Late Night Under The Stars With Mom

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The heat, night, and stars break down mom's resistance.
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This story is a sequel to the story "Late Night On The Loveseat With Mom." You don't have to read that story first, but you'll understand this story better if you do.


Maddy Ryerson woke to the sound of her husband's snoring.

She turned over in bed to look at him. She was glad Carl hadn't awakened before her, because her son's dried cum still coated her nude body in a thick, flaky crust.

Eager to wash off the evidence of her tryst with her son before Carl awoke, Maddy threw back the bed covers and walked naked to the bathroom.

Under the hot spray of the shower, Maddy's body trembled at the memory of the previous night with her son, Kyle. Kyle had undressed her on the loveseat in the living room, while Carl had watched T.V. or dozed in his chair just feet away. Maddy had given her body, fully and without reservation, to her son, and he had taken it and fucked her fast and hard. Her body had convulsed with the orgasm Kyle had given her with his furious fucking. It had been a long time since her husband, Carl, had made her feel that way. She could not even remember the last time he had.

Still, Maddy felt guilty. A mom wasn't supposed to have sex with her son. Maddy didn't know how she would approach Kyle and talk to him about it. She would have to find a way to convince him that, no matter how good it had felt, they couldn't do it again. It wasn't right. It wasn't proper.

Out of the shower, Maddy toweled herself off, and she crept back into the bedroom to her dresser to retrieve clothes to wear, taking care to avoid making noise that would wake Carl. She pulled on shorts and a t-shirt over a bra and panties, anticipating another sweltering summer day ahead.

Shutting the bedroom door quietly behind her, Maddy walked to the kitchen, enjoying the coolness of the wood strip floor under her bare feet.

She entered the kitchen and glanced at the calendar on the refrigerator door. In blue letters on this day's date Maddy had written "METEOR SHOWER." Maddy had read that the meteor shower that night was supposed to be one of the best in years. She had talked to Carl and Kyle about having a late-night barbeque in the backyard and staying up to midnight to watch the stars fall.

Maddy searched the kitchen for food for the barbeque. The refrigerator and cupboards were mostly bare. A trip to the store would be necessary.

As she opened cupboards over the kitchen counter, Maddy suddenly felt a hand press against her ass. She recognized her son's strong fingers.

Kyle had wakened early, and lain awake in his bed, the events of the night before playing back in his mind, over and over. The sound of his mom in the kitchen had roused him from his bed.

At the touch of her son's hand on her body, Maddy turned around. As soon as she did so Kyle embraced her and kissed her. His tongue entered her mouth briefly, but she put a hand on his chest and pushed him back.

"Mom", Kyle said.

"Kyle, stop," Maddy said. "We can't do this."

"Why not?" Kyle asked. "You didn't say that on the sofa last night. I want you, mom."

"Kyle, what happened last night -- it wasn't right," she said. "We can't do that again."

Maddy's hand pressed against Kyle's chest to keep him away, but it didn't fully succeed. His hands remained on her hips, trying to pull her toward him.

"Mom," he said. "Last night felt so good. I know you felt it too. Don't push me away."

But she did. Her hand pressed firmly against his chest, and it stopped him from kissing her.

"Kyle," she said. "I don't want to talk about last night. What happened, happened, but it can't happen again. You know it's not right. You're my son. Your father's going to be up soon and he can't see us like this. Please."

Kyle stopped trying to pull his mom closer to him. He looked away toward the direction of his parents' bedroom, to make sure his dad didn't stumble on them. He probably would have a hangover, Kyle thought, but even if he did he'd wonder what his son was doing with his arms around his wife in the kitchen.

Kyle let go of his mom.

"I don't get it, mom," he said. "Last night was fantastic. I know you felt that too. I know it. We can be careful. Dad doesn't have to know. But I want you again. I think you want it too."

Kyle could see in his mom's face that she was torn.

"Kyle, let's talk about this later. Not right now. Give me time to think about this. But I want you to back off in the meantime. OK?"

Kyle paused before answering.

"OK, mom," he said. "I'll back off for now. During the day. But I'm not making any promises about what happens tonight. I want what happened last night to happen again. I want you so badly."

Kyle thought about the feeling of his cock rammed up inside his mom when she straddled his lap the night before. He didn't know it, but his mom was thinking the same thing and trying not to betray her thoughts to her son.

"You get until night-time, mom," he said. "And then I'm coming back. That's all I can promise."

Maddy struggled to keep her feelings in check. The idea of her son, and his lean, hard young body, pursuing her and taking her, was thrilling. Her body actually swayed in front of him -- just a little -- as she thought about his words, before she stopped herself.

"We'll talk later," was all she could say.

"Sure, mom," Kyle said, and he stepped back to give mom her space -- for the time being.

Maddy turned around to concentrate on making breakfast. She looked out the kitchen window to the backyard. A thermometer, fastened to a post on the patio cover, showed that already the temperature was 80 degrees. That meant the high temperature for the day likely would climb over 100 degrees, for the eighth straight day. Once again, there would be no way to escape the heat.

Carl finally emerged from the bedroom just minutes before Maddy put breakfast on the table. He hadn't showered yet, and he half-walked, half-stumbled into the kitchen with messy hair and bad breath.

Kyle helped set the table while Maddy finished making omelets, along with bacon and strawberries on the side.

When the food was done they sat at the small table in the kitchen. Carl sat on one side of the table and Kyle sat on the other side. Maddy sat between them.

Carl and Kyle dug into the omelets. Maddy sipped her coffee. Though she had kept her son at bay so far this morning, she couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of him inside her. No man ever had filled her the way he had.

She shook her head slightly, as though to rid herself of those thoughts. She had to stop thinking about Kyle that way. He was her son. What had happened, happened, but it couldn't happen again.

Then she felt Kyle's foot against her calf, under the table. She let out a tiny squeal.

Carl looked up from a big chunk of omelet on his fork, with heavy-lidded eyes.

"You O.K., baby?" he said.

"Yes," Maddy said, flustered. "I just, um, felt something on the floor."

She pulled her calf away from her son's searching, bare foot.

"Time to clean the kitchen, I guess," Carl mumbled. Then he shoved the forkful of egg and cheese into his mouth.

Kyle's bare foot found his mom's calf again. He traced a toe over her skin. She had no more room to pull away, so she left her leg there. She shivered at his touch. She glanced quickly at him, to give him a look of disapproval, and he was looking at her, already, a faint smile on his lips. After a few more seconds he pulled his foot away.

"So, Maddy," Carl said after mostly swallowing the bite of omelet, "Tonight's that meteor shower, right? The one they've been talking about on the news?"

Maddy and Carl had long shared an interest in astronomy. In the early days of their relationship, when Carl was young and fit and romantic, they had lain for hours under the stars, talking, kissing, and making love. The interest had waned in recent years, but this particular meteor shower was supposed to be a good one, and it had caught their attention.

"Yes," Maddy said. "I thought we'd have a late barbeque, and then sit in the back yard and watch it. It's supposed to start around 11 p.m."

"Sounds good," said Carl. "How's the beer supply?"

"I think you almost finished them off last night," said Maddy. "I'll go to the store later today and pick up some beer along with food for dinner."

Kyle perked up.

"I'll go with you, mom," he said.

"Thanks, that's O.K., Kyle," said Maddy. "I think your dad wants help fixing the sprinklers."

Maddy wanted to avoid Kyle during the day, so long as she could. She knew he wouldn't control himself, especially if Carl weren't around. And she wasn't sure how well she would control herself, either.

"Sprinklers?" Kyle exclaimed. "It's going to be over a hundred degrees outside today."

"It's no big deal, Kyle," said Carl. "You're mom's right. A couple of the sprinkler heads aren't working and must be replaced. I could use your help. You can go swimming afterward."

Kyle thought he would prefer doing errands with his mom, not his dad. But mom seemed to be determined to keep him away. He relented.

"O.K.," he said.

After breakfast, Maddy prepared a list of things to buy for the barbeque. She wanted to be out of the house as long as possible, away from Kyle, so she called a friend to have lunch. Carl rummaged through the garage to find the tools needed to fix the sprinklers. Kyle resigned himself to having to wait until evening to have another chance with mom.

Kyle watched his mom leave the house, her ass snug and shapely in the tight shorts. He sighed. The day went by unbearably slowly. His dad took forever getting stuff together in the garage to work on the sprinklers. By the time he'd gotten it together it was mid-day, and Carl decided he wanted to watch a few innings of a baseball game on television. Once settled into his chair in front of the television, however, and with the last three beers from the refrigerator at his side, Carl wouldn't get out until the game was over. Kyle sat on the sofa next to his dad, trying to watch the game, but thinking about his mom's body the entire time. He counted the minutes and hours on the clock.

It was mid-afternoon when the game finished and Carl finally roused himself to get his chores done.

"All right, Kyle," he said. "Let's fix those sprinklers."

"Dad, it's three o clock. It's over a hundred degrees outside."

"Oh, come on," Carl urged. "Don't be a wimp. It won't take long, and you can go swimming when we're done."

Kyle thought about how his dad could be lazy about a lot of things, but he liked doing yard work, and he always seemed to pick the hottest time of day to do it.

It was sweltering outside when Kyle and his dad, finally, went into the backyard to fix the sprinklers. In no time, his body was covered in sweat and dirt as they knelt in the yard to dig up the sprinkler heads. Kyle admired his dad's ability to focus on the task without seeming to mind the heat. Kyle had trouble focusing on the job. Images of his mom's nude body, under his, filled his head.

Maddy, meanwhile, was finishing lunch with her friend, Emma. The restaurant offered a cool, temporary respite from the heat. Lunch had stretched on for a few hours, and each of them was picking over the remains of their dessert.

"So, how's Kyle doing, back home from college?" Emma asked. "He must be popular with the girls. He's very handsome. He takes after his father."

Maddy felt flustered, being reminded of Kyle. She tried to banish the thought of his muscular shoulders over her and of his thick cock filling her.

"He's fine," she said. "No girls, though. Work's keeping him too busy. I don't think he's dated at all since he got back home from school."

"Well," said Emma. "If he's anything like my son, he must be bouncing off the walls. Better watch out for him." She grinned lasciviously.

"Oh, I'll watch him," said Maddy, before she could check herself. She felt flustered again. She thought about Kyle's bare hips pushing hard against hers. She worried that her face would betray what she was thinking to Emma.

Maddy and Emma split the check and left the restaurant. A blast of heat hit Maddy as soon as she walked out the door. It was searing, and wilting. She said a quick goodbye to Emma and rushed to the car for the relief of the air conditioner. She drove to the store to pick up food and beer for the barbeque.

An hour later, Maddy returned home, to find Carl showered, in his chair, and watching sports highlights on T.V.

"Hi, babe," Carl said. "Did you get beer?"

"More than you need," she said. "Can you help me bring it in? Where's Kyle?"

"He's swimming. We finished the sprinklers about an hour ago and he's been relaxing since then."

Maddy looked through the window into the backyard. She saw Kyle lying on a yellow plastic raft in the middle of the pool. She and Carl brought the food and beer in from the car. Carl grabbed two beers and resumed his place in the chair in front of the television.

Maddy thought the pool looked awfully inviting. She was still sweating from being out in the sun. The cool water would feel good.

"I'm going to go take a dip in the pool," she said.

"Sounds good," said Carl, without looking up.

A minute later, standing in her bedroom and looking into the drawer with her swimsuits, she had misgivings. She knew the effect of seeing her wearing a swimsuit would have on Kyle. She wasn't sure he would control himself. But the pool was so deliciously inviting. And it was broad daylight and the pool was visible from the living room, where Carl sat watching T.V. Kyle couldn't get too carried away.

And, Maddy had to admit, she like the idea of showing off to her son. It would be fun to expose herself in a bikini to him, knowing that with his father awake and nearby Kyle couldn't do very much.

On a whim, she picked the smallest bikini out of the drawer. It was turquoise, with a triangle top and string-tied bottom. She put it on quickly, grabbed a towel, and walked outside to the backyard. Carl was engrossed in the sports highlights and didn't notice as she walked by.

She approached the pool, wondering if she had made a mistake. Kyle lay still on the yellow raft, sunglasses on, and hadn't noticed her yet.

The temperature was searing. The water felt good when she put her foot on the step in the shallow end. Her entrance into the pool made a soft splash and Kyle looked up from the raft.

He didn't say anything at first. Maddy could tell he was staring at her, and she stood on the low step in the pool, most of her body above the water. Without thinking about what she was doing she stopped and put her hands on her hips so he could look at her.

Kyle's first thought was that it was the smallest bikini he'd ever seen his mom wear. The bottom covered only a small patch of her front, and the top barely contained her large breasts. Her raised nipples were visible under the thin bikini.

"Come on in," he said to her. "The water feels great."

Maddy became aware of how much she was exposing to Kyle, and she became a little embarrassed. She walked into the refreshing water until it was just below the tips of her breasts.

Kyle flipped off the raft and swam toward her.

Uh oh, Maddy thought, her fear and desire in conflict. Kyle stood up as he reached the shallow end of the pool and Maddy watched his broad shoulders emerge from the pool, water dripping off his muscles.

Kyle walked across the pool bottom toward her. His eyes were hidden by sunglasses but the hungry grin on his face betrayed his feeling.

"Be good, Kyle," Maddy urged.

"I'm always good, mom," he said and smiled.

Kyle noticed that his mom's nipples rose just over the level of the water, and now that her bikini top was soaked through they stood out even more sharply than before against the bikini fabric.

Kyle reached his hand forward under the water until it touched the little triangle of mom's bikini bottom. He pressed his finger against the slit underneath, and he felt the bikini give way just a little.

"Kyle, you shouldn't do that," Maddy said. But she didn't move or push his hand away. Instead, she parted her legs, just a bit, so his hand would be able to touch her more easily. Maddy's body wasn't cooperating with her conscience. She pushed the mound between her legs forward, slightly, against Kyle's fingers.

"I think I should, mom," Kyle said. "I did a lot more than that last night, and we both loved it. Dad can't see what my hand is doing. It looks like we're just talking."

Kyle was right. He stood just far enough from Maddy that it would look from a distance like they were having an innocent conversation. His finger wasn't innocent, though. It found the furrow of his mom's sex under the bikini and traced it, up and down. It felt good to rub mom's pussy again, he thought.

It felt good to Maddy, too, although it made her feel guilty.

Maddy backed up against the side of the pool to brace herself.

We shouldn't be doing this, she thought. But she lifted a leg to give Kyle more access to her body, anyway. Maddy couldn't seem to control her body when Kyle touched her.

Kyle moved forward as his mom moved back, keeping pressure with his finger on his mom's sex. Then he slipped his finger under the edge of the bikini bottom and pushed it forward until it found his mother's vulva. His finger slipped inside her easily. He stroked the wet flesh between her lips, tickling her clit on each upstroke.

Maddy was glad that her face was turned away from the living room window, so her husband couldn't see her expression when she let out a low moan at the touch of Kyle's hand.

Her hands went to the ties on the side of her bikini, and she was ready to take it off, and the top too, and let Kyle fuck her there in the pool. But she regained control of her senses and her body.

"Kyle, no," she said. "We can't do this."

"Doesn't it feel good, mom?" he asked.

"Yes, yes it does. But we can't do this. Please stop."

She grabbed his wrist with her hand and pulled him away, and his finger slipped out of her.

Maddy moved away and walked out of the pool. Kyle was sorry to see her go but enjoyed the sight of the brief bikini bottom, dripping wet and clinging to his mom's shapely ass. Despite the cool water, Kyle had an erection, and he waited until it had subsided to follow his mom out of the pool.

Carl continued to watch sports highlights, oblivious to what was happening between his wife and son in the backyard.

Maddy and Kyle retreated to their respective rooms while Carl watched T.V. Time passed, the sun descended in the sky toward the horizon, and afternoon became evening.

In her room, Maddy worried about nightfall. She knew her son wanted her and would try to have her again when it was dark and Carl wasn't paying attention. Maddy was torn. Her body yearned for the feel of Kyle's body against hers, and inside her. But her conscience told her it was wrong. For a long time, she sat on her bed and couldn't move.

Eventually, her tummy won. It was late, and she was hungry. It was time for dinner. Maddy left her room to rouse Carl from his laziness in front of the T.V. and to work on dinner.

The barbeque was a joint effort. Maddy prepared the mashed potatoes and salad and Carl barbequed the pork ribs. Kyle set the table on the patio in the backyard. By the time the food was cooked and served, the sun had long since set and the evening enveloped them in near total darkness. A large glass enclosed candle provided the only light for dinner.

Everyone thought the meal was delicious. Maddy had to admit Carl had cooked the ribs to perfection, and Carl and Kyle gobbled up Maddy's potatoes. But the Ryersons were unusually quiet over dinner. Carl enjoyed the low buzz gathering in his head after downing a few beers. Maddy noticed how hot it still was, even as night came on, and she was glad she'd slipped on a light sun dress before dinner. Kyle was agitated and distracted by his mom's presence even though she sat on the other side of the table. He couldn't stop noticing the way her large breasts pressed out against the little dress she was wearing, and he thought about how much of her legs showed beneath the dress under the table. If his dad hadn't been there, he thought, he would have leapt across the table and taken her.