Lizard Ch. 01


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I held my breath as I heard her footsteps approach the living room archway. She stopped and stood there posing for me. She looked so hot and so very sexy that I immediately started becoming erect. Starting from the top Jess had fixed her shoulder-length hair down in a curly manner that looked so damn sexy to me. She had applied more than her usual amount of makeup to her eyes, face, and lips. Her eyes were accented and she had applied longer eyelashes. Her mascara was brown and gold and this highlighted both her hair and eyes. Her lips were painted a dusky pink-beige shade and this called attention to her mouth without being slutty. She appeared to be the girl next door but multiplied by 10. She was wearing a printed Harley top that I had purchased for her, that was a made of a light mesh material that caused it to be see-through if you paid attention. In other words if you ignored the picture that was printed on the material you could see her boobs and even her nipples that were quite prominent due to her apparent arousal. The material was that sheer. The top was short and left her belly and navel exposed. Below she wore a short denim skirt that came to about halfway between her knees and hips. A lot of her sexy thighs were showing. Under her skirt she wore bright orange socks that came to just over her knee. On her feet she wore flat shoes with a tiny heel. I was immediately turned-on and I knew that every man who saw her would be too. I considered telling her we should stay in and fuck instead of finding someone else but my fetish kicked in and I simple looked at her in awe.

"My God Jess you look so beautiful and so sexy." I gushed.

"Thank you. Do you think it is too much?" She asked while jutting out her left hip to the side.

"No it is perfect. No man will resist you." I replied.

"Can I have one more drink?" She asked as she held out her empty glass to me. Jan had already consumed two Tanqueray and tonics to quench her nervousness and relax her. I was worried that she might be too relaxed or get sick but I agreed and made her another with more tonic and lime and less gin.

"Let's see what you have under your skirt baby." I asked.

"Maybe nothing." She teased as she slowly lifted her tiny skirt revealing a pair of blue silky panties.

"No thong?" I asked.

"You think I should? I was thinking none and then I thought maybe." She replied.

"No bare might be too much and you might need to keep your pussy covered. You are right."

"Thanks." She replied as she sipped her drink.

"Ready?" I asked as I reached for her hand.

"No just let me tinkle." She giggled and wandered out of the room towards the bathroom.

When she returned we both got into our older Toyota and pulled out of the driveway. It was just starting to turn to dusk as we got on the road for the 30 minute drive to the truck stop.

"You want to go over it again?" I asked as I drove and she nervously sipped her drink and looked out the side window.

"Yes please." She replied. I knew she was a nervous wreck and this would give her something to think and talk about as we drove.

"Okay I pull up to the gas pumps and you get out and go inside to the shower room bathroom on the right side of the building."

"Got it, shower room bathroom." She repeated.

"You go in to the lady's room and check your makeup use the bathroom whatever. Then you walk out the door to the truck parking lot with a trucker coming out of the shower."

"Where will I wait? How will I know he has just showered?" She asked while finishing her drink.

"You can see from the doorway when a man comes from the shower room and he should look fresh and be carrying his stuff." I explained.

"Okay." She relied.

"Just casually follow him out and start a conversation with him. Ask him about his truck. Something like that." I went on. We were now getting close to our exit for the truck stop.

"Yes, okay." She replied.

"Ask him if you can see inside of his truck. He might even suggest something to you like if you want to take a ride or if you are looking for something." I said calmly but I was far from calm.

"He might ask if you are commercial company or something similar and you say maybe and give him a sly smile." I was now totally erect and breathing hard.

"Commercial company. Yes." She replied.

"Once you get to his truck he will have to decide if he is interested or not. If so climb in and discuss price. If not try again. Okay?" I asked as I pulled up to the gas pump.

"Okay but where will I find you?" She asked.

"I will park where I can see the back of the lot like last time, okay?" I asked.

"Yes I got it. I am so ready. Kiss me." She offered me her cheek and got out of the car. I found myself alternating between breathing hard and holding my breath as she looked so sexy and so very hot as she swayed her hips and walked inside the store. I followed her with my eyes until she disappeared inside among the displays. I was a nervous wreck and could not wait to get into the parking lot in back of the store and find a spot to observe the action. I was tempted to go inside and talk her out of this as suddenly we had gone far enough; my fantasy was fulfilled.

I topped off my car and instead of getting inside and driving to the agreed upon location I walked inside hoping to catch a glimpse of my lovely wife. I pulled the doors open and wondered if anyone was looking at me, the husband of the hooker who just came inside but like always, no one paid attention or cared about what anyone else was doing. I looked around the inside of the store as if I was searching out a particular product but I was not able to see Jan anywhere. I decided to walk over towards the trucker's showers that was also where the bathrooms were located. I tried to see into the women's restroom but did not see any sign of Jan. I suddenly felt like a peeper trying to look into the women's bathroom. I walked away from the area and back outside and got into my car. My hands were shaking as I put the key into the ignition and pushed the start button. I slowly drove around the building and into the vast truck and RV parking lot. I was able to find a spot that was under a light and had a good view of the backdoors of the store. I shut down my car and waited. It was a warm night for late February in Michigan and I would not need the heater so I opened the driver-side window an inch. I reclined my seatback and settled in for the wait. My heart was racing and I was finding it difficult to breath. I wasn't sure if it was from the excitement or fear of what we were doing. I kept the radio off and just watched the door.

It wasn't 10 minutes before I spotted a driver exit the building carrying a small duffle bag. He was tall, about six foot I guessed, wearing jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. There was nothing remarkable about him except for the beautiful young woman who was walking and talking with him: my wife Jan. They appeared to be involved in a friendly conversation as they smiled at each other as they walked and talked toward the parked semis. As I watched I noticed them turning away from where I was parking and slowly they walked out of sight. Damn!

I had been sitting alone in my car for a little over an hour sweating profusely and kicking myself mentally for what I was having my lovely wife do to herself. I was nervous and nauseated but sporting a raging hard-on that needed immediate attention. I was really starting to worry at this point because I never thought she would be gone this long. I was considering calling the police when the cell in my hand lit-up and played a familiar tone. Jan's picture came up on the screen so I pushed it and answered.

"Hello." I answered trying not to sound as relieved as I felt.

"Hey baby, where are you?" She said cheerily.

"I am parked facing the backdoors of the store. I was able to see you walkout together. I am right under the lights." I said beginning to feel better already.

"Okay I'll be right there." Then she hung up. I watched as she appeared around the front of some parked trucks and she seemed to locate where I was parked. She started making her way toward me and I watched closely for any signs that she had indeed done the deed. Was she really a lot lizard? She walked in her usual gait as she got closer and closer but she almost appeared to be strutting her stuff with an exaggerated sway to her hips. When she was close enough she gave me a smile and I smiled back. She opened the car door and stuck her head inside.

"Hey baby, you looking for some company?" She said with a wide smile and tousled hair.

"Yeah I am. How much?" I asked as I started the car. She climbed in and gave me a hug. She had the distinct odor of another man on her.

"I freaking did it!" She exclaimed as she broke the hug. "I did it. I fucked a trucker for money!"

Her excitement was surprising. I closely examined her face for any tell-tale signs of her infidelity. Her lipstick was mostly gone and her hair was not as neat as she usually kept it but what was most startling was the gleam in her eyes. They actually sparkled with her excitement.

"Did you really? Honestly? For sure? How was it? How much did you get?" I asked with a flurry of questions all at once. I stared at her. I looked at her and pulled her in for another kiss. Our lips met, our mouths opened and our tongues slipped inside each other's mouth. After we broke the kiss I noticed that she tasted salty and her breath smelled of chlorine. It was the scent of another man's cum.

"Do you taste him? Do you taste his cum in my mouth? I gave him a blowjob." She replied with a devious smile. "Yes I really did it. Honestly. It was so freaking hot and so awesome." She admitted as she could barely contain herself. I stopped and looked at her long shapely legs from beneath her skirt. My heart almost leapt out of my chest at the sight of my wife's legs. The legs she had spread for another man.

"Tell me, tell me everything." I demanded as I started driving the car. She suddenly reached into her black leather shoulder bag and pulled something from it. I noticed when she did that her purse was stuffed with rumpled up Kleenex.

"Here! See what I brought you." She said with glee as she held before my face a used condom. It was tied off at the base and appeared to be quite filled with another man's sperm." I gasped as she gave me a shit-eating grin. She kind of dangled the condom up and down to get my attention.

"Oh my God! You did do it!" I exclaimed as I reached for the condom. She handed it to me and I gently squeezed it so the contents would ooze back and forth inside. I held it to my nose. It smelled of latex and maybe Jan's pussy and maybe of his sperm. I almost came right there.

"Please tell me. Tell me everything?" I begged as I started to bounce the used condom up and down.

"Okay I will baby as soon as we get home." She said as she began to spread her legs apart within her skirt and it started to slide further up her thighs revealing a glimpse of her panties.

"He really rode me hard." She said as she gave me a mischievous smile. I could see that the crotch of her panties was quite wet. I do not know how I drove home as I remember none of it except for how enticing Jen looked and how hard my cock was throbbing inside my pants.

"You want me to take you out and stroke you?" She asked playfully while still smiling at me.

"God no! I would kill us both. Just let me drive home." I exclaimed trying hard to concentrate on the dark road. The drive home that normally took about 29 minutes took less than 15 as traffic was light on this weekend evening and I was driving well over the speed limit; either way it still felt like an hour. I pulled into the driveway and I pulled Jess to me for a kiss. I could smell the scent of another man in her hair and on her lips. I felt as if my cock would explode any second. We broke free of each other and almost ran into the house and into our bedroom.

Finally I had Jess alone so she could tell me the entire story of her lot lizard experience. We stood there just examining each other and finally I pulled her down onto the bed on top of me. I hugged her tightly and squeezed her sexy ass. Finally she broke free from my tight hold and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Ryan I love you so much." She said as she continued to stare at me. "I just had the most incredible experience of my life. It was so fricking hot."

"Baby I love you too. Tell me tell me." I begged. I could not believe this sexy creature I was holding in my arms.

"Okay. Well his name was Steve and he has been a driver for 24 years and..."

"No please stop. Start at the very beginning where you went into the store." I directed as I felt her hot pussy lying on my hard cock through our clothes.

"Okay. Well okay. I got out of our car and walked in through the doors of the store inside. My legs were shaky and I felt kind of sick to my stomach. I was wishing that I had had another drink. I knew everyone was looking at me and I felt really paranoid like they all knew I was a hooker. I looked around and no one was paying any attention to me so I made my way down the aisles of the store. I finally looked up and noticed the hanging signs pointing the way to the restrooms, laundry, and showers. I followed the direction to the showers and it was right across from the lady's room. There was, of course, a sign on the door that said. "Showers". I walked into the lady's room and went into a stall. I sat down with my panties down as I felt like I needed to pee, or get sick or something I was just feeling so uneasy. I reached down to wipe myself and realized that my pussy was really wet and it was obvious that I was excited about something."

"I left the stall and looked at myself in the mirror. I stared at the reflection of the woman in the mirror. I checked my makeup and then I checked my hair. I had to admit that I looked really hot. Maybe I would get lucky and find someone to fulfill Ryan's, and now my, fantasy and with one more quick glance at my face I straightened my shoulders and walked out of the bathroom. As I was walking out a tall man was walking out of the shower room door. He appeared clean shaven and recently wet. He gave me a nod and a smile and I returned the smile. He was carrying a small duffle bag in his hand that I assumed was his dirty clothes. He turned and started walking towards the back of the store where there was a large hanging sign that read "Truck Parking Lot." As we approached the door he held it open for me and I scooted out past him lightly brushing his arm with my shoulder."

"For you pretty lady." He said with a polite smile.

"Thank you kind sir." I replied with a smile as I looked into his face.

"This is the way to the truck lot. Are you a driver?" He asked as he gave me the long once over look from my toes to my head.

"No I'm not." I admitted. "I just wanted to see them." And I gave a nervous giggle.

"Umm I didn't think so dressed like that. Want to see mine?"

"Yes I would like to see yours." I replied with a teasing inflection to my voice. He raised an eyebrow at me and we began to walk across the lot.

"Nice evening isn't it? Not much like winter." He said as he started walking in a direction away from where I knew you would be parked. By now I was sweating bullets and I was shaking inside and my knees were weak and even though I was so turned on I was considering turning around and stopping this whole thing.

"No it has been very nice. Is yours big?" I asked meaning his truck.

"What? Oh you mean my truck?" He asked getting my double meaning. "Larger than most and maybe the biggest one out there." He said with a twinkle. I realized what he was saying and laughed nervously at his joke.

"I can't wait to see it." I replied. There was a few minutes of awkward silence and then he turned towards me and looking right at me he asked.

"Are you commercial company?" Now was the moment of truth. I had rehearsed my response and now it was time.

"Yes I am. Are you looking for some?"

"Well honey on a night like tonight I sure am." He replied and we approached a large semi-truck with a big chrome "W" above the front grille. He walked me around to the passenger side and unlocked the door. I looked at the tall steps and could not figure out how to get in.

"How do I get in?" I asked. He looked at me for a moment and then reached across me and opened the door.

"Just climb on up the steps there darling and hold on to the bar." He said gesturing with his head. I grabbed a hold of the chrome bar to the left of the door and kind of pulled myself up while climbing the stairs built onto the side of the truck. Suddenly I felt a hand go under my skirt, land between my bare buttocks, and boost me up the steps and into the cab. Before I could react the hand pulled away and I heard the trucker laugh.

"That was such a nice view I could not help myself." And he stood staring up at me. I giggled from embarrassment and called out a thank you right before the cab door closed. My heart was pounding wildly and I was feeling very uneasy as I awaited the driver's entry into the truck's cab.

"I was truly questioning my decision to play this game but from the beating of my heart to the hard breathing that I was doing I knew that I was extremely excited. I was feeling more and more sexually aroused at the thought of what I was doing. I knew that my pussy was wet and most likely the trucker knew it as well. I wanted to run but my lust for excitement and my sexual need kept me planted on the leather seat. The driver pulled himself into the truck and just before turning on the interior lights he pulled across the blackout curtains across the front windshield and both side windows. We were enveloped in total darkness just before he turned on the interior lights. I looked around curiously at the sight before me."

"Well darling let's take a look at you." He said with a sinister smile. I turned in the seat to face him and even though I was shaking so much inside I gave him a pleasant smile. I was sitting across the passenger seat facing him with both of my legs in the area between the seats. I had my knees barely 3 inches apart affording him not much of a view of the treasures that lay between them. I was so nervous that I was sweating but hopefully he could not tell.

"You are so beautiful and young and that's a start but show me what I am buying." He said as he gave me a once over. I was not totally sure what I was supposed to do at this time. I sat there looking at him for almost a minute before I said anything or even moved.

"What do you mean? What do you want to see?" I asked coyly wondering if he was any sort of danger to me but also wanting to keep him interested.

"Hey how old are you anyway?" He asked as his hand landed gently on the top of my thigh.

"22. Is that okay?" I replied as I placed my hand on top of his hand.

"You sure? You don't look much over 15 maybe 16 at most." He replied as he gave my thigh a squeeze.

"Yes 22." I replied. "Is there something wrong with that?


"No nothing at all you just seem younger." He answered as his hand began to move up my leg.

"How young? How young do you like?" I replied as I squeezed his roving hand.

"Really young but you'll do." He answered as his creeping hand was now under my skirt.

"Thanks. So what do you want to see?' I asked as I was starting to feel turned on but I reflexively wanting to remove his hand from under my skirt.

"Everything but let's start with your titties." He replied. I reached up and began lifting my pullover blouse off my body and over my head as his fingers, of the roving hand, began touching the edge of my thong panties. I now had my shirt off and held it in my hand.

"Ooh that is nice. Those are some fine little titties." He said as his hand came from under my skirt and began to feel up my breasts.