Keep This Secret Pt. 17

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David has no time for a new girlfriend, but gets one anyway.
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Part 17 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/27/2022
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David is working hard, but it's difficult to feel sorry for him, isn't it? Look at what he does here in Chapter 17. Can you imagine anything more indulgent?


The foundation was growing rapidly, and I was working myself to exhaustion. So many tasks had to be done for the very first time. It would have been nice to simply hire people to do them, but that wasn't always possible. We had to do a lot of things ourselves because we needed to figure out how those tasks had to be done. It was only then that we could tell others what to do. That last sentence was a bit of a tongue twister, I know. All you really need to know is that lots of people were working hard at the foundation, and none of them were working harder than me and Victoria.

As the foundation recruited more women as clients, it gradually became obvious what services they needed. Patterns emerged. We weren't surprised that lots of them needed emergency housing, so Victoria bought all the condo units listed for sale, and she started placing women in each unit. Sometimes they brought kids with them. Victoria wouldn't permit boyfriends to move in; the women frequently had toxic relationships, and that wasn't something we wanted to facilitate.

There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to be honest. A lot of our clients didn't have much common sense. They were struggling because they'd made a lot of poor choices, and they didn't seem to possess the part of the brain needed to understand where they'd messed up, or how to fix it. We needed to teach them to make good decisions.

This is nothing new. Lots of organizations teach people to make decisions they should have made on their own. Alcoholics Anonymous has a 12-step program that boils down to teaching people not to have vodka for breakfast. It is slow, painful, agonizing work that fails as often as it succeeds.

But the Gaia Foundation was different because of the sonic stimulator. I had particularly high hopes for an innovation I thought of by myself. We commissioned videos that taught the life skills our clients needed to thrive. How to cook wholesome meals so you don't feed your kids nothing but frozen pizza with instant mac and cheese. Parenting skills. Budgeting. Diet and exercise. How to quit smoking. The foolishness of spending too much money on beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets.

Having a person watch some video isn't enough to expect improvement. Lots of our clients are the kind of people who zone out anytime they watch something less stimulating than car crashes or sex scenes. I arranged for our videos to be recorded with the signal from a sonic stimulator playing in the background.

We'd organize rotating viewing sessions in a big conference room on the second floor of the building, a short walk from the foundation offices. It featured a big projector TV we used to present the videos. When the person on the screen said women should never stay with a man who beats them, the ladies actually absorbed that information.

They absorbed everything else we taught them with the sonic stimulator. There was objective evidence this was working and the women's lives were improving. It took some effort on my part, because I couldn't let anyone else know what I was putting on those soundtracks. I had to teach myself to use video editing software I would never need to learn otherwise. But there was no alternative, so I did it.

The building manager became a good friend of mine. He knew the occupancy rate of the complex was much improved because the foundation leased office space and bought all his vacant condo units, which were suddenly occupied. There was more foot traffic in the public spaces, and lots of those feet belonged to attractive young women. Established residents who'd been considering selling were gratified by this evidence they'd made a good investment by deciding to live there. There was no single thing that made the difference. It was a lot of little things that just kept happening.

There were more things that were happening, and lots of them required my personal attention. The most important thing, by far, was the need for me to find new donors. By this time I had a well-rehearsed process for persuading rich people and rich corporations that they wanted to give money to the Gaia Foundation. We were swimming in money. But I realized I had to do something to guarantee the foundation's future. If I got hit by a bus, the foundation would eventually face financial pressures. I'm sure Victoria could hire the best fundraisers working in the nonprofit sector, but there's no substitute for making the pitch with the help of a sonic stimulator. Lots of charities create endowments, which invest money in stocks, bonds and other things that generate income. It's possible to create an endowment so big it eventually becomes self-sustaining. Think Rockefeller Foundation. Carnegie Foundation. Things like that.

The problem, of course, is that people who have spare money laying around would usually rather invest it themselves instead of letting someone else invest it. My goal right then was to quickly build an endowment large enough to eventually eliminate the need for me to spend so much time talking people out of their money.

As you surely see, I was a very busy boy.

I decided that I needed to stop finding new girlfriends, at least for a while. Victoria loved being in her first romantic relationship, so I spent a lot of time with her. I spent a lot of time with Mary and Mariana - separately and together. We made a nice trip to a resort in France. Mariana wasn't fluent in French, but she spoke enough to help us navigate. All of us enjoyed the nude beach, but nobody liked it more than Mary.

Alana was an important part of my life, even though she was so busy we were only able to get together at odd times. It was the same with Loretta. She was making steady advances with the Olympic team, and she spent a lot of time at a training facility in another time zone. I made sure to buy tickets so she could fly home as often as possible, but I knew she was a busy girl who had limited time for a man.

I was seeing Esta more often because I moved her into the building. She needed a better place to live, and she needed a lot of help learning basic living skills. Now that she had a good income, it was time for her to participate in the foundation's programs, especially the courses on personal finance. The fact that having her in the building meant I could see her more often was a nice bonus.

This is all meant to convey the fact that I was a busy boy who was getting more than enough female attention. I'd made commitments to many women, and the right thing for me to do at that moment was be sure to honor those commitments. The search for fresh pussy had to stop.

That's what I was thinking on a night when I went to watch Mary dance. I didn't get to go to the club as often as I liked, but Mary enjoyed it when I did. She loved displaying herself to the world in general, and to me in particular.

It was a pleasant evening. I drank diet ginger ale without the vodka because I was having so many restaurant meals with donors it was getting challenging to follow Mary's diet. I had to keep a limit on the times I permitted myself to have cocktails.

Mary's first set was the best I'd ever seen. She just kept improving as a dancer, and she enjoyed hearing me say it. There were a couple of girls who were new to me. It's always nice to see a woman naked for the very first time. I felt good.

That's when the DJ announced a new dancer. "We have a special treat for you tonight," he said. "This talented young dancer has never performed anywhere before. It's your privilege to see her for the very first time. We're sure you'll love her. Please welcome the amazing Zippy!"

There was polite applause that got a bit louder when Zippy stepped out on stage. It was immediately obvious that she was special. She didn't know much about the way exotic dancers are supposed to move, and she knew nothing about using the pole, but she danced with so much energy and enthusiasm the crowd loved her immediately.

Zippy made one common rookie mistake. She was supposed to remove her clothes slowly enough to get through three songs. She didn't know how that was done, so she was completely naked early in her second song. Nobody complained, naturally, although I imagined that later the other girls would give her some advice about how to disrobe slower. She did one thing I'd never seen before. She kicked off her shoes right after removing his panties. That was new. It was unexpectedly erotic. Dancing barefoot seemed earthy. Zippy wagged her tongue back and forth in a way that might have looked silly and exaggerated on another woman, but it looked sexy on her.

She looked special in a way that's hard to describe, but I'll try. First of all, she was short. I was certain she was less than five feet tall. She was compact in other ways, with smallish breasts and a tight little tush. But she seemed to be built from solid muscle. That, and the frenzied way she danced, gave the impression of great energy, like a coiled spring. Her short haircut let her hair fly as she moved in every direction at once.

Zippy looked young. Extremely young. Girls must be 18 to work as a dancer, and Fran is meticulous about checking IDs. I would later learn that she'd turned 18 exactly three days earlier. She auditioned for a dancer job on the first day she was old enough.

She had tattoos. Lots of them. Everywhere, including her face. They were nice tattoos. I'm not fond of the blurry, bluish tats that look like something acquired in a maximum security prison. Zippy's tattoos looked colorful and artistic.

"You like her, don't you?" Mary asked. She wasn't upset. Mary encouraged me to pursue other women. She got turned on hearing about these liaisons. She sometimes became friends with these ladies, like she'd become a friend (and lover) with Mariana.

"Why don't you ask her out?" she said. "Dancers aren't supposed to date customers, but Fran knows you're not like a regular customer. The fact that you're my boyfriend makes a difference. Try it. You can be very persuasive sometimes." Hearing Mary say that was ironic. She had no way of knowing that so much of my powers of persuasion came from the sonic stimulator I kept in my pocket.

"If you like, I'll tell her you want to meet her," Mary said.

"Tell her I'd like a lapdance," I said. "That way, she'll at least get a nice tip if nothing else happens."

Zippy was, of course, a big hit. She was excited to see so many men who wanted to stick so much money into her garter. The applause went on for a long time, and Zippy blew kisses at the crowd as she gathered up her clothes and left the stage. A few minutes later I saw Mary whispering in Zippy's ear, then pointing in my direction. Zippy looked me in the eye, flashed a bright smile, and winked. I would learn that Zippy winked a lot. It was a kind of non-verbal punctuation. Like an exclamation mark. While I waited, I put in the hearing aides that would shield me from the effects of the sonic stimulator.

It wasn't long until Zippy skipped over to my table. "Hi there, big guy!" she said. You want a lap dance!?"

I'm not particularly big, but I looked that way next to the petite Zippy. "That would be very nice. I loved your performance."

"Thanks! I loved dancing like that! I hope to do a lot more!" Notice the exclamation marks. They seemed appropriate after almost everything Zippy said.

She skipped over to the booths reserved for lap dances, looking expectant as she held the door. She acted like the dance was for her, not me. I was certain that lap dancing was something she couldn't have done many times, but there was no trace of uncertainty in her expression. She looked as though there was nothing she'd rather do right then than get into a private booth and rub her naked body against me.

By this time I'm sure you realize that I wanted Zippy. Badly. I wasn't thinking much about the surplus of love in my life. At the time, I was thinking that I'd never had a one-night stand. I didn't have time for one more steady girlfriend, but I could certainly fit one hot night into my busy schedule.

Still, I wasn't going to compromise my morals. I was determined to do my due diligence, making sure Zippy didn't have a partner, fiance, or someone else in her life. There was no way I was going to do anything that disrupted anything she valued.

I turned on the sonic stimulator and began the "interview."

"A girl as cute as you must have a boyfriend," I said.

"Naaah. I've dated a couple of guys, but they're lunkheads. Nice on the eyes, but not keepers. One of them is a bit of a stalker. I'd like to know a guy I could fuck without making him think he owns me."

So far, so good.

Zippy had turned to dancing because she wanted to earn as much money as possible. She was desperate to move out of her parents' home. She was in the process of crashing on the coaches of different friends, something she intended to do until she got her own apartment.

She wanted to share the apartment with a friend named Mindy. There was some problem between Mindy and her family, and Zippy wanted to free her from the situation as quickly as possible. I got the feeling there might be something sinister happening, and decided I'd find out more if Zippy and I spent much time together in the future.

I asked a few more questions and decided there was no reason Zippy and I couldn't have a mutually satisfying one night stand. She was a fun-loving girl who liked the idea of having sex with a nice guy. (That would be me.) I also learned that she was a heavy smoker, and it was getting difficult for her to spend so many hours inside the club, where smoking was not allowed. I realized that helping her quit would be a significant way I could help her.

"You are sorry you started smoking, aren't you?" I said.

"I'm sorry I smoke," said Zippy.

"You want to quit, don't you?"

"I want to quit."

"You've decided to quit. Right now. You're going to throw your cigarettes away and never smoke another."

"I'll never smoke another."

"Great. You'd like to come home with me, wouldn't you?"

"I'd like to come home with you . . . but isn't Mary your girlfriend?"

"Mary and I love each other very much, but we have an open relationship. We can see other people."

"That's cool."

"It's very cool. You'd like to be with a man who wants to have sex with you but won't think he owns you. I could be that man."

"You could be that man."

The rest of the evening went exactly as you'd expect. I told Mary I would be taking Zippy home, and that she'd be living temporarily in one of our condos because she needed a place to live. Mary smiled because she knew I expected to have sex with Zippy that night.

"I am always amazed at your success with women," Mary said. "You just met that girl, and already you're taking her home. How can you be so persuasive?"

"A very wise person once said I have a magic cock," I said.

"Mary laughed. "Indeed you do. But she hasn't even SEEN your cock! Yet. Unless something illegal happened during your lap dance."

"Nothing happened. I kept my pants on the whole time."

"Good for you. I won't wait up. Looks like another night for me and Mr. Buzzy."

"You could see if you can crash with Mariana."

"It's a school night. And this is very short notice. This is a night for me and my sweet little vibrator. Fortunately, it's all charged up and ready for duty."

I told Zippy that I had a place she could stay until she looked for a permanent apartment. "That's great, man, but I already decided I want to fuck you. You don't need to give me anything."

"That's nice to hear, but I'm doing it because you need it. I happen to have a place available right now. I'm sure you'll like it."

"Thanks, man. I'm sure I will. Anything is better than living with my 'rents."

I learned later that young people call their parents that. 'Rents. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be complimentary.

Zippy seemed startled when I pulled into the parking garage. "You live here?" she asked.

"Yes. I like it."

"This is a funny neighborhood," she said. "Right downtown."

"That's one reason I like it," I said.

I took Zippy to a furnished studio unit. I figured that would be more than enough to meet her needs. She was thrilled when we walked inside.

"It's all shiny up in this bitch!" Zippy said. "You mean I can live here?"

"If you want," I said.

"This is way nicer than anyplace I ever lived!" she said. "I LOVE it!"

"I am so glad. You can stay as long as you like."

"Dude! You can't believe how much this will help me!" Note the exclamation marks. Everything Zippy said seemed to end in exclamation marks.

She threw herself on the bed, landing on her back.

"I need a favor. I hate to ask, but it's important," she said. "Could my friend Mindy stay here for a while? She really needs a place to stay until I can get us a permanent place."

"Sure, but this unit is a little bit small for two people. There's only one bed."

"It's a big bed. We could both sleep here," Zippy said.

"I think I might have a better idea."

I showed Zippy a furnished unit with two bedrooms. She had a reaction every bit as excited as the one when she saw the studio. "You mean we can live here!"

"That's the idea."

"Man, you are the best!"

"If you say so."

"Why are you doing this? I already told you I want to fuck!"

"Zippy, this happens to be what I do for a living. I run a charity that helps women. Lots of women need help for lots of things. It's possible to help them make big improvements in their lives by providing things they need - like housing. From what you've told me, you clearly need emergency housing. I do this every day."

"Are you related to Santa Claus?"

I laughed. "Zippy, if you haven't noticed already, I like you. I like you a lot. You aren't like anyone else I know. I'm going to be honest with you. I find you very sexy, which I'm sure you've noticed. I originally thought maybe we could have a nice little one night stand. I hope it becomes more than that. Being in the same room with you makes me feel good. I hope we can spend a lot of time in the same room."

Zippy looked serious for the first time that evening. "I like you too, man. I've known a lot of shitty people. I've fucked a few of them. My parents are shitty people, and so are Mindy's parents. I'm kind of blown away to meet a guy who helps people for a living, but I can see it in you. It's part of your vibe. Being in the same room with you makes me feel better about people. Including myself."

She took me over to the bed, shoved me down on the mattress, and began taking off her clothes quickly.

"It's nice talking and all, but there's something I'd rather do," she said.

"Perhaps I can help," I said.

Zippy pulled off my clothes in a hurry. She threw them on the floor; it reminded me of the way she threw her own clothes on the floor while she was dancing in the club. She wore a smiling, joyful expression. She was alive. Ecstatic. Young. Beautifully, wonderfully young. Younger than I had ever been.

As soon as she stripped off the last of my clothes, she sucked my cock between her lips. It was only half erect, but it didn't stay that way for long. Zippy sucked cock the way she did everything else: enthusiastically. Zippy made me feel that all she ever wanted was to feel my cock getting hard in her soft, warm little mouth.

The second it was hard enough, Zippy straddled my body and impaled her pussy on my cock. I hadn't had a chance to give her any foreplay, but she could not have been wetter. "Ahhhh!" she said when she felt my cock go all the way inside her. She immediately began jumping up and down on top of me, laughing like a woman going a little crazy with lust. Zippy made love like a bunny rabbit, so fast and energetically I could barely believe it. It seemed inevitable that she'd make me cum before I had a chance to do that for her, but just when I was getting close, she lifted herself off my body, laid down next to me, and ordered me to shift gears.