Mommy's Home Ch. 01

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Yuri Miyashita learns her new tenant's secret.
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[Pre-story]Hey there! Remember me? It's been a while! Some things have changed! Honestly, there's entirely too much to go over in a paragraph. There's two things I want to make sure y'all know, though- Number one: I'm back! I'm gonna be writing smut again! Number two:,I'm a girl now! I'm Squi(she) now, and go by she/her pronouns! Don't worry, you can still call me Squish, or Admiral Squish, or Squishy, or whatever.

As always, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

CONTENT WARNINGS: Unrealistic anatomy, huge breasts, huge cocks, excessive cum, futanari, cybernetics, exhibitionism

DISCLAIMER: All characters are 18+ [/pre-story]

~~~September 12th, 2018~~~

Yuri Miyashita found herself pacing back and forth in the living room, alternating between glancing out the window and glancing at her phone. Her phone pinged again and again, and each time, she hastily brought it up, only to see out it was just another reply on one of her MyBook groups and lower it to her side once more. As her gaze turned out the window, searching, she couldn't help but notice the leaves on the enormous red maple in the middle of the long, horseshoe-shaped driveway were starting to turn, turning from deep purple to brilliant red. She sighed, mentally noting the raking that would soon come- until another notification sounded and she raised the phone again.

"Mom~!" Kyoko Miyashita chided with a playful, slightly exasperated sigh as her mother checked her phone for the thousandth time. "Relax! She's only like twenty minutes late." She reminded her mother, leaning one shoulder against the arch between the living room and the dining room. "It probably just took her a little while to claim her luggage, you don't have to worry so much." She suggested with a shrug, before crossing her arms under her breasts- which was enough to almost make them disappear. Kyoko looked much like her mother had, some twenty years prior, when she had also been a petite teenage girl- she had a slender frame, a tiny waist, and narrow shoulders. Her skin was flawless, pale and soft, with a cute, narrow face that came down to a pointed chin and a little button nose. Her long, silky black hair was tied up in a ponytail with a pastel pink ribbon, leaving only a few locks loose to perfectly frame her face. The biggest difference was, while Yuri had never been particularly small in the chest, Kyoko was... extraordinarily gifted, with enormous, full, firm breasts, far too large for a single hand to cup, like twin melons. Nearly the size of her head, her monumental mounds only looked more enormous on her narrow chest. Even the relatively modest peach-pink dress she wore could do little to hide them, the lace trim around the neckline only serving to further accentuate the deep valley of cleavage they formed, almost threatening to spill out over the top as they strained against the material.

Yuri paused in her pacing and gave her daughter a sheepish smile. "I guess I'm just a bit nervous." She confessed, shaking her head. Almost as if on cue, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye, and snapped her head to look, catching sight of the yellow bumper of a taxi coming up the street. "Oh! There she is!" She exclaimed, then turned on her heel and started toward the foyer. "Come on, let's go greet her properly!" She urged, gesturing for Kyoko to follow. "You too, Masao!" She added.

Masao Miyashita looked up from his phone with confused sound, glancing between his mother, older sister, and the window, where the taxi was turning into the driveway, before muttering a quiet "Oh!" and pushing himself up from the armchair he sat in, rising to his feet and following them to the foyer. Being told to 'dress nicely', he'd opted for a simple dark blue polo shirt tucked into black slacks. He was an inch or two shorter than his older sister, though only a year and a half younger. He had smooth, fair skin, black hair that was trimmed short and lightly tousled, and an oval face with soft features and large, soulful brown eyes, which were usually hidden behind thick-rimmed glasses. On his looks alone, he might have been popular with the girls, in a pretty boy way, if it weren't for his seemingly unchangeable expression of bland disinterest, or his stoic silence.

As the family gathered in the spacious, stone-tiled foyer, Yuri took a moment to look herself over in the mirror, raising a hand to brush a lock of silky black hair back into place. Her hair was styled in a simple jaw-length bob cut, parted on one side. A simple style, one she found easy enough to maintain while juggling the many responsibilities of the household. Between cleaning, cooking, laundry, groceries, managing her accounts, PTA meetings, therapy, yoga, driving the kids around to club activities and friends' houses (well, driving Kyoko to her friends' houses, at least), it felt like she was always busy.

When Yuri looked in the mirror, she saw nothing more than a fat old woman looking back- an image twisted by her mind like the reflection in a carnival mirror, despite her therapist's best efforts. True, she had gained a good deal of weight since having children, but though her thrice-weekly yoga classes hadn't helped her lose much of it, they had sculpted and shaped her body into a work of art, an icon of feminine fertility. She could not see the supple hourglass curve of her figure. The way her incredible breasts, even larger than her daughter's prodigious bust, and far softer, filled her cream-colored sweater like a pair of ripe melons, each the size of her head. The way her waist tapered in sharply, leaving just the right amount of softness around her waist, before flaring out again over her broad hips. The way her gray skirt pulled tight around those round hips, and the glorious twin globes of an ass that practically begged to be worshipped; round and soft, thick and firm, juicy and meaty, all at once. The sculpted taper of her thick, soft, smooth thighs, wrapped in sheer black stockings as they emerged from the narrow hem of her skirt, just above her knees, sharply narrowing down into shapely calves and delicate feet. While she was rapidly approaching forty, she certainly didn't show it- her skin was still fair and soft, with only faint hints of crow's feet around her eyes that could easily be concealed by her usual makeup.

Alas, Yuri simply could not see the beauty in her reflection, and pursed her full, pink-painted lips in frustration as she looked upon it. It didn't matter what anyone said- the envious whispers of the other PTA moms were transformed to mockery in her ears, the sincere praise of her friends turned to kind lies aimed to spare her feelings, the lustful comments of young men were simple depravity, not praise. Suddenly, the doorbell rang out, and she jolted in surprise, tearing her scornful gaze away from the mirror. Her heart was pounding as she hurried toward the door, hastily unlocking the deadbolt and chain before before turning the handle and pulling the door open a crack, only to freeze as she saw the figure waiting on the other side.

For a moment, Yuri thought she was seeing things. The figure looming on her porch was so far outside her expectations, she froze like a deer in headlights as she struggled to reconcile them with reality. The figure was a woman, that much she could tell by the hourglass shape of her figure, but she was HUGE, in every way Yuri could imagine. She towered over Yuri, tall enough that her head might scrape the doorframe, powerful shoulders, and under every inch of her fair skin, there were layers upon layers of thick, corded muscles- Yuri had never seen a man with arms like that, let alone a woman! But she was clearly a woman- twin globes, each the size of her head, rode high and firm on her chest and strained against her top. She wore an undersized, cropped black leather jacket that looked like it had had its sleeves torn off, the lapels and shoulders densely studded with blunt stainless steel studs. The front was held together by a single steel button, which looked like it was moments from flying off, struggling under the pressure it contained- which would be particularly disastrous because the 'shirt' she wore under it was essentially a crop top made of fishnet, offering no modesty whatsoever. The jacket was so short it did nothing to hide the six-pack- no; the eight-pack of rippling abs on her stomach, nor the deep, sculpted crevices between them.

A wide black leather belt with criss-crossing straps and gleaming stainless steel fasteners held up a pair of tight black pants that bore an odd trait- the zipper was exposed, and it ran all the way from her belt down the inside of one thigh, almost to the knee. For a moment, Yuri thought she saw something stretching the material under that zipper, but she dismissed it amid the struggle to comprehend the rest of this towering figure before her. Black leather straps wrapped and criss-crossed over the other thigh, forming the shape of a six-pointed star just above her knee, the elaborate straps connected to her belt by a half dozen stainless steel chains. She wore enormous black leather boots, towering platforms that made her even taller, fastened with a dozen or so buckles running up her shins and studded with blunt stainless steel spikes in several places. They matched her black elbow-length fingerless gloves- which looked more like gauntlets, with sturdy leather attached over her forearm and extending over the back of her palms. The leather part was studded with rows and rows of short, blunt, stainless steel spikes- they looked like weapons more than fashion accessories!

Yuri's eyes continued to move back up the stranger's body. She noted a black leather choker around her neck, a single strap that had both ends fastened to a steel buckle in the shape of a heart positioned over her throat. Her black lipstick matched her black nail polish, as well as the smoky, dark eyeshadow. Her eyes were shockingly bright blue, and seemed even brighter framed by her dark makeup. She had an incredibly long, wild, wavy hair that cascaded down to the small of her back- it was more like a mane than a hairstyle! It was also intensely blue- a dark, almost navy blue near the roots that didn't fade so much as it brightened as it went, ending at a vibrant electric blue at the tips.

Yuri could only stare in wide-eyed shock for a moment, before the stranger turned to meet her gaze and gave a wide, toothy grin. For a moment, Yuri would have sworn the woman's eyes flashed, glowing with blue light for a moment- with the light behind her and her wild mane of unnaturally blue hair she looked like some sort of monster, an oni! Yuri squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, trying to clear away the vision, but when she opened them again, the woman still stood there, looming on her porch... but at least her eyes looked normal again.

Silence hung in the air, until Yuri finally spoke. "...Can I... help you?" She asked, with a strained politeness as she defensively narrowed the gap between door and frame slightly.

The woman continued to grin, seemingly unbothered. "It's me! Vicky!" she announced, loudly and proudly, jamming a thumb into her chest just above her cleavage "Sorry I'm a little late, I got held up with a..." She trailed off for a moment, her grin turning into a wry smirk. "...package inspection."

Did she mean 'baggage', Yuri wondered, then quickly shook her head, dismissing the thought. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know any 'Vicky'... " She muttered, hastily starting to close the door again.

Vicky's smile faltered a moment, a look of confusion moving across her brow, only to vanish as she seemed to put it together and smacked a hand to her forehead. "OH! I never changed it on MyBook! Ha!" She gave a single loud, barking laugh, before straightening up and putting one foot in front of the other, clearing her throat, and giving a mock bow and curtsy- revealing her truly spectacular cleavage in the process. "Good afternon, Ma'am. Olivia Victoria Cummins-Hyde, at your service." She spoke in a soft, gentle voice with a posh accent, before discarding the affectation and standing up straight, grinning once more. "I go by Victoria Hyde nowadays. Or Vicky Hyde, for short." She explained, once again returning to her regular voice... and volume.

Yuri's jaw hung open slightly in shock. Of course, she'd looked over Olivia's profile extensively before inviting her, but it might as well have belonged to an entirely different person! 'Olivia' seemed to be a modest, feminine young woman from a nice family- while 'Vicky' on the other hand was a tower of muscles who looked like... like some sort of criminal!

Vicky cleared her throat, and Yuri realized she'd been silent for a long moment. "It's a real nice place you got here! I'm lookin' forward to settling in!" Vicki mused aloud with a chuckle.

Yuri balked, having almost forgotten in the confusion. This giant? This... ruffian, in her home? Under the same roof as her sweet, innocent children? No, she couldn't allow this... but if she truly was Ophelia, then she'd flown across the country to come here... Yuri's eyes finally took note of the duffel bag hanging from Vicky's hand and the rolling suitcase standing behind her. Was that all she'd brought? She couldn't just leave her homeless and stranded... but no, she couldn't let...

"Come on, Mom, what's the hold up?" Kyoko asked, approaching the door, ignorant of the oni looming on the other side of it. She reached out, grabbed the edge of the door and pulled- and Yuri was too shocked to stop it from swinging wide open. "Please, come..." Kyoko began, trailing off as her cheerful expression faltered and the stranger came into view, her eyes following a similar journey as her mother's. "...inside..." Kyoko finished, swallowing nervously.

Vicky gave another broad, toothy grin, gripping the handle of her rolling suitcase. "Thanks!" She offered in gratitude as she quickly pushed into the house, ducking the doorframe slightly as she did, her enormous presence causing Kyoko to take a few steps back to make room. Yuri looked on in speechless horror as the blue-haired stranger invaded her home- she couldn't help but notice the look on Kyoko's face had shifted from shock to something like... awe? And when she glanced over to Masao, she saw he was looking up at her wide-eyed- which was more emotion than she'd seen on his face in months!

"So! You must be Mrs. Miyashita!" Vicki's voice boomed as she suddenly strode up to Yuri, closing the distance in a single step to tower over her, extending a hand to shake.

Yuri didn't even realize she was already extending her own hand out of pure reflex, at first- such social niceties were almost second nature to her now, though she was still caught off guard by the suddenness of the greeting. "Um... Yes... Yes! I'm Yuri Miyashita. Miss Miyashita. It's a... pleasure to meet you, Miss... Hyde?"

Vicky gave another loud, barking, boisterous laugh as she took Yuri's hand in hers and gave it a vigorous shake. "Ha! 'Miss Hyde'! Just call me Vicky!" she replied. "The pleasure's all mine! It's nice to finally meetcha face-to-face! Your profile picture hardly does you justice!" she added, flashing her a flirtatious grin.

Yuri felt her cheeks grow slightly warmer as Vicky released her grip, her heart beating faster in her chest. She relaxed, slightly, the familiarity of social ritual was reassuring to her amid the confusion. "Ah, yes, and these are my children!" Yuri continued, following the unwritten script as she gestured at her children "My eldest daughter, Kyoko; and my son, Masao."

Vicky approached each in turn, grabbing their hands and shaking them vigorously with a toothy grin. "Real pleased to meetcha!" She said, before letting go of their hands and taking a step back again. As she looked over the family, eyes roaming up and down each of them in turn, Yuri couldn't help but feel she was seeing the smile of a fox in a henhouse. But then, slowly, her grin softened, turning into more of a gentle smile before she spoke again. "I really do appreciate y'all lettin' me into your home like this. I guess I'm not exactly... what y'all were expecting." She spoke again, her voice a little quieter, with an almost apologetic tone to it as she glanced in Yuri's direction before looking over the family again. "I just don't wanna get off on the wrong foot here, y'know? I might just be rentin' a room in your basement, but I'd really like to get along with y'all properly."

Yuri found herself smiling softly. Perhaps she'd misjudged this young woman.

Vicky looked thoughtful for a moment, then her face split into a grin once more. "Hey, I got an idea! How 'bout I take y'all out for dinner somewhere? Y'know, to celebrate! Give us all a chance to get to know each other right! I mean, nothin' too fancy, just a little thank-you from me. How's that sound?" she asked, looking at Yuri.

Yuri blinked, surprised. Dinner? She still wasn't really sure if she should let Vicky stay, let alone take them out to dinner! Yuri knew she wouldn't have the heart to kick her out after she paid for a whole meal... She bit her lip, looking hesitant. "I- I don't know, this is rather sudden..." She muttered, nervously. Vicky was still grinning, hopeful, expectant...

"Oh, come on, please, Mom?" Kyoko pleaded, fixing her mother with a pleading look. Masao fell into position beside her, joining in. "It's been forever since we last went out for dinner somewhere fun!" Kyoko added.

Yuri looked to her children, then back at the towering, muscle-bound woman standing in her foyer. Perhaps... Perhaps she should not have judged her so harshly based on looks alone. She seemed perfectly nice when they were talking online. She was a little rough around the edges, perhaps a bit crude, but she seemed like a decent girl... She took a deep breath. "Oh... all right!" Yuri sighed, visibly relaxing as she surrendered, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The others all grinned in celebration. Yuri held up a finger, her expression serious once more. "But we're going somewhere nice!" She insisted.

~~~October 9th, 2018~~~

Yuri slowly and methodically descended the stairs to the first floor, a soft grunt of strain accompanying each step as she hefted the laundry basket piled high with dirty clothes she had braced against one hip. How did a teenage girl make this many dirty clothes in a week, she grumbled internally, shaking her head. She took another step, one hand on the railing, the other on the laundry, her wide, round hips giving an exaggerated roll, as one of her flip-flops and then the other settled onto the next step down.

Yuri was dressed casually- casual by her standards, at least- in jeans and a sweater, a modest outfit to cover the body she could only see as 'fat'. But even her best attempts at simple modesty were undone by the raw sexuality of her curvy, mature body. Her light blue denim 'mom jeans' were getting a bit snug these days- the material strained tight around her thick thighs, wide, rounded hips, and juicy ass, the waist cinched tight with a belt. Her knitted sweater was clearly not designed with such spectacular endowments in mind, the vertical lines of the knitting pattern warped and stretched apart by the overwhelming magnitude of her breasts as they bounced and swayed with every step down the stairs.

As she reached the bottom step, she let out a sigh of relief, leaving her hand on the railing a moment as she readied herself for the last leg of the journey to the laundry room.

"Let me help you with that." Vicky's rich voice suddenly spoke from behind Yuri, and she jumped, spinning around in surprise with a gasp. The laundry basket on her hip threw off her balance, and she felt her flip-flop slip out from under her as she turned, the world tilting to the side as she began to topple over, eyes going wide in panic, then immediately squeezing shut as she braced herself for impact.