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It was her duty.
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Don't ask me where this story came from, the name "Sally Mae" popped into my old head and this tale ran out of my keyboard. I have no idea where it came from, I hope some of you enjoy it.

Any typos are mine and mine alone, I admit to being quite good at making those.


Sally Mae almost made it past the barn, but then she heard her Ma call out for her.


Sally Mae didn't want to, she knew her Ma wanted her to go tend to that man. Plus that call was the same one her Ma used for everything, that irritated her but she never let it show. Still, it wasn't a good idea to not do as her Ma wanted.

There was no point at all in pretending she didn't hear her, her Mom could see her from the porch. That woman could call the pigs in from miles away, in fact, she had won the hog calling contest at the county fair twice in the last three years, getting a piglet as a reward.

Then that Ben Carter, the old man with the huge stone white whiskers won, and she got all upset at that. So her Ma had been practicing all day every day.

She was getting so loud it was driving Sally Mae plum crazy.

Ever since her Pa had brought the injured man in, it was one thing after another. No time for herself, no going down to the creek with her dreams.

"He is such an old man, why he must be nearly 40," Sally Mae thought to herself.

Barely 19 herself, that seemed to be terribly old to her. Her own Pa was almost 40, and he seemed to be very old to her too.

If Sally Mae could just get past the rise, she could head on down by the creek where her two brothers and that young man named Jeremiah would be working. She knew Jeremiah a little bit from school, he was a year older and very skinny back then. She had paid him no never mind but now?

When Pa hired him the 2nd Summer after school to cut the logs and she saw him again, he had changed a lot. His arms were bigger and his shoulders broader and Sally Mae's heart had skipped a beat when she saw him. It gave her thoughts that she could not keep out of her head, made her wonder what the rest of Jeremiah's body looked like.

Of course going down to where the men were logging meant she would have to work pulling on the crosscut saw, but Sally Mae was every bit as strong as either of her brothers. Plus she was a year older than the next younger one.

Sally Mae liked that Jeremiah boy instantly, he had curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. His arms looked so very strong, and he was even taller than Denny, her oldest brother.

It made her feel all fluttery when Jeremiah looked at her. Plus he always looked down at her big soft breasts, unencumbered underneath the flour sack dresses her Ma made for her.

It made her wish she had one of those store bought dresses she saw in the windows in town, maybe one with ruffles? There was one in there that was almost scandalous, it was soft blue and the front of it was low cut. The clothes dummy it was on even had the tops of what would be breasts showing.

Jeremiah was sure to really look her way if she wore that.

But of course all she had was the ones her Ma made from the flour sacks. Sally Mae had picked out the best one of the bunch, it hadn't been washed very many times so the color of the flowers on it were still bright.

But she had messed around just a few minutes too long, her Ma spotted her and called out. Now she had to go back, and that meant she would miss seeing Jeremiah.

No way did she dare disobey her Ma, Ma would tell her Pa and he would get out that big leather belt again.

Pa didn't mind using it at all, and the thin flour sack dress offered no protection. Plus Pa even tugged up her dress and smacked her right on her bare behind. The last time she had suffered with welts for over a week. Plus her Pa always stuck his fingers right up onto her butt, she didn't like that one bit, even though he always told her he was sorry for having to hurt her and just did that a little bit to take the sting away. There was nothing she could do about that, she didn't own any panties, there was no money for things like that.

One other time she had sneaked off hoping to see Jeremiah again and didn't make it. She was supposed to be carrying water out to the chicken house.

So her Pa had tugged her dress right up over her bottom to smack her with the belt for that, with her brothers Denny and Bobby standing right there.

He even tugged on her legs which meant Denny and Bobby could see right up in there, that was terrible.

Her two brothers just stood there looking, smirking at her. Sally Mae was really mad about that, but there was nothing she could do about it either, not really.

Of course when they were all young they swam together naked in the creek, but this was different. Back then all she had down there was a curve, now she had big fat lips hanging out, and she was sure that it was ugly.

She really didn't want her brothers or her Pa seeing that, but there was nothing she could do about it. It was his way of teaching her a lesson, and it sure did work.

It was very hot out that day Pa whipped her, and the chickens had been carrying on quite a bit. Sally Mae had missed the day before watering them too, so they were bone dry and Pa was extremely pissed off.

There were also no Eggs and Pa loved his Eggs for breakfast.

Her two brothers were laughing at her, she didn't find that funny one bit and she didn't like them seeing her bare bottom like that.

When they were little that didn't matter but now that they were all older it did. She would have whipped both of them for laughing at her but she couldn't run them down from behind and beat them up any more like she could when they were all little.

She did go right out and water the chickens like she was told to after that.


Sally Mae was still thinking about Jeremiah and his blue eyes when she got to the house. Those huge blue eyes always dropped to her big soft breasts when he looked at her, that made her feel funny inside, and good.

She saw that Jeremiah glanced away if she caught him looking, so she often stood sideways so she could see him out of the corner of her eye.

Her two brothers never paid her no never mind like that, in fact they mostly ignored her.

"Yes, Ma?" She asked, already knowing fairly well what her Ma wanted.

"You didn't wash Mr. Ridland!" Her Ma accused.

Sally Mae had taken the mush up to him and fed him with the spoon earlier. She didn't mind that part, he was better now and didn't drool the mush down his chin much any more.

But she was also supposed to wash the man and she didn't want to do that. Every time she got anywhere near the old man's privates his thing would get all big and stiff and stick up and that made her uncomfortable.

Of course Sally Mae knew all about that part, they had Cows and some Sheep, and four Goats so she knew what everything was for.

Ma had done that part with Mr. Ridland at first, but then one day she had shown Sally Mae what to do. That made all sorts of weird things pop into her head and she just could not help that.

It didn't help that he lay there with his eyes open, not moving. Those eyes often swung around to look at her, although he never moved otherwise. In fact, since the accident, he hadn't moved much at all, except for his mouth when she fed him.

She remembered that day, Pa had taken the crew out into the woods, he had an order from the mill for 50 logs, each one had to be a certain size and length, because after the mill finish cut them, they sold them to other farmers to build their cabins and barns with.

Her folks owned acres and acres of those big trees, it was how their family came up with money to buy seeds and other things they needed around the farm. Each year the fields got bigger and they could run more livestock, too.

The very best trees grew in the canyon down by the creek, those were tall and straight. Pa had said the price was way up high, they were getting 50 whole dollars for each tree delivered.

Those logs got loaded on the wagons using a big block and tackle, pulled up into an A frame, the end hooks driven securely into each end of the log. The two mules knew their job and leaned into the work, lifting each one onto the trailer. Usually anyway. Sometimes one or both would refuse and had to be encouraged.

Frank Ridland had been standing there watching, he was supposed to be back further but he wasn't. In fact, Pa had yelled to warn him, but way too late.

The end hook let go, and driven by the weight of the big log, it snapped back and all but took Frank Ridland's head off.

Only the steel hat Pa made them wear kept him from being killed. Sally Mae had watched as her Ma tugged and twisted the steel hat, finally getting it free of the poor old man's head. There was a lot of blood, and she could even see the chunks of bone in his skull that were broken.

They thought the man would surely die, but he didn't. He also had no family, no wife. If a man working for pay got hurt, the responsibility to care for him fell to whoever hired him, it was just the way things were.

So now it was her Pa's responsibility, he had Ma doctor the man up and they put him in the side room upstairs. That had been Denny's room, he was all pissed off at having to sleep out in the big main room.

That couch was fine when Denny was little but now he was almost six feet tall and his legs stuck over the end of it.

Sally Mae used to sleep up there herself but her Ma moved her downstairs to the small 2nd bedroom there once she got the curse. Her Ma was worried about Denny and Bobby but they never bothered her none. They did look some when she got undressed for bed but that was it, after all, they were her brothers.

It never bothered Sally Mae at all if her family saw her breasts, but she did her best to keep the rest hidden, for some reason she was bashful about that.

Anyway, her moving into the little bedroom was to keep her brothers from pestering her was what her Ma said, although they never did. They did look at her back when Pa had beaten her for not taking care of the Chickens, but that was all.

They knew Sally Mae would beat them up if they did anything, or at least try. Even now with her two brothers bigger and stronger, Sally Mae didn't fight fair, she knew all about hitting and kicking at their balls so they avoided that. They both had also been bitten, Sally Mae did not fight fair at all. She had even beaten up a boy at school that tried to bully Bobby. He was at least 40 pounds bigger and two years older, but that didn't help him one bit.


The problem with old Mr. Ridland was that could not move much, so he couldn't get up to even use the toilet. That was outside and almost 100 feet from the house, no way could she carry him there and back.

At first, Sally Mae's Ma did all of the cleaning him but now it became her job.

Every time she cleaned him up and put on a new diaper made from gunny sacks, that big brown penis of his would stand up.

Sally Mae was too bashful to mention that to her Ma at first. But then that day came when her Ma had shown her what to do to help the poor old man.

"Now you go on and take care of Mr. Ridland, honey. He got hurt here so it is our responsibility, it is what the lord would want. He can't do it himself and if it don't get done he will swell up and get sick." Her Ma told her.

Sally Mae went and got the metal bucket, ran some water from the well and heated that some on the wood stove. Up the stairs with reluctance she went.

Sure enough, the old man had shit his diaper again, he nearly always had. Sally Mae wiped him up, then rolled his limp body over on his side to check for sores and things like that.

Getting the cloth wet, she washed him up and put down fresh bedding. Just as she was drying him off, her Ma came up the stairs.

"How is he doing? Are there any bed sores?" She asked.

"No, I didn't see any." Sally was getting the cloth folded to put the diaper on.

"You ain't going to put him up like that, are you?" Her Ma asked.

"I was...what do you mean?"

"The poor man is in pain, ya gotta take the edge off so he is comfortable. Otherwise he ain't never gonna get well. I know, it's a chore but it's the right thing to do. Menfolk get all congested and sick if we don't take care of them, honey.."

"Ma, I don't know how..." Sally Mae knew very well what her Ma meant, she had seen Bobby down in the barn doing that to himself, she just didn't want to deal with that.

"We have to, honey, or he will get the sickness and he can get worse. You are old enough now to learn about menfolk." Her Ma reached out and grasped the man's knob, shoved back his loose foreskin. She squeezed it firmly and moved her hand up and down. Mr. Ridland let out a gurgle, his face became a grimace.

"Ya gotta take care of menfolk or they just ain't of no use. They won't work even if they is healthy, and if they is sick they can get sicker and maybe even die." Her hand never stopped pumping as she talked.

In a few seconds white fluid poured out, Sally Mae struggled to keep from gagging.

"Grab me a rag, Sally Mae." Her Ma ordered.

Sally Mae picked up one, handed it to her. Her Ma wiped up the man's seed expertly, then let go.

"OK, go ahead and wipe him down again and put him away, honey." Her Ma turned and went downstairs.

She diapered the man after wiping him off. She did notice he jumped each time she touched him on the knob, but once she dragged his foreskin back into place he didn't do that any more.

She looked at the thing lying there against his skin, all soft and wrinkled. It was pretty good size, but both of her brothers were bigger, she knew that.

When out in the woods if they needed to piss, they just pulled theirs out and did it right in front of her. But then so did Pa so that was nothing.

Sally Mae always went behind some bushes, she had done that even back when they were just little kids. Theirs had hair around it and she didn't have any at all, for some reason Sally Mae was bashful about that. Even now, all she had for hair down there was just a wisp of it.

Finally done cleaning Mr. Ridland, she went downstairs and slipped outside, running towards the river. She met her two brothers on the way, they were heading back in for the day.

That meant Jeremiah had gone home.

Sally Mae sighed. Maybe tomorrow she would get to see him.

That night in her room, she began to touch herself, letting her mind drift to that boy and his strong looking body. But when she felt herself release, she was thinking of touching Mr. Ridland and the way his penis felt all rubbery.

That confused her, why in the world would she think about the old man at a time like that?

That made her feel ill, she was hoping that he wouldn't get all fussed up when she washed him the next time, because if he did, she would have to help him.

Her Ma had made it clear that it was now her job.


Sally Mae changed the way she was doing things, instead of trying to get out of her chores so she could run down to where the boys were logging, she ate her breakfast really fast. Then she took care of the chickens, gathered the eggs and took those up to the house.

Packing in the wood for the day took a half hour, then she made the mush and went up to feed Mr. Ridland. She pulled his blanket back, he had pissed but at least he hadn't taken a shit.

She quickly removed the wet bedclothes and put down fresh ones. Mr. Ridland's eyes swung over to watch her, she realized the man could see right down the front of her sack dress. But he probably was not really awake so she paid that no attention.

Then just as she was getting ready to hook the diaper on him, his thing began to stand up.

"Dammit!" She thought. Usually it was two or three days before it did that, her Ma had just taken the pressure off the day before.

There was nothing else to do for it, she reached out and grabbed it, began to rub it furiously. She was trying to hurry, already the boys were long gone to the timber lot, and had been for some time.

Sure as hell, her Ma would want her to start work on the washing next.

Her hand became a blur, but her arm got tired so she used both hands and rolled them back and forth sideways. She wasn't real sure that would work, but then Mr. Ridland let out a long groan, his hips jerked upwards as his seed flew way up in the air.

That was different, it just ran out when her Ma did that for him.

He had not done that before, it was mostly just a spoonful. She realized he was also looking down at her hands which were moving furiously. And he had moved, actually moved! That was new, also.

Looking at his face, she realized with a start that he was smiling! He hadn't really reacted much before now? Then she realized, Mr. Ridland could see her titties because she was bent over to rub him.

She understood that it probably made him get his relief faster, so she made no move to hide them, if it made things faster, that was fine with her.

She quickly wiped him up and covered his body.

Sally Mae's Ma was busy with both arms in a huge bowl of bread dough when she slipped by, then ran all the way past the barn and over the hill.

It was nearly 4 miles to the place where the men were cutting the timbers, she saw Jeremiah down there and slowed to a walk, hoping he would look up and notice her.

Jeremiah and her brother Bobby were fitting two of the logs, Denny she realized was off a ways falling trees, she could hear the axe.

They fit the logs into squares by turning the crosscut saw sideways and cutting them lengthways right between them while Jeremiah used a pike pole to hold the upper log in place.

Every once in awhile they would stop and tap a shim in behind the cut to keep the weight of the log from pinching down on the saw.

Sally stepped in and spelled Bobby, he was older but smaller and wore down a lot faster that Denny or Jeremiah did. When she bent over to pull on the handle, she knew her dress would flop open and Jeremiah would be able to see her big soft titties.

She was sure he would look just like Mr. Ridland did.

She had already done that a couple of times and Jeremiah sure did look. Sally Mae even used her shoulder to make them swing back and forth more than normal, that also caused her nipples to rub on the cloth which felt really good.

Bobby got up after about 15 minutes and spelled her again, shortly after they took a break. All three of them were soaked in sweat. Jeremiah tugged off his dirty tank top, Sally Mae felt a shudder run through her when she saw his big chest muscles, the black hair on him. His nipples pointed downward, not up like her own did.

He looked so strong, Sally Mae liked that a lot.

The water in the creek was clear and cool, they all got a drink and then sat down. It was really hot out now, sitting in the shade underneath a tree felt real good.

Then Bobby hopped up and yanked off his clothes to jump into the creek. His thing looked funny, Ma had taken him into town when he was little and had the Doctor there cut off his skin flap. That was because then they had some money from the logs. Denny didn't get that done, no way could they pay for no Doctor back before the trees got to be worth money. Just then Denny came walking up.

Denny stripped down also, soon the two of them were splashing around and raising hell, throwing mud at each other.

Jeremiah just sat there on the bank about 10 feet away, he looked to be blushing. Sally Mae was really wishing he would swim too, she wanted to see if his penis was a big one. But he didn't, he just sat there and didn't say anything at all. Sally thought for a moment of stripping off her dress and jumping in so Jeremiah could see all of her, but it had been years since she did that with her brothers. All she could do was sit there and be quiet.