Mud and Magic Ch. 09


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Borna growled softly. "Well, that's to be expected after eating a Disjunction Stone. Healing spells don't work as well as they should." She grinned. "But you're much better. I'm glad."

He groaned softly. "I'm starving. And... where are we? Why am I naked?"

Borna's grin turned naughty. "Because you creamed all over your pants, my friend. Astra'il has washed your tights and loincloth, they're drying in the other room." Borna's tail slithered across the floor. She hooked the stinger into the leather strap tied to the equipment bag, reeling it in. After a few moments of digging, she handed Rhys a trail pack.

"As for where we are? Some secluded hut deep in the woods Astra'il found. We decided to lay low here until you were back on your feet."

Rhys tore the waxed paper off the trail pack and dug in. Eventually, he looked up, locking gazes with Borna. "Please tell me Lishaka and Chassari made it."

"Are you asking me if your crazy duel against Faedal was worth it?" Borna shook her head, her feathery hair rustling. "They got away, yes. But you shouldn't have tried to beat Faedal. He tore you apart."

Rhys chuckled. "I knew full well I couldn't beat him. All I wanted was to stall for time. Since you were only the gods knew, I was prepared to let myself get captured."

"Lucky for you she was there," Astra'il said, entering the room. She brought a steaming mug which she placed onto a small stool next to the cot. "You don't want to end up like your friend Celeste, do you?" The dark elf wore a sheer silvery robe which left precious little to the imagination. Rhys could even see the golden spider tattoo on her bum cheek as she walked towards the window.

"How do you know about Celeste?" Rhys asked, alarmed.

Astra'il looked outside then returned to the bed and pulled back the covers.

"Borna and I talked a bit while we carried you here. Dreadful story."

The dark elf inspected Rhys' knee with quick, practiced motions. He winced when her slender fingers touched the bruised flesh.

"I'm sorry," Astra'il said. "Thanks to the Disjunction Stone, this might not heal all too well. If the worst comes to pass, you might end up with a permanent limp." She parted the neck of her robe and fished for the silver disc hanging between her breasts, clasping the holy symbol between her fingers while her other hand caressed his knee. The dark elven cleric hummed a few notes of a hauntingly beautiful melody, causing her free hand to erupt in silvery light streaked with green sparks which shot up Rhys' leg.

He gasped as the healing energies suffused his body. Astra'il cleared her throat and checked his knee again. "One of these spells should have anyone up and dancing," she explained. "Not this time though. The best we can hope for is maybe faster healing. Back home, we only break a spellcaster's fingers and muzzle them. Feeding someone a Disjunction Stone - that's even beyond dark elf cruel."

"Now what?" Rhys asked her.

"Well, first you should drink your soup. Your body needs all the energy it can get. Tomorrow morning we'll test your knee, see how badly it hurts. If you're able to walk, we'd better return to the 'Dancing Dryad.' This place isn't too safe."

"Where are we exactly?" Rhys asked her.

"This is an old logger's hut, about three days out from the 'Dryad.' The original owner struck out from the 'Dancing Dryad' twenty years ago and thought he could make a tidy living selling old oak wood. We-... I found him nailed to one of the trees outside, with an elven spear in his gut. Probably a Stalker worshiper who didn't like the idea of someone ravaging the old woods." She fell silent, a far-away look on her face. "Anyway, I'll stand guard. Try to sleep some more, you two." Astra'il favored both Rhys and Borna with a fleeting smile then she left the room.

Rhys picked up the mug and sniffed. The soup had big chunks of meat in it, along with mushrooms, onions and assorted vegetables. It smelled delicious.

"You want some?" he asked, holding out the cup.

"Thank you," Borna said, shaking her head. "You need it more than me. I'll take one of these when I'm hungry." She pulled one of the trail packs from the equipment bag and shook it.

Rhys took a long pull from the soup. It tasted great as well, with some fiery spices adding to the heat. Waves of warmth flooded his body. He drained the mug in a couple of greedy gulps then set it down onto the stool again, sighing.

"What are you thinking about?" Borna asked.

"I made quite a mess, didn't I?" Rhys moaned. "I mean... Lishaka and Chassari could be anywhere, I got my knee turned into a shattered ruin and only the Gods know how much the Disjunction Stone messed up my magic."

"On the other hand, we managed to destroy a pretty well guarded supply camp, drove away or murdered most of the guards and managed to free a couple of slaves." Borna carefully placed her clawed hand on Rhys' thigh. "You faced down Faedal and live to tell the tale. I'd call that a win. Chassari and Lishaka are probably back at the Tower by now, urging Thurguz to get his green butt out here and fetch us."

"Not likely. You should have seen how angry the old man was when he threw me and Moril out of his office," Rhys said, placing his hand on hers. "Thank you for dragging my sorry ass away from Faedal."

Borna offered him one of her rare smiles. "Forget it, we're even now. And for what it's worth, you can count on me whenever you want to take on the world."

"Really? I mean-"

Borna gently squeezed his thigh, the threat of her claws cutting him off. "Yes. You have shown me twice already that you won't hesitate to help me. Maybe you have forgotten that I am a girl trapped in a monster's body but no one else has. And I have not forgotten what you said after you and Lishaka..." She cast down her eyes. "Most other people need to be drunk to even contemplate such an offer, let alone touch me like you did."

Rhys took her hand in his and squeezed. "I meant every word."

Borna withdrew her hand and giggled softly. "Then you are indeed braver than most." Her smile faltered. "Or you must pity me." She turned away from the bed and dug a blanket out of the equipment bag. Borna curled into a fetal position on the floorboards and tossed the blanket over herself.

Rhys sat upright in the bed and felt like someone had just slapped him with an iron glove. "That's... that's not fair!" he complained. Grunting with the effort, he swung his legs out of bed and crumpled ungracefully onto the floor behind Borna. He placed one hand on her shoulder and tugged. "Come on, face me. I don't pity you. All I saw when I offered was a lonely and neglected friend."

She didn't budge.

"Besides, I don't know enough about you to pity you," he added. Rhys pulled the pillow and duvet from the bed and tried to find a somewhat comfortable position. "What is there to pity? You are the strongest and most deadly combatant I've ever seen." He snaked his hand around her waist and slipped it under her loincloth. Her cock was a soft sensation under his fingertips. "Even this isn't something to pity if you ask me." Her member stirred and a small gasp escaped her lips.

"You would hate me if you knew," Borna whispered. "I should never have let you get so close." Her claw plucked his hand and placed it onto her armored thigh. "Go back to bed, Rhys."

A somewhat pained chuckle came. "Sorry. Getting out of bed was easy but I'm certain my legs won't carry my weight. Unless you want to tuck me back in, you're stuck with me down here." He snuggled against her spiny back.

Borna growled, a sound vibrating through her whole body. "I'm not in the mood," she warned. Her tail curled around his leg, the stinger a poignant threat pointing at his crotch.

"In the mood for what?" Rhys asked innocently. "Even if I were in the mood for sex, I'm pretty sure my usefulness would be limited."

"I can feel your cock against my butt cheeks. And it's hard."

"Probably just my body reacting to the soft skin there. Or the threat of your stinger close to my crotch." He shrugged. "If you are not in the mood to talk, that's fine too. I'll be here, behind you, hugging your armored body."

"You shouldn't be here on the floor," Borna argued. "Can't be good for your leg."

"You shouldn't be alone either. And a hug never hurt no one, my Gran always said."

The coil of her tail loosened and she seemed to relax against him. "Fine. Suit yourself. But don't come crying when your leg hurts tomorrow."

"No promises there." Rhys reached up and gently caressed Borna's feathery hair. "Sleep tight, Borna."

She grunted in reply and lowered her head onto her arms. Rhys snuggled up to her, an arm loosely draped over her hip. Borna's tail had slithered over Rhys' thighs. Her behind moved, soft, unarmored skin against his rod.

They remained like that for some time. Borna's breaths were quick and shallow, interspersed by gentle movements of her behind against him. Eventually, she growled and moved away from him, taking the blanket with her.

"What-?" Rhys asked, roused from a light doze. "Did I do something wrong?"

Carefully, so as not to accidentally hit him with her tail or hooves, Borna rolled around until she could face Rhys. "I can't sleep like this."

"Why not? It was comfortable, all things considered," Rhys said. He moved his battered leg and winced.

Borna flexed her claws, an agitated look on her face. "I- I can't relax like this. Do you know that this is the first time in six years anyone has even tried to sleep this close to me?"

"No. How can I?"

"I want to enjoy it, I really want," Borna snarled. "I even wanted to spread my legs for you and let you have me. I'm sure you'd fit from back there."

Rhys smiled. "I wouldn't say no."

Borna sighed. "Maybe you'd think differently when you know who I really am. What happened to me." She tore away her loincloth and scooted closer before tossing the blanket over them both again.

Rhys looked deep into her eyes. This close up, he could see they were of a dark brown - and a spark of fear flickered in them, something he'd never seen before. Usually, they were watchful - or angry slits.

"Try me," he said, lifting his hand and caressing her cheek. She flinched away. Her claw came up and intercepted his hand, guiding it back to her thigh and pinned it there. Borna closed her eyes and took a deep breath, steeling herself.

"I am cursed by Desire." Her eyes flickered open, seeking his.

Rhys looked at her in surprise. "What?"

"I am cursed by Desire," Borna repeated, rapping her knuckles against her armored breasts. Since the battle at the camp, the crimson chitin had healed somewhat. "This body, my whole existence. It's a curse."

"Idunn said you were no demon... but how is that even possible?"

Borna exhaled slowly. "I am living proof of the gods existing. Desire did this to me, as penance for the sins of my parents."

"You are suffering because of your parents?" Rhys asked. "And I thought I had it bad."

"The first twelve years of my life I lived in Storm Harbor with my Grandma. She carved and sold runestones in the Craftsmen's Quarter. Apart from me not having parents, my life was as unremarkable as you can imagine. I had friends, I played in the back alleys and yards, I had a cat named Spotty." Borna's voice faltered and a tear rolled down her cheek. Rhys brushed it away with a gentle fingertip. Borna even managed a little smile.

Gathering herself, she continued. "Grandma always told me my parents died on the Old Road, killed by brigands on their way to Lordehome. I promised her I'd join the City Watch and go on patrol duty, brigand-hunting." A small, bitter laugh fled her lips. "Gran had even managed to scrounge together enough money for a fencing tutor. She said once I'd turn twelve, she'd help me become the best Watchman in Storm Harbor. And just a day after I turned twelve, I started to bleed."

"What happened?"

"I was halfway out of my dress and clamoring for Grandma to come and see when that woman appeared out of nowhere. All black hair and robes and deathly white skin." Borna shivered, her chitin plating rattling against the floorboards. "She proclaimed to be Desire and that it was time for me to pay for my parents' failures."

"Why? What happened to your parents?" Rhys asked gently.

"Desire gleefully explained that my parents had been two very devout faithful, lechers and gamblers both. They asked for Desire's gifts numerous times, earning powers to further their desires. Mother, she said, was an irresistible siren, able to charm men and women with a gaze or a word or even her scent, while Father was able to predict every gamble, win every game of skill. Together, they thrived in Storm Harbor, earning a harem of playthings and money to pamper them. What they didn't expect was me. Somehow, my birth changed everything and they didn't intend to pay her dues. Desire practically screamed with rage when she told me how my parents jumped off the cliffs overlooking Storm Harbor to escape Desire's reach."

"Very caring people," Rhys growled. "Leaving you alone."

"They had made sure Gran had enough gold to keep the two of us afloat for decades. But they didn't expect Desire to come after me."

"That... that's unfair!" Rhys complained. "You didn't have anything to do with your parents!"

"That's what I tried to tell Desire as well but she only laughed. My blood tied me to them and so I was as liable as they were. Smiling gently, she touched my forehead. Suddenly, my body began to shift and warp, growing and changing. She stood over me as my bones broke and reshaped, my flesh bubbled and boiled while red armor plates burst from my skin. And..." Borna fell silent, but her clawed hand moved Rhys' fingers onto her crotch.

He caressed her, causing her rod to throb under his fingertips. "Still no reason to hate you," he whispered. "Just another reason to hate Desire with all my heart."

Borna pulled his hand away, keeping it between her claws. "Somewhere during the alteration, I fell unconscious. The pain was too much to bear. But when I woke up, Desire was still there. I couldn't move even though every muscle in my body screamed to run and flee but she wouldn't let me. Almost lovingly she explained how she had made sure that this time, no one would get out of the bargain, that I would never be able to be killed unless she wills it and that no matter what I did, no one would care for me, damning me to an eternity of loneliness. Then, cackling like a madwoman, she left."

"What happened? Didn't your Gran come looking?"

"No. When I finally managed to leave my room, Gran was at her workbench, with one of her chisels rammed through her eye. Desire had made sure that no one would offer me solace. Screaming, I fled from the house, only to run into the arms of a Watch Patrol. They thought I was some kind of demon." Borna hung her head. "I killed them without even trying, even the nice Watchman who wanted to put in a good word with his commanding officer once I was old enough." She sniffled. "I ran through the city, drawing an ever-growing mob of pursuers. They tried arrows, slings, spells - nothing could stop me. I ran faster than a horse and eventually, I managed to lose them in the hills west of the city. I don't know how many I killed that day."

"I'm sorry," Rhys whispered. "It must have been horrible."

"No. The true terror came afterwards, once I finally grasped the full meaning of Desire's curse. I can't die, Rhys. No matter what happens to me. Desire's magic pulls me together. I've tried so much over the past six years - falling off cliffs, drowning, poisons, battles... The only thing I earn are new nightmares. The pain..." She exhaled slowly. "And I'm always alone."

Rhys shook his head. "That's not true. Not any more. The people at the Tower have accepted you as what you are. Desire has failed, at least in that."

Borna opened her mouth to protest but then Rhys' words caught up with her. She looked at him in wonder. "You think so? Despite all the things I have done?"

Rhys shrugged. "I've only known you for two months. And no matter what you did these past six years, no matter what you had to do to survive... I'd never turn my back on you, not after you saved my scrawny butt not once but twice already."

"You're sure?"

Rhys chuckled softly and wriggled closer until he could snake his arms around her long neck. "I've told you before... if there's one thing true about us farm boys, it is our honesty." He gently pulled until her face was close enough. Rhys breathed a kiss onto her lips. "Thank you for telling me."

Borna embraced him, trying to keep the sharp ridges on her arm plates away from his body, and pulled him close. "Thank you for listening. I never... I never thought it would feel so good, finally telling someone. Maybe I can sleep now, with your cock near my butt."

"Turn around and let's give it a try," Rhys quipped, going for another kiss.

Borna nipped his lower lip. "Don't push your luck, farm boy."

She slipped from the embrace and turned her back on him. Rhys held her close as her tail slithered over his hips and butt, the cool chitin an unnerving sensation against his warm skin. Borna visibly relaxed, her head on her arms and her breathing soon became slow and deep, despite his hard rod wedged between her firm butt cheeks.

Rhys, despite his best efforts to relax, couldn't fall asleep. His leg, the knee a thumping knot of pain, was part of his discomfort. But there was something else, the by now very familiar feeling of his insides turning into a flaming ball of rage. Everywhere I look, Desire is at the heart of misery. Not only is she sponsoring Carver and Faedal, turning them into cold-hearted tyrants and madmen, but she's messing up the lives of innocent people like Borna! He balled a fist. Where are the good gods when you need them? Where is grieving Mercy when you need her? What about Lord Justice? Rhys gnashed his teeth. I am so sick of gods... or people using us as playthings. I will... I will...

He never finished that thought. Exhaustion, the throbbing pain and his anger devoured what little energy he had regained from the food and rest. Sighing against Borna's armored shoulder plate, his hands close to her crotch, Rhys finally fell asleep.

* * * *

To be continued in Chapter X - Respite

I hope you liked this twisted fantasy of mine. Thanks for reading this far. If you liked (or didn't like) what I did, let me know. I'm always open for feedback.

(c)2019 Blind_Justice

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Dark_RavenDark_Ravenover 3 years ago
Great story!

Loving the story so far (well...most of it). I skipped a lot of the exposition on Chassari's home town, which seemed to be a lot of extraneous information that wasn't really related to the main story (plot). I also found it rather odd that this fantasy world has circumcision, as well as a fully fleshed out Japanese culture, even including katanas. I would have much preferred a unique culture based on Chassari's snake-like race.

RedbockRedbockabout 4 years ago
Great World Building

Usually when we get to a chapter in a story that primarily involves side characters I find myself losing interest, but your world Building of whole different cultures and regions was fantastic! I actually slowed down halfway through and then went back to re-read the first several pages. Keep up the great story telling.

testdrivertestdriverover 4 years ago
Mud & magic 1 - 9

Just finished reading , and was devastated to find no ending (although I wasn't really expecting one , as it seems we have a long way to go yet) Hurry up with the rest of the chapters please in what was a finely crafted and highly entertaining read

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 4 years ago

Its the nice ones you have to worry about, isn't it?

Though, to offer my two cents, I'd say one of Mercy's farmers empowered with magic far stronger than he has a right to have in such a short time definitely offers a bit of Justice. After all, even Desire can only really act through intermediaries. Trying to cheat an evil god rarely works out, though stories tend to be more complicated than a short sentence tries to make them out to be.

Lovely work again. Nice reveal on some more backstory for other characters. Eagerly awaiting your next installment. Thank you.

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