My European Summer Vacation


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"As soon as I can, I'm going to fuck you in my car. Some day, I'll sneak you into my office and fuck you on my desk. We're going to fuck every place imaginable in this apartment. We not going to be here much on the weekends as we'll be fucking all over New England."

"Fuck me, Noel. I love you. And I want to fuck you everywhere."

I felt like an animal. It was okay for me to lust for Sinead now. To fuck her without reservation. To delight in her body. We both moaned as I plunged deeply in and out of her.

I liked how I was towering over Sinead, but the angle felt wrong. Also, it was so...conventional. I had an idea. I bear-hugged Sinead and lifted her off the bed. She was too heavy for me to fuck standing up, but I could carry her for a short distance.

I carried her out of the bedroom and over to the washing machine, where I set her gently down. I tried to resume fucking her, but she was too high. Sinead solved that by jumping off the washing machine, turning around, and leaning over the washing machine while lifting her leg to rest it on the dryer. I plunged my cock back into her.

"Oh God, Noel. I love it."

I had to rise up on my toes a bit to get the right angle, but I loved it too. I put one hand on her narrow waist and I put the other hand on her long, beautiful leg. I resumed fucking Sinead, falling into an easy rhythm. Sinead couldn't move much, so I did all the work. In and out, in and out. It was a delight to be fucking her without any guilt.

"I should have fucked you in that laundromat in Paris after our first fight."

"You should have. I would have loved it."

I was fucking her hard now. My body made a loud slapping noise each time I buried my cock in her. She was very wet now, so each thrust was pure pleasure.

Sinead said, "You've convinced me that you're the only one for me."

I chuckled. "You're the only one for me. There's no one like you."

We normally didn't talk while we fucked, but I was so joyful that I kept thinking of things to share. "You know, I'll think of this every time I do laundry."

Sinead turned to me and smiled. "We'll have to think of something to do in the kitchen that you'll think of each time you cook."

She turned back and held tight to the washer as I savagely pounded her. Instead of going "oh, oh, oh" like usual, Sinead went "oui, oui, oui", which cracked me up.

I came so close to losing this wonderful woman. I'm such an idiot.

It was warm where we were, and we were sweating hard. I could feel the sweat as I ran my hand down her leg. Sinead's hair was damp with sweat. She had never looked more beautiful than she did then.

The "oui, oui, oui" had become "oh, oh, oh" as our crazy fuck continued. I could tell she was getting close. I held off as long as I could. I felt so good fucking the woman I was going to love forever.

Finally, I could hold back no more, and my cum blasted into her. At the same time, I felt Sinead shudder with her orgasm. I pumped more slowly into Sinead, then even more slowly, and then I stopped. I pulled out.

Sinead stood up and hugged me. While we continued hugging, we staggered through the door to my bedroom and collapsed on the bed. We got under the covers and cuddled.

"I love you, Sinead."

"And I love you, Noel."

"I'm sorry about the scare there. When I found out that you were my sister, I planned on doing the right thing today and started working on the speech. I should have thought things through and realized I needed to do the right-right thing."

Then Sinead squeezed me tight and her voice got very serious. "After I had to give up all my dreams about Mam, I couldn't give you up too."

I gave her a gentle hug. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm very glad that you talked some sense into me. I would have been so miserable without you."

That was what I had missed in her talk. When I had thought about breaking up with Sinead, I had always assumed the old plenty-of-fish-in-the-sea thing; that we would move on, find new significant others fairly quickly, and ride off happily to different sunsets. That wouldn't have happened. Yes, there would have been other fish in the sea, but they would have had to compete with the memory of Sinead - my beautiful, wonderful, brilliant Sinead. But that wasn't all - they'd have to compete with the memory of Sinead pretending to be wearing the crown jewels, Sinead admiring the view from the Eiffel Tower, Sinead rubbing the foot of Saint Peter at the Vatican for good luck, Sinead sitting on the sink in a rail car bathroom with her panties off and her skirt held high. We had fallen in love while on a wonderful adventure, the likes of which I'll never have again. No woman would ever be able to compete with that. I would have been miserable forever, always toting a truckload of baggage into every relationship. Sinead was facing the same thing. How could deciding that we would both be miserable forever be the right thing?

I pictured Sinead and I, old and gray with our great-grandchildren around us. Some movie would be on and I'd say, "That movie reminds me of the one we saw in London." Then we'd both smile. Sinead and I are going to have lots and lots of secrets to keep.

"Sinead, have any thought to marriage?"

Sinead squealed and then hugged me tight.

"I've already picked out our wedding rings."

I gave Sinead my phone before pulling out onto the street. "Text my dad and tell him that I'm on my way to the house. That I've got a big surprise from Ireland for him and the girls."

Sinead smiled at me, then worked my phone for a few moments. "Done."

I took my phone from her and put it in a cup holder. "I'm nervous."

"You're nervous?" Sinead said incredulously. "I'm about to meet your family as your fiancee when they have no idea I exist, and you're nervous?"

"I am. I had how I was going to introduce you as our half-sister all worked out. I'm totally unprepared to introduce you as my fiancee. Whereas you probably have had a plan for a long time for what to do when I introduce you."

"I do have a plan. It's to smile prettily while you do all the talking."

I chuckled. "Are you my fiancee if I haven't given you a ring yet? Or are we just planning to get married right now?"

"Yes, I'm your fiancee, you silly goose. The ring doesn't matter. I don't care about the ring. The commitment to get married is all that's important."

"Okay." Then I thought of something. "Are you sure about getting married, Sinead?"


"Good. Then we should get married as quickly as possible. You meet with the immigration lawyer this week, find out any special i's we need to dot and t's we need to cross, then we'll go to the courthouse and get married."

"Why am I the only one to meet with the immigration lawyer?"

"Because this is my first week at work and I don't want to take any time off. If we can make an appointment for after work, I'll go. Otherwise, you'll have to handle everything."

"Why the rush to get married?"

"Because if we don't get married right away, my family is going to want to give us a big wedding. Invite all of my family. And your family."

"My family can never come here," cut in Sinead. She sighed. "I know that sounds terrible, but if one of them ever comes here, it'll come out that we are brother and sister."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I don't know what I think about my family," continued Sinead. "I'm so glad to know that my dad is really my dad, that my biological father isn't just some random fella, but someone who loves me dearly. But I'm furious that he never told me, that he never trusted me enough to tell me the truth, and that he had someone he didn't know do what he should have done all along."

"Your dad wanted you to call him after I told you what he told me."

"And I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."

"Are you going to tell him that we're getting married?"

Another big sigh. "No. I don't want to risk him doing something to stop us from getting married. And if I told him that we're getting married, I'd have to tell him that I'd lied to him all summer. I don't want to do that." I waited, letting Sinead think more about what she wanted to do. "I don't want my family to know that I'm going to be a US citizen. Hopefully, I'll get a job here programming iPads..."

"I'm sure that someone my dad knows can help you get you a programming job."

"...and I don't think I want my family to know that. Otherwise, one of my brothers will want to come over for a better economic opportunity." Sinead nodded her head. "That's it. I'll keep in touch, maybe once a year, but I'll tell them that I'm scratching out a meager existence, hiding in the shadows with the other non-citizens. No way I'd be able to host any of them that came for a visit."

The family secrets continue to grow...

"What about your friends?"

"They could come over. They don't know I'm adopted. They know what we'll be telling everyone in Boston - that I barely speak to my family." Sinead smiled at me. "In fact, I'm hoping one or two will come over to live. Know of any nice fellas that I could set them up with?"

I chuckled. "I do. I have a lot of friends who'd like to meet a pretty Irish girl." I reached over and squeezed Sinead's hand. "Particularly after they see how happy I'm in with mine."

For a while, I pointed out sights as I drove. Then Sinead said, "The only family member I really want at my wedding is Grandmam. But that's not going to be possible - then it'll come out that my mam was Margaret Murphy, not Maeve Hayes."

"Aren't you mad at her for not telling you your dad was your biological father?"

"Na, na. That was my dad's responsibility." Sinead was silent for a minute. "I'm going to have to tell Grandmam everything. Everyone else, I can tell them that I couldn't find Mam, and they'll be fine with that. I can't lie to Grandmam about not being able to find her only child. I have to tell her the truth."

"Well, we know she can keep a secret."

"She can. And she can keep an eye on my family to make sure that they don't do anything that threatens us."

I stopped the car. "Here's my house."

A haunted look came over Sinead. "So many times I imagined myself arriving outside Mam's house like this. I'd step out of a taxi, go up to the front door, ring the bell, and then Mam would open the door. She'd know instantly who I was. We'd hug, she'd invite me inside, and I'd be her daughter from then on."

Tears were forming on Sinead's face.

I said, "She's gone, but you're still her daughter. You can't meet her directly, but you can meet her husband and her two other daughters. You can see the house she lived in and how she decorated it. It's far from being able to meet her, but it's not nothing."

Sinead squeezed my hand. "Aye, it's more than many adoptees ever get."

We sat in my car for a while, holding hands. Finally, Sinead said, "I think I'm ready to go in."

We held hands as we walked to the door. I opened it and called out, "I'm home!"

I led Sinead into the living room. Dad, Erin, and Riley were there, along with Mary, the woman Dad had been dating. They were surprised by Sinead's presence.

"Everyone, this is Sinead." Where to begin? Might as well get it over with. "Sinead is my fiancee." Everyone gasped. "I met her when I arrived in Ireland. She offered to show me around Cork for a few hours. We hit it off so well that we spent the rest of the day with each other. Then the next day. And the next day. She toured Europe with me. And this morning, we decided to get married."

Everyone looked at us in stunned silence. After a few moments, Dad said, "I'd thought I'd be the one with the big news - Mary and I are going to get married."

"Congratulations!" I gave Mary a big hug. That seemed to jolt everyone out of their stupor, and they all took turns hugging Sinead.

"Where are you from?" asked Dad.

"A small town outside of Cork. Though I've lived in Cork since I started university."

Erin said to Dad, "We told you that he was traveling with a girl."

Dad snickered. "You did. And I didn't argue with you."

I said, "I don't really know how to describe how it was between Sinead and me. It wasn't love at first sight, but there was something special between us right away. At first, I thought it would it be just a brief vacation fling..."

"Noel cleaned my kitchen that first day we were together," interrupted Sinead. "And after he cooked me an incredible breakfast, I decided to not let him get away."

Sinead and I sketched out her life story for my family. Then we pulled out our tablets and showed everyone our pictures of Europe. My family and Mary gradually warmed to Sinead. I could tell they were still shocked by my big news, but I felt they could tell how well Sinead and I got along and how much we loved each other.

While we were showing pictures, I had an idea. Once we were done, I said to Dad, "Could I talk to you alone for a moment?"

"Sure, Son."

I went into my parents' bedroom. Dad closed the door when he came in. He said, "Sinead seems like a wonderful girl. Still quite the surprise. Are you sure you want to get married so soon?"

"I'm sure. I have no doubts that she's the right one for me." Time to put my idea into action. "Do you have Mom's wedding ring?"

Dad looked confused. "I do."

"Are you going to give it to Mary?"

"No." My dad shook his head. "We're going to get a new set of rings."

"Could I give Mom's ring to Sinead? I don't have an engagement ring. I've told Sinead about how much I loved Mom and how much I miss her. I think she'd be touched if I gave her Mom's ring."

Dad thought for a moment. "It's not much of a ring. We didn't have any money when we got married. I'm okay with you giving it to Sinead, but the girls have to agree too."

"Perfect. Where is it?"

Dad went over to the chest of drawers, opened a box on top of it, took out the ring, and handed it to me.

I asked, "Could you have Mary show Sinead the backyard for a few moments?"

Dad smiled. "Certainly."

Dad and I re-entered the living room. Sinead asked me, "What are you up to?"

"Just giving you girls some time to get acquainted."

Sinead rolled her eyes at me. She knew I was up to something.

Mary said to Sinead, "Let me show you the backyard."

Sinead looked at me. I smiled innocently. She sighed and said, "That'd be wonderful."

Once Sinead was out of earshot, I held up Mom's wedding ring and said to Erin and Riley, "I haven't really proposed to Sinead yet. And I'd like to give her Mom's wedding ring when I propose. Would either of you mind if I were to give Sinead Mom's wedding ring?"

Erin and Riley thought for a moment, then both said, "No." Erin added, "She seems really nice."

"She is. I've told her all about you two, and she wants to be a big sister to the two of you. How about tomorrow you show her what American shopping malls are like?"

They smiled. Erin said, "That'd be fun."

I heard Mary and Sinead coming back into the house. I flashed the ring to Erin and Riley, said "Thanks," and then palmed it.

Sinead came back into the living room and kissed me. I could tell she knew I was up to something and was waiting for me to surprise her. As everyone was there, it was time.

I got down on one knee and said, "Sinead, I love you." I showed Sinead the ring. "This is my mom's wedding ring" - our mom's wedding ring. Tears started rolling down Sinead's face. "Would you marry me and wear this ring as a symbol of our love for each other?"

Tears were flooding Sinead's face now. She nodded then said, "Yes."

I slipped the ring onto Sinead's finger, sprang up, and pulled her into a hug. She started sobbing into my chest. She would never know her mother as she had dreamed, but Sinead would marry her son and wear her wedding ring every day.

Erin, Riley, and Dad formed a circle around us, and then were gently hugging us. After a few moments, Dad said, "Welcome to the family, Sinead."

Author's Notes:
* A big thanks to Tigersman, who edited the original story, and Drakon66 and Rhimshot415, who were beta-readers for the original story
* Please vote and comment! They are my only "payment" for this story
* In case people are wondering, I picture Sinead wearing her mother's wedding ring as an engagement ring and then once she gets married, wearing her new wedding ring on her left ring finger and wearing her mother's wedding ring on her right ring finger
* If you're Irish, I'd really love it if you'd send me feedback on the story
* The extended author's notes for the original story is here
* If you find any typos or grammar problems, please send them to me as feedback and I will post a cleaned up version of this story
* If you send me feedback, please have a valid email address on your LitE account so I can reply back if I choose
* I have several other stories similar to this one. Click here to read them.

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ToughSailorToughSailor44 minutes ago

Absolutely lovely story - For some reason this genre seemed to set up the plot where she was obviously going to wind up being his sister - And so it was - On the pill at age fourteen in Ireland? Not likely - Way too many extended family members, but hey, that's the Irish Catholics for you - All in all, five page story crammed into ten pages but still great . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 hours ago

Wonderful story !

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Great character development, as per your usual and excellent story line. Hands down my favorite story teller.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

i´m a 60 year old german widower.. i love to read stories that make me feel good , at least in some ways ^^ . ofc i`m not into incest, but still ... your storys are driving me to tears some times ,love it ! your storytelling , the ramping up of excitedment .... exceptionel. i wish i had discovered you while my wife was still alive , we would have a lot of fun discussing your stories ! keep up the amazing work !! (sry for bad english!)

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