Locker Room Revenge


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I then get an idea. The best idea on the planet. I'll pretend. I'll pretend to cum and get them to end this craziness. I've had practice at this with my boyfriend as if I don't cum, he won't stop. So I do all I do with him with this, from the slow breathing that turns fast, the moaning, even the rolling of my body. Yet after I do this display, I'm told I still have 2 more to go, revealing they didn't fall for it.

My second orgasm builds for real at this, making me feel more than vulnerable. I begin to downright cry as I feel it coming, as it makes me feel feelings I've never felt before. Good feelings too.

If it was just pain, I could ignore it, but it's more than that. It's the feeling of having other women seeing me orgasm, which none ever have. It's them having this dominating power over me. So much power that they have power over my very orgasms. It''s...damn it, I'm cumming.

The orgasm hits much harder than before. This one sort of ramps up really fast towards the end to erupt over me. When it hits, I yelp out and press my body against the pole and take panting breaths. I stare at the group of girls, but I'm not really looking at them. Instead, my vision whites out as I go on a sort of journey in my mind.

The waves wash over me again, only this time harder and faster. It's so intense that I gulp with each wave that passes. The waves feel sharp as they move over me, like a knife's edge is being dragged over my body. It's by far the best orgasm ever.

I feel my eyes roll back as the waves get too intense. It all becomes too much and I feel myself even start to drool as I sink into the orgasm. The vibrations feel like they are making my entire body quake instead of just my womanhood. like I'm standing during an earthquake.

The orgasm finally passes, leaving me hanging limply by my hands. During my orgasm, I must have hit the shower button with my back because it has come on, dousing me with water, again. So I stay quiet as the water pours on the top of my head to move downward, the vibrator still going.

"One more to go," one of them comments and they laugh. Hearing them laugh gives me a tingly feeling in my stomach. It makes me really realize how I'm feeling. My body is warm, much warmer than I've ever felt before. I'm hot. Aroused. Horny.

And it makes me cry. Tears come out and I pout to myself as I'm strung up like this, not because of what they are doing to me, but because of what they are making me feel. Because I'm enjoying it.

I always thought of sex as my boyfriend plowing me in different ways. It was simple, sometimes boring, but predictable. What they are doing has shattered that completely. I didn't know I could feel sexual arousal from other girls, and I certainly didn't know being dominated like this would turn me on either. It's horrible. All of it is horrible. What have they done to me.

"N-No, not...not again," I beg as more tears fall because I feel another orgasm coming. Instead of the vibrations or anything else, it was the acknowledgment that I like what they are doing that causes the orgasm. Admitting that seems to release me and I'm dragged back into another orgasm.

It rises up and feels even sharper than the last one. This time I do moan and I moan loud. Probably loud enough that it goes out into the hallways. So loud that if this wasn't a girl's only school, the boy's locker room would hear me. It's so loud, my own moans echo back to me.

My body bucks violently as I cum and water pours down on me. This orgasm is the strongest of all, making my body feel like a play toy for the world. It reaches a point where I arch my back and halfway pull myself up to push out my tits in reaction. I unknowingly do this as the water moving over my hard nipples makes them tingle and want to feel more of it.

My breathing becomes pants and it goes so fast I fear I might hyperventilate. My hips have begun to rock as well, as if trying to ride the vibrator, even if it is completely inside me. I keep doing this, starting to actually lift my feet so I hang off the pipe. Doing this makes it even more intense, causing me to damn near scream my moans.

After what feels like hours, my orgasm fades and dies. It leaves me completely spent, feeling like I wouldn't have the energy to even kill a fly. I'm so tired that I really do think I could fall asleep like this. That I could just pass out and pretend all of this is just a dream.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" I hear a mocking voice ask. Looking forward, I see the group has returned to stand by me with them all surrounding me. Thankfully the belt around my knees is undone and removed, allowing me to open my legs.

In a very humiliating act and feeling, the vibrator is grabbed while in me. The white girl does this, kneeling in front of me and inserting two fingers inside my pussy. She is made to dig around for a bit to grab the vibrating thing, but once she has her grip, she pulls it out completely. Doing this makes me gasp and moan as it is a very strange feeling.

With it out of me, I breath fast as I'm so raw down there. No sex act I've ever done has made me feel like what I do at the moment. Even after the longest time I had sex with my boyfriend, which was about 2 hours, I felt nothing like what I do now. I feel so sore.

"Almost done, almost done," the white girl says, turning off the vibrator. She then hits the button to restart the shower, causing the water to start pouring on me again. As if I'm not there, she rinses the toy off with water, then uses soap to clean it. Only she makes sure to do this right in front of my face to make me see the thing that caused me to cum 3 times.

"I think it's time for The Marathon, what do you all think?" The white girl says, looking at her friends. They are oddly quiet at this suggestion.

"The Marathon? You sure?" The tall one asks as if surprised. The white girl looks at me and smiles that evil smile.

"Oh, this bitch deserves it," she replies while looking at me. This makes me pout again as I thought for sure they were done with me. That they would be content that I learned my lesson.

The two girls come to my sides and grab my arms. They lift me so my bound wrists can move over the pipe and showerhead. I'm finally able to lower my arms, finding that my shoulders are screaming in pain from hung.

The two don't hold me in any fancy move, but instead hold my arm as they walk. I let them lead me to wherever they want, too tired to fight back. After all, there's so many of them and only one of me, and my hands are tied. There's no hope of me defeating any of them.

They make me walk to my bench seat in front of my locker, still naked with water dripping off me. For a moment I consider that they took me here so I can get dressed. But this proves to be wrong thinking as my hair is grabbed.

Hands grab and guide me tightly now. My hair is grabbed, as well as my arms and hips. They push and pull on me, making me stand up and then bend over. Then they force me downward, towards the bench. I do struggle at this, but it's more out of reaction than anything else as I don't know what is happening.

I then find myself bent over the benches, the one that I normally sit on and the one behind it. My hips/stomach leans over the bench were I normally sit at, while my upper body leans over the neighboring bench. And then I'm pulled and discover why as my breasts fall from the bench to dangle down under me.

Zoning out, I stay quiet as they undo the belt on my wrists only to reuse it. They tie each of my wrists to my legs. Well, shin really. They secure me in this bent position, my right hand/arm secured to my right leg below the knee, and the same for the left side.

It's the most sexual position I think I've ever been in, and I'm very much helpless like this. What makes it sexual is how spread apart I feel. I know they are able to see both holes clearly.

I feel so incredibly different now. Like a part of me is broken and I have no clue who I am. In fact, I have trouble of thinking of what my life was like before today. My life seems to be only about these women and what they want to do to me. Sort of like I need to do what they want, or else. That it's my purpose in life.

The group then moves to the benches in front of me, almost like they want me to see my reaction to what they did. The tall one grabs a piece of paper and rips it into pieces. One of the girls that was holding me takes out a pen and writes on each piece. Then the others fold up these pieces and scramble them around so they don't know which is which. After this, each grab a piece.

"I go first," The white girl says with a smile, revealing her piece of paper says "1." Excited, she walks back behind me where I can't see her. With a sigh, I lower my head as I know this isn't going to be good.

"Come on, no," I plead weakly as I feel something hard at my pussy entrance. Only now do I try and glance behind me by lifting my head and turning, where I see her...with a strap on. Of course they have a strap on. Of course.

"This is always so awkward. Wonder sometimes how guys do this," she says as she lowers herself to get a better position. I winch and groan as she inserts it inside of me, making my already sensitive and sore pussy to tingle in an unexpected way.

"There we go," she comments as it slides inside of me. She's now able to pull her hips back and then forward. There's no being gentle or going slow with her. She thrusts rather fast as she fucks me with her strap on. I feel the very hard sex toy slide deep inside me, parting me as it moves in and out of me. To add to my humiliation, she starts to slap my ass.

I feel another orgasm coming from this. Yet it is more than just the wet friction making me cum. This time it is something else, something I don't know I can describe. The best way I can describe it is that I feel like a dominated dog being fucked by another dog to prove they are the alpha. It makes me feel for no other better word, submissive. And it's a feeling that I like a great deal.

"Oh yeah, this is good. She's liking this too. She's super wet," the girl says as she fucks me, bringing me to orgasm in front of her friends. As I cum, I can't believe it is from a girl fucking me. That I'm bent over in the damn locker room getting fucked with a strap on.

My moans start, and this time they are loud. So loud that I get my panties stuffed in my mouth. One of them grabs my panties from my locker and stuffs them in my open mouth, no doubt to prevent people from hearing me. But I keep moaning, even if gagged.

I cum again, feeling the waves moving over me yet again. They feel much happier and joyful now, even if she is slamming into my ass hard as she thrusts. I can feel how she wants this to be painful. The waves make me twitch and buck my body again to the point I feel my breasts swing wildly.

After I finish cumming, I learn why it is called "The Marathon." Each girl has a turn and they fuck me with the same strap on. Only they fuck me until they get too tired to stop. Needless to say, they fuck me like this for well over an hour.

At some point I hear one of them talking about the coach. That someone texted saying that they didn't think they could keep the coach busy much longer. So one of the girls volunteered to go out and ask the coach to help with her car. To say that it wouldn't start and if she could look at it, to keep her busy.

I do go into something of a trance as I'm fucked, where I have what I can only call an extended orgasm. Maybe it is from the blood going to my head as I let my head droop. In my trance, I feel the constant feeling of them watching me as I penetrated. Only instead of just their group watching, in my mind I see the entire school watching. Everyone, even teachers see what they are doing and they all know what I am. That I'm just a submissive little thing to do with as you please.

I'm broken out of the trance when one of the girls walks around to my face. There she pokes the fake purple cock against my cheek. It's so wet and she smacks it against my face repeatedly while laughing. She then removes my panties from my mouth and replaces it with the strap on. There she facefucks me, making sure to go deep each time to make me gag.

Drool and slobber comes out as she does this. What makes it even more humiliating is the sounds that I hear. There's wet, sloppy sounds, which sound like what you think you would hear during sex. Not to mention I close my lips around that fake cock too to get the entire experience.

With all that they do to me, I honestly lose track of how many times I cum. Surprisingly, it's the tall girl that makes me cum the most. For you see, she was last. And because of that, she didn't want the same holes the others had been using. So, ummm, she inserted it in my ass.

Having that thing up my ass was a unique feeling. It wasn't painful at all. It felt uncomfortable, but it wasn't painful. It only added to the submissive feeling I felt. Where they could take the most private part of my body with me unable to stop them.

And it too made me cum, which I didn't even know was possible. I came from being fucked in the ass by another girl. I think it had something to do with the white girl laughing and saying, "look at her face as she takes it up the ass."

They do finally stop. When they do, I'm nothing more than a pile of goo. My body feels so worn and broken that I just slump over. Everything hurts. From the back of my throat, which I think has a bruise, down to the bottoms of my toes where I had to stand on my tippy toes for so long. And my pussy and ass throb with a soreness I didn't know I could feel.

"Alright, you can get up now," The white girl tells me. Still in a daze, it doesn't occur to me that they unhooked my hands/legs. I'm now able to bring my hands up to the bench, where it takes all my might to sit up. I'm freed.

Every little move I make with my legs makes me winch. My pussy feels like a train was just run on me, which I guess one had. I'm sore in ways I didn't know I could be, and I feel like my womanhood is loose. Like it'll not be tight as it once was. I know this is just how it feels and not what it is, but still. Overall, I feel more beaten up than if they had beat me up.

"Stand up, we're waiting," the girl says, sounding more annoyed now. Whimpering, I do stand up, though it takes a while as my body feels so sore and broken. Now I make no effort to hide my nakedness.

"Hands behind you," she orders, and as if an automatic response from me, I put my hands behind my back. All of them look at what they have done to my breasts and pussy, making me feel like an object on display. None feel the need to hold me or even menacingly stand next to me. I think they all know how broken I am now.

"I only have one question for you. Are you going to be a good girl from now on and treat everyone with respect?" The white girl asks very seriously. After a pause, I nod my head to show that yes I will. That I learned my lesson.

"Y-Y-Yes. I will treat everyone with respect," I answer as I see she was waiting for me to say something. The group waits for a moment as if thinking I may change my mind or say something else. But I don't. I just stand there looking forward, thinking that I sort of want them to make me bounce my breasts again.

"Good," she finally replies. Yet in that one word, I feel she means so much. Such as saying that if I'm not a good girl, even worst will happen to me. That they can do so much damage to my life with the videos they have, as they recorded everything. It then strikes me that this isn't the first time they've done this. That they must have videos on a bunch of girls.

"Well, here are the clothes you will wear home," she tells me, tossing a folded pair of gym clothes on the bench in front of me. I look at them and sigh. Not even going to allow me to wear my own clothes.

"I think you will be a great addition to the team. We were so close to the playoffs last year. With you with us, I bet we might even make the finals," she says rather excitedly, as if we are good friends. The others quickly agree, revealing they are all excited about the prospects.

"G-Glad to be p-part of the t-team," I respond as it looks like she's waiting for me to say something. It feels incredibly odd to say this while naked and feeling the way I do. But it's the best I can come up with.

"Bye!" Each one greets as they gather up their items and leave. As they leave, they talk with each other, as if they didn't just sexually violate me for hours. They actually start talking about an upcoming exam in pre-cal. All the while I stand with my hands behind me so they can look at me.

When they leave I'm left alone in the locker room. Still not feeling like myself, I grab for the clothes they left me. Winching, I try to put on the pair of shorts by dropping them on the ground and then pulling them up. This is when I discover they don't fit. It's clearly an extra-large pair of shorts while I wear a medium.

Sighing, I try the shirt. It's too small. When I force it down, it does cover my breasts and part of my stomach, but it's so vulgar. You can see the size of my breasts clearly as it strains the shirt, not to mention they could pop out once I start walking without a bra. As they didn't say I could wear my sports bra, I'm too scared to put it on. I mean, I still have all of my clothes in my locker. I could put them on, but am too worried about what they would do if they find out. They could be waiting for me for all I know.

A few minutes later I walk out of the locker room, having to hold up my gym shorts with both hands to keep them from falling. Because of this, I can't really cross an arm over my chest, so my tits bounce. This makes me walk slower than normal in hopes of them not bouncing that hard. But they still bounce, inching the shirt up each time. I just hope I can catch my shirt if it does reach the point that it'll expose my breasts.

As I leave the school and get to my car, I let out a brief laugh. If this was my first day, what's the second going to be like?

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BelgianDareBelgianDare11 months ago

Nice end with the too small tshirt! Thanks!!

OzeminotaurOzeminotaur11 months ago

I love the story but true revenge is a dish best served cold most people think I'm a forgiving person but I've been known to wait years to get my revenge and that's what I'd do and if I was her I'd fake a break down to start the mind trip

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well, here is to another unique chapter where she is well broken again. Hopefully the next chapter will have the girls run a train on her for a couple of days instead of just a few hours. Maybe they will include a bunch of guys to help them? I know that next chapter is written as a 'revenge' chapter, but I would like the revenge part to backfire on this girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love this!!!! I would love a sequel! A strong brave character being broken like this is incredible

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I read all your stories and, in posting a comment, I'm struck by a paradox so ironic that it's almost poetic. I struggle to think of something appreciative to say that isn't redundant. In contrast, your stories often feature similar themes and activities (objectification and mortification, complexities and perplexities of issues of identity, dignity and consent, etc.), yet are too imaginative and creative to characterize as repetitive or stale.

What a remarkable gift have and give. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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