Letter From the Front


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I replied, "Yes -- I'm going to call Denise here in a bit to see if this is a good day to come and visit. But I wanted to tell you first. Your actions last night showed me that I can love her like I loved you, and that if she truly needs it, I can be the one to give it to her."

She hugged me and said, "You're an amazing daddy!"

I laughed. "Yes, you told me last night! Which by the way...I never got a chance to go down on you. Do I owe you some pleasure?"

I didn't let her answer. I surprised her by picking her up under her arms and sitting her on the kitchen counter. She protested, mostly out of shock, but I continued on. I grabbed the waistband of her panties and gave them a tug, but they wouldn't come down off her ass since she was now sitting on the counter. She showed me that she was excited about what I was going to do by lifting her ass up enough so that I could get her them off.

She put her feet upon the counter and spread her legs, knowing what was coming. I stared into her beautiful promised land and dove in, heading straight for her clit. She moaned and shrieked as I attacked her pleasure button with my tongue, alternating long licks with short jabs from the tip. I would stop to suck on it for a few seconds before starting with the licks again. Janelle's hands went up under her shirt to find her nipples, which added to the sensation I was giving her. As I sucked her clit again, I added in a deep throaty hum, which sent vibration waves crashing into her now wet pussy.

"Oh god, David, don't stop, right there, YES, keep going keep going I'm going to cum OHHHHHHH..."

I loved that sound, and the feeling of the spasms of pleasure that coursed throughout her body. Her copious juices spread all over my face as she raised her hips, bucking through the intensity. I loved this woman, and I loved nothing more than to bring this kind of pleasure to her.

I stood up smiling as her breath rate reduced on the way back down the mountain. She opened her eyes and smiled back at me as I said, "Kiss a man with pussy juice all over his face?"

She giggled and replied, "Only if I put it there."

We kissed again -- it had been a good weekend for kissing so far. "That was for last night," I said. "You were incredible, and you showed me what I needed to do today. Up until I climbed inside your body, I wasn't sure. But you helped me make my decision."

I grabbed a kitchen washcloth from the counter and used it to wipe my face. If Denise and I ended up together later, I didn't think it would be appropriate for her to taste her mother during our first kiss. Janelle smiled at me as she started to make us some breakfast -- just some toast and fruit on a weekend morning. There was surprisingly little conversation between us, given the fact we both knew I needed to make the call and set this thing in motion.

It was 8:40 when I took my phone out of my pocket. Janelle watched me as I called up Denise's number. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to say, and I think Janelle was curious as to how our conversation would go. It was silly, of course, since I wasn't about to ask Denise on the phone if she wanted me to come over and fuck her. But that still didn't seem to make this call any less awkward.

Denise answered on the second ring. "Hello, dad. How are you this morning?"

Let's see...well fucked? Nervous? Stinky from your mom's cum all over my face? I had to answer carefully. "Fine, sweetheart. I called to ask if I could come over and visit you? It's been a few weeks, and I miss my little girl!"

I looked at Janelle and she smiled, trying to reassure me that this was the right thing to do.

Denise replied, "Sure, dad -- I'd love to see you. Are you bringing mom also?"

I looked at Janelle, and she shook her head no. "She's right here, honey -- let me put you on the speaker and you can ask her."

Janelle glared at me as she said, "Hi, Denise. If it's okay with you, I'm going to stay home this time. Your father is running out on me and I had a long list of things I wanted him to do today. Apparently he would rather come and see you than work on my honey-do list." There was a lot of truth in that statement, but I wasn't going to tell Janelle that.

Denise replied, "That's okay, mom -- I understand. AND I understand why dad would rather come and see me than do those chores for you! Will you be coming soon dad?"

I stuck my tongue out at Janelle and said, "I'll leave before too long. I'll try to be there in time to take you out to lunch, and then we'll spend some time together. Sound good?"

She replied, "Sounds great! I'll see you soon dad -- love you and mom!"

Together, we said, "We love you too!"

Janelle turned to me and said, "You handled that well. I have no doubt however this goes, you'll be quite the gentleman and let her know that this is completely because her husband loves her and you love her. Now...I would suggest you take a change of clothes, just in case whatever happens means you'll need to spend the night."

She was right. I didn't want to be caught unprepared for anything. Suddenly that reminded me of something else -- something I hadn't needed in a long time.

"I need to stop at a store and get some condoms. If we do this, the last thing I want to do is make her pregnant."

Janelle shook her head. "No you don't, dear. She's been on birth control since she was a lot younger. I doubt she ever told you that so you wouldn't worry about her, but the doctor put her on them to help relieve terrible cramping issues her hormones were causing."

So I guess Denise and Janelle did talk and share things like I did with Denise. I knew Janelle loved her as much as I did, or else I wouldn't be going to Denise's house with this strange proposition I had for her.

It was ten o'clock by the time I was ready to go. Janelle walked me out to the car and kissed me one more time before I got in. She held my face between her hands and said, "You are the best father ever, and I have complete confidence in you no matter how this turns out. You do whatever you need to make your girl as happy as you can, and if that means an overnight stay, then I'm all for it. Just let me know what your plan is so I don't worry if I don't hear from you. I love you, David! Take care of our little girl."

I kissed her again and replied, "I love you too." Leaving her in the driveway to watch me drive way was odd, because I couldn't recall another time when it was just me going to see Denise. But I knew this was the way it had to be. If Denise decided to do this, it would be much more difficult if her mom was in the house with us. And honestly, it would have been more difficult for me as well.

As expected, the drive was filled with strange thoughts bouncing around in my head. I went everywhere from how ridiculous this was to how perverted I must be to be driving for sex with my daughter, to the pain I know she must be feeling having her husband away and in not the safest situation in the world. I also played out in my mind several different scenarios about how I was going to present this to her. I knew I couldn't just walk in her door and just blurt out, "Jason wants me to fuck you." My best plan was to let his letter do the talking. Janelle had made sure to put the unopened secret envelope in with my change of clothes. After lunch, I'd sit Denise down and let her know I'd received a letter from her husband and in it was something for her as well. Then I'd hand her the secret envelope and let it play out from there.

Since Janelle and I had always been regular visitors of Denise (and Jason as well when he's home), I knew how to find her in the base housing without any problem. Even before I could get the car shut off, she was out the front door, bounding to see me. I got the door open and as soon as I stood, she wrapped her arms around me. She's hugged me as a grown woman before and I always knew she had developed over the years, but this was the first time I recognized her breasts pressed tightly against my chest and thinking something that wasn't very pure. I needed to be very careful not to over think this.

It didn't make it any easier that she really was a younger Janelle. I always knew she was lucky to get most of her looks from her mom. But now seeing her in a different way of thinking, I could not get over that she was Janelle's mini-me...all the way to the ponytail she had in her hair -- the same ponytail Janelle wore in bed with me last night.

As she hugged me, she said, "Daddy! It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much. This is going to be a real treat!"

She released me and I replied, "It's good to see you to, honey. It seems like so long since we've been over here. I know we're just two hours away, and I'd be here in an instant if you needed me. But sometimes it just doesn't work out."

She smiled and said, "I know, and I try not to worry you guys, because I know your weekends are times for you to unwind from your week and making mom happy by doing all those chores she wants you to do. Which by the way, you owe me for getting you out of that today!"

I laughed at her little joke. "If I know your mother, those things will still be there next week." As I answered, I replayed her answer in my head -- she was trying not to worry us. I knew things weren't going well for her, so I said, "Is everything okay, sweetheart?

She lowered her head and then looked up at me, and I could see a tear forming in her eye. "It's fine, dad, but I miss Jason so much! I have friends who are in the same position as me and we get together a lot, but it's just not the same. Your visit is a huge bright spot for me. It's almost like you know what I need without asking me about it."

If only she knew why I was here...I guess she was going to know in a little while. I hugged her again and said, "Let go out to eat -- your choice, and after that, we'll sit down and get caught up. Sound good?"

She hugged me tighter and said, "Sounds great!"

We went to a nice sit-down national chain restaurant for lunch. She chatted happily as we ate, and I mostly just sat and listened, filling in a few small details about me and her mother, and asking questions of her. I could tell that my being there with her was making a difference. It was almost like she was getting an opportunity to come out of cloudy day and into the sunshine. We did talk about Jason and how she got to visit with him via Skype a couple of times a month, and while it was helping her with their separation, it still was very tough.

Lunch was over, and we continued chatting lightly on the drive back to Denise's house. Once there, I grabbed my overnight bag and we went inside. We both sat on opposite ends of her couch, and I put my bag at my feet. I looked over at my beautiful daughter, and knew it was time to get this out in the open. I hoped I could keep it together and be whatever it was she needed.

"Honey, I came over today to discuss something very important with you." Seeing the look of worry in her eyes, I quickly added, "Don't worry, everyone is fine, it's not that." She seemed to calm back down, but I could tell she was still worried at least a little bit.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the secret envelope. "I got a letter from Jason in the mail yesterday. He's fine also, but he's worried about you, and he wanted to let me know. He also wanted me to deliver this to you, unopened, so that only you could see it."

I handed her the enveloped and watched as she studied my face for a minute, and then looked down at the envelope. She gently tore it open and took out a letter, on similar-looking paper as the one I received from him yesterday. They must have been written at the same time.

Denise studied the letter, and the expression on her face changed from worry to curiosity to one that I could only call surprised and shocked amazement. With that last look, I could only figure she'd gotten to the part about her husband wanting me to have sex with my daughter. That thought was confirmed when she looked up at me with her mouth open.

She studied me for a bit, and I tried to look as caring as I could, but I really didn't have any idea how I should be reacting to her surprise. She looked back down at the letter again, which reminded me that both Janelle and I did the same thing with the letter Jason had sent me. I could have saved her the time and told her that reading it a second and third time wasn't going to change the meaning, but she needed to find that out on her own.

Finally she looked at me again and said, "Do you know what this letter says?"

"No, because I didn't open it. But I have a pretty good idea, because I think my letter says pretty much the same thing."

Denise leaned back against the back of the couch and put her hands over her chest, the letter still clutched in her fingers. She looked so vulnerable and I knew that I was part of that. I wanted to reach out to her and hold her and tell her that everything would be okay, but I knew that I couldn't touch her yet, until she admitted to me that she needed that.

She held up the letter one more time, and then looked over at me. "So you know what Jason wants me...wants US to do?"

I nodded.

"And if I decided yes, you think you could do this with me?"

It was time for a complete explanation at how I arrived at my decision to come and see her. "Denise, sweetie, from the first time I laid eyes on you after you were born, I fell madly in love with you, and pledged to be the best dad possible for you. Over the years, I have worked extra hard to be the dad that you could love and count on for anything you needed. I'm so proud to be your dad, and I love you more than life itself. I vowed to do anything I could to help you when you needed it. So, after talking it over with your mother -- and yes, she knows about this, me being here comes with her approval -- we both decided that the only way I could come over here and talk about this was to be able to go through with it if you decided it would help you."

I let that sink in for a minute, and then added, "The only way I could possibly love you more than I do now is to add in the love that lovers share. I know it's not normal, but to me, if it helps you through this lonely time, and if your husband is the one that is asking us do to this...well, you know what his wishes are. If this helps you, I'm willing to do it."

She sat there for a few more minutes, still not knowing what to think, which didn't surprise me. After all, I processed this all evening yesterday and still didn't know what to do until Janelle helped me see what giving Denise what she wanted would look like. She looked over at me again and asked, "How do you know that you can do this? Have you always had some fantasy about me?"

I shook my head no, and said, "I can tell you exactly how I know, but it might be a little creepy to hear the answer, because it involves your mom and me having sex last night. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

She smiled at that and replied, "No, not really, although I always knew you were having sex once I figured out what all those noises were coming from your bedroom."

I laughed. "So you knew, huh? Well, then you may not be surprised to learn that we still have sex and we still enjoy it very much!"

I proceeded to tell her about our session last night, and how Janelle had put her hair up in a ponytail, very similar to the one Denise had on at that moment. I told her about her mom calling me "daddy," and how suddenly at that moment I could see Denise beneath me because she looked exactly like her mom did at that age.

"It was crazy to see, and yet I knew then that I could do this for you. I promise I've never thought of you as an object of sexual desire, but I know you are beautiful because you do look exactly like your mother. And....hugging you earlier when I got here reminded me that you are built like your mother as well. Feeling your breasts pressed against my chest turned me on a little bit. So not only do I think I could make love with you, but I'm sure I would enjoy it very much."

Hearing myself admitting that made me even surer that I could do this. Denise was Janelle's younger self, and she was beautiful, and I already loved her more than anything else in the world, so this was the natural next step.

I reached over and took her hand. "Listen, honey...I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do. If you tell me now that you can't do this, then we drop it, and the two of us enjoy the rest of the weekend being daddy and daughter who don't have sex with each other. I won't think any less of you if you don't want to, and I know Jason will feel the same way. And I'll tell you this -- if we do decide to try it and get to a point where you can't go on, we'll stop, and that will be that. I love you too much to force you to do something you don't want."

She climbed over the open spot on the couch between us to hug me, and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap. We held each other for what seemed like a long time, and even though we were in close quarters, it still wasn't sexual. I made myself keep that part turned off until she made her decision. I wasn't going to start something she didn't feel comfortable doing before she had made up her mind.

She kissed my cheek and said, "I really am the luckiest girl in the world. I have a little confession of my own to make. My friends always thought you were a great dad. They loved it when they'd come over and you'd play games with us or watch movies or anything else. That's why we had so many parties and sleepovers at our house."

I remembered back to those times. Sometimes they were fun, other times they were annoying. But because my little girl wanted me there with them, I'd always join them.

"But as we got older, some of my friends decided that not only were you fun, but that you were also good looking. They tried to point that out to me, and honestly, I could see what they were saying. Like you, I never really had any desire to be anything other than just your daughter. But some of them really told me they'd enjoy being your daughter also, and they weren't talking about doing regular father/daughter things with you."

It was probably a good thing I didn't know about this back then. As Denise and her friends got older, the sleepover attire started to be a little more revealing, and at that point I had to stop being the fun daddy. Now I was glad I made that decision.

Denise kissed me on the cheek again. "So if we do this, you won't think any less of me? I mean, isn't this illegal?"

I nodded. "Yes it is, but I'm not planning on telling anybody about it -- well, I'll probably let your mom know. I think you won't have to tell anybody either, although I think Jason would like to know as well."

She thought for a bit and then asked, "Mom's good with this?"

I nodded again. "I wouldn't be here if mom didn't approve this."

She hugged me tightly again and looked down as she said, "I think I'd like to try this with you -- if you're sure it's okay."

I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head so we could look eye to eye. "That's not good enough, sweetie. I don't want to hear you THINK you want to try it. I need to know that you DO want to try it."

She didn't blink once as she said, "I want you to make love to me, daddy."

My cock jumped, and I'm sure she felt it since she was still on my lap. She leaned in and kissed me not as my daughter, but as a lover for the first time. I was waiting for that first contact with her lips to see if it made me feel all gross and disgusting since she was my own flesh and blood, but quite the opposite happened. There was an electric spark that I hadn't experienced before. Kissing with Janelle was out of this world, but kissing like this with Denise was on another galaxy.