Mated to the Pack Ch. 20


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"How does it make you feel other than the reduced workload?"

"Quinn was right about one thing. Being the one in charge, is better than being on the outside looking in. Knowing that no matter how desperate she feels, she'll obey her Master. Knowing I can pack them all up and send them away is a good feeling to have. I can't say she isn't enjoying sex with me, or that I'm disappointing her at all. She's more orgasmic with everyone. I make her cum two or three times every time I have sex with her. I always used to ensure she had at least one, and now she gets two or three times as many. I don't feel any more inadequate than anyone else she fucks. If it was just one fellow, she will drain him totally, wolf or not."

"Mom says she feels guilty that she's so insatiable, that she's become such a slut. She's so happy that you still love her and express affection for her, but she was worried about Lois, and is glad you're moving."

"She'll never lose my love. I know she worries about it, but she doesn't have to. As long as she returns my love, she never needs to worry about me. Lois has been fun, don't get me wrong, but I'd never leave your Mom for her. Every time I pay attention to her, Anita redoubles her efforts with me. It's kind of like how I felt when Quinn was in control of Anita. I had to work harder to make sure she didn't forget me and I was left behind. Maybe even more so than I felt, because we both knew your Mom wasn't leaving me for Quinn, but Lois feels like more of a threat, because she is human."

I laughed. "I get that. I'm glad you seem to be doing well."

"Have you had sex with the new fellow yet?"

"A couple of times. He's good. He's not wolf good, but he's better than any human I ever had sex with. I don't want my life to be only about sex though. All he has to be is good enough. I want someone to grow old with me, have children with me. To be by my side for better or worse. I think he'll still let me have sex with Gretchen and my two bodyguards. I don't think women bother him as much, especially since as far as I'm concerned, he can have sex with them, too. I figure if I want to continue having sex with Brigitte and Alicia, he should be able to as well. It's only fair. That's why I gave up Conor. I didn't want to be tempted by a cock around my house. Except for my breeding, I'll forsake all other men, and to be honest, when I'm bred, it's not a man, it's a wolf. I know he might not see it that way, but that's what I'm telling myself."

"Do you know the sex of your child?"

"No, and I don't want to know. I have to give it up. I don't want to personalize it. I can't raise it. I know it will be taken well care of, and that's enough for me. I'll have Kathleen to fuss over a little, if I want a baby fix."

"Do you wish I hadn't gotten Brigitte pregnant?"

"So I could remain an only child or something? It barely affects me. I'm already grown up, having kids of my own. What you and Mom do with your time together is entirely up to you. If you want to raise another baby, it's no skin off my nose. It's possible that having a child around the house will calm her down some. Tire her out and make her think of sex less often. I'm kind of with Mom on this one. I wouldn't want someone else raising your child if you're capable of raising it. If something happens to you and Mom, I'll take care of it. I'll have help."

He hugged me. It's a good think he didn't have an erection. That would have been awkward.


The day of the wedding arrived, crisp, clear and cold. Dani and her mother, Nicky, had picked the Brunswick Hotel for the wedding and reception venue. Many of the guests coming to the wedding had rooms at the hotel. It's where Dani and Carl would be staying on their wedding night, and Carl would watch the groomsmen fuck his wife before he got to.

Quinn had taken a room with Nicky and her husband, Henry, taking over as her Dominant when she arrived. Henry only got to fuck his wife after Quinn fucked her each morning, after first licking his cum out of her cunt. Quinn made sure she was still happy with Brett as her Dominant in New York.

"Very happy, Master."

"Then when you leave, I'm going to release you from my service. I won't take it back unless he mistreats you."

"Thank you, Master."

"Are you still getting fucked once a day cuckold?" Quinn asked Henry.

"Yes, sir."

"Everything is going well for you as well?"

"Very good, sir."

"Your cuckolding will become Brett's responsibility from now on. I doubt if he cares if you're fucking your wife once a day, but if that changes, give me a call and I'll see what gives."

"Thank you, sir."


Sean came to my house to take me to the wedding. I had a room at the hotel as well, so Sean could drink without worrying about driving.

When Quinn arrived for the ceremony, I saw he had Rose collared and leashed in addition to Isabelle. He led them into the hotel on their leashes. Once they removed their coats, you could see they were dressed in tight sweaters without bras, and short skirts, with garter belts and nylons. They looked perfectly slutty. Genevieve and François came in his truck. Genevieve and Rose both looked like they had some fresh male cum around their mouths, and I wondered whose it was.

With Carl and Henry watching, Quinn fucked first Nicky, then Dani, in the prep room, depositing a load of cum in both their cunts, then had Dani and Carl clean off his cock, so they'd both be tasting his cum when they kissed after the ceremony. Nobody cleaned Dani or her mother, so Quinn's cum was running down their legs during the ceremony.

During the procession, Simone and Nat led the way, followed by Tony and Randa, Quinn escorted Brigitte, and I was escorted by Doug, Carl's youngest brother. Eva was escorted by Brad, but Eva also held a long leash, fastened to Dani's collar as she went down the aisle on Henry's arm to the swelling sounds of the Wedding March. The assembled crowd was stunned to see Dani led on a leash by her sister, and more stunned when Eva handed the leash to Quinn, who reeled it in. Dani knelt at the feet of her Master for a few seconds, allowing him to unsnap her leash, before she stood next to Carl at the altar.

When the notary, (no minister would agree to the terms of the wedding as Dani planned it), asked who gave this woman away, Quinn said, "I, Quinn Whelan, her Master, give her away."

The buzz in the room was noticeable.

Let me say this. Carl's brothers had squawked mightily during the rehearsal. They hadn't known what was going to happen. For twenty minutes, they argued with Carl. Carl finally managed to convince them he was okay with it.

"I knew what was going to happen with my life before Dani asked me to marry her. As terrible as you might feel on my behalf, I'm desperately happy with my life. This is all happening according to my own wishes. I gave her to another man when we started dating. Before my cock cage is removed, and I'm allowed to fuck my wife on my wedding night, I'll watch Dani have sex with all of the groomsmen who want to have her. That includes both of you. You don't have to participate if you don't want to, but you're invited to fuck her before I do. When everyone is done, I'll lick their cum out of her pussy, and then she's mine for the rest of the night.

"If my cock weren't locked in chastity right now, you'd see how hard my dick is. This is so arousing to me, knowing what's going to happen. Brad, I know you're married. If you don't want to do this because of Fiona, I understand, but don't worry about me. If fucking Dani's pussy is too much for your marriage, she'll suck your cock instead. I'm excited as hell that Dani is cuckolding me. I'm aroused all the time. I'd be walking around with a perpetual erection if I weren't locked up. Dani told me I didn't have to do it this way if I didn't want to. She gave me a choice, but I told her this is what I wanted, for everyone to know that I'm her cuckold. I could stop this if I wanted to, but I don't want to, so please, do it for me."

So now, during the ceremony, his brothers said nothing. Apparently, they'd spoken to Carl's parents about it. And maybe, Carl had spoken to them himself, knowing how his brothers reacted; maybe not all of it, but enough for them to know Carl wanted this to happen, for when the notary asked if there were objections to the marriage, no one said a word..

The ceremony's words were substantially similar to any other wedding vows, but they only agreed to love and honor each other. They agreed to obey Quinn. The three wolves scented Dani's arousal, so all of them had stiff pricks, though they'd done something so they wouldn't tent their pants as substantially as they usually did, but I could tell, because I looked for it.

When the ceremony concluded and Carl was told he could kiss the bride, he kissed her, then she kissed Quinn, thanking him for allowing her to marry Carl. Her leash was left off as she returned down the aisle with her husband as man and wife, but Quinn's collar remained on her. The wedding party moved to the banquet room where we formed a line to greet the guests. The ceremony room was being set up for the dancing to follow the reception.

Eva and Brad were there to introduce me to those people I didn't know, but because of our road trip, I knew a surprising number of them. I didn't need to be introduced to Dani's real father, and I could guess who his wife was because she was walking beside him. I knew Eva's real father, and they both hugged Eva as they went by. Her half siblings were also there, grown as she was, though they still didn't have a clue she was their sister.

One of them asked me why we were all pregnant. "We're all being paid to be surrogate mothers for infertile couples. We decided to do it together when we all got laid off."

"You mean Dani isn't having Carl's kid? I thought this was a shotgun wedding."

"No, not Carl's, and she'll be giving it up as soon as it's born. Carl won't have to raise another man's child." At least, not this one, I thought, though I kept that to myself. They moved on with me introducing Brigitte. Quinn was already known to everyone from the ceremony.

Sean came through the line. "Wow, that was some wedding," he said. "I've never seen anything like it."

"I'm not sure anyone ever has," I agreed. "I never expected to see one like it, and I've seen some strange stuff. I'll be sitting with you, so find a seat with Alicia and save me and Brigitte seats."

"You're not sitting with the wedding party?"

"Nope, sitting with you. The head table only has room for the happy couple, their parents, Eva, and Dani's brother, Henry, Jr. and Carl's two brothers. The rest of us are mingling."

"Good, I wasn't sure how much I'd be able to see you. I thought maybe the dance. In that case, let me give you this."

He handed me a sealed envelope.

"What's this?"

"You'll know when you open it. Do it later."

"Okay. I hope you don't expect me to dance too much, because of my clunkiness, but feel free to trip the light fantastic with Alicia. She's raring to go."

He found Alicia and they found a table for six, saving two of the seats. My parents took the other two. I think Alicia introduced them, though I wasn't sure. Maybe he introduced himself. Sean was good like that.

Rene and Sasha had also attended the wedding, After all, they had a lot of breeders here. They found seats near Sean so they could see him. I could see him stand up and greet them. What a pleasant young man. I really did like him.

It hadn't been a huge wedding, around sixty guests, so it wasn't long before I found my way to my boyfriend. I guess I could officially call him that, since I wasn't fucking any other men any more. Quinn and Isabelle sat with Rene and Sasha. Rose was seated with the Bonifays, since they all spoke French.

I greeted him with a quick kiss. "Did you meet my parents, Sean?" I asked.

"I did," he replied. "I introduced myself when they sat down."

Brigitte thoroughly kissed Mom and Dad, and that surprised Sean. I saw the shock on his face.

"My Mom and Dad are in an open marriage. In fact, Brigitte's baby is my father's child. She can't keep it so my parents are going to raise it. Her pregnancy was an accident. She thought she stopped having sex before she became fertile, but apparently not soon enough."

He couldn't get any words out for some time as he processed that. Finally, he said to Mom, "You're okay with that?"

"I was always disappointed I couldn't have any more children after Jessica. While we're older now, I'm happy that Simon can have another child. I've had sex with other people as well. I just can't get pregnant any longer. It's quite all right. Brigitte is a wonderful person and I'm happy to raise their child."

"It kind of explains a little more about me, doesn't it?" I asked him.

"I guess."

Dad said, "It's not what you might think, Sean. Until eight months ago, we were like any other couple, maybe even more so. We've never cheated on one another. We love each other deeply. Neither of us has done anything that our spouse hasn't known about and approved. We don't randomly go around having sex with other people. It's not like that at all. It's something we do together, or not at all. If you're concerned that the apple won't fall far from the tree, don't worry. Jessica won't have sex with anyone you don't approve of. She'll wait for the gardener to pluck her from the tree and hand her to someone else. You're the gardener. She hasn't even had sex with Alicia. She's waiting for you to give her the okay. She won't go behind your back."

Sean looked at me and I nodded.

"I haven't had sex with anyone but you since we started having sex. We've kissed, but nothing more. You may have noticed how desperate I seem when I'm with you. There's a reason for that. It's a good thing that Brigitte has Angela, or she'd be as desperate as I am."

"Doesn't she have Alicia?"

"Alicia has been spending the night with my parents. Keeps temptation away from me."

"So you are tempted?"

"Look at her. Aren't you?" Sean grinned sheepishly. "Try living with her running around naked all the time. I'll bet you would have succumbed to her womanly charms. I haven't confused you for a saint yet, even as nice as you are."

Sean laughed. "No one's ever accused me of being a saint."

I opened the envelope he'd handed me. Seeing it, I threw my arms around him kissing him madly.

"What is it?" Mom asked.

"A clean bill of health," I said. "It means we can fuck without condoms and he's going to be my exclusive, my one and only except for Alicia and Brigitte. You do plan on fucking them, don't you?"

"I guess. If you're sure it's really what you want."

I kissed him again. "I got a room at the hotel tonight. I'm hoping that you will let Alicia and me keep you up half the night, and I can finally see what she tastes like, even if it's with your cum in her pussy."

"Yay," Alicia said. She planted a big wet one on Sean's lips.

"Don't worry, Sean," Dad said. "I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it."

I was pretty sure he would too. He had no clue how good wolf sex could be. He'd be finding out tonight. He was going to get my ass tonight. I'd cleaned it out just for him. Alicia's too, just in case.

I should mention that when we sat down, the napkins at the tables were different. They showed the female symbol, the circle with the cross, being penetrated by three male symbols, with large arrows, two in back and one in front, while a small male symbol with a limp arrow hovered off to the side. The wedding cake, set as a centerpiece in the room, showed an imposing male figure, with a collar and leash on the female, who knelt at his feet, while another male stood forlornly off to the side. If that wasn't clear enough, they were labeled Master, Slut Slave and Cuckold. I doubted there was anyone over the age of ten who didn't know what was implied by the symbolism. Whoever had arranged it was making Carl's status in his own marriage painfully clear, but he's the one who told Dani to let the groomsmen sleep with her on their wedding night, so maybe it was all him.

It was a tasty meal. Champagne flowed though neither Brigitte and I could partake. Alicia didn't drink much either. Most wolves I'd seen didn't. Enough to be sociable, but never a lot. At some point, Sean asked where Dani and Carl were going on their honeymoon.

"Someplace warm. A nude resort in Jamaica," I said. "Tony and Lisette are going with for Dani's protection. Quinn has instructed Dani she needs to fuck a different man every day before Carl can fuck her. Tony will ensure that it's only one, and that he wears protection. Then Tony will fuck her, and Carl has to lick the semen out of her before he can fuck her every day. Lisette has to take photos or movies and send it to Quinn to ensure it happens, or Carl won't get to fuck her again for a month."

"I don't understand that. Do you understand that Mr. Huppert?" Sean asked.

"Not to the extent that Carl does it, no. I can't imagine giving up sex with my wife for a month, or having to wait for another man to fuck her before I could. But having seen Anita with other men, there is an element of arousal in watching her take pleasure in the arms of another man. It's a little like watching a porn movie featuring someone you know. There's also jealousy, some humiliation, perhaps, but the one thing that would make it unbearable, is fear. Being afraid of losing her. I couldn't have done anything like Carl just starting our marriage. I'd be afraid of what might happen, but once the fear of losing Anita was removed, the other emotions aren't as bad."

"How do you eliminate the fear of losing her?"

"Knowing that she loves me and would never do anything to purposely hurt me, that she'll only do what I allow her to, and nothing more. That trust took years to develop, which is why I couldn't have done what I'm doing now when I was Carl's age. Anita earned my trust and I earned hers. We trust our love will remain strong, no matter what we do."

"Do you trust me not to hurt you, Jessica?" Sean asked.

"I'm about to find out. You seem genuinely nice and kind. You can't hurt me by having sex with Brigitte or Alicia, because I'm giving you permission to have sex with them. I trust that they're not going to run off with you, for a lot of reasons. Theoretically, if you get to have sex with three hot women willing to do just about anything you want, you'd have very little reason to stray. Doesn't mean you won't, but it certainly wouldn't be because you're not getting enough sex. There are other reasons for relationships to fall apart, and we'll have to see how things progress in the long run, but I'm certainly leaning toward a long run. Do you trust me not to hurt you?"

"I'm not sure yet."


"I've seen the way you look at Quinn sometimes, and it scares me. I know there's something there. Is there?"

"I care more for Quinn than anyone I've ever cared for before. At the moment, more than you, but I can't marry Quinn, ever, for reasons I can't even begin to tell you. Knowing that I can't, means I need to look elsewhere. What I can promise you, is that from the moment I started having sex with you, Quinn was out of the picture. I won't be with him anymore. I won't be with any man anymore but you, until either of us decides that it's not working. We can only see where our relationship goes, but I won't leave you for Quinn, and that I promise."

"So, I'm a rebound?"

"Not a rebound. We were never a couple who broke up. We were a 'never was' and 'never could be'. We fucked, and I cared for him, but we weren't a couple. We didn't date. The longest period of time I spent with him was on my road trip, and even then, he wasn't the only person I had sex with. In fact, nine months ago, I hated him. He was a surly, grumpy, misogynist asshole who almost everyone detested. I almost cut his throat because he was such a prick."