Mated to the Pack Ch. 02


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"You're going to have both of us in your bed?"

"I can't have one of you sleeping on a dog bed outside of the room. What last name should I use when introducing you to my parents? You'll be married, remember."

"Use O'Leary. That's my last name. Shit, we can't leave tomorrow. We're getting the chest freezer and meat delivered tomorrow."

"We'll leave as soon as it arrives. I don't want to be here if Quinn comes back."

"Me either. Thanks, Jessica."

I packed enough clothes for a week, figuring I could wash clothes while I was there. We emptied one of the metal coolers into the freezer on my fridge, and packed the cooler with some steaks, hamburger and sandwiches and cut up vegetable for me. Wolves could eat anything, apparently, but I certainly couldn't.

For the rest of the afternoon, I spent more time learning self defense with Brigitte and Conor. I was pretty black and blue by the time they finished the hand to hand. They, on the other hand, looked just peachy. I know I'd whacked them both pretty good at various and sundry times, but they just didn't bruise like I did.

The last half hour was spent learning to fight with a knife, since I might need to use a silver knife at some point. They just gave me a steel blade and showed me all the places I could stab people to kill them, and wolves, with Conor in wolf form. I ended up stabbing both of them at least six times, and by the end of the knife training, all but the last of the two times I'd stabbed Conor were already healed. Those last two weren't even bleeding.

They showed me where I could stab in the heart, but I didn't get to practice that. It was too risky, even for a werewolf.

"Doesn't it hurt when I stab you?" I asked Brigitte as we got ready to shower. I'd gone at least four inches into her stomach with one of my stabs.

"Of course it hurts. We're not immune to pain, just because we heal quickly. But every time we shift, it hurts. We're used to pain."

"Did it hurt when Quinn fucked you today? It didn't look like it was very pleasant."

"It wasn't. It hurt more mentally and emotionally, than physically. To think that the man who killed my mate could fuck me hurt like hell emotionally."

"You didn't seem to take any pleasure from it."

"Fuck no. He makes sure he's as rough as he can be, since no one wants to volunteer. He'd be better off as a lobo. He's alone most of the time anyway."

We each showered again, one at a time. Since I'd decided I'd be having sex with Brigitte later, I didn't bother putting on anything after my shower. I figured I'd go wolf, so I lounged around the house naked while we watched some TV. As a joke, I put the Netflix series 'Teen Wolf' on. I leaned back against Brigitte and her arm went around my shoulder. I hoped she'd put her hand on my breast, but apparently she expected me to make the first move. I didn't want to feel like more of a slut than I already did, so her arm remained where it was, and I was left wishing for something more.

Conor, smelling my lust, developed a hard on. God, he had a beautiful prick. He didn't rub it, didn't masturbate, just left his prick out for Brigitte and me to enjoy the sight of. Lord, did I enjoy it. Well over eight thick inches of uncircumcised deliciousness.

As the show played, I had Conor point out all the real-life fallacies portrayed by the make believe wolves.

"The biggest fallacy is that these teenage wolves are acting like they're in charge of their own lives. They're ignoring there's a pack leader in charge. Packs are very regimented. You just can't go around doing what you want. It's the reason the US signed a treaty with us. They only have to deal with a limited number of individuals, and the rest of us fall in line or someone like Quinn will hunt them down."

Feeling more than a little randy, what with Brigitte holding me close and Conor's primo prick staring me in the face, about ten, I told Conor he could continue watching, but I took Brigitte's hand and led her upstairs.

"I don't know anything about having sex with a woman, so you'll need to show me everything," I told her.

"Not a problem," she said.

She kissed me. It was a wonderful kiss, better than Carl ever kissed me. Better than any man had ever kissed me. The kiss was so good, I kind of forgot whey we'd come upstairs. That is, at least, until Brigitte backed me up to the bed and pushed me down until I flopped backward.

"My period started," I said.

"I know. I'm a werewolf. Do you think a little blood scares me?"

I shook my head. She sniffed, absorbing my scent, then went down on me. Oh, heavens, that wolf could lick. She put every other person who'd ever licked me to shame, and I wondered how she could be so good. Then I realized she was sixty years old and had probably fifty years of practice, as both a woman and a wolf licking things. All I knew was that before she'd stopped, I'd had six wonderful orgasms, each seemingly better than the last. I only stopped her when I was too sensitive to continue. I pulled her up so we could kiss some more, her body molding to mine like it was made for it.

Her face was messy with my fluids, and I kissed and licked them off her cheeks, tasting myself.

"How was that?" Brigitte asked. "Has any human ever licked you better?"

"No one has ever licked me like that. It was extraordinary. I want to do the same with you and I know I won't be that good."

"You'll learn." She kissed me again.

Since I was with a female body for the first time, I decided to go exploring. I sort of knew what I liked, and ninety percent was what she'd just shown me. I took my time, searching out every nook and cranny of her amazing body, finding out what made a female werewolf tick. A lot, apparently. By the time I reached her furry pussy, it was amazingly wet. And it tasted delicious.

I'd explored the exterior of my pussy frequently. Masturbation was an excellent stress reliever when studying, or cramming for exams, but I'd never been much deeper in one, than my second knuckles. I explored Brigitte's pussy to the furthest extent of my fingers, finding her g-spot in the process. Mmm, the wolf liked that, especially when I was licking her bud at the same time. That made her arch her back and thrust her hips at me. I welcomed it, because I knew I was doing something right, giving her as much pleasure as she'd given me. When Brigitte finally stopped me, I felt I'd accomplished something wonderful.

She pulled me up and kissed and licked her fluids off of me, as I'd done for her.

"Is there anything else you'd like to try tonight?" Brigitte asked, kissing me.

"Could you show me what it's like when a wolf licks me?" I asked.

Brigitte smiled, and in a second, a large wolf was in my bed. It's head nosed between my legs, getting me to spread them further apart. Everything that Brigitte had done as a woman, was three times better as a wolf. It seemed her tongue had a mind of it's own, and it was long enough it could search a whole lot of my body her human tongue hadn't been able to reach. When that amazing tongue was doing something to the inside of my pussy I'd never expected to feel, I held that furry head against my crotch and moaned like a banshee. Having that wet, muscular tongue lick my g-spot, simply took my breath away. The orgasm I had was so good, I lost consciousness for a second or two, drifting on some other plane of existence.

When I returned to my body, Brigitte had shifted again, and a woman was once again sharing my bed.

"Fabulous," I whispered in her ear. "Totally sublime."

"You learned quickly, Padawan. For a first timer, you did very well."

"I had a good teacher," I said. "Can we do this again in the morning?"

"If we get up early enough."

When I curled around her tonight, I didn't care where my hands were. It was all good. I can't say that I woke her up in the morning by licking her pussy. Brigitte was too alert for me to stir that much without waking, but it was the first thing I did with her, and it was just as good as it was last night.


We had enough time to go running again, though we cut it down to a five mile run. This time, Conor ran as a man, while Brigitte went as a wolf. Carl was taking out his recyclables before going to work.

"Hey," he said, "where's the woman this morning?" Not realizing she was four feet away, yawning.

"She got lucky last night," Conor said, "and is taking a little nap. She said Jessica licks pussy like a pro."

Carl looked to me for confirmation. "I don't know if I licked like a pro, because it was my first time, but I felt pretty good about it afterward," I said, to his unasked question.

"Are you a lesbian then?"

I hugged Conor's arm and leaned against him. "I don't know. I haven't experienced what Conor has to offer yet. Maybe I'll like them both."

Poor Carl looked so crestfallen. "I'm going to go visit my folks for a few weeks, Carl. If you see anyone hang around, could you let me know when I get back?"

"Uh, sure."

"We're picking up some meat today. I'll give you a nice T-Bone when we get back. You want to wash my back, Conor?" I asked.

"I'd rather wash your front," Conor said.

"Great, you can do both. See you later, Carl."


They delivered the freezer at ten. Conor helped them move it down to the basement while Brigitte, (in wolf form), and I watched from the living room.

"Is that a wolf?" One of the delivery men asked. "That thing is huge."

"Isn't she beautiful, though," I said. The wolf yipped. "It's tame. You don't have to worry about it unless you intend doing some harm. Then, I guess you'd be missing an arm."

Brigitte lay on her back and I leaned down and rubbed her tummy. "Such a good girl." She kicked her legs a little. "So cute."

The freezer delivered, we went back to Kennebec and picked up five boxes of meat. Conor and I did the lifting again while Brigitte watched. Back at the house, we filled the new freezer and I picked out a nice steak for Carl for keeping an eye on my place. We loaded up the jeep with what we needed for the trip and headed out, getting on the road by noon after they each ate two pounds of raw hamburger, and I had a protein shake.

We hit I-95 in Portland, picked up I-90 in Boston and headed west, going as far as Syracuse, NY before stopping for the night, and another meal, a barbecue place. It was amazing to me how quickly they scarfed down food.

"Do you always eat so quickly?"

Brigitte looked around to ensure no one was close enough to hear her. "

"When the pack pulls down a deer or a moose in the woods, if you don't eat quickly, you don't eat. The pack leaders usually get the heart and liver, and the rest of us kind of fight it out for the rest."

Conor nodded as another bite of brisket disappeared. "It doesn't matter if it's cooked or not," he said, chewing. "Meat is meat."

"Out of all the things you do, the way you eat is what makes you most seem like wolves. Around my parents, you may want to slow it down a little. Wolfing down your food might be considered impolite."

"We'll keep that in mind."

I was the first one to shower back in the room, while both of the wolves waited in the sleeping quarters. Conor was the second. We had two queen sized beds and I took the one farthest from the door, and turned on the TV. When Conor finished, he was about to climb into the second bed.

"I think it's your turn to share my bed," I said.

Conor smiled, and his prick almost instantly grew hard. He climbed into bed with me. We cuddled. Brigitte came out of the bathroom and saw the two of us in the one bed.

"So that's the way it is," she said. "Is this a two's company, three's a crowd, sort of thing?"

"I already know what you're like," I said. "Before we get to my parents house and I might be more self conscious about fucking, I thought I should see what it's like to fuck a male wolf, in man form."

Conor's cock twitched.

"Do you want the lights on or off?" Brigitte asked.

"How shy are you?" I asked Conor.

"Wolves aren't shy at all," he said. "Our orgies are legendary."

"Leave them on," I said. "Okay, Conor, show me what you've got, licking first."

Conor had forty-three fewer years of experience than Brigitte, so he wasn't nearly as good when it came to licking, but his eagerness to please helped make up some of the difference. My pussy appreciated it anyway.

I was a lot more familiar with men's bodies, than I was with women's. But I had to know how similar wolves were to human males, so I went exploring much as I had with Brigitte. Turns out they were pretty much the same, except for the amount of semen they produced. His lovely prick was substantially larger than any cock I'd sucked before. Not impossibly large, but I didn't think I'd be deep throating him without some extra practice.

Conor warned me he was about to cum as I was sucking his cock, which was nice, although I could kind of tell on my own. It wasn't my first rodeo. No, the surprise was the amount of ejaculate, which quickly overwhelmed my ability to swallow, as I'd been expecting something more along the lines of a regular guy. Conor was not regular. It seemed wolves had three times the amount of ejaculate than I was used to, much of it spilling over his tautly muscled stomach. I nearly choked on the amount. I definitely needed to learn to swallow faster, to eat like a wolf, I suppose.

Brigitte was laughing on the next bed; a lovely, musical laugh.

"Conor hasn't cum for several days," Brigitte said between giggles. "He's a little backed up."

"He hasn't been masturbating?" I asked.

"Wolves don't masturbate much," she replied. "We mostly fuck often enough it isn't necessary. But it's a Dominant/submissive thing to a certain extent. Conor kind of needs to ask permission to masturbate from the pack member in charge. He's probably licked himself a few times at night as a wolf, but not to orgasm, as he needed permission. He was a good wolf, so no masturbating. It's similar to having to obey Quinn when he came over."

"Who's in charge of him?" I asked.

"I am."

"Why didn't you give him permission?"

"He was your first line of defense. He needed to be alert, not lethargic. One of us needs to be alert."

"So I can't fuck you both at once?"

"I didn't say that. With two of us sharing the same room, we can react fairly quickly to most attacks, two against one. It gives us an advantage. But once it's time to sleep, one of us will shift to wolf, as our senses will be more highly attuned. It's why we brought the dog bed along. We don't want to be leaving wolf hair on the bed. When we go running tomorrow, neither of us can run as a wolf because of the no pets in the motel rule."

"We need to run tomorrow?"

"Wolves gotta run, honey," Brigitte said, "especially being confined to a car all day. It will be a shorter run, but we will run."

I cleaned up the mess I'd left on Conor's stomach, and as I did so, his prick responded. Good, I wasn't entirely done with him yet. I needed to find out if he'd fuck like Quinn, or something far better. Conor removed my tampon, wrapped it in tissues and threw it in the trash.

It was far better. Conor showed a lot of skill as a lover, but I suppose that was also tied to being experienced. Even though he'd only been fucking for six years, (he'd matured at seven years of age, I asked), werewolves often fucked two or more times a day. That gave him years worth of experience compared to most humans. And his cock was the largest I'd ever fucked before. It fit inside of me so beautifully. He was not rough at all, quite tender, as a matter of fact. I could easily claim he was the best male lover I'd ever had. And the fact I didn't have to worry about diseases from him meant we could fuck without a condom, another bonus. I loved the feeling of skin against skin. I had a lot of orgasms as he fucked me. Thus far, my experiences with werewolves as lovers left me quite satisfied.

He still left a lot of cum inside of me, but he was nice enough to lick it out of me, (a first), and neither of us had to sleep in the wet spot. He also got up and replaced my tampon. I could get used to this.

The fun and games over, Brigitte stood up and shifted to her wolf and lay down by the door. I snuggled up to Conor.

I woke up the next morning with a warm, wet tongue licking my pussy. It was Conor. He quickly gave me two more orgasms before allowing me to get dressed for my run. We only ran two miles this morning at a faster pace than normal, then showered and checked out of the motel. A quick breakfast of egg sandwiches followed at a local fast food restaurant, then we stayed on I-90, getting off for lunch just before reaching Cleveland, and we stopped for another night at a small country inn in a rural community called Bristol, just outside of Elkhart, Indiana.

The reason we stopped there became obvious when Conor disappeared in the surrounding woods and went for an extended run and scouting trip while Brigitte guarded me. She refused to have sex because it was just her guarding me. When Conor returned, with a little blood around his mouth from what he said, was a rabbit. Since he'd returned, Brigitte went into the woods and disappeared for a time. She either didn't find anything, or was more fastidious in cleaning up after her kill.

That night, I had my first threesome, and if I'd thought sex with either of them was the best sex I'd ever had, having sex with both at the same time was other worldly. While Brigitte and I licked each other, Conor filled my pussy with his hard cock, and slow fucked me to a dozen orgasms. I'm afraid I wasn't as diligent at licking Brigitte back while Conor fucked me, but she didn't say anything to me about my lack of effort. I tried to make it up to her after Conor climaxed, but when he started licking the cum out of my pussy, I just gave up and enjoyed the sensation of two tongues dancing on my nether regions at the same time. I made sure I gave her three orgasms when they were done. I didn't want to get a reputation as a selfish lover.

"Are there any other shifters in the area?" I asked when the sex was over.

"I met another wolf in the woods. He shared his kill with me," Brigitte said.

"You don't automatically fight wolves from other packs?" I asked, basking in the afterglow of the great sex.

"It's not good practice to fight other wolves in an area where you're hopelessly outnumbered. We spent a good deal of time sniffing each other, then I got on my back in submission to him. I let him fuck me and then he shared his deer with me."

"Does submission often take the form of sex?"

"Lying on my back and baring my throat to him was the act of submission. The sex was a perk," Brigitte said, smiling.

"You mean I licked your pussy with wolf cum in it?" Wondering what I thought about that.

"Well, we both licked my pussy after his sex, but I suppose you might have encountered a little of it. Did I taste that much different?"

"Okay, I admit I wasn't paying that much attention to how you tasted after Conor shoved his cock in me."

"I noticed," Brigitte laughed. "If we continue having sex, you'll end up licking a lot of wolf cum out of me."

"What does it taste like?" I asked.

"You've already tasted Conor's. His wolf cum will taste pretty much the same as his human cum."

"I guess that wouldn't be so bad then. His cum tasted pretty good when he wasn't drowning me."

Conor grinned. "You can have another taste if you want."

"Not now," Brigitte said. "I want to get an early start in the morning so we can take a good run in the woods. I don't know how much we'll be able to do when we reach Jessica's parents."

With the early start and despite the ten mile run we all did through the woods near Bristol, we were on the road by nine. I called Mom as we passed through Elkhart and told her to expect us in around seven and a half hours with a stop for lunch.