Love Around the World 07: Guangzhou


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We went no further than that before we pulled back at the same time, the smile on her face probably matching mine. Rolling over to spoon back against me, she giggled again as I couldn't help poking her. Waking up in the morning, she'd rolled over and I watched her sleep. I knew I was in love with her. I knew I wanted a romantic relationship with her. I knew I wanted to spend my life with her. I didn't need a push, I just needed to know it was absolutely the right thing for both of us. We were on holiday, and it always felt different. Once we were back home in Sydney, back to our working lives, and all the stresses of modern life...

Arriving in Guangzhou a few days later, we'd hopped from city to city rather quickly, enjoying different sights and sounds, but Guangzhou was our penultimate destination before a quick couple of days in Hong Kong before flying home. We'd gone over budget again when booking a hotel as the guys wanted to treat the girls to something fancy. Wendy was now used to me flirting when I was checking us in, though the pretty girl behind the counter spoke at least three languages, Wendy said something in Cantonese that had the receptionist giggling.

"What night are we having dinner with your family?" I asked once we were in our room.

"Tomorrow night. I've only ever met a couple of my cousins. Most of them will be strangers to me. That's okay. It's nice knowing I have family elsewhere."

"Fairly sure I've got some very distant relatives in England. That's about it as far as I know."

As always, we mostly stuck to the city centre or downtown areas of the city. Wendy was happy to be in the city of her heritage, ever so excited whenever we stumbled upon something. Cindy and Jenny were just as excited for their friend. Cindy was looking forward to Hong Kong, her grandparents having immigrated to Australia a few decades back. Jenny's heritage was from a province far further inland and too difficult to travel to. She wasn't particularly upset as that heritage was in the distant past, able to trace her lineage to Chinese immigrants who arrived during the Australian goldrush. She believes they travelled over in the 1860s.

It's why John also said that she sounded like a complete and utter bogan, even when speaking Mandarin.

I was a little nervous getting ready to meet Wendy's relatives. I'd known her parents and family back in Australia for a few years and they'd always liked me. Sensing my nerves, she stopped me before I'd put on my shirt, giving me a cuddle as I wrapped my arms around her in return.

"You'll be fine. They're just excited to meet me, and they'll be curious about you at most," she assured me, "They'll be nothing but friendly. I promise."

Our friends wished me luck, very tongue in cheek, as we hopped on the metro and headed towards one of the outer suburbs of the city. Her family seemed to reside in one of the ubiquitous tower blocks that made up most of the suburbs in each city we'd visited so far. Considering each was filled with millions of people, I guess they couldn't all live in a free-standing house like we'd see back in Australia.

Then again, Sydney was filling up with apartment blocks wherever there was empty land, so it wasn't just a Chinese problem.

Wendy was welcomed warmly by her relatives, immediately chatting away in Cantonese while I was introduced in Mandarin. I wasn't sure what sort of welcome I'd get, but the fact each woman wanted a hug, giggling away and making Wendy laugh with whatever they said. Perhaps it was that I was taller than everyone by at least six inches?

A couple of her cousins did speak Mandarin and even a little English. Of similar age to Wendy and myself, there was no missing their interest in me, in Wendy and in our relationship. Everyone was very polite, and once we sat down for dinner, that's when the friendly interrogation started. Most questions were aimed towards Wendy who would then translate into English. I'd usually reply in Mandarin as they could at least understand some of that.

Then one of the women asked a question that had Wendy blushing brightly. "She's asking why I don't have a ring on my finger when it's obvious we're in love," she whispered.

I replied in Mandarin, hoping they would understand. "We're the best of friends," I stated, "And I love Wendy like no-one else. But..." I paused and realised something. That anything I told her family, even those she barely knew, would sound like bullshit. At least her parents had known me as Wendy's friend for years, aware of how close we had been the entire time. Taking Wendy's hand earned that adoring smile I loved to see on her face, meeting her eyes. "Wendy knows how much I love her, how much my life is better because she's in it..." Her lower lips started to tremble as I continued. "There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She needed a kidney, she'd have it. She needed a lung, I'd give her both. She needed my heart, she already has it..."

"You belong together," her great-aunt stated in halting English, "Why you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of losing what we have," I replied, not glancing away from Wendy, "Because if I lost her, I honestly don't think I'd bother going on."

"So don't lose her," her great-aunt stated, "No point in life if afraid all the time."

"She makes it sound so simple," Wendy whispered before raising a hand to stroke my cheek, "What I know is that it's a good fear. That I love my best friend so much... He's brought me home to my people, taken me on the trip of a lifetime, given me experiences I'll treasure for the rest of my life, and all he's ever wanted from me was..." She paused and smiled though I didn't miss her eyes glistening behind the frames of her glasses. "All he's ever wanted is my happiness. He lives to see me smile, to see me giggle and laugh. He wants the best for me all the time..."

"You go home. Get married. Have children. Be happy together. Obvious," her other great-aunt stated, this time in broken Mandarin.

"It's that simple?" I asked.

"The time for being afraid is over," her other great-aunt said after Wendy translated for me, "You won't lose Wendy. It's obvious how much she loves you, so what else do you have to lose?"

The meal continued with the conversation moving on. It's amazing how a simple conversation can lead to a complete readjustment of how you view something. We stayed long into the night as Wendy loved being around her family, even if they were considerably distant. Leaving when everyone needed to depart as they would be working in the morning, there were plenty of hugs, kisses and well-wishes. The final lady who wished me well was her great-aunt. She held my cheeks and met my eyes.

"When you get home, propose. She will say yes. She love you, all her heart. I see it. You will live long, happy life together."

"Time to stop being afraid?"

"Nothing to fear. Love conquer all."

We held hands all the way back to the hotel, remaining silent as we rode the elevator to the floor our room was on. Once we were inside, she kissed my cheek and told me she would have a quick shower and change before bed. I stripped down to my underwear and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to appear.

She reappeared a few minutes later with her hair slightly damp and skin glistening. Lowering the towel around her body revealed her naked body entirely for the first time. I just sat and drank her in for at least a minute as I somehow found my feet. Her breasts were perky, her nipples a shade darker and hard, her mouth slightly open as she was almost panting with excitement. Glancing down over her flat tummy, there was a dark tuft of pubic hair, but I could almost sense she was otherwise smooth.

"Please get those off," she almost whimpered with desire, "I need to see you too."

Watching her eyes practically light up with delight when I revealed my hard cock for the first time had me smiling. Then our bodies practically crashed together as we kissed with all the repressed feelings and desire that we had for each other. "I love you," she whispered between kisses, "I love you. I want you. I need you. Forever, Mark. No-one else ever came close."

"When we get home... We're going to live together. I can't not be with you, Wendy."

Tumbling onto the bed, she ended up on her back as we quickly got comfortable, our hands finally exploring each other. When her fingers gently grasped my cock, I nearly came immediately. She sensed that and giggled. "It's been over a year," I admitted.

"Mark, it's been nineteen months since I last had sex..." I almost felt guilty when I met her eyes. "You were with that Vietnamese girl. Christine... I liked her enough but..." When she paused and blushed, "Well, she was good for one thing. She loved to talk about your sex life."

"I remember what she was like after a couple of drinks. Was never sure if I should be embarrassed or have an inflated ego."

"She mentioned a couple of things. One, you really knew how to fuck her. She loved talking about how your cock just felt right..."

"Hope you think the same."

"Mark, I know your cock was made for me. I can wait a little longer. The second thing is that... God I've waited this long to just wonder how it will feel when you go down on me. She said you love eating pussy."

"Well, I'd never lie about something like that." Kissing her softly, I admitted, "Wendy, I've daydreamed about doing so many things with you... And I don't mean just the sex. I mean a life together."

That made her almost sob as she whispered, "I dream of walking down an aisle in a traditional dress where you're waiting for me looking all handsome in your suit. Then we'd exchange vows and I'd be Mrs Wendy Thomas. Then we'd have children that would grow up enjoying two cultures, a mother and father who would love and cherish them, then we'd grow old together and live a life full of happiness."

"I might just have to buy a ring when I get home. We've been dating..."

"I never wanted anyone else, Mark. It was just..."

"When something is staring you right in the face..."

"Mark... Can you finally do it for me?"

"I'd love to. I've wanted to worship at your altar for years."

I loved kissing all over her body, loving the sounds she made as she finally got what she wanted as much as I finally got to do what I'd dreamed about. Her breasts were very sensitive, and when I latched onto a nipple, she released such a moan, that I think she nearly had an orgasm straight away. I loved kissing all over her tummy, a mixture of tone and softness, before I spread her legs a little wider and inhaled her delicious scent.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to love doing this," I murmured.

That first taste was wonderful. She moaned then whimpered and I think nearly fainted from the experience. Feeling her hand running through my hair, I lapped at her pussy like a dying man quenching a thirst, taking my time to figure out just how she liked it. I could have just smelled her pussy all night, it was so divine, but her taste was something I'd want to drink down every single night.

Then she came. She came hard. It was rather emotional as she burst into tears, immediately lifted myself up and cuddled her as she clutched me so tightly. I felt so guilty at that moment for denying our feelings for each other. She eventually calmed down and even laughed. "Sorry," she finally said softly, "I promise I won't be this emotional all the time though I can't promise I won't cry the first time you're inside me. I've been waiting so long for that feeling."

"Want a little more first?"

"God yes. I'm going to thank Christine as I'll consider her training for the real deal with me."

I liked to think Wendy had the time of her life over the next half an hour or so before she had me stand up as she wanted to get me off, thinking I'd cum within two minutes the first time we made love. Seeing the woman I loved on her knees before me, ever so eager to pleasure me in return, I think my heart nearly burst in my chest from happiness.

She was right about one thing. Blowing me was a good choice as I came within five minutes. Couldn't help it, and Wendy proved her devotion in return by swallowing. Very few previous lovers did that for me.

Moving back onto the bed, we resumed making out, Wendy was slightly surprised I'd kissed her. I just said she kissed me after I ate her pussy. A slight taste of cum which I barely noticed anyway wasn't going to bother me.

Feeling her move underneath me, I guided my cock towards her, our eyes meeting and we moaned softly together as I slid my cock inside her for the first time. "Finally," she whimpered when I was halfway in, "Finally you're inside me, Mark."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"Never apologise for ensuring our friendship... But now you're my lover and boyfriend..." That made her smile. "You are definitely now my boyfriend, Mark."

"I'll work on making you my fiancée as quickly as possible."

Once I was buried entirely, I could only marvel at how hot and tight she felt. She was right about one thing. We were made for each other. And as we started to move and made love, I think we were both overwhelmed emotionally by the experience. Each kiss was so full of passion, of our love for each other, we had to break apart simply to catch a breath and calm our heart rates down. Feeling her soft fingers caressing my body had my skin breaking out in goosebumps, I felt so sensitive in return.

Wendy couldn't stop smiling, that look of love and adoration in her eyes I'd seen for so long. We'd been such fools to deny that we were in love and had been for God knows how long. It's amazing how the words of a couple of strangers in one evening can completely change your life for the better.

When I came inside her a little later for the first time, we both knew that was it. From now on, we were partners and lovers. We would be together forever. Softly expressing our love again, I pulled out as Wendy marvelled at how I remained hard. "The wonder of youth," I said, "If it keeps going when I'm into my forties, for example..."

She snorted at that. "Think I won't be able to get my husband hard?"

"Wendy, let's just say the day I can't get hard for you is a long, long, long way in the distance."

We made love once more that night before sheer tiredness meant we simply had to sleep, Wendy spooning back against me as I held her as tightly as possible. The last words we exchanged before drifting off were of our deep love for each other. We were not going to deny it any longer.

Waking in the morning with Wendy snuggled against me, I kissed her forehead and she woke up almost immediately, giggling as I tickled her for a few seconds before she kissed me. Asking me to wait in bed, she slid out and gave me a wonderful view of her naked back and her gorgeous little butt. I think I groaned with delight as she glanced back and smiled at me, grabbing her bag and taking it into the bathroom.

She returned a few minutes later wearing her glasses, her hair up in a ponytail, with black thigh-high stockings and black heels on her little feet. She stood with her legs just slightly apart, that tuft of black pubic hair and I could see her excitement otherwise. "What do you think?" she asked softly.

"You are sex on legs, Wendy."

The smile didn't disappear as she moved up onto the bed. "Last night was all about me," she said, "What I'm going to do right now is suck that big cock of yours. And yes, it is big, Mark." I felt my cheeks actually grow warm at the desire in her tone. "When I'm sucking you, I want you to run your hands down my back to my arse and my pussy. You'll feel how wet I am for you."

"You'll be sideways then?"

"Absolutely. Then when I've made you cum and swallowed every single drop like the good girlfriend I am, I'm going to get you rock fucking hard again and then ride you until I pass out from the sheer joy of having your big cock inside me."

"I fucking love you," I stated.

Leaning over to kiss me, it was the sort of kiss that would likely lead to us making love in the future. Her hand ended up caressing my cock before she broke the kiss and smiled at me. "Mark, when it comes to proposing to me, as I woke up during the night and couldn't help thinking about it. Four days are a no-no. My birthday, Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day. Other than that..."

"What about the first day we met?"

Another beautiful smile formed. "You remember?"

"How could I forget?"

"Propose that day. We marry one year later the same day." Kissing my cheek, she added, "Now I'm going to do what I said. Just warn me when you're about to cum."

I probably warned her within five minutes as she was simply too arousing, and her desire to suck my cock and make me cum was evident in how she still managed to look up into my eyes from her position. I ran my fingers up and down her back, making her shudder as she was completely aroused herself, gently squeezing her pert little butt before I fondled her pussy, making her moan around my cock more than once as I could feel that she was absolutely dripping wet with excitement.

Keeping her word, she swallowed every drop of my cum when I did finally orgasm, her lips remaining sealed around my cock as she made sure I was rock hard for her when she finally straddled my lap, feeling her rubbing her pussy along my shaft. "I'm teasing myself," she whispered, "Feeling you inside me for the first time, Mark. You were made for me. I've never felt anything like it before."

"I'm sorry I was so... I guess hesitant..."

"Never be sorry for wanting to be my best friend. But now you're my best friend and, one day very soon, I'll be able to call you my husband."

"That doesn't scare me at all. I'll love it when you introduce me as that."

"I'll love it when I'm introduced as Mrs Thomas."

Watching her riding me, the way her body moved, the expressions on her face, feeling her pussy clenching around my cock as her excitement built, then the squeaks she made that were absolutely adorable before she needed to kiss me, releasing a loud moan as her first orgasm hit. Wrapping her arms around my neck as I'd been sitting up, she refused to stop riding me for a single second, her pussy almost like a vice at times as she moaned and whimpered into my neck.

"Won't stop," she murmured, "Will. Not. Stop."

"Ride me, beautiful. You love my big cock?"

"Too much... We need to have so much sex, Mark."

"Think I'll say no to making love with my future wife?"

"Call me that again," she asked softly.

"Wendy, my beautiful, gorgeous, extraordinary future wife."

"Just hearing you call me that makes me want to cum!"

She rode me for quite a while until she simply couldn't keep going, slumping against me as I held her in my arms, feeling her breathing deeply before she started to laugh to herself. Sliding off me, I hadn't cum in her though I wasn't all that worried, lying her down on her side and spooning behind her. Suggesting a quick rest before heading downstairs for breakfast, we were eventually woken by my phone ringing, Mike letting us know they were downstairs.

Getting dressed, we walked into the restaurant holding hands. That wasn't unusual as I took a seat. Wendy stood next to me, grabbing my cheek and ensuring I was facing her before she left a soft kiss on my lips. "I need some energy after that. Want me to get you a plate as well?"

"Considering how drained I was at the end of last night..."

"Well, I'm going to be walking funny all day thanks to you..." Kissing me again, she glanced away briefly before smiling. "I mean, we could always forego sightseeing and just stay in our room all day?"

"We'll need a lot more energy then."

"I'm sure I have ways of ensuring you can keep up with me." I gave her a look that made her shudder. "Down, big boy. We'll just eat breakfast..."