My Descent into Slavery Ch. 07


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I should know what Sahar wanted to do with her life. Go to school, go in the army, join the police force, become a body guard for real, not just for me. Neither one of us was a Suzy Homemaker. I couldn't see Sahar staying home doing the cooking, washing, raising the kids, and I certainly didn't want to. Master had the money to pay for housekeepers, nannies, private schools and the like. I guess it would work out somehow.

"Do you have any questions about the instructions?" Josefine asked, forcing me out of my reverie.

"No, mostly day dreaming about my future life, I guess."

"Thanks for not outing me to Doctor Rochat. You never actually lied to her, but didn't tell the whole truth either."

"I never think it's a good policy to lie. It always comes back to bite you in the ass. Best to let people draw their own conclusions from the truthful information you do give them. Sometimes, they don't ask the right, or enough questions."

"I appreciate that."

"I really don't want people to get into trouble for stuff I did."

"Did all that stuff really happen to you when you were captured?"

"What did I just say about lying?"

"Beth, I'm so sorry."

"Sometimes I wish it had happened to someone else, then I wonder why I would wish that on anyone else. I know I'll continue getting better. I just need to keep working at it. It's like my skin grafts. It takes some time for it to fully heal. Sometimes the mental and emotional damage is worse than the physical damage."

"I have a strange question for you. Would you have sex with me while my boyfriend watches?"

"In a heartbeat, Josefine."

She smiled. "There's some paperwork you need to sign at checkout."

"Any bills to pay?"

"Everything is taken care of."

Sahar and I packed up my stuff and I went to sign out. I was given my appointment to return in two weeks for a check up, warning signs of what to look for, and an emergency number if I had a problem.

"Dr. Rochat wanted to have a private word with you before you leave," the clerk said.

"Okay. I don't want to take too long. I have a car waiting for me outside."

"I'll let her know you're leaving."

She picked up her phone and called. She listened for a few seconds, then said, "Yes, Doctor." After she put the phone down, the clerk asked me to follow her.

"Watch my stuff," I asked Sahar. "I won't be long."

She led me back to Dr. Rochat's office.

"How can I help you?" I asked when the clerk left, closing the door behind her.

"Could I take you out to dinner tonight? I'd like to speak to you more privately."

"I'm not going to tell you who I had sex with."

"It's not about that. Please."

"I don't want to leave Sahar on her own tonight. I haven't had supper with her for a week."

"It's kind of private."

"There's nothing you can tell me I wouldn't share with her anyway, unless it was about one of my patients, of whom I have none."

She thought briefly. "Okay, I understand. She's welcome to join too."

"Tell me when and where, and I'll be there. Just make sure they have very soft seats. It's still difficult to sit down."

Doctor Rochat gave me a time, 7:30 PM, and a restaurant, Auberge de Chaulin. I wondered what this was all about.


I wore one of the sluttier outfits I had. Nothing as slutty as I wore with Master, because my apartment in Gainesville did not have slutty clothes in it. If I wanted Master-slutty, I'd need to go shopping. It was a soft, silky blouse with a knee length skirt. I didn't wear a bra, so my nipples poked seductively against the fabric of the blouse. I did wear underwear, and rather ugly ones at that, because of the dressings on my ass. Lacy panties would have looked ridiculous and bare might have looked worse. The extra padding might be welcome.

Antoine took us to the restaurant. I told him to order for himself and I'd pay his bill. Sahar and I found the good doctor sitting at a table for three. She had brought a big, soft cushion for me, which was on a chair pulled out from the table so I could see it and sit down without fumbling for a seat. She had a bottle of wine opened, and from the level in the bottle, looked as if she might be on her second glass, or poured a large first, indicating frayed nerves, perhaps.

"This is your meeting," I said. "What is it you want?"

"I'm still not sure what to say. Can we order first?"

I took a stab in the dark, though not a huge stab, considering. "You want sex."

She looked at me. "How do you do that?"

"Well, I think about sex all of the time, so it's never far from my thoughts. But a conversation you want to have in private, one not in your office, and after learning I've had sex with most of your staff and hearing everyone say how good I am, doesn't leave a lot of options. I know you don't want me to murder someone. If that were your interest, I'm sure you would have preferred talking to my fiancée in private."

Sahar smiled at me. We understood each other perfectly.

Doctor Rochat, Helene, finished her current glass and poured herself some more. I put my hand over hers before she raised it to her lips. I left my hand there, rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand.

"Take a deep breath, take your time, get your thoughts in order. You can't possibly offend me or shock me. Don't make this so hard on yourself."

She did take a deep breath. "Can I offer you some wine?"

"I'm sticking with water now for hydrating my skin grafts. Sahar, while not strictly a practicing Muslim, never acquired a taste for alcohol. She'll drink on occasion, but she's also happy with water."

The waiter arrived with our menus. They were in French. She thanked him and said we'd order in ten minutes. I had Helene pick out something typically Swiss for me. Sahar asked for anything with beef, no pork. Helene suggested a cheese fondue for an appetizer and chocolate fondue for dessert. Both of those sounded good to me. The waiter returned for our order and Helene gave it. He quickly set up the cheese fondue, mixing beer in with three types of cheese and giving us chunks of bread, white and dark, chunks of apple and vegetables, primarily broccoli and cauliflower, though also celery and carrots.

I showed Sahar how to do the dipping. "This looks easy enough you could make it, Beth," she said.

I smiled at her. When I met Sahar, I didn't realize she had a sense of humor, yet she did, and I witnessed it more every day.. "And you," I replied. "Better than beans and Vienna sausages."

I released Helene's hand.

"You're right, of course. I do want sex," Helen said. I nodded, saying nothing. "It's been so long since I've had a real good orgasm myself, and hearing everyone say how special yours were, I became aroused. I decided I needed to find out for myself."

I pointed to Helene's wedding ring. "What about him? Or her? I guess I shouldn't presume too much since I'm marrying a woman."

Helene started crying, not loud, just tears flowing down her cheek. "Him," she got out.

"Is he dead?"

"No. Though sometimes I wish he were."

I smiled. "Then perhaps you are here to speak to my fiancée."

"No. God, no. I didn't mean to make it sound as if I wanted to kill him. Our sex has dwindled down to perhaps once per month, if that. Then, it's perfunctory. No passion. I think he's been having an affair."

"You think, or you know?"

"Well, I know in my heart he is, but I have no proof. He's very careful."

"Do you plan on getting a divorce?"

"I'm not sure. I don't want to, because of our two children," Helene said. "He's a good father. He sucks as a husband."

"How old are the children?"

"Our son is almost sixteen, our daughter fourteen. I want to stay together for them, but how can I live like this?"

"They're at an age where divorce may not affect them as much as it would have when they were younger. It's fairly common. I'm sure they have friends whose parents are divorced."

"Perhaps, but Jardine adores her father. I don't even have proof of his infidelity. What do I say to them?"

"The truth as far as you know it. That the passion has gone out of your marriage and you no longer enjoy sexual relations, and it's something you want in your life. To love and be loved as passionately as you once did."

"That's what I want to know. If I still want and need passion in my life. I haven't had it for years. Maybe it doesn't exist for me anymore. Maybe I should be content with what I have."

"Perhaps I'm the wrong person to ask, but I can't imagine a life without passion, without sex, without love. You're still a vibrant, beautiful woman. You look at least ten years younger than you must be, unless you graduated from med school at the age of 14. I wondered if you haven't had cosmetic surgery done on yourself, you looked so good. The moment I saw you, I wanted to have sex with you."

The waiter brought our entrees, clearing the table of the fondue. We paused our intimate conversation while he lingered in the neighborhood, refilling our water and offering another bottle of wine. Helene was about to accept but I told her no, she had no need to be drunk tonight. "I want you aware of what you're doing tonight." She waived the waiter off.

I continued. "I may be an unrepentant slut, but I don't like the idea of breaking up marriages, or even committed relationships, which is what protected Josefine. I wouldn't fuck her if her boyfriend didn't agree. Looking at you, I wonder why your husband isn't madly in love with you, and worshipping at your feet. Could it be a medical problem?"

"He says it's not. I've talked to him about the lack of sex in our life. He looks and acts healthy in every other way. He says he's fine, but nothing changes."

"What would happen if you had sex with someone else and he found out?"

"I don't know. Why would it matter to him?"

"Sometimes, even if we don't play with our toys any more, we don't want anyone else touching them. Many people are possessive like that."

"But not you?"

"Not me. I can safely say there are three people I adore in my life, with several more coming right behind them in my affections. I begrudge none of them sex with other people. To some extent, I attribute it to my submissive nature. That to truly love someone, I want them to be happy, and if sex with someone else makes them happy, who am I to stand in the way of their happiness. But I know I'm not the norm. My Master experiences negative feelings when I'm with another male. Not as much as the average male, but some. He suppresses those feelings because he knows I adore him and would never leave him for another, no matter how well we fucked. Sex and love are separate issues for me."

"Where am I?" Sahar asked.

"You're one of the three irreplaceable ones."

"I didn't know I was so high. I was hoping for fifth place."

"Always and ever at the top, my love." I smiled at her. "So I ask again, Helene, how interested are you in preserving your marriage?"

"I suppose if I can find passion elsewhere, I have no commitment to my marriage, other than my children. If I can't, what's the point of changing."

"Does it matter if you can have passion with a man or woman? I can give you a fabulous orgasm, but would you marry a woman?"

"All things being equal, I'd probably prefer a man. I've never been with a woman before, but I've had fantasies about you since I met you. I want to do everything with you."

"Then I will invite my driver, named Antoine, to my bed and we will all fuck you. It will be your first foursome."

Helene blushed, but I could see her nipples harden under her dress, and she squeezed her legs together, as if to keep moisture from seeping between them.

"Are you ready to experience this pleasure tonight, or do you need to make better plans?"

"My children are staying with friends and my husband is out of town on business."

"In that case, don't expect to leave our bed until you need to leave for work tomorrow."

Helene surprised me. "I've taken the day off tomorrow."

"You naughty girl. Here I thought I was seducing you, but you were seducing me, and with plans to not only spend the night, but to spend the following day as well."

"It's a good thing I made those plans. I didn't know you'd include a man as well. I thought perhaps I'd be having sex with Sahar as well, since you wouldn't give me privacy, but a man was unexpected."

"Antoine can show you passion. You should know if it is all lovers you'll welcome, or only women."

I spent the rest of our meal with my left hand resting on Helene's thigh. If I moved it up, she spread her legs, inviting me to go further. I never let it wander above the top of her stockings, but I could smell her arousal. Even from six inches away, I felt sure my hand could feel the heat emanating from her cunt.

We dallied over our meal, since we weren't rushed for time. Eating European style is supposed to be done leisurely. Not to wolf down you food so you could watch TV or whatever other things occupied your schedule. Helene paid for our meal. I found Antoine and paid for his. He'd been good, only having water, then coffee to drink. I introduced them to each other.

"Would you like to ride with us and leave your car here, or follow us?" I asked Helene.

"I'll follow."

"Make sure you don't lose her, Antoine. She's going to be fucking you later tonight."

Antoine took a good look at Doctor Rochat and liked what he saw and smiled at her. Helene blushed again. She looked good with a tinge of red on her face and chest.

In the car, I told Antoine my expectations for the night. "Helene believes she's lost passion in her life. Follow my instructions and when you do fuck her, fuck her as if your life depended on her pleasure. You'll probably end up having sex with Sahar and me as well. I'm going to start by having Helene undress you and suck your cock. Enjoy yourself."

"Yes, Miss Wilson. Thank you."

We arrived at the hotel and waited for Helene to catch up to us before taking the elevator to our floor. When we went through our door, Helene seemed unsure what she should do.

"Take off your clothes," I said. "Strip for us as if you're a stripper on stage. You're trying to seduce us, get us to empty our pockets and give you money. Don't leave us disappointed."

Helene did a little strip tease, not a very good one, but she had no music. Her breasts reflected her maturity, with the signs she'd borne children and with a wee bit of sag, but not bad. Helene had large areolae and her nipples were hard points. She had a waist, with the smallest hint of a tummy that she'd worked hard to flatten. A good set of hips, nice ass, with a bit of extra padding. Her legs were definitely her best feature; long, firm, and with good definition in her high heels. She had a neatly trimmed bush of hair slightly darker than that on her head. When she pulled her panties down, the gusset clung to the moisture on her slit. She started to remove her stockings, but I told her to leave them on. She straightened, her hands at her sides, though they looked like they wanted to move, to cover herself. Her husband was a fool if he was fooling around with another woman.

"You look as amazing as I thought you would, Helene. Beautiful, intelligent, a woman to love. Now I want you to undress Antoine. When he's naked, suck his cock."

"I was hoping to have sex with you."

"And you will, but you complained of a lack of passion in your life. I'd like to see you exhibit some passion, and since you've never done so with a woman before, do it with a man. It should be more familiar, shall we say."

Sahar and I undressed each other as Helene undressed Antoine. She was pleasantly surprised by his hard body and nice prick, just as I'd been. I lay down on the bed, on my stomach, having tortured my ass enough this evening. Sahar got beside me and we kissed as we watched the two of them.

"Suck him to completion, Helene. Get that first orgasm out of the way so he'll have more stamina when he fucks the rest of us later."

"What should I do when he needs to cum?"

"Swallow it."

"I - I've never swallowed before."

"Perhaps it's why your husband seeks attention elsewhere. If you're going to go on the open market at some point, you should learn to swallow. Go ahead, suck him off." I waited until she started sucking him some more. "You'll be competing against a lot of women who will be happy to suck a man's cum down. A blow job is a cheap thrill for a man. My father said you can't get pregnant from a belly full of cum. If boys pressure you for sex, blow him. He'll be happy and you won't pay with a belly full of child you're not ready for. I fully expect you to swallow my cum. Practice swallowing Antoine's first. If you cup his ball sack, you should be able to tell when he's about to orgasm so you can prepare for it, so you don't choke. Besides, it's tidier that way. Less clean up, neater sheets. At some point, you should get used to cleaning cum out of a pussy, but baby steps for now."

Helene put a little more effort into it. She was doing credibly. Not up to sex slave standards, but okay.

"I'm probably going to need lessons from you before I suck cocks again," Sahar said. "Mostly, men just fucked my throat."

"We'll take it slow. When you're ready, I'll give you lessons." Sahar kissed me.

"Do you see how Antoine is tensing," I said. "He's fairly close to cumming. Pull off his cock until you've only got the top inch or two in your mouth. Start flicking your tongue over the head and under the flange. Stroke his cock with your hand so you get him to spurt all of his juice in your mouth. If you were wearing clothes, it might keep them from getting cum stains."

Antoine tensed and set his hand on Helene's head, grunting. He was controlling his thrusts. He probably wanted to jam his dick down her throat, but he was a gentleman. Helene was a little overwhelmed by the amount of his cream, some of it leaking around the seal of her lips around his cock. She coughed a little, swallowing. I could tell she wasn't pleased with either the taste or texture of his cum. Her expression gave it away, but she soldiered on.

I got up and got a bottle of water out of the mini bar. When Antoine pulled out, I gave her the bottle. "Drink some of this. You can get used to the taste. I rather enjoy it."

Helene gratefully drank half the bottle.

"Now, you and I are going to have sex. I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do ahead of time, so you know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I consider it a seduction, not in the sense that I'm trying to get you to have sex with me, as that's already been determined. What I'm trying to do is give you the utmost pleasure that I can. It can't be hurried. It's slow and deliberate. I'm not trying to make you orgasm as fast as I can. In fact, I'm going to be edging you, bringing you close to an orgasm, but not giving it to you. As I let your body settle from your near climax, I'll start again, and this allows me to take you to a higher peak than you were before. Then I'll do it again and again.

"You'll want to beg me to cum, the sensation will be so intense, but I won't let you, until I've moved your pleasure meter from down here," running my arm over the bed, to up here." Holding my hand up as high as I can. "Then I'll tip you into your climax. You'll scream. You should prepare and have a pillow ready to stuff into your mouth or someone will think you're being murdered. While I'm licking you, Antoine and Sahar will be kissing you, and playing with your breasts. Feel free to touch them as well, to return their caresses. About halfway through, while I'm still licking you, I'm going to have Antoine fuck me. I want you to comprehend, that even though he's fucking me, nothing has changed in how I'm licking you. As a sex slave, my responsibility is to your pleasure, not mine. Therefore, I'll ignore his fucking to concentrate on your pussy.