Kendra's Very Merry Christmas

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A lonely man, spends Christmas Eve with Kendra.
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Yes, this is the same Kendra from the "Jay's Sex Club" series. I thought a nice Christmas spin-off would be nice. I hope you all enjoy and keep your eyes open, for a part two around the time of New Years.

December 24th, 2016

I stumbled through the freezing cold streets, hands shoved in my pockets and a hood pulled over my head. Even with the heavy jacket that I was wearing, I was still shivering like crazy. Temperatures were the lowest they had been this year, so far and I was hating it. This kind of weather was no friend, of someone like me, in a situation like I was.

It had been two months, since my parents threw me out on the streets. I was eighteen years old and apparently, they changed their minds about allowing me to stay there, until I could find a job. It wasn't because I was struggling or was because of what they had found out about me.

See, mom and dad were both very strict Christians. They raised my siblings and I, in a very sheltered home. Sex was rarely ever discussed and when it was, it was only to let us know that we would go to hell, if we slept with anyone before marriage.

I had never really been one to follow their rules, when it came to that sort of stuff. From an early age, I'd had a fascination with porn. I would always watch it in the privacy of my bedroom, on my computer and since they trusted me so much...they never checked my search history.

I was the golden child, great grades, never got in trouble at school, always did what I was told; they had no reason to suspect me of doing anything bad.

Until dad walked in on me one day, watching porn. Not just any porn, either; shemale porn, as they called it.

Of course, the old man went absolutely crazy. Flipped out, started screaming and hollering until mom came upstairs to see what was wrong. The moment she walked in the room and saw my computer screen, she passed out. Luckily, dad caught her before she could hit the floor.

As soon as she woke, they both demanded that I pack my belongings and get the fuck out of their house. I had no choice; there was no reasoning with them.

There was no convincing them, that it had been some sort of a mistake; it just was, what it was.

So, here I was wandering the streets of Philly, on Christmas weekend; exhausted and freezing cold.

After walking around for what felt like forever, I finally had to stop and try to relax. I sat down on a bench, across from City Hall and just stared off into the distance, feeling completely lost and frustrated. How could they do this to me? Who cares what they caught me watching...this was wrong.

I was angry and hurt and convinced, that I would be spending the rest of my life on the streets.

I happened to look up and notice what looked like a bar, just down the street from where I was.

Shivering, I wondered if maybe they would let me use the bathroom and warm up for a few minutes.

Chances were though, they were one of those places where you had to buy something in order to use the bathroom. I decided to wing it though and see if maybe they would be nice, unlike the other places that I had tried so far.

Standing up, I willed myself down the street and into the bar; it was called The Raven.

Inside, the place looked pretty dead and I was a bit shocked, since it was a Saturday. Then again, it wasn't even 6:00 yet and it was also Christmas eve...maybe the crowd just hadn't rolled in yet.

The door closed behind me and I shivered, pulling my hands out of my pocket and walking across the dance floor, towards the bar area.

"What can I do for you?" The bartender asked, as I approached.

She was a tall, husky woman, with short blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a red tank top and a pair of tight jeans, that hugged her ass and showed off some curves.

"Um...I was wondering, if I could just use your bathroom?"

She stared at me, long and hard with suspicion.

"You gonna buy something?"

I hesitated for a moment, looking quite nervous and she probably already knew, what I was going to say next.

"I don't...I don't have any money," I said softly. "I'm not even twenty one yet, to be honest with you."

She sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry kid," she said, with sympathy. "Can't let you do it. Customers only."

I looked away, more frustrated now then I had been all this time. I was just about to turn and walk out of the place, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a husky voice in my ear.

"Let him use the bathroom Charlotte," the voice said.

"I'll buy him a soda, if it's that big of a deal."

I turned and looked, to find a tall, dark skin woman standing behind me with a smile on her face. She was very tall; 6'1 or so, I assumed.

She too wore a tank top, blue, with blue sweat pants. She had broad shoulders and looked a bit masculine, for a woman; she was pretty hot though, to be honest with you.

"Alright, fine. Go ahead and use the bathroom," Charlotte said with a smile.

"Um...thank you," I said, to the woman behind me.

"No problem sweetie; you look like the tail end of hard times."

I certainly felt like it, there was no denying that. I pulled myself away from the bar and wandered over to the bathroom. After relieving the bladder, I stepped up in front of the sink, which had a very large mirror above it.

Unzipping my coat and pulling the hood down, I stared at my reflection in the mirror...I looked horrible. A thin layer of facial hair, was starting to grow in and I wished that it was longer then it was, because maybe it would keep my face warm. Never was much of a beard kind of guy, but I figured I'd better get use to it, being homeless and all.

I washed my hands, then left the bathroom and returned to the bar area. The woman who offered to buy me a drink was now sitting down, talking to the bartender and sipping at a beer.

Beside her, sat a glass of Coca Cola; just like she promised.

I stepped up beside her and she looked over her shoulder at me, smiling softly.

"Make yourself comfortable, honey. Stay and warm yourself up a bit."

I nodded, removing my coat and hanging it over the back of a chair, before sitting down next to the woman. She held out her hand to greet me and I accepted, shaking hands with her.

"Kendra," she said, in an easy tone.


"My name, silly. It's Kendra."

"Oh, uh...right! Sorry, I'm Marc."

"Nice to meet you, Marc. So, what are you doing down Center City, in the freezing cold? All by yourself on Christmas should be at home, with family."

I frowned, taking a sip of the soda she had bought me and shrugged my shoulders. "I would be," I replied, sadly.

"I don't have family though..."

"No family," Kendra repeated, sounding surprised.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm homeless...they threw me out a few months ago."

Kendra looked even more shocked now and I proceeded to tell her, my story. Or at least half of it, leaving out the details about what my parents caught me watching. At this point, I was completely unaware of just what kind of bar The Raven really was.

If I had known at that point, I might not have been so secretive about what I was into.

By the time I finished telling Kendra what had happened, she seemed a mix of sympathetic and pissed off. Pissed that my parents, would toss me out on the streets so carelessly.

"You really have had it rough, haven't you honey? Damn, I feel bad for you. Where you staying?"

I chuckled, finishing off the soda she bought me and shaking my head.

"Where ever I can...I won't stay in the shelters. People there are...not very trust worthy."

"So you've been sleeping on the cold streets?"

"Pretty much..."

"Uh-Uh, no way honey...Kendra ain't having that! Listen, I know we just met and all but if you want, you can come home with me tonight. I got a pull out bed, you can crash on for the weekend. At least you'll have a warm place to sleep."

I was more then surprised, by Kendra's kind offer; who in their right mind, invites a homeless person to stay at their house?

It was probably a harmless offer, but at the same time...I just wasn't so sure. I was desperate though and even though I was also cautious, I wanted nothing more then a warm bed to sleep on.

Especially, on Christmas weekend. Was that too much to ask for? I didn't think so...

"Are you sure?" I asked, nervously.

"Honey, I am not letting a poor thing like you, sleep on the streets on Christmas Eve. It ain't no problem, for me."

I thought about it one more time, before nodding my head in agreement.

"That would be great...thank you, so much."

There were tears forming in my eyes now, and Kendra seemed to notice right away. She smiled warmly at me and wiped them away.

"You know," she said. "You're kinda hot...anyone ever tell you that before?"

I blinked, surprised at what she had said but laughed and shrugged my shoulders. " just did."

"I did," she laughed. "Maybe we can share a bed, instead of you sleeping on that couch bed."

Wow, I thought; now she was hitting on me? What a turn of events. Did I still want to go through with this, now that her attitude seemed to have changed so much?

I managed to scrounge up some change from my pocket and decided to use one of the payphones in the bar, to try and call home. Maybe I could convince my parents, to let me stay there for the night.

I was still just a little uneasy about staying with Kendra, since we had only just met. The fact that she was hitting on me now, made me feel a bit awkward. Not that she wasn't attractive, it just came out of nowhere.

I dialed my parents number and it rang three times, before I heard a soft click, followed by my fathers voice.


I hesitated for a moment, then cleared my throat and spoke up. "Dad?"

There was silence on the other end of the line and after a few moments, I heard another soft click; he hung up on me.

I guess that answered my question. I looked back at the bar, where Kendra was still sitting and sighed. Might as well take her up on the offer. It beat staying outside, in the freezing cold. It was already in the upper 20s and supposed to drop down even further, by the middle of the night.

Kendra stood from the bar and walked over towards me, big smile on her face and stopped right in front of me.

"You know, the crowds coming in soon. The Raven's having a big Christmas party tonight. I just wanted to make sure, before it gets started; do you know what kind of place this is?"

I blinked, confused and definitely not sure what she meant. She must have figured it out pretty quickly, because she laughed and leaned in close

to whisper in my ear.

"This is a club, that caters to a...special kind of lady. And the men, who enjoy that special kind of lady."

"I'm sorry, I...I don't quite follow."

"The women who come to this place, are transsexuals."

Now I understood; "special kind of lady."

I most definitely had NOT realized, what kind of club this was. Kendra didn't realize, what I was into though either. I laughed and shook my head, leaning back against the wall.

"What you laughing at, white boy?" She tried to sound offended, but I could tell by the grin on her face that she was faking it.

"It's just...I don't know. Ironic?"

"What's ironic?"

"I got thrown out of my parents house, because they found out that I like 'special ladies.' Now, here I am in a club that caters to the very thing that got me thrown on the streets."

"So, you're telling me...that you're into trans women?"

I nodded and Kendra laughed, giving me a pat on the shoulder. Suddenly, she was moving in closer and her hand moved from my shoulder down my back. Her other hand accompanied her first one, both of them landing on my ass and giving it a bit of a squeeze.

"Honey, we are going to get along, just fine."

I shivered at that, feeling her warm breath on my neck as she gave me a light kiss on my cheek.

"You're into girls like ever been with a girl like me?"

"N-no," I replied, becoming a bit nervous now.

Not for a bad reason, just because this was the closest I had ever been to a woman like Kendra.

"That's wonderful, baby. I love virgin

booty...especially, white virgin booty. We should head back to my place right now, call it an early night and...have some fun."

By this point, Kendra had slipped her hands into my pants and over my ass cheeks. Her hands were so warm, it felt so good. With her body pressed against mine, her warmth washing over me, I could barely resist.

"Shall we?"


She seemed satisfied by my response. Kendra took my hand and led me back to the bar, where I slipped back into my jacket and we said goodbye to the club.

My new friend lived only a few blocks away, from The Raven. It was a small apartment building, three floors and according to wasn't cheap. Kendra lived on the second floor and when she opened the door, I was surprised at how nice of an apartment she had. The place was beautiful! A large living room area, with a love seat and a wrap around sofa.

A big flat screen TV attached to the wall, with a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One set up.

On the opposite side of the wall, with the TV, was the kitchen area and it was almost as big as the living room. Down the hallway, was the bathroom and two bedrooms, one of them being the Master Room and the other was a guest room.

The first thing Kendra did when we walked into the apartment, was take my coat from me. Then, she turned and smiled at me and pointed down the hallway.

"Why don't you go take a hot shower," she suggested.

"I leave you a towel and fix you some hot chocolate, while you're in there. Sound okay to you?"

"Yeah, I mean...if you don't mind."

"No problem, honey. Go get cleaned up."

I really got lucky here, I thought to myself. The apartment was so fucking warm, it was the warmest that I had felt in days. I started towards the bathroom and flipped on the light. Even the bathroom was huge.

A single shower unit, with a glass door and a bathtub on the other side of the room, near the sink and toilet area. I opened the glass door and turned on the hot water, before stepping back and stripping out of my clothes. They were dirty and definitely did not smell very good; I was more then grateful, to Kendra for this opportunity.

I stepped into the shower and let the hot water soothe my aching muscles, running down my naked body and leaned my head back against the wall. The water felt great. I reached for a bottle of body wash and started to lather myself up with the soap, applying some shampoo to my head and washing my whole body, as best I could.

I had a feeling that some things were going to go down, between me and Kendra that night. I had accepted that and was okay with it, too. Hell, I owed it to her after what she had done for me but it wasn't just about that. I wanted it.

This was my first time, with a girl like her and it was something that I had wanted, for a very long time now. I still felt it to be quite ironic, that I was now in a situation like this.

Staying with a transsexual woman, possibly getting in bed with her. After I had been thrown out of my home for being attracted to that sort of woman.

If my parents could see me now, I thought with a laugh.

I finished up in the shower and stepped out, drying off and wrapping the towel around my waist. When I opened the bathroom door, I found Kendra stepping out of her bedroom at the same time. She smiled over at me and winked.

"My, don't you look sexy with that towel wrapped around your waist? I thought you were hot before."

"Thanks," I chuckled.

"Why don't you take that towel off...and go wait for me on the couch, in the living room. I left you a cup of hot chocolate sitting out there. I'll be with you in a minute."

She stepped back into her bedroom and closed the door. She wanted me naked? Well, I had no problem with that. I already knew where this was going anyway, and the apartment was warm enough that I could probably sit comfortable with no clothes.

So, I removed the towel and set it aside in the bathroom, before heading out to the living area and sitting down on the couch. It was more then comfortable. I felt like I could sink right into the cushions and fall asleep right away, if I wasn't careful.

A few minutes later, Kendra emerged from her bedroom again and stepped out in front of me. She was wearing a white bathrobe and as she stood in front of me smiling, she slowly removed the robe and let it fall to the floor; revealing her gorgeous, naked body.

My eyes went wide at the sight before me. Every inch of her dark skinned body, was fucking beautiful. Her breasts were the best part, as my eyes traveled down over her toned stomach and down to her lower regions.

They went wider, as they fell upon the huge piece of meat dangling between Kendra's legs.

Her cock was enormous. It had to be around 11 inches and I couldn't believe, how big she actually was.

"See something you like, white boy?"


"It's okay," she said, softly. "I know you've never seen one in person, besides your own. Probably never seen one as big as mine, for that matter."

I was sitting on the edge of the couch, as Kendra stepped forward and stopped directly in front of me. Her hand moved up and ran through my soft hair, as she pressed her thick cock against my left cheek. I could feel the heat from her tool, smell the musky aroma, the scent of her balls filling my nose and turning me on, instantly.

"You want this big black cock, baby?"

I didn't reply; I couldn't. I was in a state of shock that this was happening, and I was so turned on that I couldn't think of anything to say.

"You want this, baby?"

"Yes..." I finally managed to say.

"Go ahead, honey. Give it a taste."

Unable to resist, I opened my mouth and started licking the head of her monster cock. I swirled my tongue around the head, tasting and teasing for a few moments, before sucking her between my lips. I could feel her getting hard in my mouth, growing bigger and bigger, until she filled my whole mouth.

She grabbed my head and pushed forward, shoving her dick into my throat and gagging me with it.

Kendra pushed and pushed, until her cock was completely lodged in my throat.

I choked and gagged, eyes filling with tears and spit running out of the corners of my mouth and down her balls.

"Breathe through your nose, honey."

I did as Kendra instructed, my face beat red and hot as I took a deep breath of air through my nose. It took a few moments to adjust, but gradually, I started getting use to the mouthful of thick cock that she had given me.

As I adjusted, it became easier for me to work her cock with my mouth, on my own will. Kendra moaned softly, hands on her hips and looked down at me as I sucked her beautiful cock. Soon enough though, she decided that she'd had enough; she wanted the main course. Pushing my head back, her cock slipped out of my mouth and I gasped for air.

"Let's take this to my room," she said,


I stood on shaky legs, following her down the hallway and into her bedroom. We left the door open, since the apartment door was locked. Kendra lived alone anyway, so it wasn't like someone was going to walk in on us.

I was pushed onto her bed, with such force that when I landed the entire mattress shook underneath of me. Kendra climbed onto the bed with me, moving slowly over me and kissing me on the lips.

I kissed her back, as she grabbed my cock and her own and started rubbing them against each other. Instinctively, my legs parted and Kendra reached for a bottle of lube that was sitting next to us.

She popped the cap open and smiled down at me. Kendra started lubing her cock and also applied some, to my asshole. Slipping a couple of fingers into my tight virgin hole, she massaged my prostate and tried to loosen me up the best that she could.