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The bellman escorted us and our bags to our rooms and on the way down the hall I suggested we take care of the young lady first. He opened her door and I went in and did a quick once around the room to be sure everything was Ok. He did his thing with the blinds and the AC unit and I left her there. He dropped my bags in my room and I gave him a comfortable tip as he left. As soon as the door was closed I opened the door between the rooms and knocked on Kahlea's half. I smiled as I heard her open the door to the hall and then close it and I knocked again. This time I was answered by a tentative "Yes, who is it."

"It's just me. Unlock the door for a second please." I heard the bolt click back and the door opened a crack as she peeked around it, then when she saw it really was me she pulled it all the way open. I explained how the rooms were connected and told her that I would leave my door unlocked and open if she needed anything to just unlock hers and come in. "I sleep like a log so if you knock I won't hear it just come in and shake me if I'm sleeping."

She looked at me shyly and I could see the tears starting again. She started to thank me again but couldn't get the words out and threw her arms around me again and started to cry. I let her cry for a bit and patted her back to calm her then led her over to the sitting area in my room and sat with her on the couch.

"It's such a beautiful room, so big and nice. You are so nice to me. I don't know how to thank you. I mean I know you but it's not like we were family or anything and you've done all this for me."

"Well Kahlea, when you're this far from home anybody from your town is like family in a way. And when you're from a small town it's even more so. This is your vacation and you saved up for it. Now the plane ticket and the room would have been wasted if you didn't use them so you may as well accept your luck and enjoy yourself. Now what are you planning to do with yourself."

She sniffled a bit "I don't know. It's a little overwhelming. I didn't think it would be such a big city and everything is so strange."

"Well you look tired. Why don't you go and get settled in your room, maybe get a bath and relax, take a nap. I have to call my office and check my e-mail and stuff. I'm still working you know. Then after a while, once you're rested, I'll be your tour guide and show you around the strip a bit so you get an idea what's here and where you are and all. Then if you'll let me I'll take you to dinner. I hate to eat alone and with all the good restaurants in town it's a shame to eat hamburgers and pizza. Now does that sound like a plan?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I guess I am tired, too much excitement. A bath and a nap sound good." She got up and headed for her room, then stopped before she passed thru the doors. "Do all hotel rooms connect like this?"

"No," I answered. "some do."

"Oh. Why did they give us ones that connect like this?"

I was slightly embarrassed at the answer "The girl that checked us in assumed we ... wanted connecting rooms." She looked at me puzzled "She assumed you were my mistress."

Kahlea's eyes got big and her jaw dropped open. "Oh my God. I'm so embarrassed. She thought we ... that you and I ... We have to tell her."

Now I smiled at her embarrassment "It wouldn't do any good the more you claim not the more she'll think you are. Besides when in your life will you ever see her again. Let her think what she wants, she sees so much of it that it probably didn't even register to her anyway."

Kahlea stood there mortified for a few more seconds then started to giggle. "Ok let her think I have a sugar daddy." She disappeared into her room and closed the door and as I sat there I realized she did not lock it, just pushed it closed.

I took my own advice and after calling my office and checking my e-mail I took a quick shower and changed into comfortable casual clothes, then put my feet up and put the TV on. I must have dozed off, because suddenly Kahlea was standing over me and shaking my arm. My eyes opened and she sighed "Thank God, I was afraid something happened to you, you wouldn't wake up."

I smiled at her, "I warned you that I sleep like a log."

"I guess so!"

"Feel better now? Are you ready to go exploring?"

"Much and yes I am. I can't believe how hungry I am and its only 4:30 in the afternoon."

"You're forgetting about the time change. It's 4:30 here but 7:30 to your stomach. We'll grab a snack, go exploring then get a late dinner. What are you hungry for, seafood, steak, Italian."

"Oh I don't know, does it matter?"

"Only in what direction we go first. There is a really good Italian Restaurant in the hotel across the street and a great steakhouse in the other direction."

"Well I do like Italian food."

"Great, I'll call and get us reservations. Do you have your walking shoes on? The strip is a couple of miles long."

She scampered to change her shoes while I made dinner reservations. Then we started walking. We were staying at the far end of the Strip, near the airport and I walked her all the way to the other end. We stopped and went into a lot of shops and casinos along the way. She was spellbound by the varying themes and the setups of the hotels. I was able to time it close to right for our dinner reservations and we got there about a half hour before our time. We sat in the bar and waited. I ordered her a wine cooler while we waited. She was tired and sat there exhausted after having walked the Strip in both directions. So by the time we got our table she was glad to sit in a comfortable chair. We each ordered another drink, hers a wine cooler again and mine, as usual a scotch. Then wine with dinner and a delicious meal. We were both stuffed by the time we left.

For her part Kahlea had more to drink than she ever had before and she was tipsy, not drunk but definitely having fun and relaxed. During the meal the conversation turned to plans for the next day. She really had not made any and wanted to know what I had planned. I told her I had a 10AM tee off time at a local Golf course. Since she seemed a little disappointed I asked her if she would like to come along. She admitted to having tried to play but felt she wasn't very good, but yes it was going to be a nice day and it might be fun.

As we strolled back to our own hotel I realized how much fun I had had. I was really enjoying myself. We walked thru the casino and I stopped at the Roulette table to lose some money and she was fascinated by the game and how it was played. I stayed longer than I anticipated as I explained the game to her. I should have paid more attention to Kahlea and less to the table. She found out she could order drinks from the girls and they were complimentary, in other words free. I am not sure how many she had but when we stood to leave she nearly collapsed.

"Oh shit" I thought to myself and helped her to the elevator as discreetly as I could. Like most people she got talkative when she was drunk and the whole way back to the room she told me how wonderful I was and how I was so much nicer than any boy she had ever gone out with. "Just what I need" I thought "An appreciative drunk teenager with a case of hero worship."

I got her into her room and onto the bed. Then I opened the door to my room and told her she should get to bed and get some sleep. I reminded her that if she needed anything to come get me as I closed the door. For myself I was tired also and had had a couple of drinks so stripped down and crawled into bed.

I woke fairly early the next morning and felt well rested and only a little hung over. I peeked in to Kahlea's room and saw that she had fallen asleep in her clothes and was still sound asleep. I called room service and ordered a large pot of coffee and two cups along with toast to be delivered a half hour later, then I got in the shower and relaxed in the hot water. I finished my shower and had a robe on when the coffee arrived. The waiter set it up on the table and left when I turned I saw Kahlea standing in the doorway looking like death warmed over. Hung over with out question.

I felt sorry for her, but laughed at the same time. I invited her in and poured her coffee and got her to eat a piece of toast. "Drink the coffee, then go get a shower. By the time you are done you'll feel alive at least." She did as she was told and left with a second cup of coffee to shower. I dressed and watched the morning news while I waited. She came back a bit later, wearing a robe, looking better and obviously feeling better. She wanted another cup of coffee and helped herself then returned to her room. I chuckled at how at home she made herself. She had just walked into the room as though it were her own and talked like we were old friends.

She returned dressed and ready for breakfast, "I am hungry but I also feel a little yucky in my stomach." She admitted. We had a light breakfast and headed for the golf course. It was a beautiful day, perfect bright and sunny, 75 degrees, just right for playing golf. The course was empty enough that they allowed us to play as a two some, not pairing us with anyone. We had just finished the ninth hole when the discussion changed.

"I don't mean to stick my nose in, and I've only spent the last 24 hours with you but it bugs me and I have to tell you, your wife doesn't know how lucky she is to have you."

"Well thank you. Unfortunately I have to agree with you."

"I know that things aren't good for you at home." She said.

I was stunned although I probably shouldn't have been, living in a small town does have its drawbacks. I didn't say anything, just shrugged. She continued. "She tells people how much she doesn't want to be married anymore and how you don't even share a room anymore. I know its none of my business but why do you stay?"

"I don't want to put my girls through a divorce." I answered.

"They are waiting for you to. They have been for years. They know you aren't happy."

I didn't say anything as I contemplated what she told me. Obviously she knew more about what my kids thought than I did. They were the same age, went to school together and admittedly they did not talk to me much. Trying to hold a conversation with them was like pulling teeth. They were always off doing their own thing or with their mother. I admitted then that was one of the reasons I hung around. I was afraid that they would abandon me for their mother and I would be totally alone.

"I'm sorry I should mind my own business and keep my mouth shut. I just never knew you before except who you were, and I've had so much fun the last day. I know you went way out of your way to help me. I could not imagine most anyone doing that for someone they barely know." She said.

"No, its Ok. You haven't said anything that isn't true or that I don't know already. It's just hard to change your life and sometimes its easier to be miserable."

She studied me for a minute as I drove the cart and then as I pulled up to the Tee she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Well for this week it is my job to make you unmiserable and help you have a good time, just like you are doing for me." She announced with all the certainty of a teenager.

We played the rest of the game without bringing up the subject again and I did put it out of my mind and enjoy myself. It helped a lot how sweet Kahlea was and how much fun she obviously was having. Her energy and attitude were contagious.

We finished the game and on the way to the hotel she asked what I planned to do with the rest of the day. I admitted that I was tired and was going to be lazy and rest before dinner then see what there was to do in the evening. I asked her what she would like to do.

"Well I hate to admit it but I am tired too. I have to remember not to drink so much. I felt awful this morning." She said

I laughed. "The trick is to know how drunk you are getting and them before you go to bed drink a bottle or two of water. The water helps replace the fluids the alcohol drains off your body and it helps dilute the poison in your stomach. You may still get a hangover but not as bad."

"Why didn't you tell me that last night?" She asked annoyed.

"Because even if I had you would not have listened. Everyone has to have a hangover before they appreciate how not to have one."

She laughed, "You're probably right."

We got back to the hotel and into our rooms. She was no sooner in hers than the connecting door opened and she walked into mine. "I'm going to go get a soda from the machine. Do you want one?" She asked.

"Yeah that would be good. Thanks" I answered.

She left and I flipped on the TV and laid down on the bed to watch it. Kahlea returned a few minutes later and handed me the soda she had gotten me and plopped onto the bed next to me. "Whatcha watching?" She asked as though it were the most natural thing in the world to lay on the bed with me watching TV.

"Just flipping channels, but this movie looks good. I've seen it before but I probably won't be awake long enough to care." I chuckled.

"Can I watch with you?" Kahlea asked with all the innocence of youth.

"Sure, get yourself comfortable." I allowed.

We watched for a while and sooner or later I did fall asleep, as did Kahlea. I woke an hour or so later to find myself on my back with pillows under my head, the TV still on and Kahlea asleep next to me. She had my left arm wrapped into hers and her other arm stretched over me with her hand resting on my chest. She had cuddled right up to me in her sleep. I smiled over at her. She looked like an angel asleep like that and I did not want to wake her. I found the remote on the bed next to me and flipped channels until I found something else to watch. She stayed curled up against me for another half hour before she woke up on her own.

She opened her eyes and looked at me and smiled. "I had a good nap" she purred as she stretched. Then instead of rolling away when she finished stretching she actually pulled closer and laid her arm all the way across me in a hug. "You're comfortable to sleep against, nice and warm and you don't snore" She offered

I laughed "Well my wife disagrees with you."

"Well she's and idiot anyway, treating you like she does. But I'm not going to talk about that." She offered with disdain in her voice. "So are you hungry yet? Or do you want to eat later"

"Well it's still early. I was thinking about getting a shower then maybe doing some shopping before dinner." I answered.

"Shopping?" Her ears perked right up.

"Yeah," I laughed "Whenever I come out here I like to go to the western wear stores and see if I can get anything, it's cheaper than at home. I do need a new cowboy hat my old one is getting raggedy."

"I've seen you in that it looks good on you."

Well there is something else my wife and you disagree on." I laughed "I sometimes wear it just to piss her off."

Kahlea giggled. "Shopping sounds like fun. I always wanted a hat and boots."

Well then let me up so I can shower then we'll head out shopping and I know just the place for dinner and some cheap gambling. They have a 25 cent minimum on the table instead of the $5 like last night.

Kahlea squealed with delight "Even I can afford to play then."

She jumped up and announced she was going to get ready. I rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. Having gotten a quick shower and slipped on a pair of slacks and a shirt I was walking across the room when Kahlea appeared at the connecting door holding up two different tops against her. "Is this place dressy? Which one would be better?"

I looked and either would have been suitable. "Either one is fine." I answered.

""Well which one do you like better? The white one or the red one?" and as she asked she dropped one then raised it and dropped the other. I couldn't help but notice that as she dropped each one she exposed a naked tit to my view. She was standing there asking me which I liked with no top or bra on giving me a view of her beautiful round firm tits. I stammered for a reply and just wanting to get the embarrassment over with. "The White one is great. " I answered as I looked away.

So far all the time I had spent with her I had not viewed her as a woman, just a cute little girl, like one of my own daughters. Now I had had a view of her as a woman and my entire mindset changed. She went back into her room and was back in less than a minute wearing the white top I had chosen. It was then that I realized it was a tight white top which bared her midriff. To top it off she had put it on over her very nicely rounded tits without a bra. There was very little left to the imagination. The material was thin enough that her nipples were prominent and her areoles visible.

"Uh, Kahlea. That one might not be the best either." I offered.

She broke into a pout "You don't like it."

"No its not that it is very nice and shows what a beautiful woman you are. It's just a little revealing."

She looked at me puzzled for a few seconds and then a sly smile crossed her face. "I don't care what they see and if people think I am your hot young mistress then let'em think that. Besides you said it makes me beautiful."

Well that was not exactly what I said but it was close. I did not want to hurt her feelings so I just shrugged and mentally resigned myself to walking around with my dick hard all night. I called the valet to have my rental car brought around and we headed down to the lobby. As we rode the elevator and walked through the gaming area and lobby, I noticed that Kahlea was getting quite a few stares from the men we passed. I believe she noticed the same thing because as we walked through the gaming area she took hold of my arm and pulled close to me while her head went up in the air just a bit, as if to say "I'm taken and you can't have me."

We drove to the first of the three stores I usually frequent when I'm in town and I found a pair of boots that fit and I liked. Fitting them for me is always a problem and I thought nothing of the $250 price tag. I noticed Kahlea looking over a pair also and had her try them on.
"I can't afford them but they are very nice." She demurred

"Well maybe we can make a deal and get them on sale but we have to know if they fit." I suggested.

Reluctantly she tried on the ones she had been eyeing. We found they were a good fit and the heels did make he legs look longer, they just looked good on her. I told the sales girl to put them in with mine.

"No, I can't let you buy them and they are so expensive."

"Good boots are expensive but they will last a long time too so they're worth it." The salesgirl scoped them up and took them to the counter. She either was afraid of losing the sale or had worked there long enough to hear similar arguments. Our next stop was the store where I always bought my hats. The place was stuck off the tourist circuit so the prices were reasonable and the selection excellent. I found myself a new hat a dark Grey 6X beaver. Here again I told Kahlea to pick out a hat that would look good with her boots. She demurred again claiming they were too expensive.

"How can you tell, there's no prices on any of them. But that one is only $10." I said as I pointed to a $100 hat. The store used codes for the pricing and I had learned how to read them. I winked at the clerk as he was about to open his mouth and spoil my fun. He clapped his jaw shut and smiled. Once she thought the hats were cheap she allowed me to show her how to choose a good one. She chose a white 5X beaver that really did look great on her. While we were checking out I picked her out a nice belt with a silver and turquoise buckle. She insisted on wearing her hat as we left, she was having fun and I was enjoying watching her have fun. I even let her give the clerk $20 for her hat and belt and he just added the difference to my bill.