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"Thank you for today, Mark."

"You're more than welcome, sweetie. My pleasure completely."

She felt herself calming down as they relaxed together. He eventually washed her down, and while erotic, is was more intimate than anything. When he washed her hair, that was the closest she came to crying again as he was so loving and gentle with her. She then took delight in returning the favour, her fingers massaging him like always. She knew his body better than anyone else.

After drying off, they returned to his bedroom, spooning back against him once they were under the sheets. She couldn't stop smiling as his arms wrapped around her, pulled back so her back rested against his firm chest. She felt so tiny compared to him sometimes.

"Goodnight, sweetie."

"Goodnight, baby."

She slept like a log, waking before him that night to find she'd turned over, her head laying against his chest, his arms still holding her tightly to him. Lifting her head enough, she watched him sleep, not wanting to disturb him. Her heart swelled with so many feelings, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I love you," she whispered. Caressing her face, he smiled as he continued to sleep. Snuggling back into him, she fell asleep again and only woke up when feeling him move about. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by his smiling face. "Morning, baby."

"Morning, sweetie. Sleep well?"

"Can't remember sleeping better. Helps when I have a big, warm teddy bear next to me."


"Actually, we did build up quite an appetite with some our activities last night."

Slipping into one of his t-shirts, he chuckled as it easily covered her entire body, her girlcock and her butt. He put on a t-shirt and shorts, leading her into the kitchen, where there was also a small dining room attached, but she sat on one of the stools as he prepared a couple of things for them. Asking what drink, she asked if he had tea, opening the door to his pantry to show quite a few varieties available, explaining that while he was a coffee man, many of his friends loved a cup of tea.

They made small-talk over breakfast before deciding what to do. She smiled, taking off her t-shirt and walking back towards his room, glancing back only once, to see him following her. Sitting on her knees on the floor, he took off his t-shirt as she lowered his shorts to the ground. His cock was semi-hard, and only took a few licks from her to get him rock hard.

"I can't handle you inside me again so soon, Mark," she said, gazing up at him, "I'll need to get used to that again. But I'll never stop sucking your cock. I love pleasing the man I'm with."

She made him cum rather quickly, which always pleased her. It would take time for her to learn all his secrets but she was more than willing to take the time to use them. She swallowed the first couple of spurts, then surprised him by taking the rest on her face. The shock made her giggle as she loved his reaction.

"We should shower now, baby. Got something rather sticky on my face."

"I take it you might like me covering you in cum going forward?"

"Baby, I will be your canvas as you paint me in your spunk."

He met her eyes and roared with laughter, taking her hand and leading her into the bathroom, where he took great pleasure in running his hands all over her petite body. Drying each other off as like the night before, they dressed and relaxed back on the couch, relaxing together as they decided to watch a little television together.

After enjoying lunch together, Amy started to blow up her phone with plenty of messages. Mark was interested but respected her privacy. Though she wanted to stay with him the night, she knew he had long days, rising very early as he drove into the city. Mid-afternoon and she cuddled into him, suggesting that it might be time for her to go home.

"You can stay," he whispered, "As long as you want."

"I'd love to but I don't want to overstay my welcome too quickly."

He lifted her chin with a finger. "Melanie, that'll never happen."

But he could see she was serious so, though she could see he didn't want her to go, she packed her things before he took her hand and led her down to the garage. He had a powerful car. She knew nothing about them but she thought she recognised the badge. Driving her back to her apartment, he was a gentleman, opening her door, taking her bag then her hand, leading her upstairs to her apartment door. Amy opened it to see the pair sharing a last kiss.

"I'll see you on Thursday, Melanie," he stated, "Unless..."

"Don't think I'll stop just because you're now my boyfriend."

He kissed her again, wished her goodbye, smiled and said the same thing to Amy, hearing him whistle as he walked down the steps. Heading into her apartment, Amy inundated her with questions before she finally stopped and just looked at her. "You had sex!"

Then she squealed, Melanie giggled, and the pair shared a tight hug.


She'd already met his parents and sister. He hadn't told them about her as he knew that it wasn't his business to tell. His sister had her figured out before she'd said a word. Sitting down for dinner, conversation was pleasant. It was obvious his little sister adored Mark, his mother still loved him like a little boy, and his father had his respect.

Explaining that she was a ladyboy, or transgender in western parlance, was easier than she imagined it would be. His father was curious and accepting, his mother smiled and called her beautiful, his sister adopted her immediately. His friends were already aware having met her numerous times already. Most didn't even care. One or two wondered if she had ladyboy friends. She ignored those as they would clearly fetishize her friends.

Tonight, it was meeting her family. She was nearly twenty-six years old and had never brought a boyfriend home to meet her parents, let alone her brothers and sisters. She was thankful her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other distant relatives hadn't been invited too. Mark was a sea of calm in the car during the drive over, holding his hand the entire time as it was her own nerves that were on edge.

Arriving outside the suburban house she'd called home until she was nineteen, Mark escorted her from the car to the front door. He knocked lightly before seeing the doorbell, pressing the button once. Her father opened the door, no doubt his eyes falling on the far taller, Caucasian man holding her hand.

Her Dad grinned as he offered his hand. "You must be Mark. Welcome to our home. I'm her father, John." Mark's eyebrows must have raised in surprise as his father chuckled. "I anglicised my name, Mark. My name is still Lamon on my passport, but I liked the name John. Come in, come in. Melanie, looking lovely as always."

She blushed as she hugged her father, his bristles making her giggle as she kissed both her cheeks. Leading the pair inside, Mark was quickly introduced to her mother. Barely standing five-foot, she was the matriarch of the household. Mark leaned down to kiss her cheeks. "This is my mother, Ploy. My brothers are likely outside, along with my two sisters. They're all eager to meet you," Melanie explained, "Mum does speak English but she's shy with strangers."

Her mother said something in Thai, which made her father chuckle and Melanie blush. "She said you're very handsome, but glad to see you're here with her daughter," John stated.

"Your daughter is very special to me," Mark replied, "I love her."

Her mother understood those last three words very well. He'd heard her tell her she loved him that morning in bed a couple of months ago, and the next time they'd met, which was the Monday night, he told her how much he loved her in return while they made love. While she was still technically living with Amy, at least according to the rental agreement, she's practically moved in with Mark already. Amy knew she would be leaving sooner rather than later, Ben likely moving in to help cover the rent and bills.

Taking his hand, Mark was quickly introduced to her four siblings. As she expected, her two older brothers were initially wary of him, though her two sisters loved him from the start. Within minutes, he was being interrogated by her brothers, though he found it amusing, and even her father eventually told them to knock it off. It was all in good humour.

He was served traditional Thai food, which she'd already cooked for him more than once. She wasn't as good a cook as her mother, but she loved having a meal prepared for him by the time he came home. She knew how hard he worked, the long hours and stress he faced each day. He made more than enough money that, if she wanted, she could stop working, though he knew she loved what she did for a living.

By the end of the meal, she knew her father was already thinking of him as a future son-in-law. Her mother always wore her heart on her sleeve, and there were little things she did that suggested she was thinking the same way as her husband. Her brothers slowly but surely warmed up to him, and once he accepted the offer of a Thai beer, they were soon sitting back on the lounge inside, laughing and joking.

Helping her mother clean up, she said in Thai, "He's a good man, Melanie. And it's obvious in his eyes how much he loves you."

"I love him too, mother."

"How long have you been dating now?"

"Three months."

"And you live with him?"

"Pretty much. My rental agreement with Amy runs out in four months. She knows I won't renew it with her."

"So you'll live with him permanently?"

She smiled as she replied, "He's already asked, mother. As I said, I'm at his place nearly every night as it is. Moving in permanently won't be a big deal."

"And marriage? Have you discussed it?" She paused and her mother sensed something was wrong. Feeling her mother embrace her, she whispered, "What's wrong, child?"

"I want to get married but won't walk down the aisle until I've... changed..."

Her mother leaned back and smiled. "So you've made up your mind?"

"I want to, mother. Mark has never minded the fact I have my boy bits, but he knows I want to go through with the gender confirmation surgery. We've looked into it together, and as I've already gone through much of the transition, many of the costs will actually be covered by Medicare. But I'll still need a little nest egg of savings, and it's the recovery period after surgery that will take time."

Her mother took her hands and kissed her cheek. "You've always been our daughter, our little girl, Melanie. Whatever you choose to do, your parents, your siblings will support you the entire way. Okay?" She nodded as her mother hugged her again. "Mark will be your rock. I can see the strength in him but also the love he has for you."

"I know, mother."

As he'd shared a few beers with her father and brothers, she had the joy of driving his car home. She'd driven it a few times, but as he was rather merry next to him, and quite amorous, she found him rather distracting, in an entirely good way. As soon as the door was shut and locked behind them, Mark's hands were all over her body, ripping off her clothes while she did the same for him.

Tumbling naked onto the bed, he was hard and ready to go. She'd been wearing a plug all day, having taken to wearing them so all he needed to do was take it out, lube himself up, then slide his cock inside her. Getting on her knees, she lowered her head as she felt him slowly remove the plug, moaning as it stretched her nice and wide. What she didn't expect was feeling his tongue inside her.

"Oh fuck," she cried as he spread her cheeks and went to town on her.

Reaching for the lube that was always on either nightstand, she handed it back, figuring he was lubing his cock up while he ate her out. "Oh baby, don't stop. Eat that pussy," she moaned.

She stroked her girlcock as he ate her out, but feeling his tongue move away, replaced by lubed up fingers, she knew his cock would soon be inside her. She giggled as he lightly slapped each cheek a couple of times. "Fuck, your arse is just perfect like the rest of you, sweetie," he stated.

"Like your cock is perfect for me, baby. Please slide it in... Unless you want me to beg."

He chuckled as he pressed the head of his cock at her pussy. "You'll never have to beg me, sweetie, because we both love this," he said softly as he slowly slid inside her.

"Fuck me, baby," she groaned once he was buried deep inside her, "Nice and hard, baby. Just fuck me. You own my pussy."

Completely clear minded, he would have slowly built up a head of steam. After a couple of drinks, he started slowly enough but, within a couple of minutes, he was fucking her into the mattress. She. Loved. It. It was so good, she came hard all over the sheets. But he was a machine, the alcohol in his system meaning his orgasm was going to take a little while to arrive.

Leaning forward over her, he started to drive his cock harder and deeper. She grunted once or twice, a sound she knew made him stop or at least slow down. He did both times she made that sound, nuzzling into her neck, asking in a whisper if she was okay. Assuring him she was, he resumed fucking her hard. Feeling his cock thrusting deep would never not be a thrill, particularly when was in a particular mood, and he'd only leave the very tip inside her arse with each thrust before powering forward.

"Fuck yes," he growled, "Your pussy is mine, Melanie." Feeling him nibble at her neck made her shudder. It was always sensitive when he was fucking her hard. "You're mine, sweetie," he breathed into her ear, "As much as I'm yours."

"Always, baby. Now and forever."

When he did finally cum, she squeezed his cock tightly, moaning herself as he didn't stop slamming his cock deep until he finally collapsed on top of her. Resting on a forearm, he just about stopped himself from squashing her. Feeling his cock remaining hard inside her, she turned her head to see him smiling at her, moaning softly as he thrust gently into her.

"I shouldn't be this hard all the time," he joked, "I blame you."

"Can't get enough of my tight, hot pussy, baby." She leaned over to kiss him. "One day, I'll have a real pussy for you to enjoy."

He pulled out and pulled her into his body. "Speak to your mother about it?"

"She said as long as you support me... You're my rock, Mark. You know that, right?"

"I know, sweetie."

"As soon as I'm recovered, you'd better propose to me."

"You know I'd do it before. I love you for you, sweetie. Girlcock, boy bits or not, I love you. But I've also done a lot of reading. The most important thing to me, sweetie, is that you're happy, there in your heart, but also when you look in the mirror and seeing what matches how you feel."

"Thank you for understanding, baby."

"Melanie, the most important thing in my life is that you're happy. That's all I want in my life going forward, to walk into this apartment, maybe a house in the future, and be greeted by your smile."

As she cuddled into him, feeling his fingers caressing her side, she knew at heart that it was time to make a decision. She'd always felt like a woman but had put off making a decision. She knew the surgery would be taxing on her body, but there were also the financial considerations. But she was surprised how she was now feeling, in a relationship with someone she loved, and she wanted to feel like a woman in more ways than one. It was no longer just a decision for herself, smiling at the idea that it was a decision for both of them.

"I want to go see my doctor, Mark. I want to check out my options."

"I'm going to propose before you go through with it, sweetie. I want to prove to you that I'm in this for the long haul too. One other thing. I can add you to my private health insurance so you don't have to rely just on Medicare. I've already looked into it and my insurance covers gender confirmation surgery." She cried in his arms. She couldn't help it. She knew he'd do anything to help her. "Just want you to be happy as I said, sweetie," he whispered.

From Monday, she started her research into the topic of surgery, but also any other options that might be available. Sticking to medical websites, having been through hormonal therapy already, it seemed she would have to resume that for a matter of time before she could go through surgery. But booking an appointment with the same doctor who'd treated her years earlier, she wasn't surprised that Melanie returned and wanted to discuss surgery. Her doctor listed the possible options regarding what procedures she could undergo, but did warn that the costs would be considerable, whether it was on Medicare or through private health insurance.

"My boyfriend is in the process of adding me to his coverage," she explained.

"That's good news, Melanie. You'll certainly be seen far quicker than going through the public system, but you'll still have to meet certain criteria before I can put you forward for surgery. Are you still seeing a psychiatrist regarding your dysphoria?"

"No. I've been happy with my life for the past few years. I learned to deal with it all. Being surrounded by fellow ladyboy's, all of us going through similar things, certainly helped me. We enjoyed being just that little bit different, finding the positives in it."

"Why the change?" Then her doctor smiled. "Is it the new boyfriend?"

"I want to be a woman on our wedding night," she said softly, "If you know what I mean..."

"I know exactly what you mean, Melanie. First thing is you will need to speak to a counsellor again. Though you've lived as a woman for around fifteen years, and have gone through many stages of hormonal therapy, it is one of the things on the checklist prior to being forwarded for surgery."

"Can I take Mark with me too? He's so understanding and wants to be with me every step."

"It's up to the counsellor but I'm sure they won't mind him sitting in occasionally."


"Okay, let me give you a few pamphlets for you to read. You're still on your regular medication. Are you still achieving erections?"

"God yes. Ever since I got with Mark, I'm like a teenager again. Random erections and when we make love..."

"So you have a healthy sex life?"

"Every night if we can."

"And your ejaculations?"

"The usual. Um... One question about surgery. Do they remove my prostate?"

Her doctor returned a knowing smile. "I'm assuming this in reference to anal sex?" Melanie blushed but nodded her head. "Well, it's not always removed, but those I've referred for surgery previously have wanted it taken out." Her doctor rested a hand on hers. "Trust me, anal sex will still be pleasurable if you choose to keep having it, but you will also have a lovely new vagina to use as well."

"I'm worried if it's removed that even with a new vagina..."

"What I can assure is that the hormonal therapy you've already undertaken has changed how it works. In addition to that, when you have your new vagina, it's possible your prostate can be stimulated through that. No matter what happens, you're going to have orgasms, Melanie."

She giggled as a doctor was always going to be blunt about certain matters. "What does your boyfriend think? Just curious..."

"He loves me now as a ladyboy, and I know he'll love me when I strip naked for the first time when we make love and he sees me with a brand new pussy."

"Given that you seem to regularly have anal sex, just one thing. You will likely need to continue using lube as any surgery to make your new vagina lubricating is difficult to achieve and sometimes dangerous. It's entirely your choice but we always want to ensure anyone undergoing surgery understands the health risks."

"I don't think using lube will be a problem. Um, if he were to go down on me though..."

"You will have a clitoris which can be stimulated, Melanie. It will take time for your body to adapt and learn, but the percentage of transwomen capable of achieving orgasm after surgery is high. The most important thing after surgery, apart from the physical care you'll require, is to ensure you continue seeing a mental health specialist. You'll have Mark, friends and family for support, but speaking to a professional will sometime help guide you through any days you find yourself struggling."