Locker Room Revenge Pt. 03

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She receives the ultimate in punishments from the committee.
14.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/31/2022
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The following story has themes of misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality.

In a daze of sexual confusion, humiliation and fear, I walk through my school's doors. This isn't my first choice of what to do, but I have no real choice. There's no way for me to get home unless I do this. I have nothing on me as I am completely naked. No keys. No wallet. Not even clothes. What other choice do I have but to come in here and try to find...them?

My name is Jessica, and yesterday I met "The Welcoming Committee" here at this private all-girl's finishing school. Oh how yesterday feels like it happened ten years ago.

On the surface, you would think this place is a normal, boring sort of school. A place for women who are over 18 years old and have finished high school. A school that lasts only a year that prepares them for college. A place where nearly everyone that attends goes on to have at least a six figure job.

But this place is evil. Downright, utterly evil.

The Welcoming Committee is a group comprised of a girls that go here. They live to attack anyone that they consider rude, mean or unfriendly. In a way it's unbelievable as who would care about such things? I know at all my other schools I didn't care how the other students acted.

I made the mistake of receiving their wrath when I got a bit too cocky at softball try-outs. In high school I was the stay player and even made nationals. So I gloated and mocked the other girls during try outs, to which one girl tried to warn me, but I was too stupid to listen.

The Welcoming found me as I was showering. For hours they molested and abused me in the locker room to teach me a lesson. The things they did...some of it I didn't even know girls could do to another girl, but they did. They downright broke me.

I thought that was the end of it. They did what they did and I lessoned the listen to behave here. To be on my best behavior to not anger them. Only this morning when I arrived at school, they were waiting for me. They claimed I was being rude again because I hadn't accepted requests on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The thing is, I didn't even go online last night. I just crawled into bed and tried to forget that the day happened as every inch of me was sore from what they did.

They abused and used me all over again, only in the parking lot this time. They were much worse, going so far as to anally fuck me where everyone could see. Anally rape me while I was tied to MY OWN CAR. Made me cum from it too, making sure to break me in their own unique way.

To accent how evil they are, they left me tied up and naked on my own trunk, where my legs where spread wide, and my eyes were covered so I couldn't even see. They left me like that in the hopes that someone, anyone would come and rape me. Said it was a punishment. That I needed to learn to be friendly and this was the perfect way.

The school doors close behind me, and I stop for a moment. Looking down, I check what I'm using for clothes to make sure it's covering all the important areas. You know you have truly fallen far in life when you are forced to wear a black trash bag as clothes. I ripped the bottom of the bag open and am wearing it like some weird sort of underarm dress. It is covering everything, barely. The real bad thing about it is that the trash bad sticks to my skin so it is form fitting, so the shape of my body is clearly seen.

A sigh comes out of me as I consider how I got free from what they did. How I got free from being tied to my own fucking car.

A surge of humiliation flows as I replay that someone, some guy, found me. He came up, laughing and asking what in the hell I was doing. When he took the panties out of my mouth, I told him I had been raped and put here, he just laughed harder. Didn't try to help me, but laughed. In fact, I know I heard a click, which meant he had to take a picture of me like that.

The bastard then proposed a deal. If I gave him a blowjob, he said he would untie me. Only if said if I refused, he would instead rape me as I couldn't stop him. As it wasn't really a deal, I had to accept. So he put his dick in my mouth and instead of me blowing him, he decided to roughly facefuck me, making sure he shoved his cock so deep in my mouth it blocked my air.

He came in my mouth, which I knew was coming. Only instead of untying me completely, he only untied one foot. When I complained, he told me that he never said what he was going to untie, meaning he wasn't going to untie me completely.

The fucker proposed another deal, which was he would get to titty fuck me to untie another limb. Again he said if I refused he would just rape me, so it wasn't really a deal. So he climbed on top of me, shoved my tits together and violently fucked them.

And so it went. In the end, he face fucked me, titty fucked me, pussy fucked me, and yes, even anally fucked me. It was only at the very end that I realized that it wasn't one guy doing it, but a small group. It was only one guy talking to mask it. So some loser and his friends got to fuck me six ways from Sunday.

In the end I was completely untied, but was warned not to move for 5 minutes so I wouldn't see who they were. They threatened that if I did, they would tie me up at a streetlight so the world would see the whore that I am, which I knew they would do.

I don't know who the guy was. Since this is a girl's school, I'm guessing he was just walking by on the sidewalk out front and saw me. Or maybe he is friends with one of the Welcoming Committee and they told him there was free pussy to take.

That's how I got free. After I waited the five minutes, I climbed off the car, and tried to think what to do. As my own car was locked up tight and I didn't have the keys, I headed for the school, where I found the custodian's cart. That's where I found the trash bag.

The school day started hours ago so the hallways are all empty. The only sounds that can be heard are my own bare feet against the floor as I walk. I walk down the hallway, not sure about what to do.

I know I could go to the office and report what has happened, but I'm not going to. I have a feeling the school knows about The Welcoming Committee and won't do anything about it. For all I know, they encourage them. Afterall, they would deal with trouble makers in a way that the school can't.

With no good ideas coming to mind, I find myself walking to the girl's locker room. Going inside, I'm able to find someone's gym clothes. This scares me as I know if the Welcoming Committee learns I'm stealing someone's clothes, they'll start in on me all over again. But what else am I to do?

Thankfulyl for the change of clothes, I remove the trash bag and put on the gym clothes. The new clothes are a strange fit, as the gym shorts are too big and want to fall down, while the top if too small, making it accent how large my chest is.

Not sure what to do next, I sit on one of the bench seats and think. The girls stole all of my clothes, includes my keys. Without my keys, I can't drive or even get in my house. They also took my cell, so I can't even call my parents or a friend to come and get me.

So, the only thing I can think to do is try to find them. But I'll have to be as nice and friendly as possible when I do, or risk making them mad. That means that even after all they did to me, I'll need to smile and pretend I deserved it. To tell them they were right and I was wrong, even if they bring up that they rolled the windows of my car on my tits to trap me.

Suddenly, the bell rings, startling me. I jump up at once, to which my body aches after all the abuse I've endured today. My mind then reminds me that it must be third period, which means I'm supposed to go to Science class. And if I'm not mistaken, one of the girls in the Welcoming Committee is in my class. Actually, I think a few of them are.

Perfect. I'll go and in private tell them that I deserved what they did to me. That I've learned a powerful lesson and will be better. And since I know my place, if they could give me my keys, I can go home and when I return, it'll be a new improved version of myself.

As I think this, I see how much I've changed. Before coming to this school, I was the one in charge. I was the one that would mess with others. The Queen Bitch. The one that bullied others. Granted, I never sexually violated anyone, but people feared me all the same. Now I'm just a scared submissive little bitch, terrified of everyone. Terrified because they don't just abuse, they make you cum, which is far scarier.

I walk into the crowded hallway, keeping my head down. My arms are crossed in front of me as without a bra, my breasts bounce hard. I thought the too small shirt would prevent this, but it's the opposite. Mu bouncing tits threaten to lift up my shirt and expose my chest, so I have to keep my arms in front. I'm trying to not draw any attention to myself at the moment, which makes this hard.

I soon reach my class and my stomach drops when I look at my seat. I sit in the last row on the left side, where I'm in the fourth chair back. Now sitting in front of me, in back of me, and to my right...are girls from The Welcoming Committee. They somehow got the teacher to switch their seats so they can be right next to me as they weren't there yesterday.

The three are standing and talking to each other, acting as if it's a normal day. That they didn't rape and abuse me in the parking lot earlier. In fact, they look happy, as if everything is right in the world. Then one notices me and points, to which they all turn to look. All three get a superior smirk on their faces, showing they are proud of what they did instead of being ashamed. They then go back to talking.

"I...I'm sorry," I tell them as I step up. I step to my chair, head down and into their conversation. I feel them all turn to look at me, making it seem as if I'm supposed to say something more.

"I...I know why y-y-you did what you did. I u-u-u-understand. I d-deserved it, I did. I know that. But could I please have my-" I begin, still looking down as I can't look any of them in the eye.

"Did you just interrupt us without saying excuse me?" The one that is sitting behind me asks, sounding a bit upset. Panic builds in me. Fear starts and my entire body goes cold. It causes my feet to feel like they weigh five hundred pounds so I can't move. And all I want to do now is run. To turn around and run.

"I think she did," the one that is sitting to my right comments, sounding upset as well. This causes my panic to double, damn near making me sink to my knees to ask for forgiveness.

"NO! I mean, I'm sorry, excuse me. I didn't mean to interrupt," I stammer out, my eyes wide as the rest of the class turns to look. Now the smiles and happy vibe the three have fade and they look at me with stern expressions. I even see a girl in the next row over back up as if something bad is about to happen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." I try to say, but then the bell rings to start class. When it does, a bit of relief fills me, but so does dread. I'm stuck. I have no way to get home and now I have a target on me, again. And I have no clue how to get them to back off. To make them understand they don't need to do anything more to me.

"Alright assholes, sit down, let's get started," the teacher, Mister Johnson says as he shuts the door. Like most teachers here, he looks like he's ready to go home more than the students are. With a defeated sort of look, he closes the door and walks to his desk.

"Now, many of you are going to think this is a treat," he comments, moving to the front of the class. There he pulls from the side a very large TV on a rolling cart.

"We are going to watch a film today," he announces, to which there is cheers from the class. There's even clapping, to which he rolls his eyes.

"It's a documentary regarding the cell mitosis. And YES, this will be on the test, so you all better pay attention and take notes. I don't feel like teaching today, so this crap documentary is going to do it for me. And let me warn you, the test that comes with it is far worst than anything I could make. Shit, I doubt even I could pass it," he warns, to which now most groan.

Mister Johnson uses a remote to turn on the TV. After a few clicks, he starts up the school's app, where he goes to some video and gets it to play. When it starts, it gives a vibe that the video is from the 70s.

"Pay attention fuckers!" He states in a firm voice. Despite all that has happened today, I am very surprised that he is allowed to act like this. Surely someone has said something about his classroom behavior? I know I would have found it funny in my previous life, but it is still unacceptable.

Mister Johnson turns off the overhead lights to create a fog of darkness. There's not a single light source other than the TV once he does this. It's almost like he's trying to get people to fall asleep to fail the test he claims he's going to give.

After this, he goes to his desk and sits down. He sits, looks at the TV and shakes his head, showing even he thinks it's a crap video. Then he opens up the bottom drawer of his desk and actually takes out a small glass...and a small whiskey bottle.

"Put your hands behind the chair," a whispering voice tells me from behind. My heart starts to pound at hearing this as it means they are about to do something...right now. But I instead decide to ignore them and act as if I didn't hear them. To do what they did in private is one thing, but in the middle of class? That's too far.

I keep staring at the TV, trying to ignore the girl to my right who is staring right at me. She knows I heard what the girl behind me said. Now she gives a warning look, plainly saying to not test them.

A hand touches my left shoulder, and the fingernails digs in. The fingers dig hard into my muscles, making me grunt in pain and almost fall out of my chair. Only they don't let go. They keep digging in, making the pain get even more intense. It's not a random placement either. It's some weird sort of nerve hold.

At once I put both hands behind the chair. When I do, she lets go of me. Tears form in my eyes when I do this, as it shows what a coward I am. That instead of turning around and punching her, or at the very least call out for help from the teacher, I'm going to do what they want. They know I'm too scared.

I'm not sure why she wants me to put my hands behind the chair, because she doesn't do anything with them. My guess is that this is some sort of control thing, where they want me to remember that they are in charge, while I am not.

Several minutes pass as I stare at the TV, with them not doing or saying anything as I keep my hands behind my chair. Then something touches my hands to make me jump. It's her hands. They grab mine, putting them together at the wrist. She also pulls on my arms, making me sit back all the way in my chair.

I let out a whimper as I feel her slipping what can only be a rubber band over my hands. She pulls the thick band over both hands, where she leaves it at my wrists. I test the rubber band once she lets go of me, and I think I can break it if needed. It's not that strong.

But then she starts to slide another rubber band. And another. And another. Before long, she's put at least ten of them on me, all around my wrists. And with each one, the hold gets tighter and tighter.

Now when I test my hands, they don't move at all. I can barely even wiggle them. She's effectively trapped my hands, using nothing but rubber bands. Trapped my hands behind my chair.

My heart pounds hard as I know this isn't going to end well. That she, or rather they, are planning something horrible. Something to make sure I learn my lesson, all over again.

Then I feel my shirt getting lifted. Before I can really process the violating feeling, I look down to see my exposed breasts. My shirt has been lifted up by the girl behind me. Lifted to my chin, to make sure all of my tits are out and exposed.

I stare at them in disbelief, not fully able to process what I'm seeing. That my overly large tits are class. At school. That such a private body part is exposed like a cheap party toy.

I discover that looking down makes it easier for her as she pulls the front of my shirt over my head, where it rests on the back of my neck. She lets go at this point, where my shirt rests at the back of my neck, unable to go back down.

My tits are class. Exposed to which the light from the TV shines on them. It oddly creates more than enough light to make sure that all of them can be seen.

The knowledge that my titties are exposed at school stuns me in a strange way, making it hard not to look at my recently abused tits. They jiggle ever so slightly with each breath I take. For some reason, being exposed like this makes it seem like they are even larger than normal.

With the edges of my vision getting fuzzy as I go into my daze again, I turn my head to look at the rest of the class. Everyone is looking at the TV, mostly. Many have put their heads on their desks and are openly trying to sleep. Some do a combination of looking at the TV while resting their heads, making it seem like the video is so boring that it is sucking the life out of them.

I then turn to look at the teacher's desk to see if Mister Johnson has noticed. He, of course, hasn't. In one hand he has his glass which he takes a sip from, and in his other hand is his cell. From the way he swipes at the screen, I'm guessing he's on Tinder. No doubt trying to find some young, dumb thing to trick into having sex with him.

No one has noticed, and for some reason, that makes me feel...strange. It makes me feel both humiliated and aroused. It's the risk that does it. Knowing that at any moment, any of these other women might see my breasts. That if they see it, they'll say something, letting everyone know. Even if they know it's being done against my will, it won't matter.

I'm left like this, tits out and exposed for what feels like hours, even if it is just five minutes. There's no way for me to lower my shirt either as it's over my head. And I know if I do too many movements, someone will see out of the corner of their eye...and it'll be over. That it takes just one movement to make my titties bounce, which will catch someone's attention in the corner of their eye. Then my life really will be ruined. I'll be known as the sick sex freak that took her tits out in the middle of class.

I then feel something pulling on my shorts. Looking down, I see the girl to the right of me has her arm out towards me and is tucking her finger in the waistband of my shorts. She has her head on her desk, making it look like she's bored with the video when the real reason is she's doing this so no one will notice what she's doing.

With wide eyes, I look over at her and shake my head NO, begging her not to do this. For I know what she's going to do, which is to pull my shorts all the way down. To make it that my tits aren't the only thing exposed in this classroom.

The girl turns her head ever so subtly to look at me, where she gives me a hardened look. She then mouths the word "UP" while making the motion with her other hand. I just look at her after she does this, begging with my eyes for her to stop.

I then take a huge breath as I know how it's going to go if I don't do as she wants. The one behind me will probably hurt me somehow or make some noise to make everyone turn this direction, to which they will see me, with my overly large tits exposed. And before I can say how I'm tied down, they will find a way to remove the rubber bands to make it that I'm the freak and they have done nothing.