Lynn and Bobby Ch. 02


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"No, actually, she started writing down a list of names."

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Tell me. Tell me. You got a list? Tell me! You got a list! Show it to me! Quick! Show it to me! Quick!" She was almost jumping up and down in her chair.

"Quiet down. Wait just a minute. She handed me the list. I looked at it carefully. Then I took her in my arms and gave her a big loving kiss. Then another. Then I handed it back to her and asked her to put down the number of times she had been with each guy."

"Oh shit you didn't!"

"I did. I said if you're in doubt just write down an approximate number. When she had finished, I kissed her again, picked her up and carried her to bed and allowed her to give me a blowjob. For your benefit, I looked at the digital bedside clock. It took less than three minutes."

Lynn just sat there shaking her head. "You are beyond a doubt the most unscrupulous, reprehensible bastard ever to walk the earth."

I reached in my coat pocket and pulled out the folded list and waved it in the air. Lynn practically jumped across the table reaching for it. I jerked it away and put it back in my pocket. "We are going to have a brief negotiation."

"What the hell do you mean negotiation?"

"We are going to agree on some things you are going to do for me, if I show you this list."

"You're still a bastard, but I have to admit that you've got me by the balls."

"You don't have any balls."

"Well if I did you would. Okay. What do you want?

"First, I want you to go to the store and purchase a bratwurst of an appropriate size for your practice sessions."

"You're serious," she chuckled. "I can do that. Okay, what next."

Second, you are going to prepare a book of tickets labeled Princess blowjobs. We will negotiate the appropriate number.

"Bastard! You want me to issue tickets? So you can go over and get a BJ anytime you want as long as you have a ticket left in your book?"

"You catch on quick."

"Bastard! What else?"

"I will agree, that you can collect one of my tickets, if you deliver a blowjob of comparable quality."

"You lousy son-of-a-bitch. You're going to have me practicing on a bratwurst, then practicing on you till I get it right, then earning back the tickets in your book before she does!"

I nodded. "You are a quick study, my dear. You should start earning those tickets back in no time. That's the way a free market works. Competition!"

Lynn was laughing so hard the conversation just broke down. "And I can't tell anybody. I can't share it with a soul! Do you know how funny you are? You bastard! I can't tell anybody. I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. Just tell me how many tickets to make out and show me that damn list."

I pulled the list out of my pocket and handed it to her. She quickly scanned it and said, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. There're twelve names on this list, including her brother in law and Oh my God! Doris' husband! And he's listed at over ten times. Doris' husband has been banging her regularly. I wonder if Doris knows. Maybe that's why she's always making remarks about the Princess. Bobby, do you realize that I have sat at a luncheon table of six and every husband except mine has been banging her?"

"What do you mean 'except mine'?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. I meant every husband. Oh shit! Double shit! I can't tell anybody! Bobby, I can't tell anybody. I can't tell a soul! It makes me want to cry. How do I say 'And Doris, my husband is chasing after your husband's record of banging the Princess. I think he's gaining.' How do I say it? I can't tell anybody. It's not fair! It's just not fair."

At which point we laughed so much we couldn't talk and Lynn said, "Let's skip supper and take a bottle of red wine and some cheese to bed. If your pecker is too tired to fuck we can at least drink."


Several weeks after I first fucked the Princess, I was treated to one of the most interesting conversations I had ever listened to. Lynn and I were sitting over in the corner of the club having cocktails when the Princess walked in. She scanned the room and, seeing us, she smiled and headed in our direction like an old friend. Lynn nudged me with her elbow.

When she got to our table she said, "May I join you?"

Lynn said coldly, "Of course," and the Princess sat down at our table.

"My husband made some more money in Saudi," she said with a chuckle, "not as though he needs it."

I was a bit surprised that she had joined us and was hardly concentrating as Lynn and the Princess exchanged small talk. Then the Princess dropped a bomb. It was atomic!

"I get all these nasty looks from so many broads who wonder if their husbands are banging me. It's nice to join a couple where there's no doubt."

I sat there too surprised to say anything. Then Lynn and the Princess proceeded to engage in the most interesting and stimulating conversation I have ever heard. It was a conversation that in minutes made them the very best of friends. I watched them, speechless.

Lynn said, "What's that supposed to mean?" Her voice was angry.

"It means that you are the luckiest woman I ever met. Your husband loves you so much, he can tell you all about fucking the club whore and you can laugh about it. You have been laughing, I hope?"

"What makes you think he told me?"

"I don't think he told you, honey, I know he told you, because I know how much he loves you. He'd never screw another woman without telling you all about it."

Lynn sat there, hardly knowing what to say. She looked at me and I was no help. Finally she said, "How the hell do you know so much about him loving me?"

"He told you, didn't he?"

"Yes, he told me."

"He made you laugh about it, didn't he?"

"Yes, he made me laugh."

"He loves you that much doesn't he?"

"Yes, he does."

"He's proved it to you, hasn't he?"

"Yes he has."

"He's gone through hell for you, hasn't he?"

"Yes." Lynn's voice was a little softer and weaker.

"Suffered for months for you, hasn't he?"

Lynn looked at me. She was afraid. She just nodded, yes.

"Lied for you, hasn't he? He's the strongest man you ever met, isn't he?"

Lynn got very pale. She just nodded her head, weakly. She sat there absorbing what she heard and finally, said softly, "How do you know?"

"That bastard told me what he did to you two. He thought it was funny."

My stomach stared to cramp from fear. I had thought Lynn's affair with Bill had been kept secret. It was sordid and ugly and it had lasted for months. It was all I could do to preserve Lynn's reputation during that time. The Princess was right. I had suffered a lot, but I was shocked that Bill had told her. The three of us sat there silently for a minute. Then Lynn asked weakly, "Does anyone else know?"

"I doubt it. Bill rarely talks about his Poon. That's what he called you, honey. Poon. Gives you a nice sense of solid self-respect doesn't it! He left town shortly after you had your so-called 'miscarriage.' Bobby stayed and took care of you then, didn't he. How do you think he felt watching you get depressed and cry about losing your lover? But, he stayed and took care of you."

"Yes he stayed. I would have been lost without him. How ... How did he feel? I don't know. I wasn't thinking much about him then."

"You weren't thinking about him at all, honey. The only thing you were thinking about was yourself. Because you were a selfish bitch. I thought about you a lot when that degenerate bastard was telling me what he did to you two. It made me think about what I'd done to myself a few years ago. I know what it's like to be a selfish bitch. I've been there. Somehow, it made you my friend. I've never had a woman I could share it with. A woman whose face I could watch when I told her."

"I've never had a woman I could talk to about it either. Only Bobby."

"Tell me something Lynn. Bill thought it was funny watching you do it, but tell me, how you could think it was funny when you took the best man you ever knew, and just for laughs, you made fun of how much he loved you?"

"You don't understand."

"Actually I do understand. He told me about your fetish when he showed me his dick. He was bragging about how big his dick was and what it did to your head. Your fetish for big dicks. Now, make no mistake Lynn, he does have a big dick, but the only thing he thinks about is himself. That makes him a lousy fuck. Your husband can fuck rings around him. I rate my men by what they do for me --not what they show me and brag about."

"A big dick is all in your head, honey," she continued, "not in your pussy. That pussy is designed to let a baby go through it. It stretches. No dick in the world is big enough to hurt it. It's all in your head. A big one will turn some gals on looking at it, but when a gal says she feels it, she's really feeling it in her head, not in her pussy. You just thought a big dick made a big man. It doesn't."

I had to say something. "Lynn's over it now. She's beat that fetish. She paid a high price and ... "

She interrupted me, "You were the one that paid the high price, Bobby. She got a hell of a lot less than she deserved. But this conversation is between two women. You can listen, but don't talk."

Turning back to Lynn. "If it hadn't been for your husband, you would be the club whore right now instead of me. You know that don't you?"

"I know it. I told him so."

"And you don't know it, but after I fucked your husband I decided to give up whoring, at least for a while. The ladies think I'm still a whore, but no more, honey, no more. I'm tired of just getting banged. I'm tired of faking orgasms. Oh, and by the way, Lynn, your husband's the only guy on that list sensitive enough to notice that, and caring enough to change it."

Lynn looked down at her drink. "I don't know what to say."

"He even loves you so much he thought about you when he was fucking me. That's the way he got off."

"Oh my God, did he tell you that?"

"No honey, he didn't tell me. It was obvious."

"He didn't tell you? Why was it obvious?"

"Honey, I'm thirty five years old. I've fucked a lot of guys. I know what's in their heads. God, you ought to see what's in some of these guys sick heads!"

"Tell me. How did you know?"

"Okay. He brought me off gently, just the way I need, like no other man has bothered to do in eight years. Somehow he knew what I needed. Then he held me like a lover and stroked me while I rested a bit. Then he started to fuck for himself. And, then he was pumping somebody else, not me. Now, I know he loves you, so it must have been you he was pounding so hard."

"Damn! When he told me he was thinking about me, it pissed me off."

"Yeah, you'd rather he was fucking you and thinking about me, right?"

"That's exactly what he said!"

"Yeah, he said it, because he understands love and fuckin'. You obviously don't! If my man told me he had to think about me to come with another broad, I'd a said a thank-you-prayer to Venus, thrown myself into his arms, and given him a great big kiss. And every time he looked at a pair of big tits bouncin' by, I'd smile and know those tits were just warming him up for me. He thought about you, honey, because you turn him on! Figure it out!"

"Yeah. You're I guess you're right. God, you know a lot I need to learn."

"I know how you like to get fucked. You like to have that pussy pounded. I know. I felt it. It wasn't bad the way he did it. Not my style, but not bad. When I figured out what was going on in his head, I kicked my ass into gear, told Pussy to pick up the pace, and fucked him like he deserved, till he pumped his load. It was kinda nice, actually, watching his face and knowing he was thinking about you. God, as he pounded me, I was layin' there wishing I had a man thinkin' about me like that! Bobby really knows how to fuck. He feels what a woman's body wants, what she likes, what she needs, and he gives it to her. The way he fucks, he could have a nun pumping her ass in a couple of minutes."

"He's good isn't he? I don't deserve him."

"No, honey, you don't. You sure as hell don't deserve him! But you got him all the same. Always think of yourself as a reformed slut, who got lucky. You should be very grateful for what Bobby did for you when you were out of your mind chasing Bill's oversized cock."

Lynn looked at the Princess with a new respect in her eyes. "Bobby never reminds me that I was a stupid slut. He keeps forgiving me for what I did. I'm ashamed of it and I can never talk about it with anyone but him."

I sat for a moment, watching the two of them. I didn't know what the Princess had done to deserve the way she thought of herself, but I think she needed a woman to talk to about it with. Maybe Lynn needed a woman she could talk to as well.

The Princess leaned across the table, put her hand on Lynn's shoulder, and said, "Honey, both of us need a friend. Can I be yours? I have a story I need to tell another woman, that'll curl your hair, about a really stupid bitch. Me."

Lynn just smiled at her a nodded her head.

It's hard to remember exactly how it happened, but somehow Lynn and the Princess became very close friends. She even told Lynn to call her "Princess." "It's a good reminder," she said. The three of us began to have dinner together, sometimes with her husband. He was usually too busy to join us and often out of town, but he was happy that Princess had found friends.

The ladies of the club were horrified at the friendship that the two of them developed. And a number of their husbands were equally horrified when they discovered that their available pussy had disappeared. Lynn and Princess had lunch at the club and cocktails regularly. They played tennis together. They would sit for hours talking and when I was around they talked about things that sometimes shocked me, as though I were not even there.

I understood when they talked about dumb things they'd done to screw up their lives, but I was surprised that one of their favorite topics was their orgasms. These they discussed in almost clinical detail for hours. One night early on while Princess' husband was on another trip, we were sipping scotch on our patio when they turned to their favorite topic.

"Bobby talks about your ladylike silent pumps. I never knew there was such a thing as a ladylike way to pump your ass. He says they are aristocratic. He calls them Princess pumps. But, he says your orgasm lasts a long time. That doesn't seem fair. How the hell do you do that?"

Princess laughed, "I don't do it. You husband does. He just keeps me comin' and comin'. He knows how we like to fuck!"

"Did you ever fuck some guy who didn't know how to fuck?" Princess continued. "You don't know how bad some guys out there really are. You ought to try fuckin' a couple of 'em some time so you could appreciate what you got at home. Your friend Doris, for example. You ought to fuck her husband. He comes so fast that I hardly know he's started to screw me. He's a lousy fuck. Try fuckin' him and you will really appreciate what Bobby does for you."

"Doris," said Lynn in her fancy bridge club voice, "could you loan me your husband tonight? The Princess says I ought to fuck him so I could appreciate what I have at home." Lynn and Princess burst out laughing.

"Well, if you did fuck him, you would appreciate Bobby. The first time I fucked Bobby, as we got started, Pussy says to me 'Cut out the porn-queen act honey, this guy knows how to fuck.' Well, I didn't listen to her and I did my act. Bobby saw through it! I just wasn't used to giving myself to a guy. I'll tell you some time how often I've been hurt. Pussy was yellin' at me but I just ignored her."

I had heard Princess describe other conversations that she had had with her pussy, which amazed me. I couldn't recall the last time I talked to my dick. My dick is a simple, sturdy fellow, but he has a one-track mind, which makes him a boring conversationalist.

"The next time Bobby fucked me, he didn't give me a chance to screw it up. With the drinks, the gentle talk, and the way he took his time and caressed me, he had me from the start. Hell, I was trying to spread my legs before he pulled my pants down. Pussy said, 'You stupid bitch, I told you so.' He was so loving and gentle. Before I could even think about giving myself to him, he had me! Then, what he calls the 'Princess pumps' started all by themselves. I lost control -- lost hell! I never had control. He played me like a fuckin' violin, and God it felt good. I hadn't felt Pussy grab on to and wrap herself around a dick like that in years. She just wore her poor little self out! She thanked me for it, although she gave most of the credit to him, and warned me to clean up my act and hang on to 'that dick'. Pussy doesn't remember names very well, only dicks. He owned me after that fuck, I mean, he owned me. You know what it's like for him to own you."

"I know. And I know what it's like not to deserve it. Princess, you and I are the luckiest gals in the whole world. I am happy to share this guy with you. But it's not free. He said after your first blowjob, 'The Princess doesn't give head. She gives tongue!' That bastard's had me practicing on a bratwurst ever since. You gotta teach me how to do that!"

That night the three of us ended up in the hot tub. I think the two of them had planned it. Anyway, they invited me to service them both. Or, "service two horny broads who really need it" as they put it, laughing. I proceeded to answer their request, bringing each to orgasm on the mat beside the hot tub, while holding my own orgasm. I knew what they wanted and gave it to them. What happened next was the best sex I ever had.

They laid me on my back and head to head they began to use their tongues on my chest and belly. Lynn working her way up to my mouth and delivered some of the sexiest kisses she had ever given me and rubbed her tits all over my face when she moved back down again to tickle my belly with her tongue. Princess worked down to my cock and balls where her swirling tongue could have brought me off in less that a minute. But, instead, she just teased my dick with ten second swirls.

I was so desperate to come that I tried to grab her head to keep it on my dick but Lynn held my arms and said, "Tease him, Princess. Tease him. Make him show us 'Old Faithful'"

They did tease me for almost ten minutes. My cock started to ache and my balls felt like they were going to explode. Princess timed it perfectly. She let go of it and said to Lynn, "Here he comes!" My dick just stood straight up, quivering, throbbing, pulsating, and then I began violently pumping loads of never ending spurts, high into the air, while both of them laughed hysterically and competed to catch this bonanza in their mouths. It seemed it would never end. When it was finally over and my dick started to get drippy and limp, I just lay there completely exhausted. They called it 'Old Faithful' and Lynn said they could make it shoot higher next time if they teased me longer. I wasn't sure I could take that.

We three rested in the hot tub while they exchanged practical ideas on how to make my dick hold out longer and shoot higher. We savored our wine. Then I listened to the two of them talk about their favorite subject - their orgasms. They would exchange whispers, and then break out in hysterical laughter. I just sat there in the water sipping my wine, and listening to two of the sexiest women I have ever known talk about how much they liked to fuck me. Unsurprisingly, that was my favorite topic of their conversations. We were resting up for that king sized bed. I realized that I had at least two performances ahead of me that night. I was going to have a wonderful life, if my dick lived.

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roveroneroveroneover 5 years ago
Really enjoyed this-read it first because of the H...

great dialogue, both Lynn and the Princess, enough I gave this a 5

and, reading the other comments here, not sure I want to read 1st chapter, tho some of the other chapters one line descriptions have me intrigued enough to dip in

pathetic_cuckpathetic_cuckabout 8 years ago
Boring Diversion

That chapter was a really boring diversion from the story. The humiliation and cuckolding is fantastic... what's with all of this boring angst discussion?

That's some really boring crap. I skimmed most of it. I'll look at the next chapter to see if this is the trend or if we can get back to the erotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
unto the breach ... henry the 5th ... shakes a spear

wow great story,

turned upside down & totaly reversed from what i was expecting .

firm believer in equality,whats gd for the goose, is good for the gander :)

funny how all the haters&flamers don't spew the Vitriol when its the guy fckin the Ass off as much pussy as he wants ... but they go absolutely Ape sht , when a wife fcks around ...

anyhow loved the story .. the mis quote , was the only tiny downer , pulled me out of the good place i go when reading your skillfully written stuff, but only momentarily , & then i was buried in it until the end.

dive in , submerge , be absorbed , lose track of time ..


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

She must really love him so much!

See....she's speaking worse than a sailor in a brothel?

2275jr2275jralmost 14 years ago
how my husband dick took on a new meaning

another brilliant part of this very hot horny story. excellent story awesome. writing. a joy to read keep them cumming

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