Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 01

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A journalist asks questions of a very busty young executive.
12.4k words

Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/25/2018
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(This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely cheating, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.)

(Additional note for this series: EACH CHAPTER IN THIS SERIES CAN BE READ ON ITS OWN. Each chapter is self-contained, but if you do read the whole thing, some of the specific details will become clearer and more fleshed-out. Enjoy)


(Chapter 1)

Liam Morris was both excited and nervous for the interview he was about to do this morning. Fresh out of journalism school, he had just secured a job at a pretty prominent website. But up to this point, all of his pieces had been pretty low-stakes. He was looking for something with a bit of meat. Something he could point to and be proud of.

Now he had his opportunity.

As someone who had a strong sense of right and wrong, he longed for the day where he could do some real journalism and expose some great injustice. Whenever he watched a movie about reporters bravely exposing some massive crime, he would always imagine himself in their place. So, he was forever on the lookout for that one big story. And as he paid attention to the news back home and heard about this huge new plant being built, all his journalistic alarms were raised.

North Pole LLC had become a pretty big story worldwide as it grew from a small, humble little company to a multi-billion dollar company within a few years. Before all this, it had just been this cute little Christmas themed company that distributed holiday related supplies. And seemingly overnight, they were this international conglomerate, with their hands in seemingly everything, from decorations and toys, to food and drink, to clothing and appliances, to chemicals and medicine and fossil fuels. People were so amazed at their meteoric rise and unprecedented success that not enough of them were asking questions about how they got there.

Liam had questions.

Doing his research leading up to this, there were a lot of holes in this supposedly wholesome company's story. How did their reach become so wide so fast? Where did they get their financial backing? How did they feel about practically becoming a monopoly and wiping out smaller businesses? And why weren't people in high places asking these questions? Did they have political connections, or something even deeper? And finally, who was this mysterious CEO who led this meteoric rise, who hid behind the cutesy name 'Mrs. Claus'?"

When Liam mentioned to his bosses that he was heading back home, to the same place where this massive plant had just opened, they secured him an interview easily. He expected that North Pole thought this would be a simple puff piece, but Liam planned to ask some tougher questions. Now, he didn't plan on going on the attack and turning this into some 'gotcha' thing. He knew his limits, and he planned to work within them. But he wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't inquire about some tougher subjects.

He wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of doing this on Christmas Eve, but the plant had been crazy busy with the holidays, understandably, and he was only in town for a few days, so this was the only time that worked. His girlfriend Jess wasn't exactly thrilled to be spending the morning alone with his mom Sylvia, his older sister Deb, and Deb's husband Jonathan, people she hadn't met until a few days prior, but she understood that this was a big opportunity for him.

The 24-year-old wasn't used to dressing up for his work, but he knew he had to put his best foot forward. Clad in nice, dark slacks and a dark blue button-up, he looked pretty sharp. He did his best to stay in shape, as a lot of his work was pretty sedentary, and he did a pretty good job at keeping fit. He filled out his clothing well, while not going overboard. He came from a Mediterranean background, so everyone in his family had a natural, olive complexion, which worked on him. He was a handsome young man, and his stylish glasses belied his intelligence and natural curiosity.

He showed up at an early hour to take a tour of the plant with an HR rep before his meeting with the woman who was the head of the plant, Hannah Steinberg. The HR rep, an Asian woman about five years older than him named Chelle, really knew her stuff, taking him around the plant, detailing almost everything he saw. She did it with a friendly, professional, perfectly practiced tone, softening his skepticism somewhat. Because despite his reservations about this place, he had to admit this plant was mighty impressive.

First of all, the place was absolutely huge. It looked large from the outside, and being inside of it only made it feel more massive. It had to be a few hundred feet up to the ceiling, making him feel like a small part of something much bigger than him. Chelle took him past some of the assembly lines, where people were putting together some of the products. There were people all over, assembling or inspecting all sorts of different items. She led him through a different part of the plant that was more like a lab, where people seemed to be doing some testing. She didn't take him beyond the glass, but it seemed impressive nonetheless. Another part of the plant handled food, and Chelle smoothly took a cookie off the production line and let Liam try it.

The area where they put together the clothing was also impressive, with some people doing some work by hand, and the machines taking care of the rest. Another area handled assembling and packaging the Christmas decorations, and the whole area was especially Christmas-y. The whole plant was generally decorated in Christmas themes, but this part especially. And, by the way, all the workers in the plant were wearing little Christmas hats, and if they had to wear hard-hats, they were designed to look like Santa hats. It was probably annoying to deal with that for the workers, but it was a cute touch. When he walked by an area where people were wrapping little gifts, he did for a moment feel like he was in the toy plant at the North Pole.

The shipping area seemed to run smoothly. Chelle explained that they aren't able to produce all their items in-house, and that they either own other, smaller, more specialized plants, or are affiliated with them, allowing them to fill all their customer's needs. There was also one area in shipping where they were getting truckloads of coal dropped off into massive containers, which seemed odd to him, as this didn't seem like the type of place that ran on coal.

The distribution area was probably half the plant, and it was massive. Looking down from the scaffolding, at the lines and lines of products sitting on shelves, with all these robots going around, grabbing and carrying items to conveyor belts. Even the robots had Christmas hats on top, so committed to the theme this company was. The people that worked on this floor almost looked like ants from where he was standing, that's how massive it was.

There was one area of the plant that they didn't let him go, but watching someone open a door and enter it as they were on the plant floor, it was clear in the split-second glance he got inside that it was the most interesting spot in the place. What he saw was hard to parse. First, he noticed massive piles of wrapped gifts, stacked roughly in the shape of a pyramid. It was the pile of gifts every kid dreamed of getting. There were multiple piles of these gifts, which were spread apart all over the floor. Secondly, he noticed that this area was full of people, but these people, mostly women, were dressed up in what appeared to be the outfits you'd see the people who helped out Santa at the mall wearing. Like, Christmas elf outfits, Santa's helpers. And these outfits, from his quick glimpse, seemed to be surprisingly, uh... skimpy. Tall, green or red boots. Tight, skimpy skirts, showing a lot of leg. And tight, revealing tops, showing off their bare midriffs. Liam only got a quick glimpse, so he figured he must have been mistaken. And lastly, he noticed something strange on the ceiling. There was what looked to be a retractable door of some kind. But why? Did they get deliveries by helicopter or something? It didn't make sense...

But this quick glimpse was all he got, as the door shut quickly, and Chelle seemed especially eager to move on and not let him ask any questions, talking rapidly, leaving him unable to get a word in edgewise. After having some of his feelings about 'North Pole' soften throughout the tour, his alarm bells were raised again.

Chelle led him away from the plant towards the office side of the facility. The entire plant was impressively modern, and this section was even more so. With white walls adorned with artfully minimalist red and green lines along the edges, and dark stone floors to walk along, it just looked really cool. There was impressive tech all over, with some touchscreens embedded in the walls next to every door. They even had these holograms projected at major hallway crossings, standing taller than Liam. Holograms of Christmas imagery. Classic images of Santa, reindeer, Christmas trees, snowmen, stuff like that. It was pretty impressive. Chelle led him up to the top floor on an elevator playing Christmas music, naturally, and when they emerged into a wide hallway, they were met with the person Liam was actually gonna be interviewing.

Hannah Steinberg was the woman in charge of this particular plant. Liam didn't know what to expect with her, and the woman he saw approaching him was certainly unexpected.

First of all, she was a lot younger than he expected. He expected some hardened older businesswoman, but what he saw instead was a young, beautiful woman, maybe 30 years old. And beautiful might be putting it lightly. She was stunning. A fair-skinned brunette with long, cascading brown hair, striking hazel eyes, a slim, smooth nose, and plump, full lips, she could have been a model. She was dressed well, in an expensive looking black business suit, a black coat, a thin matching skirt, and a shiny white blouse. She had severe looking black high heels, but she wore them well, striding confidently towards him. Her exposed lower legs were covered in dark stockings, clinging to her long firm legs.

She looked like a high-powered young businesswoman, but what made her specific to this place was the cute little Santa hat on top of her head.

"Liam?" she asked with a bright smile, her heels clicking on the floor as she moved towards him.

"Hi, I'm Liam," he said, shaking her hand as she extended hers. He found himself nervous in a way he didn't think he'd be, being in such a beautiful woman's presence. "Hannah Steinberg?"

"Yep," she replied. "Nice to meet you." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Hope you enjoyed the grand tour Chelle gave you."

"Yeah, she was great. This place is... impressive." Liam replied. Chelle smiled at this, and Hannah gave her a small nod, dismissing her.

"Okay, so we're gonna be over there," she said, gesturing towards a room at the end of the hall. She began leading him down the hall, and Liam's eyes went straight down to her ass. Her spectacular ass. Her round, firm, heart-shaped rear stood out from her slim frame, her tight skirt clinging to it. Liam couldn't help but watch it sway side-to-side as she walked.

It had been a long time since he'd been so taken aback by a woman. He was a confident guy, but sometimes, just like any guy, even if you have a girlfriend, when you had the attention of a beautiful woman on you, you start to sweat. He shook his head to clear it, bringing his eyes up just as she spoke up.

"Sorry we couldn't do this any sooner," Hannah said. "Obviously, it's the busy season."

"Uh, it works out. I'm in town for the holiday anyway, so it wasn't a big deal," Liam said.

"You staying with family?" she asked.

"Yeah, I grew up here, so I'm crashing with my folks. Me, my girlfriend, and my sister and her husband," Liam replied.

"That's nice," she said with a warm smile. "I just moved to the area, so I'm still getting the lay of the land. I got a house right outside town, but... I'm still looking for a nice place right in the heart of Deerberg."

"Well, it's a good area. It's seen better days, but..." Liam began.

"It's on the rise!" she said confidently, glancing around at the big, fancy office around them. Liam smiled lightly at this. They approached a conference room, and Hannah rubbed her hand on her coat for a few moments before placing it on the touchpad. The door unlocked and she pushed it open and led him inside.

Like the rest of the office, it was very fancy and minimalist, with an expensive table in the middle and big chairs all around it. The walls were plain, with a large TV on the near side of the room, and a blank white wall on the far side. The near side caught Liam's eye, as close to him looked like the type of big, garish seat that you'd see Santa sitting in at the mall.

"You can get the big man's seat," she said with an amused grin, indicating to sit in the Santa chair. A bit confused, he nevertheless followed her direction, sitting down in the big, comfy Santa chair. "You want something to drink?" she asked, moving towards a small mini-fridge in the far corner.

"Uh... a water will be fine," he replied. Pulling open the door, she grabbed a pair of water bottles. She moved towards him, sliding one bottle along the table before sitting down in the chair next to him. As she sat, she undid the button of her coat, the sides of it parting to give him a view of her blouse, and as she did so, Liam's eyes went straight to her chest, for one very simple reason.

Hannah has massive breasts.

He was shocked by this. Liam was not typically one to take notice of such things, but Hannah's breasts were, uh... very noticeable. They were absolutely huge! Mammoth sized, and round, and firm, they tested the strength of her silky white blouse. Liam was amazed that breasts so big could be played down in her suit coat, and he was even more amazed they could somehow be packed in her blouse. He'd never seen a professional woman with such insanely large boobs. They were just huge, and full, and firm, the top clinging to them, barely able to contain them. As Hannah cracked open her water bottle and leaned back to take a sip, Liam tried not to stare at her breasts as they were being forced outward by her arched back, her top molding to their round shape so completely he swore he could see the indents caused by her nipples.

He again shook his head and looked away. He was SO not this type of guy. When he was younger, sure, he wasn't the best at getting with girls, but his job had given him confidence enough to get pretty good at the whole dating thing. Now, he had a pretty awesome girlfriend, a pretty blonde named Jess, who worked at an art museum that he did a story about a year prior. But Jess didn't have tits anyway near as big as Hannah's. Few women did.

Clearing his head, and trying to stay professional, he focused on getting ready for the interview. He unpacked his bag, pulling out a notebook and pencil and a sound recorder, which he always used to record his interviews, which he verified was okay with Hannah. As he settled in, Hannah spoke up again.

"So, you enjoyed the tour?" she asked, pulling the Santa hat off her head and setting it on the table.

"Yes. This place is... impressive," he admitted.

"I know. I've never seen anything this huge before," she said, and it took all his willpower not to glance at her chest at this unplanned double entendre.

"So... let's begin," Liam said.

They got into the interview, and despite still wanting to ask some tough questions, he didn't want to just leap into that stuff right away. He started off by asking her some lighter questions, the questions she probably wanted to be asked, about the plant, about all the jobs they would be bringing in, that type of thing. Liam was nervous to start, but the easy flow of the conversation calmed his nerves. Hannah was very easy to talk to, very personable, which explains why the company liked having her as not only as the head of the plant, but as a mouthpiece. Still, it was amazing that someone only a few years older than him could get such a position of power, and he saw this as a way to transition into some tougher questions.

"So, Ms. Steinberg, for someone as young as you are, what's it like being in charge of such a massive operation?" Liam asked.

"It's tricky, because so many people here are older than me. But I've earned respect, I think. Plus, I have the endorsement of the boss lady, and that goes a long way," Hannah replied.

"So, you've met her?" Liam asked. He'd done a lot of research about the mysterious 'Mrs. Claus', but very little hard information about her true identity.

"Of course!" Hannah replied. "She's the one that hired me."

"Can you tell me a little about her?" He inquired. "I know she's a bit of a subject of mystery, but you seem to have an actual relationship with her, so..."

"Well, some people are entitled to their privacy," she began, "And for a person of such prominence and wealth, her privacy is vital." Liam nodded, fully expecting a non-answer. "But I will say that she is a brilliant woman. Intelligent and beautiful and fiendishly clever. We've been friends for a long time, and when she..." Hannah paused, searching for the right words. "When she took over from the previous administration and turned this small company into the success story it is today, she took a chance and brought me on board. And she was proven correct, as I've ascended to my current position very quickly." Knowing this was the most he would get about 'Mrs. Claus', he opted to drop the subject and move on to other things. At least for now.

"So, I have to ask, during the tour, there was a large section of the plant that you didn't allow access to. I got a glimpse, and I was hoping to ask a few questions," he began.

"Well, every company with its salt has some classified information. And I would say that anything you saw would be considered classified, and would not be authorized to be shared to anyone at this time," she said. She had maintained a professional, friendly tone throughout the interview, but this was the first time that tone gained a bit of a hard edge. She was shutting him down on this line of questioning before he could start. Pivoting, he asked another.

"Your company's arrival in this town hasn't exactly been smooth," Liam began. "There have been many protests about some rumors about the working conditions for some of the workers, how you've put some of the town's smaller companies out of business, how you've bought up land and have practically eaten up this town. How do you respond?

"Um..." she paused, straightening her shoulders, a bit surprised by the question. "As far as any complaints about our working conditions, they are unfounded. You can check any outside report on any of our working conditions. They are spotless. I'm sure the people spreading these rumors are disgruntled former employees. And as far as this plant coming into the city...well, obviously, going by the name the 'North Pole', Christmas is in our blood. All of us that work here love Christmas and think back fondly when looking back at all our old Christmases when we were kids. We're the people that love when they start playing Christmas music the day after Halloween, haha! And when you look at the history of Deerburg, the Christmas spirit is huge here as well. It seems like a natural fit. Now, there were certainly some growing pains, as we are a very successful enterprise, and this is a town that has seen some economic hardship. There was inevitably gonna be some friction. But we are bringing work to an area that vitally needs it, and while yes, some local businesses are going out of business, we are working with others to ensure that we can help them in any way we can." She said this again, in her professional tone, but there was clearly some annoyance creeping in.