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"Maybe I can help with that," I winked at Julie as I stood up. I went into the bedroom and pulled on some shorts, making a detour through the kitchen on the way out.

"Not fair," Roberta called after me.

I heard the alarm on my car chirp as I approached it. I also heard something else, Megan's car pulling into my driveway. I retrieved both their purses from the trunk of my car. "Those don't go with your clothes," Megan called out of her window.

"What do you want, Megan?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if the rumor was true," Megan shut off her car and got out.

"Go away, Megan."

"No, you can't keep me out," Megan started running for the door, having me at a disadvantage because she had shoes on. The door opened as she reached for it, causing her to stumble and fall inside.

I reached the bottom of the steps as Megan pulled herself up and walked inside. I followed her inside, Roberta closing the door behind us. "I thought it better if we brought this inside," she winked at me as I handed her the purses.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Megan alternated looking at Julie and Roberta. "Tell me girls, how long did he last, fifteen minutes before he was snoring?"

"Five and a half hours," Julie retorted. "And Jack has a lot more than five inches."

"I wasn't counting length," Roberta said in a snide tone. "It was his tongue giving me most of the attention."

"Don't forget the fingers, Bobbie," Julie smiled.

"I thought those were yours," Roberta sighed. "You have wonderful fingers, Jack."

"Thanks," I shrugged. I sniffed my fingers for effect, and I could still smell them on my fingers.

"Well," Megan huffed. "Now that we are all one big happy family, I suggest you pay up, Jack."

"For what?" I asked.

"I had a chat with a lawyer this morning. He said that we lived together long enough that I qualify for common-law wife status. Which means you can't kick me out on a whim, and that I can file a civil action against you."

Julie snickered. "She's right, Jack."

"You're kidding." Then it dawned on me, Megan had banking software on her computer, she must have accessed the deposit I had made yesterday. "That check was repayment for lost property."

"Property that you acquired while we were living together," Megan said. "Give me half, and I'm gone."

Something came to mind, a witty remark about her only needing seventy or so of her appointments. "If I give you half, I want paper saying that you are going to stay out of my life, Megan."

"Sure," Megan pulled an envelope out of her purse and handed it to me. "Your shitty little car doesn't even count as an asset, so I asked him to leave it out."

I looked over the paper, it was a settlement agreement for half the assets in my checking account. In return for that, Megan would

release her claim on anything else. The second page was a duplicate of the first, both with Megan's signature on them. "Can I see?" Julie asked.

"Sure," I handed the copy to her. I set the original down on the coffee table and Roberta handed me a pen.

"That has to be signed in the presence of a notary," Megan objected.

"Good thing I have my stamp with me," Roberta pulled a small box out of her purse.

"What do you think, Jules?" I asked.

"Looks good to me," Julie set the copy down on the coffee table.

"Please don't tell me he's renamed you," Megan snickered.

I signed both documents, and Roberta embossed my signature on both papers, then stamped and signed them. "I like my name," she slid one copy across to Megan, pulling the other towards her.

"Oh, please," Megan's face went into a sneer. "I absolutely hated it when he tried calling me 'Mugs.'"

"That means you didn't appreciate him, Megan. I didn't notice anything in that paper about Jack's new car, so you're going to have to take the loss on that one."


"The G6 hard-top convertible? That one will be Jack's as soon as he goes to file the title. Rest assured that Jack will make sure that you can't snoop on his account any more, either."

"What about my money?" Megan demanded.

"Be right back," I went into the bedroom to retrieve my little-used checkbook. I took it back to the front room and scribbled out a check for eight thousand dollars. "That should do it."

Megan squinted at me. "This had better clear."

"Go and cash it Megan," I gestured toward the door. "Just leave, and make sure you leave your key."

"Why? I didn't release my hold on co-habitation of this residence. As long as my driver's license has this address on it, this is my residence. Don't think about changing the locks, I still have every right to break in the door."

"Not if I get a restraining order on you," I said.

"For what cause?" Megan turned toward the door. "You girls aren't much on modesty, are you?"

"We don't need to be modest around Jack," Julie wrapped her arm around my neck.

"No, we don't," Roberta echoed Julie's motion, both of them planting a kiss on my cheeks at the same time.

"Good luck with that," Megan pulled open the door, slamming it after she left.

"Can she really do that?" I asked Julie.

"The laws are kind of weird in this state," Julie admitted. "That doesn't mean that you can't move in with Bobbi."

"What about Kerri?" Roberta frowned.

"I think Kerri might like it if Jack hung his hat at your house," Julie shrugged. "That is, if Jack has no objections."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Yes you do, Jack," Julie nodded. "This is about you now."

"Then my answer is yes," I said. "Providing that my moving into Roberta's place is acceptable to all occupants."

"I will find out for you Jack. I'm going to make some calls, Jules," Roberta collected her stamp and left the room.

"Who are you, really?"

"My official title is not known to very many people," Julie sat down on the couch and patted the cushion beside her. "Suffice it to say, I am a troubleshooter of sorts for Scarlett Industries."

"So I started out as just a job to you?" I sat beside her, making sure that our legs touched.

"I will say sort of. Yes, I knew things about you. No, I wasn't planning on falling in love with you. I was originally assigned to find out if you were the Jack Greene we were looking for, then I was supposed to give you a check."

"That's what the lunch invitation was about?"

"Yes. Then something happened. In the short time that it took to get from the plant to your house, I fell for you, hard. I don't know what it was, but I fell in love with you, Jack."


"You're welcome," Julie smiled. "Then I saw what the shock of absolute betrayal did to you, and I vowed to make sure that you won't be betrayed, ever again."

"Enter the young, happy-go-lucky, oh-so-heavenly looking Roberta," I teased.

"Hey!" Julie punched me in the arm.

"I'm just kidding, Jules. I'm flattered, really. Both of you are just so...beautiful, I can't help but be attracted to you. If I could handle it, I would want my hands on you, both of you, all the time."

Julie blushed at that. "And you will Jack. Roberta and I have a lot of things in common, which means that the two of you will have a lot of things in common."

"Including my soon-to-be-increasing sexual appetite?" I teased.

"Even that," Julie nodded.

"Don't forget Kerri," Roberta stuck her head into the room. "She said yes."

"Thank you Bobbi," Julie said.

"Not a problem," Roberta pulled her head back.

"What about you, Jules?"

"I will miss you horribly when I am away from you, Jack. But I take comfort in the fact that you will be loved and cared for while I am away."

"You don't have those LA boys lining up on your doorstep?" I reached down and pulled her foot up, giving it and the attached ankle some attention from my fingers.

"I did, but I didn't date any of them. Competition, you know."


"Last night, well, you're the first man I have been with for a while. That's not to say that I haven't been alone, you know what I mean."

"I do." I started working my way up her thigh. "So it won't bother you, my sharing a bed with Roberta and maybe Kerri in your absence?"

"No, that is something that I am encouraging, remember?" Julie let out a gasp as my fingers entered her pubic triangle.

"I remember."

"Something else, Jack, before you push me over the edge," Julie's rate of breathing had nearly doubled.


"Count on more," Julie screeched as her body bucked against my fingers. "Don't stop Jack."

"I won't," I promised.


Kerri arrived while Roberta was doing her between-the-legs masturbation of me in the shower. After Roberta and I got out of the shower, Kerri introduced herself with a kiss and an extremely long and satisfying blow job. I had never ejaculated that many times in an hour, but it felt really good.

My belongings, with the exception of the can crusher in the basement, were meager and easily loaded into the minivan that Kerri had driven to my house. I was down in the basement disassembling the crusher when my landlord came to visit. "Moving out, Jack?"

"Sorry I didn't call you, Dan," I pulled a check out of my pocket. "Here's a check for the rest of this month and seven days into the next for a two-week notice."

Dan took the check and tucked it into his pocket. "You know, a couple of months ago, I was entertaining the thought of selling this property to you and Megan. I guess that isn't going to happen now, is it?"

"Sorry, Dan, but no. Megan and I didn't part on very good terms. She's on some kind of rampage about maintaining her right to this residence."

"That right expires when you hand me the keys, Jack," Dan replied. "You're the only one on the lease."

"I thought as much," I pulled the house keys out of my pocket and handed them to Dan. "Megan won't give her keys to me."

"She will to me. What is that thing, anyway?"

"It was a can crusher. Now, I don't know."

"You'll figure it out, Jack," Dan clapped me on the back. "Good luck."

I looked over to the base of the steps, Kerri had returned with a dolly. "I'm doing good so far, Dan."

"Yes you are, Jack," Dan agreed. "Good-bye, Jack."

"Good-bye, Dan."

Dan went up the stairs, and Kerri rolled the dolly over to me. "It looks like a crusher."

I found a can that had escaped a plastic bag and handed it to her. "Before I moved to the city, I used to wander stretches of rural roads

and highways looking for cans. I was always fascinated by what a car moving sixty miles an hour would do to a can, so I did my best to duplicate it. You use a hand crank to spin a counterweight to a high speed, then you engage the crusher, and that's the result."

"Neat," Kerri folded the can again and stuck it into her pocket. "You ready?"

"I can handle it, no offense."

"None taken."

"Tell me the truth, Kerri, did you really like sucking on me for what seemed like forever?"

"My mouth got a little numb, but the taste of your cum was worth it. Yes, I liked it, and am looking forward to doing it again to just you."

"Why did you word it like that?"

"Because I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Yes, I could suck your dick for long periods of time. No, I have not done that to any man before you, and I won't do it to another man."


"If the day ever comes that you ask me to leave, Jack, after that. You won't see any of us cheating on you because it won't happen. Like Julie said, you won't face that kind of betrayal ever again."

"Thank you. I just wonder what I have done that could inspire that kind of devotion."

"You will," Kerri smiled. "Let's get this thing to your new home before I feel the urge to pull down your zipper again."

I slid the dolly under the heaviest part of the crusher and started stacking smaller pieces on top of it. "If you don't mind my asking."

"How did I get so good at giving a blow job if I've never sucked a cock before?" Kerri asked. "Videos and dildos."

"Don't hide the dildos on my account. I would like to use them on you and Roberta and Julie when I am in need of recharging."

"Maybe even watch us use them on each other?" Kerri gave me an evil grin.

"You'd be surprised at what I would like to see," I smiled. "You want to pull, and I'll push?"

"That's the way it usually works, isn't it?"

I pointed to the dolly. "Present time."

"Oh, sure."

I followed Kerr's van in my car. Roberta promised me that somebody would get my old but faithful car from my old residence in case Megan would try to exact revenge on it. Julie showed me around my new place, even showing me where the master bedroom was. The master bathroom was the shocker, it was almost big enough to be a bedroom by itself.

In one corner lay the bathtub, which looked like it would seat three. The other corner was a shower made of glass walls, with three shower heads. "I like that," I pointed.

"I thought you might," Julie said. "I have to be in LA early tomorrow, don't be sad when I leave you tonight."

"All I ask is that you come back, purple lady."

"My word is my bond to you, Jack. I will be back to you as often as I can," Julie wrapped her arms around me, mashing her breasts against my chest. "I love you, Jack Greene."

"I love you too, Julie Simmons."

"This will be our last night together for a while. I'm headed for South Africa for another round of negotiations with a firm there."

"Please tell me you're going to have bodyguards."

"I will have bodyguards with me, just like you do, Jack."

"The people in the black Suburban?" I asked.

"No, they belong to somebody else, but they are not a threat to you," Julie assured me. She was leading us in a dance of sorts, inching us

toward the bedroom. When we passed the doorway, I shut the lights off to the bathroom.

"How do you know?"

"Because I know who they are. No, I can't tell you Jack, I gave my word," Julie bent her knees a little to give her the force she need to wrap her legs around me. "Take me to bed, Jack."

"Your wish is my command."


Julie left early the next morning, waking me up to give me a good-bye kiss. That woke Roberta up, and she immediately rolled on top of me for another round. While Roberta and I were showering, Kerri came in to join us. When I saw them side-by-side, I made a comment about them being cut from the same mold.

We did the naked breakfast again, Kerri slipping under the table to give me a blow while I was trying to eat. She came out several minutes later with an impish smile on her face.

"If I were a sane man, I would wager that you two are drugging me," I accused.

"Do you want to know the truth, Jack?" Kerri asked.

"Sure. I can't imagine that there's any Viagra left in the city of Wavecrest."

"Stop that, Jack," Roberta pouted. "Would you have it any other way?"

"I will if I ever go out in public," I retorted.

"You didn't have any problems with moving, did you?" Roberta asked. "Once everybody was dressed, your erection went away, right?"

"True. Are you spiking my food with something, Bobbi?"

"It is a special drug, you won't find it any book, or for sale through spam e-mails on the internet. Julie was getting a little anxious,

so she spiked your wine at the restaurant," Roberta admitted. "You can't be mad at us for that, all we wanted was to bond with you."

Bond, that was a good word for it. I was bonding with the two of them, and I couldn't find anything wrong with that. If the ability to have

long erection times with multiple ejaculations would keep these two beautiful women coming back for more, so much the better. "So how does it work?"

"Do you have an erection now?" Roberta asked.

"Not after Kerri got through with me."

"I wanted my desert first," Kerri pouted.

"Watch," Roberta stood up, beckoning for Kerri to do the same. They both walked to where I could see them and began touching each other. My cock instantly sprang to life, much to their amusement. Roberta pushed Kerri away, and they went back to their chairs. After a minute, I felt my cock start to soften. "You see how it works?"

"I certainly do," I nodded. "Thank you."

"No, thank you, Jack," Roberta said. "What do you want to do today?"

"I guess I should get my stuff unpacked."

"Already done, except for the last load," Kerri volunteered. "Your clothing is in the master bedroom."

"That's my room?" I asked.

"It is now. This is your house, Jack," Roberta said. "You thought you could get away with just shredding that check, didn't you?"

"You're kidding. This place has to be worth four hundred grand."

"Close," Roberta admitted. "Since this is your house, what kind of rules would you like to lay down for us?"

"Rules?" I was baffled.

"Your house, your rules," Roberta said.

"No rules, we are all adults here," I finally declared.

"How about no sex unless you're involved?" Kerri offered.

"That wouldn't be any fun," I countered. "I would love to come home from a long day at the office to interrupt the two of you at something."

"Not going to happen, Jack," Roberta said. "I'm your receptionist now."

"There are tremendous moral implications that go along with that statement," I said.

"No, there are not. Scarlett Industries isn't paying either one of us for sleeping with you. If you want to get technical about it, we will draw any monies we need from your salary, just like any normal girlfriends would do."

"That makes me feel a whole lot better. Girlfriends?"

"Sure, that goes great as an introductory line," Kerri smiled.

"Okay. Why a receptionist, Bobbi?"

"That's what I do, answer the phones, make appointments, come in to give the boss a little midday stress relief, that sort of thing."

"You have to get something for the work that you do."

Roberta shook her head. "You are all that I need, Jack."

I could tell that she meant it, no further discussion needed. "What about you, Kerri?"

"You don't think the sheets on the bed are going to change themselves do you?" Kerri asked with a smile. "I'm the maid, cook, and cock-sucker."

Roberta snorted at that. "You haven't named her yet, Jack."

"I can't vary her name any," I shrugged.

"My full name is Karina Renee Lombardi," Kerri said. "I guess that Kerri will have to do."

"Keenee," I split the word into two syllables. "How's that for an intimate name?"

"I like it," Kerri smiled.

"Don't you have something that you want to do with Jack, Keenee?" Roberta prompted.

"I sure do," Kerri stood up and came over to me, putting her pert little breasts into my face. "Come on, Jack."

I stood up, and let her lead me upstairs. She closed the door to the master bedroom and went over to the bureau. She pulled a condom out of the bureau and brought it over to me, opening the wrapper as she did so. My cock was already rock-hard, facilitating her roll of the condom down my shaft.

"What's this for?" We hadn't used condoms the previous night, or any time before that.

"I want you to do me up the ass, Jack," Kerri turned around and bent over.

"Not like this," I shook my head. "Get up on the bed, Keenee."

Kerri complied with my order, and I followed. "Lay down on your side." She laid down, and I spooned up behind her, wrapping my arms around her. The lubricant on the condom eased my entry into her asshole, Kerri pushing back against me with a groan.

She eased herself back and forth on my cock while I played with her nipples. I tried to reach down to give her further stimulation, but she pulled my hand back up. "I want to see if I can have an orgasm without your fingers, Jack," she whispered.

I nibbled on her earlobe instead, working my way down to her neck. I started to suck on her neck, and Kerri gave me a little groan in response. I sucked harder, and she groaned louder, quickening the movement of her body. "Go ahead Jack, mark me," Kerri said.

That was all the prompting I needed to give her the hickey I wanted to leave on her neck. She had an orgasm minute later, her body shuddering in what I hoped was ecstasy. I held her tightly in my arms, my hands cupping her breasts. I pulled out of her, taking the condom off and flinging it away. Kerri opened her legs and guided me into her warm, slick pussy, clamping her legs shut when I was inside.