Late Night Coffee Ch. 01

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Married man meets two adventurous women.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/17/2006
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I opted to revisit my first stories on Literotica. I wrote this story sitting alone in a hotel room. I decided to fix it up and finish the tale.


ETHAN WAS GETTING exhausted of the life of living in a hotel. He was away on business and had left his wife and kids back home. He was now on day fourteen and still had two weeks to go before he would return home. The drudgery of his life consisted of waking, showering, heading to the seminars, coming back to the lonely hotel room, trying to find someplace interesting to eat, masturbating, and falling asleep. He felt he was trapped in the movie Groundhog Day.

He had been married for just over ten years but had been with his wife four years prior to that. He was bored with the monotony of his life and quite frankly was hoping to hook up with another married woman in order to satiate his burning desire for sexual adventure. Ethan was forty. He felt strange acknowledging that to himself. He certainly didn't feel forty. He felt and looked like a much younger man. He looked about thirty. It helped, he felt, that he shaved his head clean. He suffered from male-pattern baldness and hated the circle of hair that went around his head. One day he simply shaved it all off and never looked back. He looked good bald. It suited him. He wasn't an athletic person. He had never been into sports or working out, but he had been skinny his whole life, but now, approaching middle-age he had grown a little girth around his waist that still felt foreign to him.

Ethan was a sex addict. He had been ever since he had first discovered masturbation. There was rarely a day that went by that he didn't jerk off watching pornography. For years, he had been content to simply fantasise and reach orgasm. Now, he had delved deeper and deeper into more exotic porn scenes to reach climax. He suspected that he was wearing himself out and becoming numb to sex. Nonetheless, he thought and craved sex almost continuously. His wife could not meet his desires and didn't like sexual exploration. This left him frustrated and unsatisfied.

Alone in the hotel room, he found himself searching the online dating services daily. He had sent countless emails to various women in the area. He was a sincere man, and good looking. He thought of himself as someone that a woman could trust. Secretly, he was scared of the prospect of meeting a strange woman, but his desire drove him. Now after two weeks, and the only response turning into a porn site solicitation, he had started to admit defeat. No one was responding. Frustrated he left the hotel and headed out for dinner. It was a Saturday night and he was tired of being alone and bored.

He ate alone in a nearby sushi restaurant he liked. He would come every day, but it was expensive despite his travel allowance. As he sat down at his table, he noticed woman glancing his way. Months ago, he had stopped asking himself if he imagined that woman looked at him more now that he shaved his head. His wife one day had mentioned it to him and confirmed it. She thought the change in his looks was quite remarkable and had told him. Ethan had been doubtful at first, but now he noticed more women glancing his way and smiling at him. They ranged in age from early twenties to early fifties. He enjoyed the attention and fantasised doing something about it. But he knew he was a coward. He simply didn't have the nerve.

Finishing his sushi he decided that a vanilla latte would make a nice end to the evening. He had eaten late this evening and it was now near closing time for most of the stores in area. He knew where a certain Seattle coffee chain outlet was near the hotel and decided to drive the extra mile to go there. He drove up and parked his rental car and locked it with the key fob. The car chirped twice, and the headlights flashed. As he approached the entrance to the coffee house, he decided he would sit and relax with the latte rather than to get it to go.

He opened the door and stepped inside. He noticed only a few patrons remained inside and they were lounged in the large couches and lounge chairs. Muted conversation droned under the soft jazz music playing on the speakers. He always found the people that sat in the coffee chain stores to be either students or artsy types who discussed topics beyond their understanding and had all the answers. Pompous assholes, he secretly thought to himself. Then he thought, what will people think of me if I sit here? He laughed to himself and was startled when he actually laughed out loud a bit.

One of the coffee house female workers was crouched down near him stocking coffee on the shelves and she looked up at him at his laugh and smiled. She was quite beautiful. She was maybe twenty-five-years-old. Thin, perhaps too thin he thought, with small breasts and a thin waist and hips, but a noticeable round and pert ass. The way she crouched made it more pronounced in her Lulu Lemon yoga pants. Her lower back was exposed, and he could catch a glimpse of the start of the crack of her ass, and the black G-string she wore.

Ethan loved asses. He was never a tits man. A beautiful tight round ass always captured his full attention. Ethan smiled down at the girl and surprised himself by saying hello. Ethan had found that lately, now that he was older, that his nervousness in talking to women had all but faded. Marriage and kids had all but wiped out his self-consciousness. The only reason that he managed to find and marry his wife was that for one spectacular moment in time when he had tossed aside his fears and approached his future wife in a bar and engaged her in normal, fearless conversation.

The girl stood up and reached up to pull her long sandy blond hair away from her face and tuck it behind her left ear. She self-consciously straightened her apron and watched Ethan stroll by with a smile. Ethan kept looking at her as he went by and beamed his most friendly smile. He noticed her name tag identified her only as Amber.

"Hi, hon," he said and chastised himself for using such a familiar with her.

"Hi, there," she responded and then looked down at Ethan's waist for an instant before looking back up at him.

Ethan's heart sped up by a small amount. Did she just check out my package? He immediately grew nervous and excited at the same time. He continued walking past and approached the empty counter. Another girl was behind the counter cleaning the counter with a rag. She looked up at him as he approached and smiled and asked what she could do for him. Ethan went through a variety of explicit answers in his head before simply ordering a large vanilla latte. Her name tag identified her as Brigitte.

This girl was just as beautiful as the first. She had short brown hair with brown eyes that gave her a sultry look. She had a prominent chest covered by a small apron, a slim waist, and what appeared to be a lovely ass from the front. She looked to be twenty-four with perfect complexion with just a hint of freckles splashed across her nose. She had full red lips, glossed heavily. When they parted Ethan wanted nothing more than to kiss them.

Ethan's cock made a faint stir in his pants. The girl turned to make his order and his cock gave another lurch. She had a spectacular ass. He could see that it was one of those asses that if she stood with her feet together and you got behind her, you would see a beautiful gap between her thighs giving you a full view of her pussy and the daylight beyond. He stared at that ass transfixed. A sound to his left took his attention away and he looked over to see Amber standing next to him arranging some biscotti. She grinned at him and it became immediately clear that she had been watching him staring at the other girl's ass. It was also clear that she found it amusing.

Unbelievably, she leaned in and whispered to him "I know. Pretty nice isn't it?" and then giggled and walked around the counter. Ethan could only nod. He felt like an idiot and a pervert standing there gawking.

His latte was made, and Brigitte turned and handed it to him and looked puzzled at him. He knew he must look like a little boy caught with a broken vase at his feet. She looked down at herself for a moment and then looked at him and smiled broadly, showing her perfect white teeth, and handed the latte to him. As he took it in his hand their fingers overlapped, and she couldn't let go. They froze like that for an instant staring at one another and then Ethan quickly moved his hand to take the latte by holding the rim. Brigitte laughed a beautiful clear laugh that rang like a bell. Ethan paid with cash and tipped generously.

Amber turned at the sound of the coins landing in the jar. "Thanks!"

"No problem," he said. "My pleasure."

Ethan quickly moved to a nearby table that allowed him to continue to observe the girls behind the counter and settled down. He grabbed a magazine and started to read. The elderly couple next to him finished up and left the store. Soon afterward, the remaining four people; university students by their looks; left as well. Ethan continued to enjoy his latte and read the magazine and soon grew quite comfortable.

He was startled when Amber sat down across from him and smiled and said hello. Ethan quickly looked around and realised that he was the only one remaining in the store. Amber was still behind the counter cleaning the coffee machines and looking over at him.

"Time for me to go?" he asked, guessing that they were kicking him out.

"Not exactly," answered Amber. "You still have time if you want to. Me and Brigitte aren't going anywhere just yet. Sit and enjoy your coffee. You look comfortable."

"Ah, thanks. I can go if you want me to. Doesn't matter to me." Then his mouth, speaking on its own, voiced "It's just me and a lonely hotel room waiting for me anyway."

Ethan immediately felt like an idiot. The girl is going to think that I am hoping to get her to that hotel room. Why else would I mention it?

Amber looked at with an unfathomable expression on her face. The silence grew a little uncomfortable. Then she smiled. "Really? You aren't from around here?" she asked.

"No, I'm from out of town. I am here on business for the next couple of weeks. I've been here two already," he replied.

"Married I see," she said looking meaningfully at his wedding ring.

Ethan turned it around his finger. "Yeah. My little ball and chain," he joked and laughed.

Amber laughed and reached out and grabbed his hand and twisted the ring on his finger. "On pretty tight," she said and stared at him.

Ethan's heart started pounding. There was no mistaking the question in her last statement. There were two answers to the question. One could possibly take him down a road to what he had been looking for the last couple of years and the other would stop this in its tracks. Ethan quickly decided that he knew where he wanted this to go.

"Actually, no." he said quietly. He gently pulled his hand back and slipped the ring off his finger and pocketed it. He looked at her and watched her expression turn into a full smile that lit up her face like a beacon.

"Good," was all she said at first. She glanced down at his hand and purposefully reached out to take it back again. Ethan let her and welcomed the touch. He smiled nervously and was at a loss for words.

"Listen," she said slowly, first looking down at his hand in hers, then directly at him. "You are a really cute guy. I like cute guys."

Ethan's heart was drowning out all other noises. His vision narrowed until all he could see was this beautiful girl sitting across from him holding his hand. He decided that he needed take control of the situation. He needed to voice his desires quickly so that she understood what he wanted and needed.

"So are you," he started lamely, realising the stupidity of the remark immediately. "I mean a cute girl. More than cute actually. Um, I don't know how to start this but..."

Amber cut him off. "Shh. Don't worry. Let me make this easy for you. Brigitte and I have worked here together for a long time now. Months ago we decided that if we both liked the same guy that walked in here we would do something about it. That hasn't happened until now. Turns out we both like the same thing in a man. That man is you. So..." she trailed off and looked at him and tilted her head and smiled.

Ethan stared at her in disbelief.

Amber laughed. "Tell me what you would like. What you want." Ethan's eyes went round and he struggled to sort out what was happening here. Brigitte, or Breeg as Amber called her, came round the counter and pulled up a chair beside Ethan and smiled at seeing Amber holding his hand.

Brigitte reached out a hand and rubbed Ethan's thigh. When he turned to look at her she leaned in and started to kiss him. Ethan froze at first and then quickly warmed up and responded to the kiss timidly at first and then with mounting passion. He was intimately aware of Amber sitting next to him holding his hand. He was kissing this gorgeous woman while another one watched. He moaned into Brigitte's mouth. He could taste the faint taste of coffee and mint. She was delicious. Her tongue danced over his lips and his mouth parted. Their tongues touched and Ethan felt his desire soar within him.

Amber released his hand and pulled her chair in closer to sit just inside Ethan's knees. She ran her hands up the inside of his thighs stopping short of rubbing the now prominent erection in his pants.

Brigitte broke the kiss and stared into Ethan's eyes when he opened them. She leaned in and slowly inserted her tongue deep into his mouth. Ethan was in heaven. Her mouth tasted so wonderful. Her tongue in his mouth was so erotic. He had never been kissed like that in his life. She sucked his tongue quickly into her mouth and then let it go.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Ethan," he murmured and glanced down at Amber's hands. She smiled at him and while holding his eyes locked to hers she ran her hands up over his erection and squeezed it once.

"Hi, Ethan," she said. Ethan was stunned and resisted the urge to thrust against her hand on his cock. "Nice to meet you."

Brigitte laughed. This is going to be fun!" she exclaimed. "Tell us what you want, hon. We will do anything."

"Like what?" Ethan asked, hoping to stall the conversation while he tried to get his brain working again.

Amber quickly responded. "We're open to anything. Within reason of course. No pain or anything like that." She paused and watched his face. "Are you into ass play?"

Ethan jerked visibly. "Ass play?" he almost shouted. His mind worked furiously now. Can I risk all this by exposing my secret desires? He had to try. This was the chance of a lifetime. "I love ass play." He hesitated before he spoke the next words. "I would like nothing better than to stick my tongue up both your asses for hours on end. How would that be?"

Amber smiled. "Perfect," she said. "We love ass play. You can play with our asses all you want. Stick things in them. Fingers, tongues, cock, whatever. But..." and she paused dramatically smiling at Ethan's pleased expression and the open lust painted across it. "But, we get to play with your ass too, deal?"

Ethan's dream was coming true. These women were clearly on the same level sexually as he was. More so, he thought to himself. They seem to have already acted on what to him was still just a dream.

"Brigitte, he has a hotel room for the next two weeks. Sounds nice, doesn't it?" Amber said.

"Really!?", squealed Brigitte bouncing in her seat and clapping her hands together. She squirmed forward and gave Amber a quick kiss. Ethan's cock lurched in his pants. That was once of the most erotic things he had ever seen in person. His head felt light and his vision swam. Good Lord, he thought. This isn't a dream. This is really happening.

"Tell you what, Ethan. Brigitte and I have to close up shop. Give us the details of your hotel room and we'll be there as soon as we can. We'll be about an hour by the time we close this place up properly. Don't worry, we'll be there as soon as we can. Meanwhile do us a favour and wash your ass up really good, okay?" She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss. Ethan responded and reached out and placed his hand behind her head to press her closer. Ethan could feel her smile on his mouth.

"Mmm," she murmured. She broke away and grinned. "Now, just so you know that we are serious we are going to give your cock a quick suck. Would that be okay?"

Ethan nodded.

"Pull it out then," said Brigitte and started to undo his belt. Ethan stared down. Ethan, in his own opinion, did not have a large cock. It was only six inches long, the average amount, but he was certain it was thicker than most. His wife had said that it was a large cock and an old girlfriend said that he couldn't stick it in all the way because it was too big for her. Secretly he doubted that either of them was being truthful or were trying not to bruise his male ego. Brigitte undid the button at the top of his pants and Amber reached over and pulled his underwear waistband down and out and pulled out his cock. The touch of her hand on his cock sent a jolt of electricity through him. He looked down and saw a large amount of pre-cum leaving a sticky trail from the glistening head of his prick down to his underwear. Both girls were staring down at it.

"I wish it were bigger," he started and was interrupted by the girls squeals of happiness.

"That's a nice cock" said Brigitte admiringly. "Perfect size and nice and fat."

Amber licked her lips and nodded. "That's a nice cock, Ethan. Big cocks are nice once in a while, but I can get that from my dildo. This is a cock that can fuck us for a long time and will fit nicely in our asses."

Ethan groaned. First his ego got stroked and then he had confirmation once again that his cock would be soon buried in these fine asses. Ethan saw and felt more pre-cum ooze out of his cock. He couldn't believe how much he was producing. Amber licked her lips again and then without hesitation popped the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked hard on it. Uncontrollably, his hips shot up trying to push more of his cock into her mouth; his senses were overloaded. He could feel the soft wet warmth of her tongue swirling on the head of his cock and just underneath. He could feel the gentle touch of her teeth on the shaft.

The vacuum she created pulled the pre-cum out of his cock and into her mouth. She pulled her mouth off his cock with a slurp. Brigitte immediately wrapped her mouth around his cock and rapidly started bopping her head up and down his shaft. Her tongue swirled like a whirlwind around his cock. Unbelievably, she was moaning as she did it. Ethan could see that she was loving it. He looked at Amber and watched her swallow his pre-cum.

He had never been given a full blowjob in his life. His ex-girlfriends didn't do "that", and his wife suffered from a gag reflex that wouldn't let her do it without wanting to throw up. Now here he was with two women that clearly wanted his cock and craved it. Ethan tensed as he felt himself about to blow his load. He didn't think he could stop it. It was too overwhelming. Brigitte sensed it and tightened her index finger and thumb around the base of his cock. She popped his cock out of her mouth and stared at the engorged cock, purple with her squeezing the base.

"Not yet, hon" she said. "We'll let you come later." With that she let go of his cock. Brigitte pulled Ethan over to her mouth and stuck her tongue in his mouth. Ethan could taste his own cock. There was no mistaking it. He forced his tongue into her mouth, excited by the taste and the lust it created in him.

"Now get going and wash your ass up. We'll be there soon. We promise." Amber and Brigitte each kissed him deeply. Ethan gave them directions to his hotel and his room number. He stuffed his cock back in his pants and stood. The girls smiled up at him.