of women coming on to him all the time, wanting part of what his name could bring them. What was I going to have to deal with?

Rosemary reached behind her back and untied her top and dropped it behind her on the floor. "I've never had sex with a rich man before. What do you say?" She saw the dismay in my eyes, and she realized the joke didn't go over very well. "I'm sorry, Justin. I was only teasing. About the rich man part, that is. I've been so horny the last couple of days. I nearly snuck back into your room after Mom caught us. I really wanted to jump your bones, but I knew I wouldn't keep it quiet enough!" She was unbuckling my shorts as she talked, and as I watched her pert breasts swaying in front of me I quickly hardened.

Rosemary opened up my shorts and pulled my cock out and kissed the head and moaned. "I've been so wet ever since I took my bra off in the car, and I've been looking forward to this so much! She quickly pulled my shorts and boxers down below my knees, then untied her bottoms and without anything more climbed on top of me and sat down on my cock, sliding it nearly all the way in before having to back up because I was still dry. She wasn't, though!

Her second stroke and she bottomed out and rocked her pelvis against mine and gasped. "At last! I feel so full, and I have needed you for so long! I let her set the pace, knowing how much she obviously needed me, and wanting to make it as good for her as possible. She moved up and down on me slowly, bottoming out all the way and squirming around on me each stroke enjoying the feel of a real cock inside her. I reached up and caressed both breasts, paying attention to her erect nipples with my thumbs and forefingers as I stroked the soft flesh of her beautiful boobs. Her mouth fell open and her eyes were rolled up in her head as she moved on me, then she reached down and started stroking her clit, and that was all it took.

Rosemary let out a wail as I had never heard her do before and she pressed down on me as far as she could. I felt her pussy spasming on my cock as her passion overwhelmed her before she collapsed on top of me with her forehead pressing on mine. I turned my head a little and let her head slide down to rest on my shoulder when she started to drool.

Her soft boobs were flattened against my chest, and I caressed the sides of them as I stroked up and down her sides and listened to her breath snuffle in my ear as a half snore. That beautiful red gold hair that I love so much was splayed out across my chest, across the tee shirt that in her haste she had not bothered with removing, and even though my legs were immobilized by my shorts around my ankles, and my cock was rock hard because I had not come yet, I found myself content.

Money or no money, I had all I needed right here in my arms, and downstairs in the pool, and I was... content.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The contents of the house belong to t&t LLC not Justin.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The author speaks like Michael has more rights, investment, and shares of the house/gold/stock than Rosemary or his parents. Michael has no legal claim to any of this. Some of the gold coins and ore plus the pistol ( itself worth a good chunk of change. ) was a generous reward for finding the entrance. BTW I’ve made a couple of single story hidden spaces. A multi story ladder takes a 3 foot by 4 foot absolute minimum for a very cramped ladder. It would take a great architect to hide that, and even better luck as at least three passes of plumbers and electricians ran pipes and wires. They would notice.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Pretty murky on who owns what. , but it’s fiction, but the contents of the house are owned by all six partners, Michael may be a great guy but he doesn’t just ”become” a half owner of the treasure. This makes it hard to follow as to why they are having meetings on what property. But it is fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Still loving it second time around.

Oops, the author got confused on names, using "Weathers" as Steph and her parents' family name for a short while. A bit disconcerting until I realised it was just typos.

Grandpa seems to be exaggerating Michael's legal rights to the additional treasure. Michael might have some claim to the bars of gold, even though he wasn't there when the bars were discovered, due to them being found in the secret passages he helped Justin discover, however his claim on the documents in the secret drawers seems rather iffy - the documents weren't in the secret passage, but in a desk that Justin already knew about, and it was the Railroad antiquarian who found the secret drawers. In fact said antiquarian would have more claim.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

the author died 4 years ago

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