Katherine and Clarence Ch. 01


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"I'll be here Maam. Thank you Katherine. See you tomorrow," he said.

"See you tomorrow, Clarence."

After he left, Katherine sat in the den with a glass of wine and thought about the day's events. John is an ass hole and she's done with him. Not only that, she will instruct the company to moving some of their business to another firm. She thought that his three masked buddies should be in jail. And finally, Clarence. Wow! Thankfully Clarence happened along when he did.

She thought of her ex husband Frank and her recent lover John. They were two of the most handsome men she had ever seen. Both were white, well built, smart, her age, well educated and liked the finer things in life. Katherine was also white, above average body, smart, the same age as her lovers and liked the finer things. But her pussy had never been as wet and her nipples had never been as hard as they were when she was kissing Clarence. Big dumb Clarence. Black, not good looking, overweight, not smart, the same age as her son and probably isn't even aware of what the finer things are. With that thought in her mind, she fell asleep.

Katherine was awakened by someone ringing the doorbell. She got up, tightened the belt of her robe and walked to the door to find Clarence waiting with a huge smile on his face. As she opened the door he said, "Good morning Mizz Kattherine. I mean Katherine. I'm ready to go to work." He had on coveralls and the same torn shirt from yesterday.

"Come on in Clarence. I just woke up. Let me start the coffee and you can help yourself while I get dressed," she said.

"Yes Maam. My momma said to thank you for giving me a job. She has a boyfriend now, and is probably glad to have me out of the house." He followed her to the kitchen, and thought, 'even in that robe, she is still the best looking woman I've ever seen.' Katherine started the coffee, got out a cup for Clarence and then left the room. She walked back in to the room a few minutes later wearing a tank top, shorts and tennis shoes.

Katherine got out the eggs, bacon, bread, fruit and cereal. Once she got the bacon going she walked over to Clarence, bent over and looked into his eyes, and said "Thank you again for yesterday, Clarence." Then she kissed him. What is it about his lips that is so addicting she wondered. As they kissed and moved their tongues to each other's mouths, Katherine began to get wet and Clarence felt the tingling of an erection. She put her hand behind Clarence's neck and pulled him forward. Without thinking, Clarence reached his arm around her waist and pulled her on to his lap without breaking their kiss. Clarence's cock was getting harder and harder and Katherine was in a daze. Her nipples were like bullets.

They were both breathing hard, and Katherine moaned, "Oh Clarence." She could feel his growing cock. Clarence's right arm was still around her, but his left hand was on his thigh. Katherine reached down and lifted his hand to her breast as they continued to kiss. As he looked at her beautiful legs, Clarence gently squeezed her breast and Katherine moaned again. How can this young man who has nothing in common with me get me so hot she thought. And what in the hell is the matter with me? I'm sitting on the lap of an 18 year old black boy letting him touch my breast. Clarence had no idea what had gotten in to Katherine, but if this hot older woman wanted to kiss him and make his cock hard, he liked it.

Finally, Clarence looked up and said, "The bacon is starting to smoke." She jumped off his lap and ran to the stove. Katherine finished making breakfast and sat in amazement as Clarence ate ½ pound of bacon, six eggs, two bowls of cereal and four bowls of fresh fruit. He told her that his family could never afford to buy fresh pineapple and oranges so this was a real treat for him.

After breakfast, Katherine grabbed her list jobs for Clarence and they began walking around the estate. Painting, repairing, cutting, moving, fixing, replacing and cleaning all around the house, courtyard, front gate, driveway and finally in the five car garage. When Katherine took Clarence to the garage to show him a few minor repairs needed to the doors and windows, Clarence was impressed by the array of luxury and sports cars.

"Wow!" he said. "Look at all these cars. Are they all yours Katherine?"

She laughed and said, "Yes Clarence. If you have a driver's license, I'll let you drive them some day."

Clarence looked down at the floor and said, "I don't have a license, Katherine. But if you ever want to take me for a ride in one of these cars, I'm in."

"I'll take you for a ride whenever you want, Clarence. And maybe I'll even help you to get your driver's license."

Clarence's face lit up and he spun around and lifted Katherine off the floor and hugged her like she was a rag doll. He said, "Really? I'd do anything to get a driver's license, but we don't have a car."

Katherine was still laughing and as he put her down, he hugged her. "I'm sorry, Katherine. I don't mean to hurt you or nothing but I'm so happy." She looked up into that big ugly face, reached behind his neck and pulled his face down so she could kiss him. Their lips parted and they kissed. When the kiss ended, Clarence said, "Can I ask you something Katherine?"

"Yes, Clarence. What is it?"

"Well," he said, "when we were in the house, you put my hand on your beautiful boob." Katherine smiled at his use of the term 'boob.' "My penis was hard and I was ashamed and embarrassed."

"Don't be embarrassed Clarence. Getting hard is natural, and it makes me feel good that you get hard while feeling my breast."

He looked down at the floor, hesitated and then said, "Will you let me do that again sometime? Please Katherine."

Katherine's nipples were as hard as they had ever been in her life. "Clarence, you can touch my breasts any time you want. You can lift me up and hug me any time you want. And you can kiss me any time you want. And remember, Clarence, I won't break. OK?" She couldn't believe what she just said. She had just given a big dumb 18 year old boy permission to feel her up anytime he wanted.

Clarence was more excited than he'd ever been in his life. "Can I touch your boobs now, Katherine?"

Katherine smiled up at this big brute and said, "Yes Clarence. Anytime you want."

He tentatively reached out and cupped both breasts. He heard a slight moan from Katherine as she closed her eyes and pressed her large tits into his hands. His hands were so large that one of them could almost hold both breasts, but he used both hands as he gently squeezed her breasts... Katherine's nipples were rock hard. She shoved her chest out and leaned her head back with her lips slightly parted. Clarence may have been dumb, but he took the hint and lowered his lips and covered Katherine's lips. She let out another moan. Any male with normal intelligence would have realized that he could have fucked Katherine right here on the garage floor.

But Clarence wasn't normal. He wasn't really sure what he should do next. As he thought of this big fat dumb ugly black man kissing and fondling this beautiful white woman, he moaned loudly as his cock exploded in his coveralls. Cum ran down his leg and stuck to his zipper. He quickly let go of Katherine as the cum ran all the way to his shoes. He was ashamed and he looked at the floor again. "I-I-I'm so s-s-s-sorry, Katherine."

As Katherine looked at him, it appeared that he was crying. "Look at me Clarence," she said. He continued looking down. "Clarence, look at me." She slowly reached down and lifted his head. As she looked into his big brown eyes, she saw he was ashamed. She saw that he was beginning to cry. "Clarence, it's OK. It's natural. Come with me."

Katherine took him by the hand and led him back to the house. She took him upstairs and got one of her big plush towels and led him to a bathroom. "Go in the bathroom and take off your pants and hand them out to me. Then take a shower while I wash your pants."

"Mizz Katherine, I'm too embarrassed. Please just let me go home."

"Clarence! Get in there and take off your clothes and hand them out to me! All of your clothes! Right now! And then take a shower, wrap a towel around you and come downstairs. We'll have lunch while we wait for your clothes to dry."

"Yes, Maam," said Clarence. He handed her his clothes and then got into the biggest and most luxurious shower he'd ever seen. Of course, it was in the largest and most luxurious bathroom he had ever seen.

Katherine tossed his big cum-stained pants into the washing machine and then went to the kitchen to make lunch. About 20 minutes later, Clarence slowly came down the stairs with the towel wrapped around his large stomach and hanging to his knees. Katherine said, "Go sit in the kitchen while I put your clothes in the dryer."

When Clarence got to the kitchen, he saw the table set with sandwiches, more fresh fruit, potato salad, pickles, olives, and a plate of cookies. Katherine yelled to him from the laundry room next door, "Help yourself to a soft drink, beer or water in the refrigerator, Clarence." Clarence looked at the biggest refrigerator he'd ever seen. He grabbed a Coke and sat down. A minute later, Katherine came in and grabbed a bottle of water and sat next to Clarence. "Dig in," she said. Katherine ate ½ sandwich, some fruit and one cookie. Clarence wouldn't look at Katherine for the entire meal, but he ate a huge mound of potato salad, four sandwiches and five cookies.

Clarence finally looked at Katherine and said, "I am so sorry Katherine. I know I didn't do no work today so you don't have to pay me. And if you change your mind and don't want me to work here, I think I understand. I really messed up."

Katherine asked him, "Clarence, if you weren't kissing me and if you didn't have your hand on my breast, do you think those cars would have made you cum in your pants?"

"N-n-no, Maam," he said.

"So you had that accident because of me, right? If I hadn't kissed you and if I hadn't told you to touch my breasts, it wouldn't have happened. So you shouldn't be ashamed. And I will pay you for today. And I want you to work here. Are we clear on that?"

"Clarence continued to look at the floor, "Yes Maam. What do you want me to do first when my pants are dry?"

"When your clothes are dry, you can start at the top of the list and work your way to the bottom. And take your time, Clarence."

"Yes Maam."

"And you're supposed to call me Katherine, Clarence. Aren't you?"

"Yes Katherine."

"Your clothes should be dry in another 20 minutes, Clarence. Is there anything you'd like to do until then?"

A normal man would have jumped on that opening, but Clarence wasn't normal. He said, "No Katherine. Is there something you want me to do while we wait?"

Well, Katherine thought, he's just not quite sharp enough to take a hint. AS she stood up, she looked at this big fat ugly dumb black man and wondered, not for the first time, how being near him made her so wet. She slowly walked over to him and asked him to slide out his chair and then sat on his lap. She said, "Lift up your head and look at me, Clarence. Would you like to spend the next 20 minutes kissing me?"

Clarence's eyes were huge and he had the biggest smile that Katherine had seen. "Yes, Katherine. I want to kiss you." After a brief kiss, Clarence pulled away and said, "If I try not to have another accident, c-c-can I touch your b-boobs again?

"Clarence, I told you that you can touch them and squeeze them whenever you want. And I don't care if you have an accident with my towel. I can wash it too."

So until the dryer's buzzer sounded, they kissed. Their tongues wrapped around each other and moved from mouth to mouth. Clarence began fondling Katherine's tits until his hard on threatened to escape from the towel. Katherine was breathing hard and she moaned at his touch. She breathed, "Please kiss me Clarence. Squeeze my tits and kiss me." She slid her hand down to his lap and lightly moved it back and forth on his cock on top of the towel. She thought, "His cock must be at least 10 inches long. " Clarence was twisting and turning in his seat trying to keep his cock from escaping the towel and embarrassing him in front of Katherine again.

Each time he stopped fondling her breasts, she would whisper to him to please squeeze her tits and keep kissing her. Just before the dryer's buzzer sounded, the head of Clarence's cock peaked out from the towel. Clarence was in shock, but Katherine only smiled and lightly ran her hand down the length of his cock. As she touched the head, the buzzer sounded and Clarence came all over the floor.

Clarence was again embarrassed, but before he could apologize, Katherine put her lips softly on his and said, "Thank you, Clarence. When you cum with me on your lap, you make me feel really beautiful and sexy for an old lady. Thank you."

Clarence didn't know what to say or do. He was embarrassed, but he had always had a crush on Katherine and he didn't consider her an old lady. He finally said, "T-t-t-hank you Katherine. I can't help m-m-m-yself when I'm touching y-y-your boobs. I c-can't control my penis."

Katherine laughed and kissed him. She said, "Clarence, I know your mamma brought you up to call it a penis, but let's call it a cock. And I don't want you to control your cock. If it gets hard and cums when you're kissing and feeling me up, I feel good. Now let's go get your clothes."

Clarence dressed and spent the afternoon working on the list of jobs that Katherine had given him. Katherine spent the afternoon working from her home office, mostly returning emails and making phone calls.

At the end of the day, he returned to the house and asked Katherine if she wanted to see what he did that day. Even though Katherine was exhausted, she knew that people who were slow appreciated your time and praise, so she walked to the garage to see the day's accomplishments. As she examined the window repairs and the touched up paint, she was impressed. She could not have haired professionals who could have done it better. "Wow, Clarence, this is a great job." Clarence beamed. "I don't think I'm paying you enough money, Clarence. I'm going to give you a raise."

"Clarence said, "Oh no, Katherine. You're already paying me more money than I've ever made in my life. I don't want no more money."

"Clarence," she said, "do you have more work clothes?"

"No Maam. This is all I have. When I make extra money, it helps support my brothers and sister. My momma has a new boyfriend and she said she hopes they get married so we can move into a bigger house."

"OK Clarence. Here is what I want you to do. Tomorrow, instead of coming here first, I want you to go to McGilvery's Department Store and get work clothes. You can't keep wearing the same ones every day."

"Yes Maam."

"I'll call them now and tell them what kind of work clothes to have for you. When you get finished, tell them to deliver them here tomorrow afternoon and them come in for lunch."

"Yes Maam.

"Now, give me a kiss and go home."

Clarence grinned and put his big arms around Katherine. As they kissed, his hands moved up to her breasts. Her nipples hardened immediately. Katherine thought, "He's learning. And I like him doing this without me suggesting it." They kissed for a couple of minutes while Clarence kneaded her breasts, and when they parted, both were breathing heavily. Without even thinking, Katherine reached down and squeezed the bulge in his pants and said "Good night, Clarence."

Clarence smiled, reached up and tweaked Katherine's nipple and said, "Good night Katherine."

As Clarence walked home, he was thinking, in his own confused way, about Katherine. Why would this beautiful rich white woman hire him? Why would she kiss him? Why would she let him touch her boobs? Why would she touch his penis? His cock? To Clarence, Katherine should be on a pedestal. She was a woman that he has had a crush on since he was 8 years old and she was in her thirties. Even though she's put on a few pounds since then, that just made her perfect to Clarence. Clarence knows that working for Katherine and spending time with her is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in his life and he really hopes he doesn't mess it up or say something stupid.

As Katherine relaxed later with a glass of wine, she thought about the last two days. The handsome, white, muscular, wealthy, smart men she spent many years with didn't affect her nearly as much as this uneducated, poor, flabby, homely black 18 year old boy. She didn't know what was happening to her and she was wondering if this new man in her life would eventually become her lover.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I liked it. I was 48, going through a divorce for over a year and had seen little action between the sheets, this changed one night with a black dad, a tall, low key guy I'd known for a long time. He invited me up for a drink and soon, as I sat on his couch, he stood over me, he unzipped his pants and pushed his pants and boxers down. He said, "You know you want this." I saw his hard black shaft spring out ready for action, god, for me, it was a surprising big cock, taboo black too. Having not been fucked in a long time his shaft was mind boggling inviting, I began sucking on it right away. I was fingered hard, sucked harder, had his three fingers fuck my pussy painfully until his cock hardened for a second time and then I had another harder fucking from behind. Three days later I went back again.

tkoberontkoberonover 4 years ago

You left the last boyfriend in his car outside her house. That should have been taken all the way through to final breakup so that she can begin a new chapter.

biglslaterbiglslaterover 4 years ago

Yo u didn’t have to make him stupid it doesn’t add anything to the story

chytownchytownover 4 years ago

Dumb storyline!! Sorry!

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
More chapters !!!!

Nice story. Hope u will add more chapters. Maybe 2,3,4,5.. Ty

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