My Descent into Slavery Ch. 19


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"Bring your clients to LA," Angela said.

"I can't do that. They're all from around here."

"Where's here?"


"Well how the hell were you getting Katie to where you are? She can't fly, otherwise she'd be with me."

"I was going to put her on a private jet and fly her to somewhere they don't care that much about passports."

"If you were going to the trouble of getting a private jet, put your clients on the jet and and bring them to LA."

"I can't come back to the US."

"Why?" Let's see what lie Mark came up with.

"I was involved in a hit and run accident before I left. There's a warrant out for my arrest." Almost the truth. There was a warrant.

"That was an asshole thing to do. Did they die?"

"No, they didn't die."

"So, you're talking about probation at the most," Angela said. "Turn yourself in and get it over with."

"I've had a couple DUI's in the past. My lawyer said I'd get a year in jail, minimum. My business would wither up and die if I were gone that long."

"Sounds like a you problem, not a me problem."

"I'll make it worth your while."

"How much are we talking about?" Angela asked.

"Fifty thousand."

"Yen? That wouldn't be worth my trouble."

"US dollars."

"If you can afford to spend fifty thousand for entertainment for your clients, you must be going to make millions," Angela said.

"Easily. There's this huge market opportunity that just opened up."

"Let me put you on hold for a minute, to chat with my financial advisor, then I'll counteroffer."


Angela put him on hold.

"I think he's going into the slavery business," I said. "He wants a slave to entertain his clients, he's gotten two more slaves recently, and we know the slavery market is wide open at the moment. I'm betting if you showed up with Kadina, you'd end up on the slave market as well."

"Then what do I tell him?"

"Ask for five hundred thousand," Edgar said. "Tell him that you've heard of a party boat out of San Diego, all female crew, including the Captain, a bunch of hotties, seven women, plus you and Kadina. You'll hire the boat out of your cut, sail down to," Edgar pulled up a map of Mexico, "Ensenada, Mexico. You'll pick up him and his clients there, entertain the hell out of them so he can get his business done, then you'll sail back to San Diego. The crew will be made up of you ruthless bitches who won't leave a single one alive to tell the tale."

"If he thinks he's getting nine women instead of two, it does provide him incentive to agree to the terms" I said. "A possible problem, if he leaves word that he's meeting Angela there, someone might go looking for her, police or otherwise."

"Do you really think he's going to bandy Angela's name about if he plans on enslaving all of the women? He'll be the asshole they look for if no one comes back."

"He's already living in a country without extradition. Would he care?" I asked.

"Just because they won't send him back to the US doesn't mean he wouldn't be in violation of Indonesian law. They'd execute him if he's got Indonesian slave girls."

"What if he asks who my financial advisor is?"

"Tell him Edgar Reynolds."

Angela got back on the phone. "Mark, are you still there?"

"I'm here."

"Here's what I'm willing to do. It will cost you a little more than fifty thousand though."

"How much?"

"A half million."

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"Hear me out. I think we can entertain your clients into a huge deal."

"Let me hear it."

"I heard of this party boat in San Diego through a friend. All female crew, including the Captain. Seven young women who like to party hearty, if you know what I mean. I'll pay for the boat out of my share, we'll sail down to Ensenada, Mexico, where we'll pick up you and your clients. We'll float around the ocean for twenty-four hours or so, draining all resistance to whatever you're offering. Katie and the crew can show everyone a real good time. You show me the half mill before you get on the boat, then we let you board. You can try to convince Katie to stay with you, but if she wants to stay with me, you butt the fuck out of my life and I keep her. Oh, and bring her paperwork with you so she can go on trips with me."

"Who the hell is your financial advisor?"

"A man named Edgar Reynolds. He says you sound dodgy as hell, but there's no reason I can't make money off you."

Mark laughed. "Let me talk to my financial backers, and I'll get back to you."

"I'll give you a half hour, then I'm going back to my vacation and turning my phone off."

"Did you hear about all the slaves they found in LA?" Mark asked.

"Hell yes, big thing in the news just before I left. They showed up at the Sanctuary when I was there with Katie."

"Did you have any trouble?"

"No. I got questioned. Everyone got questioned. They were checking IDs and, of course, Katie didn't have any, so they pulled her aside and had a chat with her to make sure she was there voluntarily."

"And that's what she said?"

"I told you we're in love. What do you think she said? No, I hate her guts and I'm illegal. You're not getting her back, I told you. She's my pussy pleaser now."

"Look, I'm going to take a chance, let's do the Ensenada thing. When do you want to meet?"

Edgar held up ten fingers, twice.

"Ten days from now. Ten AM."

"How will we tell which one is your boat?"

"It will have all the topless women on it. I told you it was a party boat."

Mark laughed again. "I didn't know you were so fun."

"There's a lot you don't know about me. One favor to ask though."

"What's that?"

"Don't tell anyone I'm pimping for you. My company might fire me."

"I think it's safe to say I'll keep your name off my records."

"Peachy. I won't mention who I'm hiring the boat for, either. Can you give me a rough idea of how many clients we're talking about and whether they're men or women?"


"About half of the crew will fuck anyone, but if it's mostly men, they'll put cock suckers on it. If it's mostly women, they'll have some pussy pleasers on board."

"All men, eleven including me."

"We'll be a little short, but I know some of the women enjoy taking on two men at once, so it shouldn't be an issue, but if you know of any other women who like to party, bring them along. See you in ten days. At least I'll get to spend five more days on my trip before I have to get ready."

"Will the partiers include you?"

"No. I'll fuck a man occasionally, but only if I pick him out. I won't let a bunch of strange men fuck me. I'll sit this one out, just watch the fun and games, have a few mai-tais or rum runners. Katie can lick me a few times, maybe, while you're plowing her cunt."

"I think I've underestimated you, Angela. You always seemed so meek," Mark said.

"Having Katie to boss around has helped give me a lot of confidence," Angela said.

"I see that. Ten days then."

Angela ended the call. "How did I do?"

"Like a champ," Edgar said.


I felt it was too late at night to call Master, but I told Björn to make for San Diego instead of the Panama Canal, while I waited until the morning to let him know about the change in plans. Then Edgar and I talked to him about the new plan. He had a few changes to suggest, which Edgar was happy to accept. No one from our ship would rent the 'party boat'. Bill Thornhill would rent it, going out with his family, and we'd provide the crew. The Captain would take it out and go over everything with Fatima on the way to Ensenada. Outside Ensenada, Bill and his family would get on the American Entrepreneur and all of those taking part in our enterprise, which was essentially, all of our freed slaves, and Roberta would board the party boat and take it into Ensenada.

For the next four days, Sahar worked everyone's asses off. For the new plan, all of the freed slaves were going to play a part. We needed some topless party girls, and not only would they provide the toplessness, they were also going to take revenge, doing all the things we didn't allow them to do to Angela.

We were changing the boat registration numbers and name on the boat before going in so nothing matched any known boats, using tape to cover the old numbers and name. Our ship would remain off the coast, close enough to provide support if we should need it, Henry in rifle range.

Since we had to get up to San Diego and back down to Ensenada, we (Björn, Fatima, Edgar, Sahar, Angela and Kadina) flew off the ship at Acapulco and took a plane to San Diego, where we met Bill, Evelyn, and Regina. Bill rented a Sundeck 620 motor cruiser with four cabins, 62 feet long. It was big enough it could hold twenty people for a fucking and sucking party. It had a 22 knot cruising speed and 29 knot max speed, so plenty of legs to get us to Ensenada in time.

On the way, Björn went over the operation of the boat with Fatima, as she was going to be at the helm. Sahar and Edgar went over the plan we were putting in place, where to hide guns in case we needed them, and tranq darts, which we could just pull out and stab someone with. One other thing Edgar arranged was for an Athena gun detection device to be put on our dock so we would know if anyone was armed. They would be the ones we'd have to handle first.

We rendezvoused with the ship, Bill, Evelyn, Regina, and Björn got off. Our boat identification information was all changed, then Roberta, Hibbah, Maahnoor, Ateefah, and Yasmine got on. Every one of us had bikini bottoms to put on for greeting our guests. Yasmine and Fatima had shirts to wear up top to cover up the scars on their backs that they had received as slaves, but would wear them open so their breasts were exposed, as it would be too conspicuous to have an all ex-slave crew. Mark already knew about Kadina's scars, so it was pointless to cover hers.

We had one night to wait, we anchored off shore, not wanting to stick out so much, people might remember us. We also got big hats to hide most of our faces. That night for sleeping arrangements, Sahar put someone who couldn't have sex with anyone without feeling ill, with those who hadn't gotten hypnosis conditioning, so we wouldn't fuck around in the four cabins. She wanted us rested and alert. I shared a bunk with Kadina and Sahar, between the two of them. Fatima was with Maahnoor and Ateefah with Yasmine, Hibbah was sleeping between Roberta and Angela. We got up early the following morning and Sahar gave us all a pep talk before our preparations started.

"Listen up, bitches. Not one of those mother fuckers coming on board are going to expect any trouble from a girl, so they aren't going to know what hit them. I'm going to hide a bunch of tranq darts around the boat. I want you to sit down next to one of the darts when we get under way, then get one of the gents to sit beside you. Cup your breasts, promise to jack them off, whatever it takes to get one of them next to you. This stuff works real fast. From the time you poke them, until the time they drop off, is less than a second. I'll be waiting to get out to sea so we can do anything we want without witnesses, and for everyone to have someone beside them. When I say 'Go', you jab them with the shit. That's ten of them down, just like that, out like a light. I'll take care of the one remaining asshole.

"Edgar is going to be on coms with me. He'll let me know if any of these fuckers are armed. Those are the ones I'll be going for. Don't worry about them. We also have Henry with a rifle on the ship. He'll pick off anyone we might have an issue with. He'll know which ones are armed too, and if one of them goes for a gun before we're ready, he'll burn that one. If one of them drops, then that's the signal to stick your pig. It won't be me saying go.

"When we have total control of the situation. We'll start waking them up one by one, if necessary. We'll ask them why they're here. If it was to buy slaves, they're dead. Let's face it, they're dead anyway, because they came aboard to fuck someone they thought might be a slave. But if they weren't buying, they can die quickly.

"I brought Beth's stingray barb, and if you want to lay it on one of them a few times to bloody them up for the sharks, that's fine by me. Kadina gets Mark. Just to let you know what I plan on doing with mine, I'm going to flex cuff his wrists, cut his clothes off, cut off his dick and balls, shove them in his mouth, then attach him to a rope and toss him overboard, and we're going to go trolling for sharks. I hope it takes at least three bites to finish him off. Any blood left on the boat, has to be washed over the side. This thing has to look pristine when we return it. Don't fool yourself. We are committing a crime, but it's set up so there is very little to tie us into the crime, which will be occurring out at sea, far from prying eyes.

"Anyone have a problem with what I'm saying? In all probability, these men are planning an act of piracy hoping to take a bunch of women and enslave them. We know Mark is expecting to get Kadina back, and has already bought two more women as slaves. Hopefully, he brings them on board and we free them. If not, the police are going to raid his Indonesian property while he's here and find them. Questions anyone?"

"I can just kill mine, can't I?" Roberta said.

"Fine. You weren't a slave. I don't expect you to be as angry as the rest of us will be. You need to just bloody him up first, so give him a bloody nose for all I care, or knife him, that's fine. The sharks need to get rid of the evidence, so they all bleed before they go over the side. All those who got on when the Thornhill's got off, will be alibied by the ship. You never left it. Those of us who took the Thornhill's out to sea will be returning with them and he'll be our alibi."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Fatima said.

Sahar took a whole bunch of tranq darts, around twenty, and hid them all over the boat, pointing out where each one was. We had some protein bars for breakfast along with some water, but we stuck bottles of champagne and beer out for our guests. We made our way to our assigned berth. Edgar tied us off and we wore our big floppy hats, removing our tops or opening our shirts so our breasts were out just before ten. Since Angela was still bald, she had on a scarf to cover her head and lack of hair, plus a big floppy hat. I was standing next to Sahar as our group came down the dock. Eleven men, and two women, wearing bikinis and in collars. Good, he brought them.

"The guy in the bright green shirt has a gun," Sahar reported. "So does the guy in the yellow and red striped shirt, open to his belly. I'll be playing up to them, but if I can't get both of them to go with me, you latch onto the other one, okay?"

"No problem," I said.

They reached the boat. They stopped because we hadn't put out the gangway. "Where's the money, Mark?" Angela asked.

A guy held up an aluminum briefcase. "Right here." He was dark haired, a little pudgy, but looked hard and rough.

"I put out a lot for this boat, and the hookers, Mark. Open it and show me, so we can get this show on the road."

"You don't trust me?"

"If it was the original 50 grand, I'd trust you. Not so much for a half million."

Mark smiled and opened up the briefcase. There looked to be a lot of money in it. "Do you want to count it?"

"I'll wait until you get aboard, but for every fifty thousand missing, one of your party isn't getting laid, starting with you."

Mark laughed and we put out the gangway and they all walked aboard. Edgar untied our lines, giving me a wink as Fatima began taking the boat out. Sahar asked our guests if they wanted some champagne or beer and started serving.when they said they did. Not good Muslims apparently. Fatima wasn't heading directly to our ship, but taking us close enough Henry would have a good shot if he needed it. We were out far enough, our guests were starting to ask us to strip, some of them in pretty ragged English. Mine, the armed one in the bright green shirt was asking me to lose my bottoms. as I rubbed his cock through his pants.

"I'll count that money now," Angela said. She was the only one fully dressed.

"Why don't you get comfortable first."

"I am comfortable."

"No, I mean take your top off. You've always had a hot little body that I've been dying to see."

"I told you I'm not part of the party. Fucking men is my choice, and I don't see anyone on board I'm dying to fuck. I think I'll remain clothed, thanks. Why don't you ask Kadina if she wants to return to you or stay with me, see what she says?"

"Oh, I know what she'll say," Mark said. "She'll say she wants to stay with you, then I'll beat her senseless."

"What a horrible thing to say!" Angela acted shocked.

I told my guy he could lower my bottoms. It would take his mind off other things for the moment. Some of our girls were hugging, but no one was kissing.

Mark said, "I can't believe you thought Kadina was a voluntary submissive, you stupid cunt."

"I know, I've regretted it ever since I found out," Angela said.

Sahar said 'Go', and ten men dropped almost like they were puppets and their strings were released. All of a sudden, Mark was the only one standing, but he didn't know it, still looking at Angela, a surprised look on his face.

"You knew?" Mark asked.

"Too fucking late," Angela said. "I can't believe you'd get within a mile of Mistress Kadina after what you did to her, you stupid mother fucker. Good night, bitch."

He looked down at the tranq dart in his leg, then keeled over.

"I love it when a plan comes together," I said. Sahar grinned at me.

All of the men were quickly flex cuffed, so even if they awoke they wouldn't be a problem. The two armed men were relieved of their firearms, which were disposed of over the side. The two slaves were staring at all of the men down on the deck and started to panic.

"Do either of you speak English?" I asked.

"Don't kill us, Mistress," one of them said.

"No one is going to kill you. You're being freed. Everyone aboard this boat is a freed slave except for Roberta." I pointed to Roberta.

"I not understand, Mistress."

We'd prepared for this. Sahar went for the iPads. "Indonesia?" I asked.

"Philippines. She's Indonesian," pointing to her compatriot.

"Tagalog for the Filipino," I told Sahar. "Indonesian for the other one."

Sahar helped them put ear buds in their ears. She pushed the button on the Filipino's iPad. "Push this button to talk, a voice will speak in English." She did the same for the other one and they heard her directions in their own language.

I repeated my earlier statement that they wouldn't be killed and they were now freed.

"What about our Master, Mistress?" Quickly grasping the purpose of the iPad.

"No one here is your Master or Mistress. You're free now. No more beatings, no more rapes. We'll tell you what's going to happen next after we dispose of the trash. Your previous owner is definitely dead," Sahar said. "He used to own Kadina, and she didn't like it too much." Sahar pointed to Kadina, currently cutting Mark's clothes off. She wasn't too careful and he got some slices as well.

"You knew they intended to enslave all of you, Mistress?" The iPad's voice came out of the speaker. It was the Filipino speaking.

I touched the answer button. "We suspected it. We knew he'd previously owned slaves and had purchased two more. What's your name, your friend's name, and how long have you been a slave?"

"Mikee, the other girl is Ningsih, and I've been enslaved for six months." It sounded like Ning-see.

"How were you taken?" I asked.

"I was out drinking with friends. When I woke up, I was chained in a room and told I was a slave and I'd be trained and sold."

"Is the man who trained you here?" Sahar asked.

She pointed to the one with the red and yellow striped shirt who'd been armed. "That one. He was going to train all of you, according to Master."