Learning to Let Go


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"You have to promise not to tell Dad yet," Jonah said. "I need to tell him myself."

Erin chuckled. "Why would I tell him?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, just don't."

She looked at her brother. Now that she thought about it, this really wasn't a shocking development. Jonah was always the model child, the good boy, the rule follower. His rebellious teen phase was nonexistent and he always maintained good grades. Erin thought of him as a goodie two-shoes sometimes, but thankfully there was never an issue of people comparing the two of them. Being submissive, delighting in taking orders, wanting to please...that was just sort of who Jonah was.

"Wow...that explains a lot, actually."

"Are we that transparent about it?"

"You show enough to make it clear she's the one calling the shots, but I'm pretty sure Dad hasn't even noticed."

He sighed. "That's a relief, at least. I'm going to tell him tomorrow."

"Don't be so worried about this, Jonah. He's accepting of gay and trans people, why would he care about this?"

The answer to that was dumb and complicated, enough so that he didn't feel like explaining it to her.

"I'm just nervous. Can I go now?"

"Sure. I should probably talk to Vivian. I haven't been the nicest."

Jonah went to go sit down on the bed in his old room. Tomorrow was his father's birthday. He hoped things would turn out well.


The four of them all planned to go out to dinner the night of the 19th, but that afternoon Ron and Jonah went to the driving range while Vivian and Erin went shopping.

Jonah knew how much his dad loved golf, and wanted him to be in a happy, relaxed state, for his birthday and for what he was going to tell him.

Being a single parent, Jonah's father had a lot on his plate, and while Jonah helped out where he could, it was still a lot to handle alone.

Ron Stevenson was a rather conservative, traditionalist man. He believed in the nuclear family and Christian values. He wasn't intolerant of gay marriage or working women, he just saw what he had as something not broken, and therefore something that doesn't need fixing.

What Jonah's father would complain about was people who he didn't consider "real men." To him, "real men" weren't the type of men who create single mothers, men who would provide and protect their girlfriends and wives when times got tough. He had his opinions about how masculinity was deemed "toxic," and how men and boys were being told they were broken just for being themselves. He wasn't hateful or a bigot, just had his own values and stuck by them.

That was why Jonah was so nervous about telling his dad the truth. He was terrified that his father would now see him as part of the problem, not a real man. It was an irrational fear, he was sure his father couldn't stop loving him if he tried, but it still loomed over him.

They had been whaling on golf balls for about five minutes when Jonah finally spoke up.

"So, Dad, what do you think of Vivian?"

His father grinned. "I like her a lot. I can tell she's independent and strong-willed, the type of person who doesn't take crap from anyone. I like that about her."

Jonah smiled wanly. "Does she remind you of Mom at all?"

"Not in the least. I'm sure we've talked about this, but your mother was a lot like you, Jonah: more passive, supporting, nurturing. The two of us complemented each other and made a good team."

It was already known to Jonah that he took after his late mother and Erin took after her father. He was starting to think that becoming a submissive partner was just a matter of time for him.

"Dad, I need to tell you something. It's a little uncomfortable. It involves sex."

Ron cocked an eyebrow. Erin was past the age for this, why was Jonah meekly coming to him to talk about sex?

"Well, we're both men here. We can talk about these things if you really want to."

Jonah steeled his will.

"Throughout my time in college, I learned something about myself, and it made me suspect that there was a reason why my attempts to date weren't going so well." His longest relationship, the one with the girl he gave his virginity to, had only lasted about a month.

"And what reason would that be?"

"I...I'm not made to take the dominant role in relationships. I'm too passive for that. But when I submit and obey, in bed and otherwise, I'm so much happier. I feel like I can be myself. I think I've always been like this, but it's Vivian that helped me truly come to grips with it. She's the dominant one in our relationship. She decides so many things for me now. But it's not like she's abusive. I love her for it. I love being controlled."

He sighed. "I was scared to tell you this because I still want to be a real man. But I don't know if I can be a real man in your eyes, Dad. That's what I'm afraid of."

Jonah could count to twenty in the time it took his father to respond.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not that surprised. You're like your mother in more ways than one, I guess." He perfectly hit a ball and sent it flying.

"But if I made you think that this doesn't make you a man, I apologize, because I must have been saying the wrong things." Ron looked up at his son.

"Do you love Vivian?"

"I do."

"Would you ever have kids before marriage?"


"Would you stick by her when times get tough?"

"I'll stay with her unless she pushes me away herself."

"Would you fight for her if necessary?"

"She can take care of herself, but I would die for her if it came to it."

His father gave such a warm, loving smile.

"Then from where I'm standing, you're a real man, Jonah. And I couldn't be more proud of you."

In spite of himself, Jonah felt some tears well up. Seeing this, Ron rushed over and hugged him without a word.

"You'll always be my boy, Jonah, rest assured of that," he murmured. "And seeing you so happy with someone is a birthday gift I'll cherish."

Jonah sniffled. "Thanks, Dad. I love you."

"I love you too, son."

About a minute later, they were whacking golf balls again, and Jonah felt like the weight of the world was taken off his shoulders.


That evening was wonderful for the four of them. Things had relaxed, Ron insisted that Vivian call him Dad, and they all enjoyed themselves.

The next day, Vivian and Jonah went back to their homes in LA and returned to their full-time D/s dynamic. Jonah's sex was under lock and key (though he had grown to see his ass-pussy as his primary sexual organ anyway), Vivian called the shots, and neither could deny that they were deep in love with each other.

In early June, Vivian told Jonah that they were going to do something different: public submission. There was a club in LA called Vice Dungeon that was all about BDSM. The two of them were going to spend an evening there. Vivian assured her boy that she wouldn't let anybody else touch him, but she would be fully and completely dominant at all times.

Like most things they did, it scared Jonah, but also excited him. Per her instructions, that Friday night he put on a T-shirt, gym shorts, and flip-flops, stuff he could remove quickly, while underneath it he wore a jockstrap tight enough to show the clear outline of his cock cage. He gave himself a douche just to make sure he was fully clean and went to Vivian's apartment.

His Domme was waiting for him with a jacket and a gym bag, filled with supplies no doubt. Once they got in the club's changing room, he removed his clothes and Vivian put them in their locker. He looked around at the other Doms and subs and felt a bit of embarrassment. His ass would be on display, but more importantly, they were going to watch Vivian have her way with him. The thought made him sweat, but his caged dick liked the idea.

Vivian said his name, and when he turned to look he gasped.

His Dominant was fully decked out in black leather, metal rings, spikes, and fishnets. She was wearing stilettos that made her tower over him. She looked like a goddess, though perhaps and evil goddess. It made Jonah want to submit even more.

"Get on your hands and knees, boy!"

He complied as fast as he could.


Jonah crawled over to his Mistress and she got down to grab his face.

"The only word you're allowed to say tonight is 'stingray,' pup. You'll nod and shake your head otherwise. Always be on your hands and knees. Are we clear?"

Her submissive nodded.

She reached into her bag to pull out a red sex collar and leash. After attaching it tightly to Jonah's neck, Vivian looked down at her boy. She grinned.

"You're a good little slut."

He nodded eagerly.

She led her pup out to the club.

The sensations were near overwhelming to Jonah. There was house music playing, smells of dozens of people, and many sights to behold. To his right was a girl getting fucked by two guys at once. To his left was a boy hog-tied as a man twice his age fisted him. This was raw, public degeneracy, and he was right in the thick it.

The warm-up was Vivian tying him down and spanking him with a paddle until he was sure his ass was glowing red.

Then came the pegging.

The first one was seven inches, and Jonah was lucky he was so loose at that point because there was no preparation. Vivian just lubed up the strap-on and went to town on his hole.

Over and over again she fucked him, using several different dildos. He slipped into submission and soon became just barely aware of what was happening. The sub dimly noticed that a small crowd was forming, some of them saying things he could barely hear, a few people even touching themselves. He smiled wanly. If he could be useful to other people, too, that was nice.

Vivian was riding high on the power trip. Jonah's suppliant body was hers to use and abuse in public. She even rented out the biggest dildo the club had, a 10 incher as thick as a baseball bat, and used it on him. As it slid into his gaping cunt she heard comments from the spectators. One woman marveled that Jonah was looser than she was and it made Vivian laugh. She also heard a man speak behind her.

"What a fucking whore. The boy's pussy just swallowed that horse dildo like it was nothing!"

"Damn straight he's a whore!" Vivian exclaimed, still not looking away from her sub. "He's my whore!"

A few people laughed.

After what could have been twenty minutes or three hours the boy noticed that his ass was empty and felt a tapping on his shoulder. He pulled himself back to reality and saw the face of his Mistress. His bindings were undone.

"Get up, boy. Let others have a turn."

Jonah nodded and followed her to the bar, crawling at her side like a loyal dog.

Vivian got some tequila for herself and for her sub ordered a dog bowl filled with water, something the club offered free of charge. The bartender grinned and walked over so he could put it down in front of Jonah, who began lapping it up without missing a beat.

The two of them sat in silence, a bit tired after their intense session. After a minute or two Jonah saw a guy walk up. Tall (though from the ground he couldn't tell how tall), muscular, and handsome, with tan skin and no shirt. He was clearly a Dom like Vivian.

"Hey, gorgeous," he said to Vivian. "Got room for one more?"

He made a move to sit next to her and she held up a hand to stop him.

"If you sit, I'm getting up and leaving."

The guy shrugged. "No need to be hostile, just being friendly."

"I didn't come here to make friends."

"Yeah, you came here so you could mess around with that little bitch." He gestured to Jonah. Other strangers had called him worse things that night, but now it seemed mean-spirited.

"He's also mine, so I'd appreciate it if you shut up about him." Vivian said curtly.

"Come on, babe, what are you doing with a boy like that? Let me show you what a real man can do."

She got really annoyed. "I said no. Go away."

The douchebag scoffed. "I saw you rape that kid's ass with a monster dildo a few minutes ago. He's a total beta-male. He won't care, I bet he'd even like being cucked."

Vivian was contemplating kicking this jackass in the groin with her stilettos when she heard Jonah speak in a firm, clear voice.


She dropped the leash like it was on fire and turned to Jonah, wondering what had happened. She saw him get to his feet and place himself between Vivian and her harasser.

"How fucking dare you talk to my Dominant like that, and take shots at me like I'm not here!" He balled up his fists and looked at the man, who had a stunned expression on his face.

"I'm her bitch because I want to be. I submit to her because I like doing it. You can take that cuck-beta-male talk and shove it up your ass!"

He tried to act stronger and more confident than he felt as he puffed out his chest and yelled "Vivian is my Mistress, but she's also my girlfriend. I won't stand back and watch you disrespect her like that! BACK OFF!!"

At that point several people turned to look at them. The asshole must have decided that it wasn't worth it, so he just scowled and walked away.

Vivian was reeling when Jonah got back on his hands and knees. He picked up the handle of his leash with his mouth and offered it for her to take. When she did he spoke again.

"I apologize for that outburst, Mistress. I just sort of acted without thinking. I'm willing to accept any punishment for embarrassing you like that."

There was a moment of silence before she reached down and petted his hair.

"It's okay, pup, I just wasn't expecting it."

She stroked his cheek.

"Still, you didn't have to do that. I could have handled him myself."

"I know, Mistress, but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn't stand up for you?"

Vivian smiled. "You're a good boy, you know that?"

Her sub nodded. She could tell that he was back in submission.

"Let's get back to the bench, pet. I want use you some more."

Jonah nodded again, smiling like a child.

Vivian spent the rest of the evening fisting Jonah in public, turning his ass inside out with her gloved hand. Jonah was lying on his back, tied down with his body bent in half. Once his hole was so wrecked he wondered if it would ever close again he heard a zipper. Before he could react his Domme's pussy was in his mouth and he ate her out like he was starving. She came hard and made sure his face was covered with her nectar. After untying him, she stood up and looked at the people watching.

"Can we get a round of applause for a wonderful submissive?"

Several people clapped. The sound of that, as well as the pride on Vivian's face made Jonah warm all over.

They slept together that night; Jonah's hole open and his cock neglected. It felt perfect. It felt right.


A couple weeks later, Vivian and Jonah came home after a nice dinner. Jonah stripped as usual and Vivian looked at her nude sub, finding him vulnerable, weak, and absolutely beautiful.

"Mistress, may I ask you something?"

"What is it, boy?"

He looked her in the eye. "I trust you more than I trust anybody else on the planet. I trust you more than I trust myself, so I know you'll be honest with me."

Vivian raised her eyebrows. "What are you up to, sub?"

Jonah got down on his knees.

"I love you, Vivian. You're the perfect Mistress and the perfect girlfriend. I want to be at your feet for the rest of my life."

Jonah reached into the pocket of his discarded pants and pulled out a small box.

"Vivian, my Dominant and partner, you own me and I love you for it."

He opened the box to reveal a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Vivian felt tears well up in her eyes.

"I...I wasn't expecting this Jonah, but yes! I want you to be mine forever, too!"

Jonah was crying as well when he stood up and kissed his now fiancé.

"I love you so much!"

She wiped the tears from her eyes. "This isn't right. I'm the one who's supposed to make you fall apart!"

Her sub grinned naughtily.

"I guess you're going to have to punish me, then."

Vivian kissed him.

"How about this: on the night of our wedding day, I'll punish you until you're twice as much a wreck as I am right now."

"I can't wait," Jonah promised.

Vivian reached down to grab his caged penis.

"But I'm gonna have to punish you a little right now, boy."

He nodded submissively and followed her to her room.

To his surprise, she tied him down in a way she had never done before, using leather straps to tie his limbs to the four corners of the bed. He was spread eagle on his back, so there wouldn't be much access to his hole. He wondered what his Domme was up to. Jonah looked and saw her standing at his side, something in her hand.

Vivian reached down to tenderly kiss him before she did the last thing Jonah was ever expecting: she unlocked the cage. She only allowed him to orgasm every week or so, and it was almost exclusively with his prostate. It had been weeks since he was allowed to come the traditional way.

But she wasn't done yet with the surprises. After putting the cage down on their bedside table, she pulled out a box of condoms and unwrapped one slowly. Jonah's eyes widened. After Vivian rolled it on him, she got on top and lowered her pussy down to his little cock.

For the very first time, Jonah felt himself enter Vivian. The sensation shocked him to his very core. He had forgotten how good this felt!

Vivian was also taken back by the sensation. She was planning on doing this someday, she even bought condoms for him in secret, but that night felt like the right time to do it. He was a little small, so it would take a bit of effort for her to get off, but she was actually happy about that. Tonight was going to be all about Jonah.

Jonah arched his back and squealed as Vivian rode him, once again using his body for her satisfaction. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful, but pain had become a turn-on for him in and of itself. His penis was so neglected, so sensitive, that he felt himself climb in mere seconds.

He arched his back and shot in Vivian for the first time. She got up and kissed the tip of his nose. He was delighted when she began unwrapping another condom, but was uneasy to see her unwrap two more.

"I did say this was going to punish you."

Vivian did indeed torture him with pleasure, riding him until she came twice and he had four ejaculations. For the fourth round, she put a vibrating plug in him to help things along, bringing Jonah to tears in the process. It took hours, and when it was over they were both exhausted.

Once his cage was back on Jonah relaxed in Vivian's tits like he did the night they met. She stroked his back tenderly.

"Since we're getting married, I think it's time you moved in with me."

"That sounds wonderful, Vivian."

"What kind of wedding do you want?"

"Whatever you want is what would make me the happiest."

She chuckled. "We'll figure something out."

Jonah relaxed some more. He felt himself doze off.

"Goodnight, my wonderful Mistress."

"Goodnight, my sweet little boy."

The soon-to-be husband and wife fell asleep together, Vivian holding Jonah tightly, like she owned him.

In a lot of ways, she really did own him, but she was also his.

The dominant woman and submissive man slept, peaceful and content in their love.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The story was interesting and even somewhat enjoyable but not really a lifestyle for me. I simply cannot understand how a woman domme can claim to genuinely love her partner/sub and deliberately, coldly & with malice hurt him so much ? I guess they deserve each other but I am at a total loss to see what he gets from the relationship. I can see that you try very hard to emphasize that she does “love” him but it appears such a selfish, one sided relationship that, all it means to her is owning a living doll to torment and take out her frustrations on. The episode in the club is a prime example. She anally rapes him & fists him in front of others, not for love but to show everyone there what a clever girl she is. Made me feel slightly nauseous.

Femdomlover01Femdomlover01almost 2 years ago

There is so much here to love. A dominant who actually likes and cares for her sub. A dominant who wants to be her sub's lover and girlfriend as well as his dominant. A dominant who doesn't feel the need to cuckold her sub, or get him sucking cocks, or feminize and/or turn him into a sissy maid. That's all great, and so rare to find in F/m. But.... You knew there would be a but didn't you? There's nothing wrong with a little anal. In fact it probably should be there in femdom, but the horse size, and bigger, dildos, that the sub takes to so easily and can come so hard from, and fisting???. Maybe it's just me but I find it so unrealistic that it takes me right out of the story. There should be orgasm control. The doinant should get to decide when the sub gets to come, just maybe a little more often. " She only allowed him to orgasm every week or so, and it was almost exclusively with his prostate." Really? Seriously? Is this actually exciting to anyone? I'm 64 years old and that would be far too seldom for me . I can barely remember, but I can imagine how excruciating it would have been for a sub of his age to be denied for that long of a period. And god damn it, even if I could come anally, I'd still want my dick played with. Takes me right out of the story. No, as much good as there was here, I just can't get past those things. I do not give ratings below five stars. If I can't give five I just don't rate. It doesn't seem fair, to me, to punish the author just because there were elements of the story that I didn't like. So no rating here, but I do want to hank the author for his effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He came out as a sub lmaoo. And to his father!! Haha I can't get over that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good premise.

But you really need an editor/proofreader. You said HERSELF when you meant HIMSELF. You said PREFACE when you meant PRETENSE.

And not enough exploration -- by her -- of what his sexual history was. What he fantasized about? What kind of porn did he watch? What were his favorite scenarios?

What did he think/fantasize about the one time he was permitted to cum during the week between their first two sessions? Did he try to make it last? Did he erupt quickly?

Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Always love stories that don't make the safe word an "end everything if you can't take one thing" deal. Really liked when he stood up for both of them at the jackass.

It's okay to do what rocks your socks off, long as it's done with adult(s) and full consent all around. People won't understand everyone's kinks, or enjoy, that's fine, long as choices are respected.

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