Mary's Secret

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Wrestling leads to reveal Mary's secret.
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Authors note all characters are 18 or older.

Many thanks to Antimatter42 for editing and helping bring this story alive.

I lived in a small town in Ohio, Akron, the rubber capital of the world. It often brings about chuckles because people's minds immediately jump to condoms rather than tires. My family lived in a typical neighborhood comprised of old single-family homes, most with garages behind the house accessed via an alley. The neighborhood probably was upscale at one time for the rubber companies' managers in the thirties or forties.

My friends call me Billy, but my mom calls me William, my mom opts for William, especially when she wants to emphasize a point, occasionally employing my full formal name to convey her displeasure. The narrative unfolds during my senior year as I approached graduation, poised to embark on my journey into adulthood.

Mary lived a few doors down from me in the neighborhood I lived in, and it wasn't long until she became just one of the guys among my friends.

It all started when she just showed up one day to play Dungeons & Dragons with the rest of us, and we all came to the unspoken agreement to welcome her to our group. I guess you would say that she was a tomboy -- she played baseball, shot hoops, and touched football just like the rest of us.

Needless to say, she didn't act like a girl; She always kept her hair cut short and she usually dressed in jeans and t-shirts. On the other hand, she went to a catholic all-girls school and I sometimes caught her dressed in her school uniform -- a short plaid skirt and white blouse. All the same, her demeanor was definitely not "girly". She could rough and tumble with us. She just fit in.

When she discovered that I was on the high school wrestling team, she would ask me to show her some tricks, though put her off every time, thinking that I'd be wrong to wrestle a girl. That was, until one day in my backyard. She came up behind me and tried to put me in a headlock, though she failed to keep me in the hold, and that's when we started wrestling on the ground. As we tumbled around, I caught a quick glimpse of her tits as a button on her shirt came loose. That glimpse changed everything, and I began to see wrestling her as just an opportunity to see her tits.

On another day when we were hanging out in my backyard while my parents were away grocery shopping, she asked to wrestle me again.

"Alright, alright," I conceded. "I'll show you a few holds, but I'm stopping once either of us gets hurt."

"Oh, Billy. Are you afraid that I might get the best of you?"

"No," I scoffed. "I just don't want either of us to get hurt, is all."

After agreeing, we began by following my high school's protocol of starting in a crouched position, before clashing into each other, our arms tangled together as we tried to knock each other down to the ground. At one point, she almost succeeded when she bent me down from behind, her arms wrapped around my belly.

"Jeez!" I exclaimed. "How'd you get so good all of a sudden."

"Television," she remarked smugly. Eventually, she pushed me to the ground, which gave me the opportunity to roll over and get atop her instead, my face hovering over hers.

"Hey!" she protested. "No fair. I knocked you to the ground first."

"Yes. And I countered."

"Hmph!" Mary pouted. Little did I realize, I found my gaze slowly lowering down to her breasts before returning it to her face; fortunately, she failed to notice this. At least, as far as I knew.

"Okay," she continued, her cockiness returning. "Since you countered me, show me how I can counter you."

I demonstrated by putting my arm under her belly, my hand brushing across her small breasts. Right as I could savor the feel of her soft bosom, she took me by surprise again by flipping me over.

"Hah!" she shouted triumphantly. "I got you again. I didn't even need you to show me."

"You cheated," I scoffed. "That's not even proper technique."

"But I still won...wait, are you going soft on me just 'cause..." Mary faltered in her sentence, causing my heart to skip a beat. For a moment, I feared she finally figured out why I wrestled with her until she continued with, "just 'cause I'm a girl?!"

"No!" I assured her. "You really took me by surprise, is all."

Wrestling on a grass lawn was not as forgiving as a padded mat; every time that she flipped me sent a jolt of pain across my body. Although, I held off doing the same to her, as I didn't want her to quit. Through all this close contact with her, I came to discover that she didn't wear perfume, but had a natural smell of freshly washed laundry with of hint of grass. We went on to wrestle several times a week, so long as the weather permitted it.

One day, Mary asked me, "Do you want to come over to my house and meet my brother?"

I was completely baffled by the sudden invitation, though managed to respond with, "Ok, when?"

"How about now?"

So, I accepted her invitation and she led the way to her home. As we approached the front door, she stopped me and whispered, "We have to be quiet."

We entered quietly and she continued leading me to her brother, who was sleeping in the front bed room. Through all this, I wondered why she wanted me to see her brother in particular.

"Mary, what are we doing exactly?" I whispered.

"Meeting my brother," she answered.

"Why him --"


Mary grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with her to meet her brother, who was still asleep, as though he was a Viking who was resting after a long battle. And he may as well have been -- he seemed to be at least six feet tall, with long, shaggy blond hair and a thick stubble slowly becoming a beard on his face.

Mary gingerly lifted the blue blanket covering him to reveal something beside him that I initially thought was his arm until I quickly started thinking that it was a fucking python, of all things.

"Jesus, Mary!" I exclaimed, jumping in shock. "What the fuck? Don't you know I'm scared of snakes --"

"Shh!" Mary silenced me again.

It was like watching a horror show; I was terrified but couldn't look away. She lowered the blanket down to his knee to, revealing what I was sure was a snake's head until it dawned on me what she really wanted to show me that was dangling between his legs -- his massive cock! And I began to laugh until he awoke.

"Mary!" he shouted. "What the fuck are you doing?! And who the fuck is this guy?"

Mary's brother rose from the bed to sit upright and glare at us, though this failed to intimidate either of us (if that was his intention at all), as his huge cock remained dangling between his legs, all fully exposed and reaching down to his knees. Instead, for me, I was left amazed and amused (not in the way you think).

Mary stammered out with, "Peter, this is my friend, Billy."

"Okay. Nice to meet your friend here, but why the hell are you showing him my dick?"

I still couldn't believe my eyes at how massive Peter's dick was. Not to mention...why the hell did Mary want me to see her brother's manhood? It would be a while until I could finally get the answer to my question.

Mary was frozen in place and hardly able to speak.

"Peter...I, uh..."

"Fuck it. Get me a beer before I get really pissed," he ordered.

Mary quickly headed for the kitchen to get that beer, leaving me all alone with her big-dicked Viking of a brother who kept glaring at me like I had just stolen money from his wallet.

He closed his eyes and sighed to compose himself before looking at me again. This time, in suspicion.

"Billy," he said. "So, you're the guy who's been feeling up my sister tits?"

"U-Uh," I stuttered. He kept his gaze fixed on me like wolf about to pounce on his prey.

Resigning myself to my fate, I continued with, "Yes. But I didn't mean to. We were wrestling, and..."

Peter then stood up, his lanky form towering over me and his hands seemingly twitching to clench into a fist as though aching to beat the shit out of me and not break a sweat.

"We were wrestling," I repeated; suddenly, I'm completely petrified and unable to formulate any words at all, much less come up with a better excuse or put together an apology.

After a long pause, Peter smiled.

"Good. I was afraid she wasn't going to develop her girly side."

Once again, I was completely confused.

"Girly side?"

"Yea. She was going too butch; she needs a guy to wake up her up."

Peter started pulling his pants back on, carefully guiding the snake in one leg. Once he finished, Mary returned with his beer.

I turned to her and spoke quickly. "I should go, Mary. I'd hate to keep your brother from enjoying his nap.

"Nonsense, Billy," Peter scoffed. "I'm glad my sister introduced her boyfriend here."

He then motioned for me to sit.

Boyfriend? Not once did I ever think of Mary in a romantic light in the slightest. Like I said, among my friend group, she was just "one of the guys". On the other hand, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't become somewhat excited upon hearing that word. Not to mention -- why did she want me to see her brother's cock? To put me in my place? To get me to compare my significantly smaller one to his?

"So, Peter," I said in a feeble attempt to change the topic. "What do you do?"

"I'm a bartender alongside my girlfriend, Becky," he answered.

As though on que, a woman emerged from under the blanket.

"What's going on, Peter?"

"Becky," said Peter, somewhat startled, having probably forgotten she was still in bed with him. "Nice to see you awake. I was just talking to my sister and her new boyfriend."

Boyfriend. There's that word again. It was a word that I both cringed at, and somewhat found more pleasant to hear with each instance of its utterance.

And then, a sliver of hope grew within me when I realized that not once did Mary ever bother correcting her brother. Actually, she seemed quite content with the label.

"Billy," Mary chimed in. She came right out of left field when she continued with, "You might think that having huge cock is a good thing, but it's a curse. Women all say they want a huge one, but only few, if any, can take even a small part of it."

I nodded in agreement, pretending to understand her point.

"You really want to talk about this again, Mary?" Peter asked. "I thought we settled this last night."

Mary stared at her brother expectantly.

"Okay, fine," Peter conceded. "Having a huge cock limits the number of women I can fuck."

"At least you have me," said Becky, leaning in to her boyfriend for a kiss, which he obliged, kissing her deeply.

"That, I do," said Peter to his girlfriend. He then turned his gaze back to me and Mary.

"Okay, okay," he said. "I guess having a huge cock isn't that much blessing. I mean, even in my early college days, I hardly went to the campus gym because it would hang out of my shorts and cause a ruckus. It's the whole reason why I stick to working out at home these days."

I couldn't help but chuckle. The idea of not going to the gym simply because of having an oversized penis sounded ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Peter went on. "Whenever I was in the locker room, all the guys were intimidated by my size because it made them look anemic in comparison. Not to mention, all their girlfriends wanted a ride. They'd put their hands on my pant leg so they could feel the outline. It became a game for many of them to try to feel it as sort of a dare. And while I kinda liked it at first, it got really annoying after a while."

"Wow!" I blurted out. "Having a big dick became a problem for you because of too much attention from girls."

Peter took a swig from his beer and responded. "Hell yeah! Too much of a good thing."

"Yeah, right," I mumbled under my breath. At this point, I was giving up any hope I had that Mary might've actually liked me.

"Anyway," Peter continued. "I found a way it can make money for me. The bar I work at occasionally has backroom parties and the ladies love it. I make bank in tips. And You can't imagine how many women want their picture taken holding my huge penis. Becks here takes all the pictures and makes sure the women don't get too crazy."

Listening to all this bragging from Peter made me fume. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my hand slowly clench into a fist, and for a moment, I wanted to throw one right at his face, but held back. The least I could do for my friend was not make myself look like a jealous asshole.

Peter burst out laughing and continued on with his self-worship that may well have been just total bullshit for the sake of conversation. "Not even Becks can take it; too big for her pussy. She can't even open her mouth wide enough to suck me off, so she just plays with it in her hands. So does Mary when she thinks I'm asleep."

I was then shook again at this sudden revelation of incest, of all things. Mary? Playing with that massive cock that just so happened to belong to her brother. What the hell?

I then turned my gaze to Becky and wondered how she played with this huge python if she couldn't take it in her pussy. Visions of her and Mary kissing the python made me momentarily forget the incest revelation. And when I glimpsed down at crotch, I saw my own smaller dick slowly harden and strain through my pants.

Seeing an opportunity amid this endless tirade coming from my friend's narcissist of a brother, I rose from my seat.

"Listen, guys," I said. "I should really get going now. It was nice meeting you all though."

Without another word, I made my hasty retreat out the door.

The slow walk to home fortunately gave me some time to process all this newfound information. Mary was not only used to seeing her brother's huge cock, but even played with it from time to time. I was jealous, hopeless, and seriously considering ending my friendship with her altogether, but hesitated. After dinner (when I somehow managed to hide all my emotions), I simply headed to bed for a long, hopefully dreamless sleep.

The next day, Mary had the nerve to come by my house for another visit.

"Hey, Billy," she said.

"Hello," I replied tersely. "I'm not gonna teach you any wrestling today."

"That's not why I came here," Mary explained. "I was thinking about what happened yesterday...I shouldn't have done...that...I was really pissed at Peter once you left and --"

"Just get to the point already," I snapped.

"Let's just pretend yesterday never happened," Mary finally said. "But I still want to keep talking to you. You know anywhere private?"

My mom parked her car in the garage behind the house, so we agreed to sit in there to talk.

Right when I closed the door, Mary grasped my shoulder and made me look her in the eyes. She took me by surprise again when she kissed me. And I was left completely speechless when she pulled back.

"I know you like me," she said breathily. "And...I always liked you too."

"I guess that does make us boyfriend and girlfriend after all," I finally responded.

While there was an awkwardness in the air from being with Mary alone in the car, that all changed pretty quickly when we went from kissing to full-on making out, our tongues starting to dance with each other. My hand slowly went under her shirt towards her tits, our breathing becoming heavier.

As I touched her nipples, she put her hand in my crotch feeling for my smaller-sized cock.

"Let me see it," she said between kisses. "I want to see your cock."

I was torn, I wanted her to play with my cock, but I was embarrassed at my small size compared to her brother's. And then my libido took over -- I slid my zipper down for her so she could fish my cock out. She took it in her hands and just stared at it in amazement, before -- without another word -- putting her mouth to it.

And so, there we were -- Mary sucking my cock and me massaging her nipples, my cock soon started pulsing, I knew it was going to blow any second.

"M-Mary," I grunted. "I'm gonna cum. I can't hold it much longer."

Mary didn't stop. She held my cock by the base and kept sucking it, her tongue swirling all around while her soft lips were wrapped around my shaft. Expertly, she let it cum in her mouth, swallowing my whole load. She continued licking the tip as the last few spurts ebbed out.

I then pulled her off me so I could lift her shirt and see her small, perfect tits. Not holding back anymore, I quickly went to it and suckled her nipple.

By the time we were both satisfied, we held each other in a long embrace and kissed until our respective orgasms subsided. Neither of us had anything to say, so we just gathered our clothes and got out of the car. We then left the garage and went our separate ways.

A few days later, I saw Mary again and we discreetly hugged and kissed each other. At first, I wasn't sure of her reaction to our little tryst in my mom's car, though she allayed all my fears by saying, "Can we go back to your mom's car again?"

We had to wait until my mom got back from work and finished dinner to sneak back in the garage.

No sooner than we got into the car that she took off her shirt and began to tug at my pants; she wanted my small cock, and I wanted her tits. We went at it again until she sucked my last drop of cum. And right then and there, I decided that I'd never ask her for a comparison between me and her brother about dick sizes. She used mine and that was all that mattered.

It was just a matter of time before we were going to fuck each other -- or get caught. Though for now, we were satisfied with what we were doing.

A month later Mary told me, "I'm moving. My dad got a new job in Canton."


Although we promised to keep in touch, we slowly drifted apart with time as we formed our own relationships with other people and attained our respective goals. I attended university and Mary went off to nursing school. And that was the last I heard from her.

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Diego56790Diego567905 months ago

The writing was OK but tge story ended just when it started get somewhere...

WantingToWriteGoodWantingToWriteGood5 months ago

Sad but realistic ending. Well written.

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