Lost and Redeemed


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October also turned out to include Sarah's birthday and she came home insisting on two things for the celebration. She wanted all her friends taken on a late night hay ride and was adamant that her "Uncle Den" and "Auntie Ol" come along as additional chaperones. The party began with cake and punch, continued with presents that were opened to delighted squeals and finally saw us, Ray and Liz and eight teenagers all piled into a straw-filled, horse-drawn wagon.

The driver put all the males on the bottom straw layer then threw in another of sweet-smelling hay before letting the girls climb onto us. He followed it up with a last layer of dry, fragrant clover then climbed up onto the box and snapped the whip to begin the ride.

Even though the night air had a frosty nip to it, under the hay and Olivia I was too warm. The perfume of the hay mixed the fug of the horses and the smell of Olivia's perspiration. Ray began to perspire, too, so he opened his jacket and squirmed around to take it off. In the process he dumped Elizabeth on top of me and Oli. My wife fell to one side, giggling, and I found myself with a face full apple-scented blond hair and Liz's soft, round breasts pushed against my chest. In my attempts to help her back up, I ended up with one clutched in my left hand. Before I could apologize, she whispered "Denny, you devil, you!" and pinched me on the ass. Then she climbed back onto her husband's lap as if nothing had happened, but I think Olivia guessed. At least, she winked at me.

The Holidays were a sad time. My parents had been in failing health for several years and that December was their last. Mom outlived Dad by no more than a couple of weeks and I have to believe that they were both ready, if not glad, to go. When we came back from Florida after the funerals, it was New Year's Eve and we spent it in bed, asleep.

Finally it was the month of Valentines, of Romance, of chocolate to melt in your mouth (and all over your lover) and of underwear designed to be worn no more than a few minutes. February's weather is good for nothing else so we may as well celebrate love since it mostly happens indoors.

The post-Valentine's Friday found us back for a visit at the Oppenheimers'. Dinner was over and the dessert champagne was flowing quite freely. It still made my nose tickle and my teeth itch, but the delirious effects were so enjoyable that I went back for . . . actually, I'm not sure how much I had. I do know that there were several empty bottles lying around, that there was another in the ice bucket and that I was feeling very, very good.

I was once more nestled down in the brown suede next to my wife. I had a drink in my hand, a buzz in my head and a smile on my face when Ray started teasing Olivia. "So prithee, my pretty maid, what did yon virile swain gift you this Valentine's?"

Oh dear Lord, a Shakespearean in the banking business! Next I expected the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet to begin. Instead, Oli stuck her tongue out naughtily, poked her nose up in the air and sniffed, "I'll never tell. At least, I won't tell first. You tell us what Liz got and then I'll talk."

"Oh, is that the name of the game?" Elizabeth's eyes sparkled and she started to giggle. "Maybe instead of telling, we could show the boys how their presents look. Are you up for that?"

"Fine by me," Oli began, "but . . . "

Suddenly three sets of eyes turned my direction. I blinked in confusion and then up through my befuddled brain came the realization that tonight, as luck would have it, was exactly three hundred, sixty-five days since we first met. One year ago I had been in a very similar position and had brought the evening to a very sudden stop. Now I didn't know what to say. All I could do was sit there with my mouth open, my cheeks ablaze, and a helpless look on my face.

Elizabeth stood up, walked slowly over to me, then sat down on the rug and rested her arm gently on my good knee. "Denny," her face was aglow with warmth and concern, "would it make you feel better if we told you that when you refused the swap neither Ray nor I was upset? That, really, we were just a little relieved?"

Then Ray came over and sat next to Oli. "Dennis, Olivia . . .," he began, "for months I've been trying to understand everything that has happened clear back from the beginning. Logically, it makes no sense unless you accept that 'everything happens for a reason.' You see, Liz and I aren't really what most people think of as swingers. We don't go to clubs, attend conventions in Las Vegas or actively solicit new sex partners. Most accurately, you could call us polyamorous. That is to say that we have a group of dear friends that we've known for years and love very much . . . and with whom we sometimes make love. We really never have sought lovers outside that group."

Liz continued, "How Olivia got our names for a 'discreet swap' neither Ray nor I have ever been able to figure out. We just don't make a habit of that, never have. If it had been anyone else asking, I'd have politely declined but when she talked me into meeting for lunch to talk about it . . . well, as you know better than anyone else, Olivia is irresistible and so were her reasons. She wanted to bring back the joy of life to her wounded warrior because he seemed to have lost it. It was a crazy idea, as that first night showed, but when she proposed it, it made perfect sense. Blame it on her charisma or something."

Ray smiled ruefully, "Whatever the cause, I have to thank God it happened. If it had been someone other than us, I doubt that there would have been anyone else on that damned bridge for you. And I'm eternally grateful for what came afterwards. I've got the younger brother I never had, the friend I never knew I needed."

Elizabeth reached over and laid a fond hand on Oli's knee. "And I've got someone who is neither a sister nor a daughter nor even a lover but someone who appeals to me on all three of those levels. You two need to understand that we've missed you terribly these last months and really don't want you to ever leave again."

My jaw dropped. Never leave again? Move back with them? Permanently? Still, I had to admit that I felt more at home in their house than in any other place in the world.

"Just what are you suggesting?" I asked a bit hesitantly.

"What we're suggesting is beyond friendship, Denny," Ray's grin was now broad, "way beyond. As I said, we're polyamorous. We know far better than almost anyone else that loving more than one other person is not only possible, it's easy. In fact, we do. And what do people do when they love each other? They share. We want to share our home, our time and ourselves with you."

Oli let out a little squeak and clapped her hand over her mouth but behind her fingers I could see a grin that almost split her face. Her eyes danced and twinkled and her cheeks turned pink.

"You want to share Elizabeth with Denny and have him share me with Ray?" she asked.

"Darling" Liz responded "there are four different issues at play here. Ray wants to share me with Dennis and I want to be shared. I love having two men loving me at once. I also want to share Ray with you. And what man wouldn't want two women at the same time, especially two who love him?

"Then there's the question of whether you want to share Denny with me and does he want to be shared? And finally you two have to decide if Denny is comfortable sharing you with Ray and are you willing to be shared? It may sound like these four questions are the same but we feel that they are very separate and each one has to be answered in turn, one way or another. Remember, no one has to do anything they don't want to."

"Well, my beloved," Olivia reached up and gently brushed my blushing face, "we're back to that original question. What doyou want to do? Do you want now what you turned down last year? I think you do. I've seen the way you've been looking at Liz ever since July and I know what you're feeling. I feel it, too. Liz wants to share herself with you and Ray also wants that. The only question is what do you want? I understand, now, what went wrong the first time. You were right. My Dennis can't get it on with someone he doesn't know, doesn't love. But you love Liz now, don't you? Do you love her that much?"

I looked across her to Ray who grinned back at me and winked. I saw my wife positively squirming in anticipation. I lowered my eyes to Elizabeth who slowly leaned forward to show off her delectable cleavage and to shake her shoulders seductively. I felt like I was kneeling at the altar and being questioned by the priest. Do I really want to join with these two and become four?

"Yes," I reached down to Elizabeth, "I do."

I stood, pulled her upright and then took her in my arms. Her hands, like warm velvet, stroked my face, ran possessively through my hair then pulled me down to her waiting mouth. The kiss was molten and lasted a long time. Our tongue-play was fierce and we probed each other, greedily reaching deeply into each other's cheeks and lips. When we finally came up for air, I was gasping and dizzy.

"Do you know," she murmured, licking my neck gently, "you earned my respect that first night when you said that you were going home. Getting my desire took longer. It's been a long and unusual seduction, Dennis O'Leary, but I'm going to make it worth every minute of the wait. Just don't scare us again, hmmm?"

"No chance of that." I responded reaching for the buttons on her blouse, "If I had more to live for than I realized back then, I have just that much more to live for now!"

Each round, satin-covered button came apart with a gentle 'pop' and unveiled more delicate, apricot skin. To my delight, Liz was wearing a front-opening bra that was nearly sheer and that pushed her breasts up so that when I unfastened the catch, they fell softly into my waiting hands. Mesmerized, I could only fondle them, tweaking and twisting the hardening nipples until she shuddered with need. I couldn't stand it anymore and roughly tugged the blouse away and nearly tore her skirt getting it off and down to her ankles. Now, only a wisp of sheer silk panty lay between us.

Another naked body pressed against mine from behind. "Silly Denny, you can't take her with your clothes on." Olivia whispered in my ear, "Here, let me help." Eager hands nearly ripped open my shirt and tore the buckle from my Levi's. Tearing my hands away from Elizabeth, Oli jerked off my shirt then pushed her thumbs down inside my boxers. A second later, I was naked with her hot, bare breasts and belly pressed against my back. "Now tiger, go get her!" Olivia growled and sank her teeth into my shoulder muscles.

Liz hooked her fingers through the tiny waistband of her Valentine's Day panties. Beginning to sway languorously, she slowly teased them down to her thighs. She swung her hips around in wide, maddening circles then bent at the waist and dropped the last bit of her lingerie onto the carpet. Liz began to dance to a beat only she could hear and ran her hands all over herself. Wanton to the touch, reveling in the rapture of her own hands, she danced. Breasts squeezed, belly rippling, and tongue out she thrust and rocked until my face was flaming and felt like the skin was about to pop off.

By now, Roy was naked too and his excitement was both obvious and turgid. He shoved one of the ottomans over near us then leered "Up you get, wench, it sharing time."

Elizabeth slithered up onto the ottoman onto her hands and knees. The height brought her mouth right to my cock, which Oli was stroking into readiness. Liz reached out and pulled me close to take the helmet in between her lips and began to suck. Her warm, wet mouth surrounded me, and I felt myself begin to grow harder inside it. Her tongue slid around in a circle on the underside and began to drive me mad. It gave me the most amazing sensations and I thought I might lose all control right then. I grabbed her hair to keep my balance, and then felt her hum as her husband ran his hard manhood up and down her moistening cleft. The hum became a happy moan as he put it to her opening and slid it home.

Ray reached out his right hand and after a moment of confusion, I reached forward to grab his forearm in the old Roman style and we clasped each other's elbows firmly.

"Hold still, Denny," he said "and take deep, slow breaths. Let Liz take charge and you're in for a long, wonderful evening. The woman's an expert."

He wasn't kidding. Liz took a deep breath and, leaning forward, swallowed me completely then slid back onto her husbands cock and exhaled. Forward and back she rocked at a slow, steady rhythm that brought my arousal higher and higher. If I felt my face expanding before it was just a prelude. My whole body tightened and I felt my pulse in my ears, my hands, my feet and most especially where Elizabeth held me. My left hand clutched her hair tightly as climax approached but just as I was about to explode, she reached up and squeezed the base of my cock to block my ejaculation. Electric fireworks went off in my head and down my body but I stayed just as stiff as I had been.

"Multiple orgasms are just as easy for men as they are for women," I vaguely heard Ray tell me, "you just have to be taught how to do it."

As I came partway down, Olivia wrapped her arms around mine and pinned me from behind. I felt her naked nipples rubbing my back and her trimmed mons thrusting against my buttocks. With the kind of attention I was getting, fore and aft, I could do nothing but stand there stunned, breathing deeply and enjoy as the sucking went on and on and on. Then Oli let go of me and turned her attention to Ray's unprotected back.

"May I share him, Liz?" she asked over his shoulder.

I felt the affirmative answer through Liz's lips. "Mm-mm!"

Ray's grin nearly split his face as my woman climbed his frame from behind while his wife moved back and forth between us. His eyes closed and we clung to each other's hands to keep from falling over.

Olivia finally released the poor man and stepped out front of him with a feral expression on her face. She tapped Elizabeth's shoulder. "May I cut in?" she asked, looking up at me.

I felt like I was glowing from within. Blood pounded in my ears, my shoulders tingled and my skin felt too tight to hold all of me inside. Testosterone took over and I nearly snarled in response. "Get up here, you hot piece of ass. We've seen what Liz's got, now it's your turn in the barrel!"

Liz let go of me and slipped away from Ray. With a wicked smile she motioned my wife to take her place on the ottoman and slowly, liquidly, rose to her feet. Oli squealed happily in response and fairly jumped up onto the ottoman between us. She arched her back to push out her swollen, glistening labia towards me and reached up, grabbed Ray's cock and shoved it deep into her eager mouth. I sank to the hilt within her, balanced myself with a hand on each butt-cheek, moaned ecstatically, and started to pump.

Liz knelt down and reached out to grab both Oli's engorged, hard nipples. She began to squeeze them, first one, then the other, milking them slowly and sensually. "Oh, this is hot," murmured the blond as she pulled and stroked, "I should have a milk bucket for morning coffee. Olivia, it's about time you were bred, my girl. This house hasn't had any babies in it to play with for far too long."

Olivia's eyes glazed over. Hips and shoulders swaying, she took us both, spit-roasted mouth and pussy for what seemed hours. At last she first quivered, then shook and finally collapsed whimpering and gasping for breath.

I fell back onto the sofa. I wanted to go help my wife up but was too weak. Liz stepped in, instead. "Damn, girl, when Dennis called you a hot piece of ass he meant it. I haven't gone that long myself in years." She pulled Oli up to sit on her lap. "Poor baby, did those mean old men give you a hard time?"

Olivia started to giggle. It was a poor, old joke but it hit home. "No, they gave metwo hard times and they can do it again any day they feel like it. Do you want them, now?"

Elizabeth ran her hands down Oli's face, her shoulders and then stopped, covering her breasts. "No, Olivia, now I want you."

She laid my wife back down onto the ottoman then began to caress her body. Face, breasts, thighs, hips and mound all gently, silkily touched, slowly and seductively. Oli's nipples hardened again and goosebumps puckered her skin. Liz reached down to probe her pink wetness with a finger, then two and finally three fingers were inside my lady, luxuriously stroking her G-spot. Oli shuddered electrically and spread her arms and thighs wide in submission. "Oh God, Liz, take me. Take me."

In response, Elizabeth smiled wider then bent down and kissed Olivia's lower lips, shiny with secretions. Kisses became licks, licks became probing and then sucking on Oli's protruding clit. "Hold me down, Denny, hold me down for her!" The plea pulled me quickly to her head. I pressed her arms against the suede and smiled down into that beautiful face, watching her eyes roll back, her jaw go slack and her mouth opening in an ecstatic moan.

Pulling away, Liz lifted her love juice covered face and grabbed my wife's ankles pushing them high over her chest. Olivia's wet sex now fully exposed, Elizabeth spread her own thighs and descended on it, clit to clit, labia to labia, and began to rock. I didn't know women could get off that way and I stared down between Oli's thighs, between her breasts at the sight and got harder than I'd ever been in my life. I was just on the verge of throwing Liz down and jumping her bones when both of them came together, soaking each other and the leather beneath them in an explosion of lust and release.

When the wails and shaking died down, Liz sat up. "Well, girlfriend," she cocked an eyebrow at my lady, "are you ready to be had?"

"Baby, I'm ready. Let 'em at us!

Both women lay back, side by side, on the ottomans, squeezed each other's hands and smiled affectionately at each other. Then they turned to us.

"Come on down, big boy," Oli purred to Ray "come and get it."

Liz reached up, grabbed both my hands and pulled me between her sopping, outstretched thighs then squeezed each of my buttocks in a hand. She dug her nails into my skin as I slipped inside her.

"Dennis," she whispered, "plow my field. It's almost planting season"

Never in my life could I have imagined what sex could be like until I entered Elizabeth. Her vaginal muscles gripped me like a fist and then rippled up and down along my length. It was astonishing. She seemed to just be lying there but inside it was a different story. "You like?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, "It isn't hard to do. I'll teach Olivia. We'll tie you down and then both work you over like this. It will be so much fun."

I looked over at my wife and Liz's husband. Ray had turned Oli over, and was pounding her from behind. The slapping and the slurping sounds were more than I could resist. It felt so good being inside of Liz and it looked so hot with Ray inside Oli that I finally shot my load. I'd never cum like that before. I felt the release clear from my toes on up and when I was spent I just collapsed onto my new lover like a wet dishrag.

Elizabeth petted and stroked my back, licked the shell of my ear and nibbled the tip of my nose. All passion was spent and we lay there in the afterglow kissing softly and rubbing our faces together. "My lovely man," she crooned, "we're all going to be so happy together. And some day, if you want, we'll introduce you to the others we love and you can make love to them, too. But only, my dearest, if you want to."

Much later that night, Olivia and I lay in each other's arms, back in the four-poster bed in the Oppenheimer's guest room. We were home now, we knew, with wild adventures to come. For now, though, the two of us just lay on the very edge of sleep, cuddling.