Katie's Awakening - Her Cuckold

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Following Katie's weekend her husband becomes her cuckold
9.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 12/13/2000
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Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies.

Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We didn't fantasize any more. If Katie had wanted to I would have tried but I think we both knew I'd just cum all over the sheets as soon as she opened her mouth.

She told me she loved me and that it didn't matter. She asked me what the problem was but I was too ashamed to tell her. After awhile I guess she just thought that it was her and she started to withdraw from me. I tried to reassure her, I held her for hours, stroking her arm and telling her how much I loved her, but as soon as I was inside her I came. Sometimes I came before I was inside.

She asked me if it was about her weekend with Tom, if I'd fallen out of love with her. Her eyes were big and wet looking, she was just on the edge of crying as she asked me. She even started to apologize for being such a whore and asking me if I was going to divorce her, but I stopped her as soon as I could. I assured her that it was the opposite, that I loved what she had done, it was the best weekend of my life too. It was as close as I got to explaining, at least until later. I don't know if she believed me or not, she just looked at me funny.

The only thing that worked was to eat her until she came first. My prematurity wasn't such a problem then, as least she'd gotten hers. I even bought her a Sybian. She loved that in a big way. I thought I'd lost her to a machine, she was on it all the time.

I'd come home from work and hear her in the bedroom, even over the noise of the machine and from the front door, " OHOHOHOHOHOH....NOW....OH GOD...." the machine would be turned down for a minute or two, just a low rumble, and then it would get louder and she'd start again. "OHOHOHOH..." I don't know if she knew she was making noise. Her pussy was red and swollen all the time, I'd get a hard on just looking at her get out of the shower. It was then that I could see how puffy her pussy was. Her nipples had changed too, I knew that she pulled and twisted them as she rode her machine, I'd seen how hard she did that, and after awhile they became harder and longer, clearly visible through all but the thickest of her bras.

Eventually the novelty of the machine wore off some and she would just use it once every week or two. But she still loved it. I might as well have been on the moon for all cared while she was riding it. After she'd cum on the machine I could slip right into her, her cunt would be gapping and so wet that moisture was running down her thighs. It didn't matter if I came right away or not, she was already so stimulated from the Sybian that she'd get off with me no matter what.

I knew I had to do something, our sexual relationship needed help and I wanted to see her get fucked again, but I didn't want to lose her. It wasn't until I stumbled across a website about the cuckold life style that any real idea formed. I read and reread everything I could find. I looked at all the pictures and I was so hard that I needed to pull my prick out of my pants, but I didn't touch it. If I was going to propose this to Katie I needed to get used to not cumming, to not even touching myself. It just made me want to do it even more.

I was very interested in cuckolding, but not in feminization. I wasn't going to get into wearing panties and being fucked in the ass by a dildo. I wasn't opposed to being humiliated though, in fact being humiliated had been exciting last time.

The first thing I did was to buy a cock cage. I spent a lot of time on research and found what I hoped was just the right one. It was the wire type so that my cock could be touched, in spots, through the wire. It would allow me to expand some, but not get fully hard. My cock is not really small it just needed training I guess. Of course, it could be locked. That was essential. It also came with a leash that clipped on the bottom.

Sexually I had become submissive to Katie I realized. She decided when we would have sex and if I'd eat her or if she'd use her new toy. Fortunately she hadn't gotten pregnant from her weekend; after all we knew she couldn't get knocked up by me. Also she kept her pussy completely bare. Rather than shaving she was going in for regular waxing.


I found Katie in the kitchen, flipping through a magazine. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" In spite of our sexual problems we were still best friends and talked all the time. I think my question surprised her, maybe even scared her a little.

She carefully closed the magazine, and looked up at me with very big eyes and a serious expression, "of course honey."

"Katie, I know that we've been having problems in the bedroom, and I know that it's my fault, I'm ready to tell you the truth." I began.

"Oh Jimmy, its fine, I'm happy..." but I wouldn't let her finish.

"No. It's not, it's not fine Katie, and I know that you're not happy. At least you're not happy with our sex life, but I think I have a solution." She just looked at me with an 'oh shit, here it comes' look on her face.

I put the cock cage on the table between us, along with a bottle of lotion. "Katie," I began. "I loved being cuckold by you when you were with Tom." I don't think she could have been more surprised.

"...cuck....cuckold....?" She stuttered.

"That's what it's called honey, when a husband's wife sleeps with another man then he's a cuckold. But it's not a bad thing." I emphasized because this wasn't going well yet, but I was sure it would.

"Jimmy, I didn't mean to cuckold...what do you mean it's not a bad thing. It sounds pretty bad to me." She was confused, now was the time for me to move.

"Katie, the reason I've been cumming so fast is because every time I remember the sight of you fucking Tom, or think about those guys using you, I get so existed that I can't control myself. It's the most exciting thing I've ever seen, it's my fantasy. I want you to do it again." I finished the last part fast, she was already starting to talk.

"Do you still love me?"

"I love you more than life itself." I said, and then continued to tell her how important she was to me, frankly I said every loving and supportive thing that I could think of. I might have recited poetry in there somewhere, I'm not sure. She was smiling when I finished.

"So, you want me to fuck other guys again?" She asked.

"God, yes! Please Katie," I was actually on my knees as I said this. I put my head in her lap and looked up at her, "I'll do anything."

"OK...OK..." she said as she patted my head. "Now sit up and tell me what this thing-a-whatever is." Of course I sat up like a dog, but she just pointed to my chair, instead I stood up.

"It's a cock cage," I began. I dropped my pants and underwear to the floor. "It goes on my cock so I can't use it."

"Can't use it, we can't fuck?" She was shocked again.

"I can't fuck," I said emphasizing the word 'I.' "But you can," this time emphasizing the word 'you.'

She looked confused for a moment, and then her eyes cleared up. "Oh," she said.

"In fact you can fuck all you want. I only have a couple of simple requests," I said.

"OK," she was playing with the cage now. Turning it in her hands and looking at the lotion with a question in her eye. "What are they?"

"I haven't got it all figured out but first of all: you're in charge. You decide who you're going to fuck and when," I thought that was an excellent place to start.

"You also decide when I wear the cage and when I don't, except I'll need you to take it off me once a day so that I can wash."

"Sounds reasonable," she said.

"When I have the cage on you can treat me anyway you like," I continued. "In fact, I liked it last time when ....well....when you kind of humiliated me. It made me want you and love you even more than I would have thought possible."

She was looking at me with big eyes again. "You thought I humiliated you? And you liked it?"

"Yes, I loved it. When you called me while some guy was fucking you and I could hear everything that was going on. That was humiliating and I loved it. I knew that you were being....well...'taken care of' better than I could take care of you," I said.

She was nodding her head up and down, taking it all in. "I think I understand. Jimmy, I found it exciting too," she was blushing. "Talking to you, knowing that you knew that some other guy was...inside me. It turned me on even more, so I guess I get it."

"Next, please don't fall in love with anyone else," I was pleading now.

She jumped up from the table and hugged me. "Oh honey, I love you, nothing's going to change that."

"As long as you understand that it's just sex, like your toy," I said. She blushed a little more at the mention of her toy, probably wondering if the rest of this conversation could wait while she got off on it.

"You also decide if I get to watch or not, or even if you want me in the room. For that matter you get decide where you get fucked," I just given her complete control of my sex life. As though I had control before.

"Let me show you how it works," I said. I put some lotion on myself and then put the cage on, first the ring around my balls and then the cage itself. I closed the latch and handed her the brass lock that I had purchased. Katie leaned over and careful threaded the lock through the latch at the top of the cage, and clicked it shut.

"Oh no, do you have a key?" she looked a little worried.

That's when I slipped the gold chain over her head so that the key rested between her breasts. She held the key up and looked at it, then carefully inspected the chain. The fact that it was gold was points in my favor.

Next I handed her the leash and showed her were it connected to the cage. Again she carefully connected the leash and then gave it a hard pull so that my cage was right in front of her face. She thought that might have been the funniest thing she'd seen or done in years.

"That's it," I said. "I'm your cuckold, you're completely in charge of my next orgasm, if you let me have one."

"I'm wet," she said standing up and lowering her jeans and running her finger along her slit. "I'm so fucking horny seeing you like that and there's nothing you can do?"

"Not a thing. I won't even watch if you want me to leave," I replied. My cock was trying to grow, the cage was jumping up and down in front of her.

"How does this make you feel?" she asked looking up at me.

I thought for a moment before I replied. "Happy, submissive," I think that took her by surprise.

"Submissive?" she asked.

"Yes, you're completely in charge of my sex life and yours. I feel incredibly excited to find out what happens next and tremendous relief that I belong to you." I hoped she understood this.

She kissed me. I could feel her bare pussy, at least a little, through the gaps in my cage. "Set up my toy, you're going to stand in front of me so that I can watch you try to get excited."

The next half hour was unforgettable. Katie rode the machine long and hard, pulling and twisting her nipples, squeezing her boobs. The whole time my cock was straining inside the cage inches from her face. I was groaning almost as much as she was. She took the entire cage into her month at one point, and I could feel her lips and tongue between the wires. I don't know how many times she came, but when she was finished she looked at my cock one last time, grabbed my leash and pulled me into the bathroom.

"Clean my cunt," she said. "While I finish getting ready so we can go out."

I dropped to my knees and started licking her from the back as she leaned over the sink. Her pussy was incredible, red, swollen, throbbing. She stopped what she was doing only long enough to cum again.


That night I took her out to eat, it was a new experience wearing the cage but I found that it wasn't uncomfortable and the bathroom stops were fine as long as I sat down.

Well it wasn't uncomfortable until Katie put her mouth to my ear, poking me with her very visible nipples, and said, "I'm not wearing underwear and I'm not fucking you tonight."

"Do you see that guy that been stealing little glances at me all night?" She continued. I had noticed him, he'd made me very jealous and very excited.

"Watch this," she said licking my ear and spreading her legs so that her pussy was on full display for him. I could see him out of the corner of my eye as he did a double take and then stared at my wife's pussy.

"I know that he's watching," she whispered to me. "And I think I might cum again just from letting him look. Tell me that's humiliating for you," She started breathing harder and her fingers gripped my arm hard as she came, just from being looked at.

"I love you, and loved what you just did," I said meaning it. "And I love being your humiliated cuckold."


It wasn't until a few weeks later that things really got interesting. Katie was always at her most horny when she was ovulating and had been drinking. I know, you're probably thinking:"she gets hornier?" Oh yeah.

Jonathan was an employee of the company I work for but he was officed in another city across the country. It was my job to escort Jonathan and make sure that he made it everywhere he was supposed to go since we had been working together on a long distance project for some time. I knew him pretty well and liked him. He was a straight shooter and very dependable. He was also African-American. Physically he is about was tall as I am at 6 feet, but more solid.

Unfortunately his hotel reservations got screwed up and there was some big deal going on in town so the administrative assistant could not find other accommodations for him that weren't at least two hours of driving away.

I made a quick call to Katie, being a teacher she had the summer off and was lying by the pool, asking if she minded if a brought home a co-worker to use our spare bedroom for a couple of nights. She said that was fine and that she'd make reservations for dinner for the three of us somewhere. That's the part where I, or actually the company, pays for lodging somebody in our guestroom.

I'll save you all the back-and-forth about not wanting to put us out because, eventually, Jonathan agreed. When we arrived at the house Katie was out by the pool in your smallest two-piece, bikini-like swimsuit. She looked incredibly hot, her nipples were poking through the thin material of the top and the bottom barely covered her pubic mound.

I introduced Jonathan and Katie's eyes got wide and she cocked her head to the side and smiled as she shook his hand. Jonathan was almost speechless and that handshake didn't seem to end. They greeted each other holding hands, and when the handshake ended it was like they were reluctant to part. Katie's hand just slipped slowly out of Jonathan's, her fingers caressing him until he was finally out of reach. The whole time they were looking into each other's eyes and smiling. My cage was jumping in my pants.

Once we were in the bedroom, getting ready, Katie was on me. Standing there asking me questions about Jonathan and insisting that I play with her pussy while I answered. She was dripping wet and then I remembered the drink glass by the pool and the fact that Katie had just started to ovulate.

"He has big hands," she was almost cumming. "Do you think he has a big cock?" She was humping my hand now.

I knew if she came she'd just get hornier, so I really concentrated on her pussy until she was gasping in my ear.

"Do you think he wants to fuck me?" she gasped. "I'll bet he does," pant ... pant...pant..."I'll bet he's playing with his big cock right now thinking about me," panting louder, "oh god...I'm going to cummmmmm....."

She was still flushed when she walked back into the bedroom in her dress sometime later. She'd worn underwear, after all it was a company thing and Katie can be school-teacher proper.

Dinner was something else. We started off with drinks and then had some more drinks and finally had a few more drinks. Jonathan and Katie spent the entire evening talking to each other and every time I looked it appeared as though they were sitting closer together, even though we were at a square table.

Katie had her elbow on the table and her chin resting on her knuckles, leaning into Jonathan, as they talked. At one point he was sitting the same way, like they were on a date, their fingers almost touching. Finally Katie got up to go to the restroom.

Shortly after she left my cell phone rang, the caller I.D. said that Katie was calling me.

"Tell Jonathan you need to take this somewhere quieter and come over by the bathrooms," she ordered.

Well the restrooms were in a separate alcove out of sight of our table, so I excused myself from Jonathan saying this wouldn't take long but I was having trouble hearing. He nodded that he understood, no big deal, so I walked toward the restroom area with the phone at my ear.

Once I turned into the alcove Katie was there, grabbing my hand she pushed it up her dress and onto her very wet, very swollen, very dilated, and very bare cunt. "Oh god, Jimmy. I want him sooooo much...I want to fuck him right now....do you think the waiter will mind?" She was holding my hand still while her pussy humped against it.

I thought that question was probably best left unanswered, so I just said, "What happened to your panties?" She pulled my hand out from under her dress and slipped a pair of dripping micropanties into my palm.

"They're too wet to wear," she said. "He's going to fuck me tonight, Jimmy. And you're going to help or you're never getting out of that cage." She looked very stern and very serious. The cage was starting to hurt I was so excited. I could feel the band around my ball tighten as I tried to harden. I loved it.

When we left the restaurant Katie offered to sit on Jonathan's lap in the front seat so that he wouldn't 'be lonely in the backseat by himself.' At first Jonathan was courteous, if not of Katie then of me. Katie was facing the door, so I couldn't really see much. I could hear her whispering in his ear, but not the words. It looked like his hand was on her leg, but I couldn't see well enough to be sure.

The next time I looked Katie was kissing him, quickly at first and then for a longer time. I heard her gasp and stole a quick glance to see that his hand might have been under her dress, her head was back so I could see that her eyes were closed and her mouth was open.

When we got to the house Katie quickly reassembled herself and more or less staggered inside with us following. She offered to make us drinks but I said I'd do it. I lingered in the kitchen and family room getting ice and mixing everything together, I wanted to give them time. When I returned they were sitting on the couch kissing and caressing each other. Katie had her legs over Jonathan's lap and her hands on each side of his face as they kissed. Jonathan was using one hand to caress Katie's bare leg under her dress which the other hand was holding the side of her breast.

I deposited their drinks on the table in front of them and sat down before they noticed me. Not that Katie seemed to care, but Jonathan looked a little embarrassed. Katie just continued kissing his face and neck until she finally gave a big sigh and looked over at me. Resting her head on Jonathan's chest she gave me a heartbreaking smile of happiness. Her white hands stood out in stark relief against the black skin of Jonathan's face, and Jonathan is very black. Wesley Snipes black.