Mated to the Pack Ch. 19


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"As you wish, sir."

"One last question, slut. Would you allow yourself to be bred if I wished it?"

She looked at the four pregnant women in the room. She prostrated herself before Quinn.

"I would be honored to be bred by you, Master."

As I predicted, Dani and I were spanked in front of Rose, who blushed as we were spanked, not for watching, but because she was so aroused by our spanking, she could barely keep her hands off her own pussy as our spankings were delivered. Quinn warned her several times she wasn't allowed to touch herself without his permission.

After our spankings, he warned her that she needed permission to cum, then satisfied the lust he'd built up spanking us, in Rose. The poor girl was very orgasmic, and soon found herself at the other end of Quinn's hand. Her spanking made her cum a couple of times as well. I suspected Rose was as submissive, or even more so, than I was. She had been with a Master before, so this wasn't her first time. Might have been the first time with someone as Dominant as Quinn, but she'd explored before.

Her first Master must not have been shy about claiming her ass either, because it readily opened up when Quinn tested it. She soon found out what it was like to have sex with two men at once, as Nat speared into her pussy as Quinn plugged her ass. She was quite the delightful slut. They kept her up half the night, begging for their big cocks to claim her. Dani and I were relegated to pleasing Brigitte. Not a problem for accomplished sluts such as ourselves.


In the morning, Rose went to the Bonifay's house as a slut, and not just a slut, but a naked slut. Quinn apologized to both François and Genevieve when she took her coat off and she was revealed in all of her naked glory, a collar already around her neck, and a raccoon tail in her bottom. When Isabelle saw the collar, tears began falling down her cheeks, and she quickly left the room. None of this went unnoticed by Quinn, although he made no mention of it.

"I'm sorry," Quinn said, "but she's being trained. It's very important that her training be quite rigorous her first few days. If you'd like to be included in her training, let me know."

"What do you mean?" François asked, still staring at the naked young woman.

"She needs to understand that she's a sex toy, and available for the pleasure of others as her Master directs. She needs to learn to obey, and that her pleasure comes from me. She'll be made to orgasm multiple times, and fucked publicly to get rid of any false modesty she may yet have. She'll be publicly punished as well. She will be offered to you for oral pleasure. You don't have to participate, or may limit how much you participate to say, just licking or sucking without reaching orgasm, or decline to participate at all. She has to leave for work at three PM. Since your two youngest aren't home and everyone is an adult, I'll be offering her to everyone. I hope you don't mind."

"While I've always thought of myself as cosmopolitan," Genevieve said, "I'm not sure I want a young female slave running about my house, publicly fucking, or worse yet, fucking my husband, or me."

"She won't be fucking anyone but me yet, as I'd like her undergoing medical tests first, but I understand completely," Quinn said. "If you wish us to leave, we will."

"They were invited to brunch," François said. "We don't have to participate. I'm a little bit curious as to how a submissive is trained. You were curious about the others being spanked, even though it was bare bottomed. Is this that much different?"

Genevieve shrugged. "I suppose not," she said. "I'm a little curious myself."

So, Rose remained naked and her training continued. Brunch was ready to be served. Quinn had Rose extract his cock and mount him. It was the first time any of the Bonifays were exposed to his naked prick, except Simone, who'd experienced it on more than one occasion.

As Rose slid down his pole, she orgasmed, and Quinn warned her she didn't yet have permission to cum.

"I'm sorry, Master. You feel so good inside of me, I can't help it. I'll try to do better."

Rose was fed, and not just fed, as Quinn played with her as he fed her. I was jealous that she got to do something that I had not. Those on the other side of the table couldn't see her impaled on Quinn's prick, but both François and Genevieve could, seated at the ends. They seemed entranced by the spectacle of her tight pussy stretched over his big cock, and the number of orgasms she experienced while she was fed. They missed several questions directed to them by Simone or Isabelle, or really, anyone but Quinn.

Isabelle, who was on the other side, was now shooting daggers at Rose, wondering why Rose was collared and she was not. I knew it was because Rose hadn't assumed she would be. She'd asked for it instead. Despite how long Rose rode Quinn's cock, he still hadn't orgasmed.

"Have you had enough to eat?" Quinn asked Rose.

"Yes, Master."

"You have a creamy, juicy little cunt, and I need you to clean me off and tuck me back in my pants."

"Yes, sir."

"After you've done so, I want you to ask everyone else at the table if they'd like you to pleasure them, except Isabelle."

"Yes, Master."

Isabelle stood up, slamming her glass down on the table. Rose ignored her, climbing off her Master's cock and beginning to clean it. Isabelle's parents were torn between confronting their daughter, or watching Rose bobbing up and down Master's cock.

"Why do you hate me?" Isabelle asked. "Is it because I'm black?"

"I don't hate you, and half of the people here are black. I don't hate any of them," Quinn said. "I take very little notice of you at all."

That angered Isabelle even more. "Why did you accept Rose as your submissive, and not me? Why won't you let her ask if I can get pleasured?"

"When I arrived, everyone was helping your mother with breakfast. Simone, Daphne, even your father. Everyone but you. You still believe you're too good for everyone else, that you're owed something for your existence. When Rose came to my room last night, she wasn't wearing a collar, demanding to be taken. She asked if she could be of service. She understands what it means to be submissive; that her needs are of little consequence, and that it's only through service to her Master, that her needs are met. You looked at submission like it was a way to get fucked, and that's all. Am I right, Jessica?"

"You're right, Master," I replied. "Isabelle is still a spoiled child who expects others to wait on her, and not to wait on others. Rose immediately tried to make herself useful. She asked what you wanted her to do, not demanding something from you. She's the perfect submissive slut. You're not letting Rose serve Isabelle, because she expects it, and still hasn't earned it."

"See there," Quinn said. "It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with you."

Rose smiled up at her Master as she tucked his cock away. "Thank you, sir, for allowing me to serve you." She moved to me. "Miss Jessica, would you like me to lick you?"

"Please, Rose," I said, spreading my legs for her. "I'd like to see how good you are."

Isabelle started to leave the table. "And there she goes again," Quinn said, "leaving the mess for everyone else to clean up."

Isabelle paused halfway across the room, plastered a big, fake smile on her face, then returned.

"Are you finished with your meals?" Isabelle asked Simone and Nat.

"Yes, thank you," both replied, and she cleared their dishes. Before Rose had made it all of the way around the table, (both François and Genevieve having declined her services, but everyone else accepting,) Isabelle had cleared all of the dishes, put away the leftover food, loaded the dishwasher and washed the pots and pans.

Isabelle walked back in the dining room. "Can I be of any further service to anyone?"

"Nicely done, except for the fake smile," Quinn said. "Have a seat. Rose will ask you if you'd like to be pleasured, once she's done with Dani."

Isabelle took a seat and after Dani orgasmed, Rose crawled under the table and said, "Miss Isabelle, would you like me to lick you to an orgasm?"

"Please and thank you," Isabelle said.

Rose drew Isabelle's panties down to her ankles, disappeared under her skirt, and licked Isabelle to a rather explosive orgasm. Rose pulled out from under the skirt with a big grin and messy face. She pulled up Isabelle's panties for her.

"You may clean off your face now, slut." Rose wiped her face. "How many times did you orgasm without permission during breakfast?"

"Seven times, sir."

"Over my lap, slut. Keep count for me, and thank me for each one."

"Yes, Master."

Poor François. I think he'd suffered an erection since Rose took off her coat, varying only in the degree of stiffness. Watching Rose bend over Quinn's lap, offering her bottom with a tail sticking out of it, was almost more than he could stand. I'm sure it was becoming quite painful.

Master began her thirty-five swat spanking, with Rose keeping tally and thanking him for each swat to her delectable derriere. Dani and I were more disciplined, but François, Genevieve and Isabelle were all surreptitiously rubbing themselves.

Quinn noticed though. "Isabelle, if you hope to become a submissive at some point, quit touching yourself. You're not allowed to pleasure yourself without your Dominant's permission. You should start practicing now."

Both parents realized they were touching themselves at the same time as Quinn spoke to Isabelle, and all three hastily pulled their hands away. Genevieve put hers on the table to avoid temptation.

Rose orgasmed twice during her spanking, and Quinn finger fucked her each time. When her spanking was ended, (an additional ten strokes later), Quinn pulled out his hard cock again and fucked her, giving her permission to cum this time as long as she asked. Once again, François and Genevieve were mesmerized by Quinn's substantial prick pounding Rose's pussy. François' hands went back to his lap, while Genevieve gripped the table, willing her hands to stay put. Isabelle was having more trouble than her mother. She'd absently rub her pussy or breast, realize what she was doing, force herself to remove her hands, then slip again a few minutes later.

Simone was somewhat amused by the antics of her family. She was used to blatant nudity and wolf "socializing" and she was occasionally kissing Nat or Daphne, who were on either side of her.

Quinn orgasmed, groaning as he pulsed, then putting me on Rose to clean up and Dani cleaning off his cock. After I cleaned Rose, he had her sit with her legs apart and masturbate facing everyone while he carried on a perfectly normal conversation with everyone else, although he found he had to repeat himself to François and Genevieve fairly often, they were so distracted by the masturbating Rose. She still needed to ask for permission to orgasm, but Quinn kept giving it to her.

The sexual tension kept building among the three Bonifays. Finally, François said, "Excuse me," before taking his wife's hand and leading her to the bedroom at a fast clip.

"Nat, why don't you go to Simone's room and fuck your mate, then we'll leave."

Soon the house was filled with the sounds of two couples fucking, while Rose obediently jilled herself until told otherwise.

"You really need to stop touching yourself, Isabelle. Do you see anyone else having as much difficulty refraining from masturbating? It's a manifestation of your continued desire to do what you want, when you want. A submissive must have self-control and self-discipline, otherwise, you won't obey when you're told to."

Isabelle almost whimpered with her need, but managed to refrain from masturbating the rest of the time we were there. As soon as Nat finished with Daphne, we left. François and Genevieve were still going at it.


Before Rose left, Quinn told her to give notice at her job and apply for a work Visa for working in Maine. He told her she was to return every day until we left, for further training. Melody called around eleven that night. Rose was already back, currently licking Randa while Nat fucked her. Quinn put Melody on speaker.

"Quinn, Shadow came today and told me I was pregnant. Is that possible? How could he know so soon?" (Scent of course.)

"Some Indians are very attuned to the spirit world," Quinn said. "I had a friend tell me that Jessica and I would be mated, despite Jessica having no desire to mate with me. He told me he saw it in a vision. Obviously, you'll want to confirm in a week or so with a pregnancy test, but I'm reasonably certain he's right. I've known men to have accurate visions about things like that. Did he fuck you and if so, how many times?"

"Three times."

"Was Donald there?"

"He'd left for work already."

"When is he due to get home?"

"Half past midnight, our time."

"Remember details for him. How long Shadow's cock was, how big around, how many times you climaxed. Don't clean up. Tell Donald you want him to clean you up with his mouth."

"Oh, God! I'm touching myself again. Why am I so aroused all the time now. He told me that if I had another child for infertile couples, they'd pay me 50,000 Canadian dollars. I want to do it. I thought about it all afternoon, and I want to do it. What do I do?"

"For now, you don't have much of anything to do. I'll let Shadow know you want to, so they can start paying medical expenses, but that probably won't be necessary for a month or two. I'll have someone call you who can explain everything ahead of time, get you to sign the paperwork they need. What are you going to do about the other thing, your cuckold husband? Do you want to maintain control, or have someone else take control?"

"I want control for now."

"The first thing you want to do, is firmly establish Donald's cuckoldry. So far, all you did was fuck to get pregnant. From now on, you're going to fuck for fun, and you have to get Donald on board. As soon as you've proved to him that you're pregnant, you want to tell him you want to go have sex with a new lover, and this time it will be for fun. You'll invite whichever of the men who you've already fucked, including Shadow, that you want to fuck most, over for dinner. You have Donald there, helping you to get ready for your date. When the man comes over, tell Donald that he needs to agree to his cuckolding, by undressing you for your new man, taking your hand and placing it in his, while asking him to fuck his wife. When he does so, he's giving his consent to his cuckolding. Give him the same options he got before. Watch, or participate. Once he's done that, you're ready to start going on dates with other men."

"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck! This is so exciting."

Quinn laughed. "Call Shadow and let him know you're interested in going out on a date once a week, or so, with different men. Allow them to be different races, so Donald realizes the child you may eventually have for others, might not be white. Sometimes, you can go on a real date, like a movie, dinner, dancing, other times, it will be only be to fuck. You'll want to go out shopping with Donald, have him pick out lingerie, or clothes you'll only wear for your dates. Some nights, go out when he's working, so he can't watch. Send him texts with photos showing how you look, perhaps a photo of your lover for the night. Let his imagination work. Those nights, it will be important to remember small details you can tell him afterward, while he cleans you and while he masturbates. You should let him fuck you at least once, every time you go out with someone else. It's his reclaiming of his wife, but you can also shift him more to oral sex, because your new lovers are better at fucking, so he'd better be good for getting you off orally.

"Other times, you'll go out when he's home, so he doesn't have work to distract him. He'll be thinking of you instead, dancing, kissing, maybe fucking. At least once a month, bring your lover home and fuck him in your husband's bed, let him watch, and let him participate by preparing you, or your lover, to have sex. I recommend you asking him not to climax unless he's sucking your lover's cock, or licking his cum out of your pussy. Associate his orgasms, with being of use to you or your lover."

"Oh, God, I'm cumming again. I'm so turned on."

"You're turning me on as well. I'll need to fuck someone myself," Quinn laughed.

"I can't believe all that's happened. I'm going to have a baby, go out on dates, fuck other men. This is crazy!"

"It is a little crazy. Crazy exists in this world. You have no idea how crazy things will get. This is just the start of crazy. Suck me Jessica. Ride me when I'm hard."

"Yes, Master." I started sucking. Nothing like an erection for a happy slut like me. A couple minutes later, I was going for a ride as Quinn gave Melody a few more pointers. Melody's call didn't surprise me. The next one he got, did.


Quinn was fucking Rose again when Genevieve called. He put it on speaker so he could keep fucking.

"What's up Genevieve?"

"Are you on speaker?"

"The better to fuck with," Quinn laughed.

"Could you take it off and give me a little privacy?"

"Is there a problem?"

"A little privacy, please."

Quinn got up and stepped into the bathroom. It was fifteen minutes before he returned.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Rose, go into the other room and lick pussy," Quinn said. He waited until she left before saying, "Genevieve wants to have sex with me."

"Does François know?"

"No. There was some kind of emergency at work and he had to go back."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'm not going to have sex with her."

"Good wolf," I said.

"At least, not unless François fucks someone else too."

"You mean turn them into wolves?" I said.

"I don't quite understand the dishonesty of humans. Why not just admit you want to fuck other people, and fuck other people? Why the sneaking around?"

"Because we haven't divorced sex and love the way wolves have. Sex is something you're supposed to save for the one you love, at least, once you find that person. Everybody does some experimenting when they're younger, but then you're supposed to get serious about someone, and unless you're way out of the norm, commit to that one person."

"Are you out of the norm?"

"Not as much as you might think. I give myself completely to you because I love you. I also gave control of my sex to you because I'm submissive. If all you wanted was me, I'd be content. I like you sharing me with others, particularly women, because I enjoy women and would prefer not having to make that choice. I suppose, not wanting to mate with you, I'll probably continue having sex with other prospective romantic candidates, but I can't imagine enjoying sex with anyone as much as I do you, and it's most likely, because I love you. The problem I foresee for myself, is not wanting to give you up, even if I find someone I want to marry. I can't be attracted to a submissive like Carl, yet doubt any Dominant man would be confident enough to share me with you. What I need, is a human who thinks like a wolf. Someone who's confident in his own masculinity, even if I want to have some wolf on the side. I'm not sure that exists."

Quinn pulled me into his arms. My favorite place to be. I lifted my head and he claimed my lips, then carried me to the bed and claimed the rest of me.


We made excuses not to go to the Bonifay's residence that evening. Simone and Daphne came to the hotel so that Daphne could fuck her mate. Simone was curious as to why we'd hadn't come.

"Your mother called and told me she wanted to have sex," Quinn replied.

"My mom? Genevieve? What, like some kind of threesome, or foursome?"

"I think it was just me she was after. Your father got called back to work for some emergency something or other, and she asked if she could come to the hotel for sex so she didn't do it in front of you and Isabelle. I have no problem with fucking your mother, but I'm not going to fuck over your father. He didn't do anything to deserve that. I haven't figured out what to do about it. I don't necessarily want to blow up their marriage either, by saying something about it."