Mind Writing Pt. 01: Ali

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Psychic Jamie takes his teen girlfriends virginity.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 09/27/2020
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This is a new ongoing project, it's going to be in shorter bursts than my long-form stuff, more akin to Lira's Accounts in structure, but in the Mind Control category as opposed to, you know. Aliens.

I have a few chapters finished, a few in-progress, and a couple more planned, but chances are there'll be some gaps between uploads - most of my time is going into a new longer one-off piece that I'm excited about!

TW: mind control; brainwashing; deflowering; questionable consent

-- Part 1 - Ali --

I think I was about six when I realised I was different.

It was in school, and someone stole my favourite pencil, halfway through Mrs. McKenzie's maths class. I was so upset I remember thinking 'I wish they would poop themselves' - revenge fit for a six year old.

The thief, their name lost to memory and class photos, then actually shit themself in the middle of the classroom. I almost feel bad about it now, but at the time I just remember a feeling of... power. And I don't want that to sound malicious. I was a kid, children are stupid, and I'm well adjusted enough to understand what I did.

What I also did, however, was make someone shit themselves. So, what else could I do

Cue the next eighteen years of my life, as I've been trying to figure that out.

By all accounts, I was a quiet boy when I was little. Kept to myself, did my school work, managed to avoid bullies. My parents loved showing me off, like a prize vegetable at the county fair.

What they didn't know was that I was nudging thoughts into people's heads - telling bullies to leave me alone, and they would. Telling teachers to forget to ask for the homework when I hadn't done it, and suddenly I had an extra day to catch up. Stuff like that.

When I hit puberty, I'm sure you can imagine, things started to change. Obviously, hormones hit, and I'll get to that in a minute, but more importantly I got smarter. More nuanced. Instead of just giving orders inside my head and watching people follow them, I managed to develop almost a scaling system.

Let me give an example. My dad, fresh in from work one day, was in a foul mood. He went straight to the fridge, and grabbed a beer, ready for his put-me-down for the night. I used my gift, ability, whatever, and see that I'm able to sense his frustration, his anger. I managed to visualise it like a scale, or a slider. 0 to 100. His frustration felt like something around 75, so I just... pulled it down. I looked for his happiness when my mum came in - they'd been having issues. Happiness was at about 15, so I upped it to 30 as she walked in.

It doesn't sound like much, but that was the point. Incremental changes yielded the best results, I find. Plus the more I listened, or senses, or read these minds, the better I got. 'Happiness' could be split down into things like, satisfaction, excitement, glee, calm, and even love - or 'adoration', as I call it. It would be wrong to mess with how much someone loves you, so I try not to touch that.

Most things, though, were fair game, so long as they were small touches. This allowed me to, subtly, turn out on top of any situation I felt the need to adjust, without tipping anyone off that I was doing anything... strange. Of course, that's not to say that I've never been curious about what would happen if I read someone as a 0 in something and rammed it up to 100 - of course I've been curious. But something tells me it either wouldn't be safe for the person, or it would cause a scene that might lead to me being implicated or something. I don't know, but I've kept my curiosity at bay. Mostly.

So, eighteen hits, and I'm starting to get interested in people. Boys, girls, it's never been much of a difference for me, but social convention at sixteen meant I'd only had girlfriends at that point, and growing up in a village like mine meant I was, more or less, waiting to go off to Uni to even bother.

Me, my girlfriend Alison - Ali - and a group of our friends had planned a sleepover for her birthday, and were all camping out in the living room of her single mum's massive lakeside cabin. We ate snacks, drank enough coke to drown an elephant, and watched old horror movies to freak ourselves out. I was old enough to drink, as was Ali, but not all of her friends were so we held off. Besides, Ali was planning a night out in town the next weekend to get plastered - this was more about friends, almost as a last night of innocence before adulthood began.

Ali's mum, the gorgeous Shona who I had a massive MILF crush on, came in and hit the lights off around one in the morning. Her hair was dark brown, and fell over her shoulders like a movie star. Her face was kind, and yet she had lips you couldn't help imagining in the most deprived scenarios. Her body was tight, and I knew she ran often, but she had wide hips and a full bust that, in her pyjamas, just radiated sensuality.

I was the only one of us left awake, so she gave me a smile in her nightdress which I will never forget, and headed off to bed.

Ten minutes later, the coke caught up to me and I got up to pee. I kept as quiet as possible so as not to wake anyone, and crept out onto the landing, when I stopped. I stopped because, behind Shona's door, I couldn hear panting, and rustling, and heavy breathing.

Now, I wasn't the most sexually aware eighteen year old, being a gawky bisexual with chronic quietness, but I had a sudden curiosity to find out what was going on, so I tuned into her head, and my fucking world changed in an instant.

Her mind was a smorgasbord of inputs - a million sensations all firing off at once, feeding into and off each other. Fear of being caught, exhilaration, excitement, relaxation, and at the center - pleasure. Her bliss centers were wavering around a 60, ebbing and flowing as everything else shifted into it.

I had an instant hard-on, as it clicked into place what was happening, but even so I had a moment of doubt. Should I leave her alone? Should i be embarrassed, walk away, and pretend it never happened?

I maybe should have, but whatever part of me that was tuned in to her was not my conscience. As such, I decided to have a play.

First, I pulled her embarrassment down from 45 to 25, and all of a sudden I could hear soft moans through the door - the lustful gasps of a woman in her prime bringing herself closer to the edge. Next, I took her exhilaration and pressed on that paddle, sending her from 50 to 60.

I could feel her bliss arching upwards, her body reacting to me as much as to herself. My mind was as lost in her pleasure as she was now, feeling echoes of her that were powerful, giving me an idea of the state she was in.

Think about James, I told her, putting my name into her head. I felt her pleasure drop naturally - I had to fight with my ego just to believe it was because thinking of her daughter's boyfriend was probably unexpected - and fought against it. I pulled her confusion down, her daring up, and dragged her pleasure up above 70.

'Oh shit,' I heard through the door, a gasp of pleasure and lust brought forward by me and her, her mind's eye thinking of me and I rode her brain to orgasm. 'Oh fuck yes!'

Her pleasure peaked naturally at around 80, and I fought the urge to push it any further. Her aftershocks rode through my mind as I held my image in her head, before I realised that I was standing in the hallway outside her room, my cock hard as steel and the tent in my jogging bottoms slightly damp.

I pushed up her satisfaction and relaxation, hopefully giving her a wonderful night's sleep, and scattered away to the bathroom.

For a while I just sat on the toilet, processing what had just happened. Not only had I caught Shona at a deeply personal moment, one I'm sure she would have been happy her daughter's boyfriend had intruded on, but I had worked my way into her fantasy and played with her mind until she came to the thought of me.

Again, shamefully, I was rock-hard, and regardless of how much I wanted to piss there was no way it was happening until I had taken care of it. Or, that's how I chose to justify jacking off in the sink to the echoing pleasure of Ali's mum's orgasm that ricocheted around my soul, making me cum like a firehouse all over the bathroom mirror, harder than I ever had before.

The whole thing had been... incredible. A taste of what my gift could give me. But I wasn't the kind of person who would just mess with people for the sake of it, so I simply cleaned myself up, went back to the pile of duvets on the floor, snuggled into Ali and fell asleep.

After Shona, I felt a kind of guilt. That I had messed with someone like that, it wasn't healthy. For me or her.


The next morning, we all rose for breakfast, and during the typical chatter of the day, I caught Shona looking at me more than once, her gaze confused and thoughtful.

'You okay?' Ali asked me, mouth full of croissant. 'You seem a bit spacey.' It was remarkable how much she resembled her mother, only scaled down. Instead of wide hips and amazing breasts, Ali was thin and almost flat, though her size-Bs were wonderful for her frame. We hadn't really moved into the realm of sex, but a bit of over-clothes fondling had told me she was sensitive, and often went without a bra when it was convenient, and today was no different. Her nipples poked out through her tee ever so slightly, even though the room wasn't cold, which told me maybe her mind was elsewhere.

'Sorry, yeah. Lots going on,' I said, deflecting.

'True. Any idea what you're doing after school finishes?'

'What, like uni?' I asked, and even as I was about to say 'No, I have no idea', a thought came to me. 'Psychology.'

Ali smiled. 'Yeah? That would suit you. You're a good listener.'

My eyes darted to Shona, but she was off talking to some of the others. She bent over a little to pick something up, and I pulled my eyes away. Ali frowned at me.

I tuned in, and straight away turned her concern down - I didn't need her asking questions today. As I did, however, I found her in a state I wasn't used to from her - anxious.

What has she got to be anxious about? I wondered.

Then, checking elsewhere, I found the culprit - her arousal was ticking up almost by the second, her own hormones playing havok with her sex drive as we sat across from each other.

The girl was wound tight, and unlike her mum it had nothing to do with me.

Well, not nothing.

I brushed her leg with mine, and she jumped - both physically and in arousal, her daring and exhilaration hovering at 67, while her arousal climbed past 65. I remembered how her mum was orgasming by this point, and made a point to think about how each person had different thresholds, and to have a look into it.

I tuned into our friends, Joe, Hayley and Phoebe, as well as Shona, and planted the idea of Shona taking them home, as well as dropping their suspicion.

'You wanna come?' Shona asked me, and, still tuned in, I felt her excitement bump. Naughty thing.

'No, we don't feel great,' I lied. They accepted it, and I felt Ali's trepidation climbing.

They packed up and left, and as soon as they were out, Ali kissed me. Her sweet soft lips pressed into mine, over the kitchen counter, as my hand found her thigh.

She gasped, and pulled away. 'I know it's a big thing to ask,' she said, her embarrassment too endearing to meddle with. 'But... I've always wanted to lose it on my birthday.'

With a smile, I played dumb. 'Lose what?'

She laughed, standing to come round the table. 'You know,' she said, her hand drifting down my crotch, stroking me through my loose pyjamas.

'Then ask me,' I said, all of a sudden enjoying the slight power exchange. I kissed her forehead, standing over her as her arms wrapped my waist.

She looked up at me, her doe eyes wide. 'Ask what?' Her voice was like honey.

I leaned in, a smirk on my face, and tuned in. I wanted to know how she took this. Her arousal, at 66, was hovering, waiting for something.

'Ask me to fuck you,' I whispered into her ear.

She gasped, as her arousal clocked 70, andi I could have sworn she experienced a small orgasm - a little shuddering bliss from inside her core.

My hands slid down her back, one coming up to hold her head as I kissed her, the other on her butt.

She was shocked - and, frankly, so was I. I had never been the confident, dominant one.

But, I'd also never been approached for sex by someone whose mum I helped cum last night. It was an interesting time.

'Please,' she whispered, almost a breath.

I kissed her forehead again. 'Ask me properly, Ali.'

Her hands found my waistband and tugged, and I could feel how much she enjoyed this. She was getting off on being controlled.


'Please, James,' she almost moaned in my ear as my hand kneaded her soft rear. 'Fuck me.'

She was full of that same anxiety, of fear and trepidation, but behind all that was the excitement and arousal, as well as something I hadn't really expected; submission.

I decided to play a little.

Bringing up her submission first, I held her close to me, pulling her in for a kiss. She moaned into me, her lips parting as our tongues met. She was soft and tasted like her morning pastry, sweet and moreish.

'Close the blinds,' I told her, not using my gift. She obeyed anyway, her lithe frame pulling off me on shaky legs to close the blinds in the room, cutting off the morning glow, as well as locking out any prying eyes.

She came straight back to me, and I pulled her in for another kiss. This time, I tuned into her and pulled her cognition down, just a tad. It didn't affect intelligence, per se - it was more like choosing not to think about something. In this case, anything but me.

God, this is addictive.

My hands slid into her pyjamas, letting me press fingers against her slit. She moaned, nodding to me with her eyes closed. She was so close, I could actually smell her. My middle digit slid into her tight virgin pussy, wet with excitement, and felt her soft flesh grip me like a fist. She shuddered, holding onto me as her body twitched through an orgasm.

I could feel, as well, how even though her pleasure gauge hadn't changed much, there was something attached to it that, while separate, was closely linked.


It was topped out, buzzing at 98, before she recovered and it simmered down to 60. She breathed on my neck as my finger stayed in her, sawing against her flesh as she moaned in my arms.

'Bed?' I asked simply. She nodded, and stepped back, letting me go first. Her submission was still in play, then.

We practically vaulted up the stairs, two excited teens about to have their first times together, and she'd already cum once - I think we both knew this was going to be special.

Her bedroom was painted a light purple, the remnants of her earlier teen years being forgotten as she stripped from her clothes, kneeling on the bed as I did the same. Her photo frames showed family on picnics, and the glass reflected her pert breasts, nipples achingly erect as she watched me.

I stepped out of my joggers, and pulled off the black tee I had been wearing. Her eyes dropped to my cock, and I could help but write in a twinge of fear, excitement and a kick of arousal for her, making her build an association between them. She bit her lip, eyes wide and hungry, as I joined her on the bed. She lay back as I kissed her neck, trying things out to see what got a bump in her excitement. At the nape of her neck, she showed a thrum of lust, between her breasts was almost relaxing, and as I made my way down her she was trying to suppress disappointment.

So, I kissed my way back up, and took her left nipple into my mouth. She gasped, her back arching as I tasted her supple flesh, soft yet firm, her nerves going off like fireworks as she moaned above me. Her fingers were in my hair as her knees spread, and I settled between them, wherein she started humping at my stomach. Her body was on fire, and I could almost see her climax building, climbing like a meter in my head.

So I stopped it. Just before she went over, I stopped her orgasm from crushing down. Her pleasure was hers, and her desperation was exquisite.

I swapped to the other nipple, as my left hand wrapped around her waist to hold her against me, her form light in my arms. Her moans of ecstasy filled the room, as I kept her from release, teasing her. The thought that this might have been cruel crossed my mind, but was quickly erased as she looked down at me with eyes full of want. I lifted off her, and kissed her again, deep and lustful. She scratched my back as my cock slid against her folds, soaking wet and agonisingly tempting - but I wanted to play. She was submissive, and she wasn't thinking straight, so it took only the effort to roll us over so she was on top and push her head downwards for her to get the message.

She smiled a wicked smile, betraying her sex-addled brain behind those doe eyes, and kissed her own way down my form. I wasn't an athlete, by any means, and I had a bit of a layer of fat over what I like to think we're decent muscles, but she didn't care. Ali seemed only intent on sliding down me on her eighteenth birthday, riding the sexual high she was on, and taking her boyfriend's cock in her mouth on her bed.

Which she did. Phenomenally.

She started by sliding between my legs, so my cock dragged between her young tits and emerged from under her chin. I was a good 6 inches long, but girth was my strong suit, and she struggled to make her fingers meet as she took it in her hand and started pumping it. She pulled my foreskin back, her eyes drinking me in as she kissed it up and down.

'You're so hard,' she said between kisses. I almost laughed.

'Why wouldn't I be? Look at you!'

I felt her adoration lift, taking it as a compliment of her beauty or sexuality, or sensuality. It was, but I also wanted her to be thinking... dirtier. This was my first time, and I was going crazy thinking about how far I could get her to go.

As I considered it, she sucked the head into her mouth, her lips gliding over my glans as she explored with licking and sucking, doing her own tests on me to see what worked.

I had fantasized about getting a blowjob, but the reality was incredible. The feeling of her mouth, her tongue, her soft moans travelling up my shaft as vibrations nearly wound me over. I actually had to stop her, placing a hand on her head so she was looking up at me again.

'If I don't fuck you now, you're gonna make me cum.'

She smiled, clearly enjoying herself. Neither of us were from prudish families, but our general inexperience was giving way to both of our sexual identities - turns out, I'm a Dom and she's a submissive little slut. Lovely.

I pulled her up, and we repositioned ourselves so she was on her back again, and my cock was against her entrance. I tuned in, still holding back her orgasm, but made sure it was right on the edge. Ali, beneath me, was almost vibrating from how much she needed to cum, her thin hips grinding against me so my glans slipped through her folds. As the head of my cock pushed aside her lips and grazed her clit, she moaned, her head falling back, as she began to beg again.

'James, please - I need you. I need you in me, baby...'

I braced myself at her opening, and our eyes met. I looked at her, my first real romantic partner, who I'd known since we were kids,grown up just down the road from. She was beautiful, her dark hair around her like a sinful halo, her eyes a mix of youthful excitement and lustful intent, her chest heaving and limbs wrapping around me as our naked forms met.

'Oh fuck,' I breathed, feeling her body under me writhing in wanton need.