Morena and the Matriarch Ch. 05


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"Looks like it's stew for me," she told him, then turned, walked over to the tub and pulled off her chemise. "Is it too hot, Lizzie?" she asked.

"Not if you like it hot, Mistress," Lizzie answered. "It's not scalding, but definitely hot."

"Good," Alyssa commented as she stepped into the tub. Surreptitiously, she noticed Lizzie eyeing her. "I think you should start with my hair. What do you have for shampoo? Or do we go with soap?"

"Um, well, Mistress..." Lizzie fumbled a bit. "I kinda presumed you'd want the good stuff..." and she handed Alyssa a bottle of one of the more expensive shampoos available.

"How much will this be?" Alyssa asked.

"Um, nothin', Mistress," Lizzie told her. "I nicked it from my mother's stuff."

Alyssa smiled and shook her head. "Okay, then... how about you see what kind of magic you can do to get the road grunge out?"

Steven walked to the door, locked it, then went back to sit on the edge of the bed while Lizzie soaked and lathered Alyssa's hair, a beautiful blonde mane that fell midway down her back. When Lizzie got as far as pouring cold water from the pitchers over Alyssa's head to rinse out the shampoo, Alyssa called over to Steven.

"Hey, stud, c'mon over here and climb in. Tub's big enough and Lizzie can get your hair before she puts the shampoo away."

Without a word, Steven got up, walked over to the tub, set the pistol on a table next to it, unwrapped the loincloth and stepped into the tub. The water level went up significantly but didn't overflow. Lizzie's interest also went up significantly, and it wasn't going to take Steven to tell Alyssa that, based on the catch of breath, the wide-eyed stare, the pounding of the carotid artery and the slightly open mouth.

Probably the biggest one she's seen soft, Alyssa thought to herself.

Then Lizzie noticed that Steven was bald. Not close-cropped. Bald. She looked to Alyssa almost accusatorily, as if saying, are you messing with me? He doesn't have hair to wash. But a determined look descended on Lizzie and she appeared to get her professional demeanor back on, because she took several pitchers' full of water out of the tub and poured them down the sink, then ran more hot water into the tub - although Steven having to redirect the hose got Alyssa laughing. And that, in turn, seemed to fluster Lizzie who became even more determined not to be distracted.

When she got to the shampoo part, she paused, confused.

"A scalp massage would be nice," Steven told her. "Especially if that shampoo has some kind of moisturizer in it."

Lizzie was off and running again. This she could handle. Whatever massage they wanted, she could provide it. When she finished Steven's scalp massage, Alyssa stood up, the water running off her in coursing rivulets.

"The exfoliating stone, I think," she told Lizzie, and Lizzie nodded, picking up a couple of sizes of pumice from her tray of goodies. Alyssa stood with her arms out and her legs slightly spread as Lizzie worked the stones over Alyssa's neck, shoulders, back, arms, butt, thighs and calves, down to the water line. Then she turned so Lizzie could get her front.

Lizzie was careful, getting the rest of the neck, the sides and abdomen. When she got to Alyssa's breasts, she paused, looking for instruction.

"Go ahead, don't be shy," Alyssa told her. "I get dead skin and grime there, too."

So Lizzie went ahead, and Alyssa's nipples came up hard under the abrasion. She was starting to get severely distracted by this girl's ministrations. It was when Lizzie got to Alyssa's shaved pubis that she came to a complete stop.

"Um, Mistress?" she asked. "Um, what about, um... I mean, I usually don't, um..."

"Go for it," Alyssa told her. "No hair to get in the way. Any place there's skin, I want the dead stuff gone. Gentle might be a good idea in some places. Use your judgment."

Lizzie tentatively used the pumice on Alyssa's nethers, getting what she could without getting too direct, but eventually there wasn't anything for it... she was going to have to do the groin. And when she did, Alyssa's labia swelled up and got pink, and her clit seemed to swell up from its hiding place. Lizzie was afraid she was hurting the woman, but a low moan and an "Oh, Goddess, that's good..." from Alyssa made her decide she couldn't be hurting her that badly.

Eventually she finished, including the perineum and the anus, and she first scooped warm water out of the tub to rinse Alyssa off, then got a couple of pitchers of cold water from the sink - which really got Alyssa's attention.

"Oh, Goddess! That's cold..." she exclaimed as she sat back down. "Okay, stud. You're up."

"Not yet, Mistress," Steven told her as he stood, and Alyssa couldn't miss the double entendre.

"Um, Sir?" Lizzie asked hesitantly. "Could you, uh... maybe kneel for a bit? So I can actually reach your neck and shoulders?"

Steven laughed softly and knelt, making it easy for Lizzie to reach his upper body with the pumice. Once she could reach him, she did a thorough job, front and back - although to Alyssa's eye, Lizzie seemed to spend a bit more time on Steven's marvelous pecs and abs than necessary. Actually, she really couldn't fault the girl. When she had Steven stand, things got interesting. Alyssa had been wondering how Lizzie would handle it, as it were.

She started by doing Steven's back... his lower back, butt, thighs and calves to the waterline. Then she had him turn. She started with his lower abdomen and sides, then worked down onto the thighs, avoiding the rather large problem in front of her. She worked the fronts and sides of his thighs and his knees and shins, again down to the waterline. Then she paused.

She looked up at Steven, then back down to his huge manhood, now swaying slightly in front of her. Then she looked back up at him. Then back down.

"I think you missed a bit of skin," Steven told her, sounding like he was trying to be helpful.

He's going to traumatize the poor girl, Alyssa thought, but she decided to let it play out.

Lizzie got a determined look on her face then, and cupped Steven's pendulous testicles in her hand.

"Spread 'em," she said, sounding irritated.

Maybe she doesn't like being challenged, Alyssa thought. But she sure is going to prove she's tough enough.

Lizzie reached through with the pumice and started rubbing his anus and perineum, and she wasn't being terribly gentle about it, from Alyssa's point of view. The odd thing was, Steven seemed to like it. He liked it so much that as she came forward toward his balls, he started to get erect.

Which was a little disconcerting to Lizzie, still holding him by the balls. But to give the girl credit, she kept scrubbing. When she got to his testicles, he really came erect and she was staring in awe and trepidation at the monster cock bouncing around in front of her. Mostly in self-defense, she let go of his balls and grabbed it. Then, for want of anything better to do with it, she started scrubbing it with the pumice stone.

Steven's moan was at least heartfelt, and probably an accurate reflection of the sensations that shot through his body. Lizzie kept at him until there literally was no flesh untouched.

She finished, and then paused with her hand still gripping his massive erection, confused. She looked over at Alyssa, who was trying her damndest not to laugh.

"Mistress?" she asked. "What should I do?"

"Oh, I think up and down stroking would probably do it," Alyssa mused. "Or if you're really adventurous, a blow job. I don't think a little girl like you ought to try taking him in your pussy or your ass..."

"You mean I should... um...?" Lizzie asked, looking between Alyssa and Steven's manhood.

"Whatever you want, girl," Alyssa told her.

Lizzie cast a critical eye at the size of Steven's cock, then up at him for a moment - the smirk probably didn't help him any - and then back at his cock. Getting a determined look and taking a deep breath, she dropped the stone, grabbed him with both hands and stuck him in her mouth, jacking him up and down his shaft while holding him with her lips.

Not something Steven had expected.

He'd already been teased up pretty far. Now the choice was taken away from him.

With a moaned "Oh, GOD!!" he went over the edge. Not something Lizzie was expecting.

Her cheeks blew out like a chipmunk's, cum shot from her nose, she pulled him out of her mouth but kept stroking him - Goddess knows why - and he blasted rope after rope all over her hair, face, neck, blouse and some even way over her shoulder.

In the aftermath, she looked like a streusel with white icing dripping all over it. And she appeared to be in shock. She just kept holding Steven's cock and stroking it slowly up and down while sporting a look of total surprise on her face.

"You can ease up now, girl," Steven told her gently.

"Uh-huh," she agreed in a somewhat disconnected voice, and kept stroking his cock.

"I mean, really," Steven tried again. "You can let go now."

"Uh-huh," she agreed again, still stroking.

"You can stop, Lizzie," he told her, reaching down and taking her hand off his still swollen member. "That was really amazing."

Her gaze finally shifted and she looked up at him, but still in complete awe.

"Uh-huh," she agreed.

Alyssa started laughing. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. She walked over to Lizzie and drew her to her feet and pulled her shirttails out of her skirt, using them to wipe up most of the still-dripping cum from Lizzie's face and neck. Then she began unbuttoning it. That seemed to get Lizzie's attention.

"Um, Mistress?" she asked hesitantly. "What are you doing?"

"Getting this cum-soaked shirt off you," Alyssa told her. "We'll rinse it out in the sink. And if it's okay with you, Steven and I will now return the favor and bathe you, getting the rest of the cum off you. I don't think you want to walk around the rest of the night smelling like him."

"He doesn't smell bad," Lizzie responded quickly. Then after a moment to think about what she'd said, she added, "I guess I should wash up. But you don't have to do it, Mistress."

"Actually, my pleasure," Alyssa told her as she peeled the shirt off of Lizzie.

Oh, Goddess, it's great to be young, she thought, looking at Lizzie's bare chest. Growing these damn watermelons really screwed up my balance. Had to learn to stalk all over again.

To Lizzie, she said, "If you want to take off your skirt and underthings, and get in the tub, I'll rinse this out and set it to dry. Steven, would you refresh the hot water for Lizzie, please?"

That the Mistress would address her manservant by name, and use "please", astounded Lizzie. Women just didn't do that. Unless he wasn't her manservant, but a Freeman... in which case, she'd probably just blown protocol and etiquette all to Hell. She started to worry, but realized they hadn't objected. In fact, they'd encouraged her.

Slowly, and somewhat self-consciously, she kicked off her sandals and undid the clasp on her skirt, opening it so that it could fall to the floor. She wasn't wearing any "underthings". She had a perfect nubile body and a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. She was, to Alyssa's mind, beautiful - and she was pretty sure Steven would see the girl the same way. But they both studiously avoided reacting.

Steven took several pitchers' worth of water and poured them down the sink where Alyssa was using some soap and cold water to clean off the simple hemp shirt. The warm water made a nice rinse. Then he put the hose in the tub and turned on the spigot, refilling it with hot.

And all the while, Lizzie stood still and naked in the middle of the room. She wanted to cover herself with her hands, but she was determined not to be embarrassed or afraid. If these two "gold level" paying guests wanted her standing there naked, she would stand there naked. After all, she figured she didn't look that bad.

Then Steven came over to take her hand, to help her into the tub and most of her resolve went right out the window with the massive shudder of excitement than ran through her at his touch and the realization that she was leaking down her thigh. But she held her head up with whatever dignity she could muster and let herself be seated in the tub.

Alyssa came back from hanging up Lizzie's shirt and stopped short, looking at Lizzie in the tub and then Steven and herself standing there naked.

"Maybe we should put some clothes on?" she suggested to Steven.

"We're just going to get them wet," Steven pointed out. "Unless Lizzie is uncomfortable with our state of undress?" he asked, turning to face Lizzie.

Oh, fuck! Lizzie thought. What do I tell them? I'm not offended but I sure am uncomfortable being turned on around paying customers. Shit...

"She is only uncomfortable because she's sexually excited in front of paying customers. That would be us," Steven told Alyssa and Lizzie looked stunned. She hadn't said a word.

"In that case," Alyssa said with a sharp look at Steven and then at Lizzie's surprised expression, "Lizzie, you just go right ahead and be turned on. We're going to be washing you, and we won't take advantage of it, and mostly you're hidden below the waterline, anyway. You're not going to offend us and we'll keep it short and sweet. May I start with your hair?"

Lizzie just nodded. She didn't know what else to do.

The rest of the bath went fairly smoothly. Alyssa washed and rinsed the young girl's hair and then Steven worked on her back while Alyssa worked on her front. Lizzie shuddered every time Steven ran his hands over someplace new, but he made sure he avoided her genitals, leaving that to Alyssa.

She, in turn, couldn't quite resist her inner Imp. When it came to washing Lizzie's pert little breasts, Alyssa just had to spend extra time with her hands and a sponge making sure the nipples were spotless. And when it came to Lizzie's nethers...

Lizzie came. Hard. And blushed beet red.

Alyssa just couldn't let it go... she leaned in, bringing their lips within a hairsbreadth, gently breathing in the young woman's scent, silently offering Lizzie a kiss.

Lizzie made contact with Alyssa's mesmerizing grey eyes and it was all over. She pulled Alyssa into a deeply passionate kiss, and Alyssa took advantage of it to stimulate Lizzie to another orgasm. Several, in fact. And Lizzie let herself drown in Alyssa's kiss and cum, and cum, and cum...

Eventually, they slowly eased up and sat back a little from each other.

"Lizzie," Alyssa admonished her, knowing what the girl must be thinking, "don't you ever regret that fantastic kiss. I'll bet you're a wonderful lover and I wish we had more time here so I could get to know you better. You haven't offended anyone. Quite the opposite... you've pleased me greatly."

"I'm not a wonderful lover, Mistress," Lizzie managed to say. "I'm, uh... well, I'm a virgin."

"Then you certainly will be," Alyssa told her, not skipping a beat. "You feel marvelous. And now, since I get to give the orders around here, you're going to stand and Steven and I will rinse you with warm water and then you're going to towel off and then lie down on the bed and relax for a bit. Steven and I will clean up most of this mess and be glad to do it. And when we're done, you can dress and help us with the final touches and take our order down to the kitchen, which I hope is open this late."

"I'll make sure it's open, Mistress," Lizzie told her, standing up.

Lizzie then did as she was instructed, toweling off and lying down while Alyssa and Steven emptied the tub and cleaned up the miscellaneous accoutrements. Finally, Lizzie went to get dressed and they discovered her shirt was still wet.

"Okay, I'm going to fix that," Alyssa told her and rummaged through her things, withdrawing a soft doeskin tunic with lace-up sides and a silken chemise. "This should be a lot more comfortable, Lizzie."

"Mistress, I can't!" Lizzie protested when she saw what she was being offered. "That's better'n a month's wages! That'd be robbery!"

"No, just an extravagant tip, if you need to think of it that way," Alyssa told her. "Here, put this on..." and she held out the chemise.

Lizzie tentatively slipped it on and it hugged her nubile form in a very complimentary way.

"Okay, now this over it," Alyssa instructed, holding out the tunic.

Lizzie obeyed and Alyssa and Steven adjusted the laces on the sides. Lizzie looked beautiful.

"Okay, now I'll understand if you want to change out of these right after you leave here, but they really are for daily wear, so don't feel bad about wearing them," Alyssa told her. "And just in case somebody gives you shit..."

She pulled out a small notebook she normally used for her accounting in the field and tore out a blank page. Steven handed her a pen and she wrote, "Whoever - Lizzie was given the tunic and chemise in consideration for her fine treatment of my party when staying the night at Mossy Hill. If you have a problem with that, contact me at Vern's Dale. Alyssa, Procurer."

She fished around in her stuff, then handed Lizzie the note - which she made sure she read - and a twenty credit note. Lizzie just about fainted.

"Take these, and your old shirt, get rid of the hose and stuff and have yourself a fantastic night," Alyssa told Lizzie.

"Yes, Mistress Alyssa, right away!" Lizzie told her and set about clearing the room. When she was gone, Alyssa walked over to the door and locked it. Then she came back and pulled the still naked Steven into the bed.

"You gonna tell me about your mind-reading ability?" she asked him.

"Nope," he told her softly. She looked at him for a moment then shrugged.

"You gonna fuck my brains out before the food gets here?" she asked.

"Yep," he smiled.

And he did. With his pistol under the pillow.

* * * * * * * * * *

The next morning as they were loading up the saddlebags, Lizzie came bounding out of the door and over to the stables, carrying some kind of big package.

"Fer you, Mistress," she told Alyssa, holding out a package wrapped in butcher paper. "And you, too, Sir," she added to Steven. "It's a couple o' sandwiches fer the road, and some cold Stone Soup. Figured you might get hungry on th' way an' not wanna stop long."

"Thank you, Lizzie," Alyssa told her, taking the package and handing it to Steven for stowing, and giving Lizzie a brief kiss.

"Now they're gonna be sure of it," she mumbled with a slight blush.

"Sure of what, Lizzie?" Alyssa asked. "And who?"

"There's rumors 'round th' Inn that yeh turned me last night," Lizzie told her softly.

"Turned you?" Alyssa was a little confused.

"Yeah, as in women that like women kind of turned?" Lizzie prompted. "You know..." and she fumbled a little bit.

"Oh!" Alyssa smiled. "No, I don't think so... not after the fun you had with Steven! He's probably ruined you for all womankind."

Lizzie definitely blushed deeper. Then she dropped her voice very low and soft.

"Mistress, yeh ought to know there's some that're interested in what you might be packin' in yer saddlebags. You're bein' watched," Lizzie told her.

"Really?" Alyssa asked softly. "Like who?"

"Like your competition," Lizzie told her.

"My competition?"

"Yeah... you're a Procurer. Well, that other one's in town and she was hanging around when you came in last night and now she's over by th' General Store, tryin' to see what she can see without bein' seen, if ye know what I mean."

"Thank you, Lizzie," Alyssa told her without looking over at the store. "You tell your parents I'm damned proud of you. I'll definitely stay here if I come through again, and I'll definitely look you up. Now you'd best head on back before someone gets suspicious of you, too."