Moving in on Dad Ch. 02


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He smiled at the question "I was hoping you would." He answered as he hugged her close. They crawled out of bed and into the shower to wash the accumulated cum off of themselves and freshen up before having to face the Peeping Thomasinas again.

They finished in the shower and turned off the water. He was just pulling a clean pair of shorts on when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." he called out and the door opened a little "Daddy could I talk to you for a minute?" Trish asked

"Sure honey, come on in. I have clothes on this time." He joked.

She blushed a bit at the reference and glanced at Sue. In that unspoken language women have she understood and got up. "I'm going to get a drink and watch TV." she announced. As she left the room so father and daughter could talk.

"Daddy, I wanted to apologize for walking in on you and teasing you like that. We've been having so much fun here with you that we all sometimes forget that you're my father and not one of our friends. I mean we acted like we would have if we walked in on someone in the dorm. Not my dad."

"That's Ok honey. I guess I'm glad to be one of the gang instead of a stodgy old grump. But I got to admit that being on display like that sort of threw me for a loop."

"Well, even if you are my father I have to tell you that it was a very impressive display, and it looked like Sue was enjoying it too. Are you two going to keep... ah... seeing each other."

Frank laughed "You mean to ask am I going to continue to bang your friend right?"

She blushed again and said "Yeah, I guess that is what I mean."

"I don't know. We'll see how it works out, for the time being, yes. She'll be sleeping in my room tonight. That is unless you have some objection?"

"Who me?" she asked startled, "hell no. I think it's great. She really does like you a lot and from the relaxed and satisfied expression she's wearing, I think you made her a very happy woman today."

Then she came to him and hugged him close. "Oh daddy, I'm glad you like her. I sometimes worry about you being alone. I know you have girlfriends around here or should I say women who want to be your girlfriends. Hell once they find out I'm your daughter they want to be my friend so I can "put in a good word for them" but I also know that most of them are just looking for somebody to take care of them."

"Well I figured that out a long time ago." He said. "I will admit to taking advantage of their advances often enough. But don't get to thinking that Sue and I are going to walk down the path right away or anything. She's a nice girl and a beautiful women and I will admit that she is fun in bed but it takes more than that."

"I know daddy but at least while Sue's here you won't be hanging out with one of those desperate ones. Oh and I better warn you that Barb and Janet are both probably going to come on to you. They won't actually do anything unless Sue say's Ok. But they will tease you like crazy."

"Oh and did you already give permission?" Frank asked his daughter.

She squirmed a bit in response. "Well daddy it's kind of complicated. We call it "Girlfriends Rules" since we are all girlfriends we have rules about guys. Since you are my Dad, Sue asked me before she did anything, because you were my father, kind of like my exclusive property, very exclusive. But now that you and Sue are together you belong to her and my rights are reduced. I can still put up a stink and they might listen but they don't have to. That is the other girls would not force them to. So now the others have to get Sue's Ok. But that's not as important since you're now just a guy and not my dad. Like if Barb decided to come on to you and she gets you in bed. Sue would be pissed but it would be your fault more than Barb's because you're a guy."

Frank laughed. "You're right it is complicated. I'll just consider myself warned."

She gave him another hug and kissed him gently on the lips. "Thanks Daddy." And she moved out of the room. He was left standing there with a hardon and the feeling of his daughter's breasts pushing against his chest. Even though she had her bikini top on this time it was so small she might as well have been wearing nothing. "Down boy that's your daughter not something legal. Behave." He told himself as he followed her out into the living room.

Frank found Trish and Sue on the deck in deep conversation. They told him that Janet and Barb had gone for showers and a change of clothes. "I'm going to check my e-mail why don't you guys decide what you want for supper and let me know. I'll be in my office."

On his way down the steps he passed Janet's room and since the door was open he glanced in, then did a double take. Janet and Barb were locked into a 69 on the bed and apparently, at least from the sounds, enjoying themselves. He stood and watched for a few seconds then continued downstairs. "These kids are certainly open about sex." He thought to himself, then laughed. "My generation was more open than my parents and now this one is more open than mine. I wonder what my grandchildren will be like?"

He fired up the computer and found a few messages, read and answered the ones that needed it and noticed the morning paper on his desk, still unread. So he unrolled it and started to read. World news, more of the same, National news, more of the same, local news he usually skipped but today a headline caught his eye. The school board had a meeeting last night and apparently they had a lot of vacancies and were having trouble filling them. Interesting, both Trish and Sue had received their Teacher certifications when they graduated. Janet was going to law school and Barb on to study architecture.

He had heard Trish talk about how hard it was to get a teaching job full time at home. Her mother naturally wanted her there, Sue had also complained about political connections being needed. He chuckled to himself. Trish had inherited his love of reading. Drop a newspaper on the table and she would pick it up. Put the local section on top and let nature take its course. Kill two birds with one stone, keep his little girl close and piss off her mother. His plans laid he sat back and surfed the net for a while.

Once he returned upstairs he found all four girls sitting in the living room. This time all of them were mostly naked except Sue, who was completely naked and Trish who was still wearing her bathing suit, A thong bikini, so yes she was mostly naked too. Barb and Janet were sitting there in their panties. "Daddy, we have a question for you." Trish stated. He walked over and nonchalantly dropped the newspaper on the coffee table.

"Ok, but I am not going to drop my pants so you guys can just put the tape measure away." He teased. That got a blush and shy looks from all the girls except Sue who just giggled at her friend's discomfort.

"No. We were talking and well this morning we were all just teasing you by being topless and all but to be honest we were more comfortable. We don't mind you looking at our tits and all but if it makes you uncomfortable then we all agreed to wear clothes."

Frank considered them each a minute. "Well I was uncomfortable this morning but I got over it. I think mostly I was uncomfortable because my daughter was one of the set of tits I was seeing and she was sitting there while I was seeing the others. But frankly clothes and nudity are not such a big deal to me. So if all of you want to dress like Sue that's fine with me. Just remember I am a man and I WILL look, EVERY chance I get, at ALL of you. I can also tell you that as far as I am concerned you are four of the most beautiful women I have had the pleasure to know in a long time." Then he paused and one more thing you all better check with Sue because having naked and half naked women running around the house will get and keep me very horny and I am not sure if she is up to it."

Sue smiled "That settles it I vote for full naked all the time the hornier he gets the happier I will be."

"We'll see about that when you start walking bow legged" Frank retorted with a smile.

"If that happens and you need a little relief Sue you just let me know." Janet offered.

"Me too." Barb threw in.

"Then I guess it's clothing optional." Trish smiled. "That includes you daddy. I know you usually walk around naked."

"Yeah we all are going to be carrying tape measures." Barb quipped

Frank laughed. "I'll save you the trouble, 9 ½ inches long and 7 ¾ in circumference."

"He knows exactly, what do you do, measure it." Janet asked.

"Every guy does. If he tells you he doesn't know he's lying to you. Which means he's embarrassed, worried he's either too small or too large or maybe just embarrassed that he measured it. I don't understand why, we all only got what we got ain't nothing you can do about it. So that said what are we doing for dinner?"

"Well none of us are hungry and it's still early yet. I was going to get a shower and take a nap. Janet and Barb raided your video's and are going to watch a movie and Sue was waiting to see what you were going to do." Trish answered.

"Well actually a nap sounds good to me, I'm getting too old for all the exercise I got today." Frank offered.

"I'm not tired right now so I guess I'll just read the paper and watch the movie. But maybe I'll join you later." Sue offered with a wink.

All of them laughed as they went their separate directions. Sue reading the paper was as good as Trish reading it. Frank realized as he went into his room and stretched out on the bed.

Sue picked up the newspaper. It was folded up and the sections were out of order but right on top was a bold headline "TEACHING JOBS GO UNFILLED". It immediately caught her attention and she jumped to the story. Apparently the County schools were unable to fill the jobs they had open. The starting pay was in the article and it was about on par with what she would have expected at home. But at home there was no way you'd get a job unless you were related to or friends with somebody on the board or in the administration. Here they had over 50 jobs to fill and only 20 applicants.

She took the article and went to the first floor. She wanted to make a call and get some info and decided to use the phone in Frank's office. Once connected she found out that although her certificate was from out of state they would accept it on an emergency basis and she had a year to get a local certification which only involved filling out a form and sending $20 in for the transfer. Yes they would love to speak with her and her friend all she had to do was e-mail, fax or mail a resume and a cover letter.

Once she hung up she was excited. Not only did she have the possibility of finding a full time position but it would put her near Frank who she was hoping to continue this relationship with. She also knew that Trish was going to have trouble getting a job and hoped she could talk her friend into applying with her and maybe they could share an apartment or even better stay with Frank.

She took the steps two at a time to talk to Trish and when she got to her room found her friend fast asleep lying in the bed with just panties. She decided to have a little fun and tease her awake. Sue slowly and gently crawled onto the bed and positioned herself over her friend then lowered her face until her mouth was hovering over Trish's tits. Her tongue snaked out and flicked across the bud of her nipple. No reaction from Trish. So she repeated it and flicked it twice. No reaction again except her nipple started to rise and become erect. Next she let her tongue slide over and around her nipple and as she swirled around it she could feel it tighten and harden under her tongue. Next she switched to the other nipple and did the same thing. By now Trish was giving out little moans and sighing at her touch but was still asleep. Sue gently laid her mouth over one of her friend's tits and began to slowly suck it as she let her tongue flick over the nipple. By now Sue had begun to become aroused and she let her hand wander down to between Trish's legs, "just to see if she is wet" she told herself. First she laid her hand over Trish's mound and rubbed it a little with slight pressure and then she slipped a finger under the elastic of Trish's panties and let her finger explore her friends slit. Her finger slid down to the entrance to her pussy and lingered for a second before sliding in "Just a bit, to tease her" Then finally all the way. Trish reacted now her hips arched upwards and she brought her hand up on top of Sues head and held her against the breast she was sucking. Sue could feel her releasing juices from her pussy and knew she was now doing more than teasing her friend. Which was Ok because now she wanted to do more than tease her, she wanted to make love to her.

Trish had fallen asleep almost instantly. The combination of the partying the sun and sea and getting up early this morning had its effect on her, she just crashed. Then she began having a dream. A very nice dream. She dreamt she was asleep and her father entered her room and crawled in bed with her and began making love to her, first by licking and sucking her breasts then by fingering her pussy. It was such a pleasant dream she found herself holding his head against her breast and humping onto his finger wishing he would get on with it and take her pants off and fuck her. As it was she was nearing orgasm and was going to cum on his hand. She began to wake and realized that someone really was sucking her tit and fingering her and she really was going to cum. Then as she neared that orgasm she found it was Sue who had crawled into bed with her. Now she was really turned on, she was sharing her father's new lover. If she could not yet have her father at least she could share his lover, suck the tit he sucked and eat the pussy he fucked, and if she got lucky taste some of his cum in that pussy.

Sue realized that Trish was awake. She had lifted her hips up and was pulling her panties off or trying to do it one handed. Sue removed her finger from her friend's pussy and helped her pull the underwear down past her knees to where Trish could kick them off. Now they were both naked and Sue laid on top of her friend mashing her own pussy down into Trish's as she sucked her tit into her mouth and flicked her tongue across her nipple. Trish was now groaning and Sue knew she had left her close to release when she had removed her hand. She decided she wanted to taste her friend. For the first time in her life she wanted to eat a pussy.

She hesitated for a second then began to slide down kissing Trish's chest and belly, kissing her way to her pussy. She reached her pubic mound and kissed her again then kissed her slit before letting her tongue slide out and slip between the folds of her sex. She quickly drew it back and then let it slide out again, this time lingering a bit before she slid it down her sex to her magic place. Her tongue slid down the folds until she was poised over her hole and Sue stopped and marveled at herself for going this far, but she knew she wanted more. She wanted to shove her tongue deep into her friend and feel her orgasm, taste her cum. Instead of doing that immediately she swirled her tongue around the entrance, tasting the juices that were running and then, without thinking, almost instinctively she found Trish's clit and she let her tongue play with it whipping it back and forth. She was driving her friend nuts with the passion and then without warning or thought she drove her tongue deep into her girlfriends snatch. Sue drove it in and lick around the inside as far as she could reach, all the time wishing she had a 6 inch tongue, "The better to eat you with my dear". The quote crossed her mind and she smiled just as Trish exploded in orgasm. Her thighs clamped onto Sue's head and her hands grabbed her trying to push her deeper into her cunt, milking the most from the orgasm. Now Sue received her reward as Trish's girl cum began to roll out of her and into Sue's mouth. Sue realized what she was receiving and relished the thought of drinking Trish's cum, relished it so much she felt as though she were on the brink of her own orgasm.

As Trish's orgasm subsided she released Sue's head from the death grip of her legs and used her hands to draw her friend up to her face where she met her lips with a long passionate kiss. Trish's needs were sated but she knew her friend needed help now so as she kissed her she let her hand roam down over her back and across her ass, lingering there to relish in the perfect curve of her friends bottom before continuing down between her legs and stroking her pussy.

Trish stroked her fingers through her friend's wetness and felt the silky smoothness of her pussy. She wanted desperately to taste that pussy and get the chance at whatever of her fathers cum was still in there. With that aim in mind she rolled herself and her friend over so that she was on top and used the movement to shift so that she could have access to Sue's breasts. She lingered on them letting Sue build closer to her climax before she kissed her way down to the treasure between her friend's legs. She wasted no time but drove her tongue directly into the other girl's pussy. Dove it in as far as it would go in the hopes that some of the milky seed her father had put there was still present. She licked and sucked and Sue was at a point that it took less than a minute before she exploded in orgasm bathing her friends face in cum.

Trish was satisfied that she had gotten what she could and kissed her way back up her friends body until they laid together in an embrace, both enjoying the closeness and afterglow. After a time Trish broke the silence. "That was a surprise. I didn't think you would go that far with me since Daddy's taking care of you, but I'm glad you did."

Sue smiled nervously." Well it wasn't planned. I started to just tease you awake but then I got into it. I hope I did it right."

"You did it perfect. Thanks, I have been so horny lately especially knowing that you and Daddy have been fucking. I get wet just thinking about that massive cock of his."

"It is big isn't it. God it feels so good inside me too, and when he cums, all that stuff shooting in me just sends me over the edge."

"You better stop talking about it or I may just have to go upstairs and rape my father in his sleep." Trish groaned.

Sue giggled "Sorry, but that may be one way to get him to let you into his bed."

"I've considered it and may do that, but for now I didn't want to get in your way."

"Thanks, I have to admit I enjoy having him to myself. But anytime you want I will share him with you. I guess before they go Barb and Janet will want him too, won't they."

"Yeah, probably, but they won't push for a couple of days yet. On the other hand if you let them have a try that will probably satisfy their curiosity." Trish decided.

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But the whole reason I started to tease you was to wake you up and show you this." Sue grabbed the newspaper and handed it to Trish.

Trish scanned the headline then the article and she started to get excited. "I never thought about coming here. But it does have certain advantages doesn't it. If we both got hired we could probably stay here. We have to go call and find out how to apply!"

"I already did." Sue told her, "All we need to do is get a cover letter and a resume over to them and wait for an interview. Do you think your dad would let us use his computer?"

Trish laughed at her "Well he's your boyfriend you ask him."

Sue blushed at the jibe. But Trish continued "I know he would, but let's not tell him yet. I'll just ask if I can type a letter. He's let me use it before so I know it won't be a problem."

Frank woke from his nap he stretched and got up walking in to the living room found Barb and Janet stretched out on the couches watching movies both were still wearing only their panties and he smiled as he glanced at the table and picked up the newspaper. He checked the paper. The local section was missing and later when Sue and Trish asked if they could use his computer to type a letter he knew his ploy had worked.