Los Cinco Hermanos Ch. 11


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Thirdly, Sandy was coming out the door behind the big dude while Ginger was getting out of the jacuzzi in all her naked glory. The only reason Ginger had all his attention was because Sandy hadn't reached him, yet. I smelled a recipe for disaster.

"Hi!" Ginger called out as she walked over towards him. He was doing a fine job of not reacting. "You're not Bob..."

"No, ma'am, I'm Tony. Bob's coming up with the second truck," he told her. "Do you know where I can find Mr. Sterling?"

"Probably in the studio. I'll take you to him..." Ginger offered. She reached "Tony" and turned him towards the house just in time for him to run into a very naked and very lascivious Sandy. Literally. She slid up against him and put an arm partly around his waist. She couldn't reach all the way... like reaching around a tree trunk.

"Well, helloooo Handsome..." she cooed. "And just who might you be?"

"Good afternoon, ma'am," he replied, keeping his cool. "I'm just the hired help, looking for the boss."

"Which is where I'm taking him now," Ginger told Sandy a little sharply. "Let go, girl..."

"Awww..." Sandy pouted a little, but she did let go and walk around the two of them, heading our way and putting a lot of bounce in her flounce. "See you later... I hope!" she called over her shoulder as Ginger led the man back inside.

"You're awfully chipper for the night we had," I commented to Sandy as she walked by.

"And you're awfully functional," she retorted. "I would have lost money on you."

"That's what I told her," Pam put in. "I thought you were with Paul last night..."

"I was. He pounded me into oblivion, then let me sleep in this morning," Sandy beamed. "A very considerate gentleman."

I was going to make some remarks about Oblivion -- the movie -- when Jerry appeared on deck with Molly, Ginger and the big guy, Tony.

"Okay, people," Jerry called over to all of us. "Time to get semi-respectable. The rest of the set crew should be here in a few minutes. I want a script-huddle in the living room as soon as you can get sorted. How much we build depends on what we decide. The clock, as they say, is ticking..."

He didn't wait for an answer, but turned back inside with Tony while Ginger and Molly looked at each other and shrugged, then Molly went back in the house while Ginger came over and got her robe. I took my cue from Ginger and grabbed a towel to put around my waist and headed back to my room for a sundress. Everybody else was hot on my heels.

To shorten the story a bit, we did the script-huddle and although it took us awhile, we finally came up with something we thought would be workable.

Auggie would play the part of a Mob Boss and the other guys -- except Aaron -- would be his "Toughs," meeting in a clandestine speakeasy. We girls would be "Molls," hanging around with the guys in general debauchery. Aaron, with Vicki on his arm, would show up to tell the Boss he had a problem with a booze delivery and would be late with his payment. Auggie would offer to slice off some favorite body parts as collateral, unless he had a better idea -- looking pointedly at Vicki. Aaron would get the point and offer her services as payment for more time.

The Boss would watch each of his Toughs take Vicki while we girls played Fluffer to get the guys ready. Eventually, Auggie would do Vicki. Jerry wasn't sure if he'd use it or not, but we scripted an additional scene where the Boss decides to do Aaron as well, or maybe have his Toughs do it, for insurance. We all figured that was enough of a framework and Jerry set the construction crew loose on building the set.

While that was going on, Molly made a run to the dry cleaners and came back with our costumes. Some of us went to the Wardrobe rack and made some adjustments, knowing what we were going to have to do in the costumes, while Ginger started setting up her cameras and going over black-and-white versus sepia with Jerry. It was a little after 4pm by the time Bob, the head of the construction crew, and Tony, his assistant, showed the set to Jerry. A few more adjustments for lighting and by 4:30pm we were ready to start filming. Bob, Tony and crew packed up and left -- with quite a few sighs from Sandy and Ginger -- and we all clustered around our Director.

"You all know the plot outline and you've all improvised before, so let's just play this one cool and easy," Jerry told us. "Put yourself back in the 20's, it's Prohibition Chicago, bootleg booze is big business and a dangerous one. People get killed for owing money and losing beer and booze. The women are attracted to the power, prestige and money and generally use at least their looks, and most of them their bodies, to get what they want."

"Just a couple of setup notes... Auggie, you start at the card table, playing poker with Paul and Dave. Three of you women -- not Essie -- play Groupie with them. Ron, you and I will trade off tending bar. Whichever of us isn't at the bar will be on the movable camera. Essie, you're the barmaid. Jackson will be the doorman. Ginger, Molly, Beth, Sandy, Pam... whichever of you aren't hanging all over the poker players, I want you sitting at the bar, kind of hen-partying it. The booze is all water. Some of it is colored sugar water. The guns are movie props and are capable of firing blanks, though for our shoot, they're all unloaded. Be careful anyway."

"We'll start with some normal speakeasy action and I'll cue Aaron when to knock. Jackson, use the peephole, then let Aaron and Vicki in. We'll wing it from there. Any questions?"

Nobody had any, so we took a last bathroom break, got set up and got started.

It seemed to me that everyone slipped into their roles as if they were reliving previous lives. For my part, I chose to hang around Dave as he played cards, handing him his drink, giving him the occasional kiss for luck and so forth, making sure my posturing showed off my assets to best advantage -- or at least, as far as I thought so. Ginger took Paul and Sandy took Auggie. I think maybe she was angling to get a shot at him later. He was, so far, the one that got away. Pam and Molly were chatting up Essie when she wasn't delivering a tray of drinks to the poker players. Jackson was just lounging around by the "door", wearing a big gun in a shoulder harness and eyeing the girls. Jerry let us get a good five minutes of action in, to settle down, before he cued Aaron.

Aaron knocked ominously at the door -- one, then two together, then one, then two again. Jackson waited until Jerry got behind him before going to the door slit and opening it, looking out. Then he got out of the way while Jerry moved in to get a shot through the slit of Aaron and Vicki standing outside. After Jerry got his shot and moved back, Jackson went back to his original position and opened the door, letting Aaron and Vicki slip inside before he closed it.

"Hey, Steele," Jackson acknowledged him. "Boss is pretty pissed at you."

"Thanks, Donk, I know," Aaron told him and started into the room with Vicki on his arm.

"Good to see you, too, Stormy," Jackson added to her back as they walked away.

"Sayem t' yoo, Donk," she said in a heavily affected Southern accent, waving but not turning around. Aaron walked the two of them up to the card table. We women looked up at them but the men kept looking at their cards.

"So, what does a dead man have to say to me?" Auggie asked, still looking at his hand.

"I know it's lame, Boss," Aaron started in with a little whine, "but it's not my fault. The Feds crashed our little party coming over on the Windsor run. But there's good news. They only got half the shipment, and the rest should be rolling into the Cicero warehouse right now."

"And the part the Feds got?" Auggie asked, still not looking up.

"Most of it's in the Detroit River," Aaron commented. "Not very potable."

"Very funny," Auggie commented in a very not funny tone. "So where's my money? I ain't payin' for goods I didn't receive." Aaron gulped.

"I... I haven't got it, Boss," Aaron admitted. "I had everything tied up in that shipment. But I can get it for you."

"When?" Auggie asked, pushing chips in for a bet.

"Soon," Aaron told him, acting slightly panicked. "As soon as I can make a deal with the Canucks..."

"Somebody escort this walking corpse outta here," Auggie intoned.

"Boss, if you snuff me, you don't get your money," Aaron almost pleaded. Auggie looked up from his cards and straight at him.

"You're right," he decided. "What favorite body part you want to lose? Yer balls, maybe? You sure ain't usin' 'em." Jackson had come over and had a firm grip on Aaron.

"Boss, you want me intact, really you do," Aaron was obviously desperate. "Um..." he looked around kind of wildly, settling on Vicki. "What about her? You have any interest in the best damn sex you'll ever have?"

"Steele!" Vicki objected, surprised. "What the fuck?"

"Stormy, shut the fuck up!" Aaron threatened in a low growl.

"Hmmm..." Auggie stroked his beard as he regarded her. "Hey, Spiggoty! Tell me what you think."

Ron came out from behind the bar and walked over to Vicki, not saying a word. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from Aaron, putting her up against the bar, her ass to the camera. Jerry moved in for a closer shot as Ron pushed Vicki down onto the bar, flipped up her dress and -- producing a switchblade -- cut off her panties, leaving her in stockings and garters.

Then he unbuttoned his trousers and took out his already-hard cock... okay, so I was impressed. One, he's big; two, he was already full up; and three, he was about to skewer Vicki with no prep. I was even more impressed when I realized Vicki was already dripping. Ron buried himself to the hilt in her pussy and she gave out the obligatory "Oomph!" as he bottomed out, switching to moans as he pounded her, Jerry getting it all on film.

Ron must have given her a good ten minutes of hard fucking and about a dozen orgasms by my count -- unless the professional actress was faking, which I rather doubt -- before he finally pulled out and sprayed his hot cum all over her ass, letting it dribble down onto her thighs. He left her there, bent over, as he put away his cock and walked back over to Auggie.

"She pretty good, Boss," Ron told Auggie with an accent. "She tight -- for now." Then he turned and went back behind the bar.

"Okay... Spats, what do you think?," Auggie said and Paul stood up to move over to Vicki. I saw why Auggie called him Spats after he stood up... he was wearing a gaudy pair of black and white spats over his ankles and shoes. Paul went up behind Vicki, then turned and beckoned to Ginger.

"Yo, Red!" he called over as he unbuttoned and pulled out his limp cock. Then he just pointed at it.

Ginger took the hint and sashayed over to him, bending over at the waist with her ass in the air as she sucked him into her mouth and started sucking and slurping on him like the mother of all blowjobs. It didn't take Paul long to come erect and he suddenly pushed Ginger out of the way, turned and plunged all the way into Vicki, who again moaned as he hit bottom and started pumping away.

It only took Paul about half the time it took Ron before he was muttering "Oh, fuck!", pulling his cock out and blowing his load in glorious black-and-white, all over Vicki's rosebud and pussy lips. He motioned to Ginger again and she sucked his cock into her mouth, cleaning him off. When she finished, he buttoned up and walked back over to sit down at the card table.

"She's okay, Boss" he announced nonchalantly. "A little loose."

"No shit!" Dave laughed. "After Spiggoty and his Italian Sausage, whaddya expect?"

"How about your opinion, Grim?" Auggie said quietly but Dave heard him and reacted appropriately.

"You keep yer nose outta my cards," he directed to Paul, then walked over to Vicki, who was getting ready to get reamed again. Except that isn't what Dave did.

He stood next to her, picked her up like a ragdoll and damn near body-slammed her onto the bar on her back, then slid her down the bar until her head was hanging over the edge. He walked around to the end, where he could face-fuck her and unbuttoned his trousers, pulling out a semi-erection.

"Suck it," he told Vicki and she did, holding on to the sides of the bar to not fall off.

Dave grew quickly, and as he grew you could see the outline of his cock in the bulge in Vicki's throat. She had her head tilted way back and was taking him all the way to his balls. Dave let out a heartfelt groan as Vicki's talented mouth and tongue worked their magic on him.

The rest of us were sort of watching the spectacle when Pam decided to get in on the act. Walking over by Auggie and taking a pouting stance, she complained, "how come she gets all the fun, huh?"

Auggie looked at her for a moment, then simply nodded his head in Vicki and Dave's direction. Pam smiled a little, then walked over to Vicki, pulling her legs toward her enough that she could drape one of Vicki's legs over her shoulder and expose her cum-sopping pussy. Pam didn't miss a beat -- she went down on Vicki with a vengeance, getting a loud moan from Vicki, somewhat impaired by the cock down her throat.

After several more moans, Vicki obviously came, bucking up into Pam and digging her fingers into Dave's ass, holding on for dear life. Dave, on the other hand, had just about reached his limit. With one of his trademark bellows, he grabbed both of Vicki's ample tits and pulled her to him as he thrust as far in as he could, and I will swear that when he started to pulse, Vicki actually managed to suck in his balls, too. Pam had her hand under her dress, jilling like crazy while continuing to eat Vicki.

Eventually, the three of them calmed down and Dave got his cock out of Vicki's throat -- although I think she was loathe to let it go. In any case, Dave buttoned up and walked back over by Auggie at the card table.

"Pretty righteous throat there, too, Boss," he reported, then walked over to sit back down.

Auggie looked thoughtful for a moment, looked up at Aaron and then back to Vicki, then put his hand down and stood up, moving over to a couch along one wall of the Speakeasy set.

"C'mere, bitch," he told her as he unbuttoned his trousers and opened his fly. Vicki took the hint. Meekly, she got down off the bar and walked over to Auggie, sinking to her knees and starting to suck him. Auggie may have been significantly older than the Hermanos, but he sure came up just as fast and just as hard. I was having fond flashbacks to the boat.

When Auggie was hard enough, he pushed Vicki back off his cock and pushed his pants farther down, sitting down on the couch.

"Up here, bitch," was his next direction and Vicki didn't hesitate a moment. She climbed up and straddled him, making sure Jerry and Ginger had really good shots of her impaling herself on Auggie's impressive tool. She leaned forward into him as he lay back against the couch and watching her labia pucker and pull against Auggie's shaft was definitely a turn-on. She then started screwing him to mush. Well, maybe not mush, but he was getting one hell of a fucking. That's when he grabbed the front of her dress and literally tore it open. I had no idea the man had that kind of strength.

Freed from the dress, Vicki's massive tits flowed out for Auggie to play with, and play he did -- cupping, massaging, tweaking and sucking them. He had her going as much as she had him. I'm pretty sure her cums weren't fake. She'd build up before she went over and there was a pattern to her moans, starting soft and slow and building to a loud frenzy before the inevitable "Yes! Yes! Yes!" signaled another orgasm.

During one of her crashing cums, Auggie said a single word. "Donk."

Apparently Jackson's character's nickname came from "donkey." As he walked over behind Vicki and I had the sudden realization of what was about to happen, my hand went under my dress. I couldn't help it. I was mesmerized thinking about Jackson's huge cock getting stuck up Vicki's ass while she was still filled by Auggie. And Vicki wouldn't see it coming... she was too distracted.

Molly walked over by Jackson with a serving tray and I realized there was a stick of butter on it. Holy Last Tango In Paris, Batman! Jackson unbuttoned and pulled out his huge schlong, took a couple of fingers of butter from Molly, smeared it on himself, lined up on Vicki, and...


Vicki wasn't subtle.

But she was an actress... she pushed back onto Jackson and down onto Auggie, determined to take them both as best she could. It was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen... I was leaking down my legs, soaking stockings and all. Sandy noticed.

She grabbed me and said, "As long as they're busy over there..." and dragged me in the direction of Aaron, who had been standing and raptly watching his girl getting fucked. Ron saw Sandy abscond with me and grabbed a camera. I figured out fairly quickly where Sandy was going with this and decided to play along... after all, everybody else was getting some. Sandy and I each slid up to Aaron on opposite sides and Sandy started in, running her hands down the front of his suit.

"Hey, Steele..." she drawled as she started to maul him, "I've heard you've got a pretty good package..." She ran her hands down onto his crotch where he was bulging out.

"Ooh... c'est vrai! C'est vrai!" she exclaimed, pronouncing it "way" as she sank to her knees in front of him and started unbuttoning him. I tried not to laugh too much, but I was enjoying her play on Madeline Kahn's "It's twoo! It's twoo!" from Blazing Saddles. I took Aaron's head and turned it to me, sinking into what I already knew was going to be a great kiss.

Sandy unleashed his monster, then started to play hide-and-seek with it, mostly hiding it in her mouth. Aaron put his head back with a low moan. He started to reach for Sandy's head but I intercepted him.

"Up here, Buster!" I told him and planted his hands on my tits. He did the rest. My boobs came out of the dress and he leaned down and started sucking on me. I may have mentioned before how sensitive my nipples are. While he sucked on one tit, his hand went for my dress. I helped him by grabbing the hem and lifting it, giving him easy access. After that, I kind of lost track of what happened to the others, since Sandy, Aaron and I were having our own little fuckfest... especially when Sandy shucked her dress and climbed up onto to Aaron's flagpole.

I did notice, though, that Essie wasn't unaffected by the spectacle. She was standing near the bar, diddling herself. Jerry noticed, too, and he and Molly descended on her. At that point, we kind of had a three-ring circus going on. My attention went back to Aaron and I decided to pull a chair over and sit him down on it. The man was strong and continuing to fuck Sandy was no problem for him as I got him rearranged. Then I went for his balls. Licking and sucking them, and diddling his asshole with my finger.

I suddenly got the bright idea to test out what he'd told me before. From beneath him, I leaned out so I could see him and said, "Cum, fucker!" He did.

I thought I saw disappointment run through Sandy until she realized he wasn't going down. I'll admit, the taste of their mingled juices was fantastic and I went back to lapping them up for awhile before I leaned out and looked up at him again, and said, "Cum again, fucker!" He looked straight at me as he realized how I was challenging him, and if we'd made a bet, I would have lost. He came again. Hard. With plenty of semen to lap up.

When he'd reduced Sandy to orgasmic mush, he switched to me, and when I was ready to pass out from cumming so hard, he switched back to her and we kept on doing that well after Jerry yelled "Cut!" In fact, I think he had to do it several times before we heard him. I found out later that Jerry and Ron had gotten some nice panoramic footage of the orgy from the vicinity of the door before deciding to call it quits. I also found out why.